1,037 research outputs found

    Stopping Illegal Fishing and Seafood Fraudsters: The Presidential Task Force’s Plan on Tackling IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud

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    Worldwide seafood markets have a major problem: too often, the seafood listed on the menu is of a different species than what is served. This phenomenon—known as seafood fraud—and the related practice of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing threatens the sustainability of our oceans, poses health risks to consumers, and forces consumers to pay a high price for a cheap product. Previous domestic and international efforts to combat this issue have failed for a number of reasons, including the international nature of the industry, a byzantine supply chain, the large number of entities responsible for combatting the issue, the lack of resources provided to those entities, and the difficulty identifying and differentiating species of seafood. Recent efforts, like an Action Plan promulgated by the Presidential Task Force on Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Seafood Fraud, show promise of curbing the issue, but are nevertheless insufficient. This Note argues for a bilateral agreement between the United States and European Union that provides for coordinated programs and enforcement mechanisms

    Einfluss der Einkommensposition auf die Gesundheit und Lebenserwartung

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    Income is an important determinant of individual standards of living and participation in social life. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel shows that the level of income also affects a person's health and life expectancy. People's self-assessment of their health and health-related quality of life follow a distribution pattern which can be described as gradient: the lower the income, the more frequent the impairments to subjective health. Life expectancy statistics also reflect income differences, primarily due to premature deaths among lower-income groups. Clues for explaining income-related differences in health and life expectancy can be found in the results on health-related behaviour and use of the medical system.Income; Poverty; Social inequality; Health; German Socio-Economic Panel

    Entwicklung und EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen der gesunden Lebenserwartung

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    Die demographische Alterung stellt eine bedeutende Herausforderung der deutschen Gesundheitspolitik dar. Die zentrale Frage lautet heute nicht mehr, ob die Bevölkerung immer Ă€lter wird, sondern ob hinzugewonnene Lebensjahre bei guter Gesundheit verbracht werden können. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Überblick ĂŒber den Forschungsstand zur Entwicklung und zu EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen der gesunden Lebenserwartung gegeben. Die fĂŒr Deutschland vorliegenden Ergebnisse sprechen insgesamt dafĂŒr, dass die Bevölkerung immer lĂ€nger lebt und auch lĂ€nger gesund bleibt. Diese positive Entwicklung könnte auch den prognostizierten Ausgabenanstieg im Gesundheitssystem dĂ€mpfen. Allerdings profitieren nicht alle Bevölkerungsgruppen gleichermaßen vom Anstieg der gesunden Lebenszeit, da große soziale Ungleichheiten in den Chancen auf ein langes und gesundes Leben bestehen. -- Demographic ageing is a major challenge of health policy in Germany. The main question is no longer if the population of Germany is getting older, but whether gained life years will be in a healthy condition or not. This paper gives an overview on current research and evidence regarding trends and determinants of the healthy life expectancy. Recent Evidence for Germany seems to suggest that the population of Germany is going to live even longer and in a better health state. These positive trends may attenuate the expected increase of health costs during the process of demographic ageing. On the other hand there is evidence that not all parts of the population benefit from rising life expectancy. There are lasting social inequalities regarding the chances of a long and healthy life.Gesunde Lebenserwartung,Bevölkerungsentwicklung,Soziale Ungleichheit,healthy life expectancy,demographic change,social inequality

    Age, puberty, body dissatisfaction, and physical activity decline in adolescents. Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (KiGGS)

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    Finne E, Bucksch J, Lampert T, Kolip P. Age, puberty, body dissatisfaction, and physical activity decline in adolescents. Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (KiGGS). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2011;8(1): 119.Background: Physical activity (PA) shows a marked decline during adolescence. Some studies have pointed to pubertal status or timing as possible PA determinants in this age group. Furthermore, it was supposed that the impact of pubertal changes on PA might be mediated by psychological variables like body dissatisfaction (BDS). Methods: The 11- to 17-year-old subsample of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (KiGGS) was used (n = 6 813; 51.3% male, response rate = 66.6%). Through sex-specific sequential multinomial logistic regressions we analysed the univariate and independent associations of chronological age, absolute pubertal status, relative pubertal timing, and BDS with the frequency of PA. Results: Chronological age showed a significantly negative association with PA in both sexes, independent of puberty. The odds of inactivity in contrast to nearly daily PA increased about 70% in boys and 35% in girls for each year of age, respectively. Adjusted for age and other possible confounders, inactivity was significantly less likely for boys in late pubertal stages (OR = 0.27, 95% CI = 0.09-0.78). The risk of inactivity was more than doubled in boys maturing earlier than peers in terms of relative pubertal timing (OR = 2.20, 95% CI = 1.36-3.56). No clear significant puberty effects were found in girls, but the inactivity was more likely for those with irregular menstruation (OR = 1.71, 95% CI = 1.06-2.75). BDS also contributed to the prediction of PA in both sexes. It partially mediated puberty effects in boys but not in girls. Conclusions: Overall, chronological age was a far more important predictor of PA in German adolescents than absolute pubertal status or relative pubertal timing. Further possible explanatory variables like sociocultural influences, social support or increasing time requirements for education should be analysed in conjunction with chronological age in future studies

    Familienstruktur und Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen

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    "Die Studie untersucht anhand der Daten des Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurveys die Frage, ob die Familienstruktur die Gesundheit von Kindern in Deutschland beeinflusst. Dabei werden das aktuelle Rauchen, psychische AuffĂ€lligkeiten und der subjektive Gesundheitszustand betrachtet. Es wird auch das Vorhandensein von familiĂ€ren Ressourcen (familiĂ€rer Zusammenhalt, Familienklima und Erziehungsverhalten) berĂŒcksichtigt. Es findet sich ein negativer Effekt der Familienstruktur, der auch durch die BerĂŒcksichtigung von Schutzfaktoren kaum reduziert wird. Der Einfluss der Familienstruktur verringert sich (Rauchen, psychische AuffĂ€lligkeiten) oder verschwindet (subjektiver Gesundheitszustand), wenn auch gesundheitliche Faktoren von Eltern und Kindern berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Elternteile in nicht-traditionellen Familien negative Effekte der Familienstruktur nur teilweise durch gute oder ĂŒberdurchschnittliche familiĂ€re Ressourcen kompensieren können: FĂŒr das Risiko zu rauchen konnten keine Kompensationseffekte festgestellt werden. Bei psychischen AuffĂ€lligkeiten reduzieren gute und ĂŒberdurchschnittliche familiĂ€re Ressourcen das Risiko fĂŒr AuffĂ€lligkeiten. Hinsichtlich des subjektiven Gesundheitszustands gibt es kaum Kompensationseffekte." (Autorenreferat)"This article analyses the influence of the family on the development of children concerning the probability to smoke, to have mental health problems and the subjective health status. We also control for the influence of family resources (family coherence, parenting skills, parent-child relationship) and enquire if potential negative effects of family structure can be compensated for by good family resources. After controlling a broad set of variables we found that family resources are an important factor for explaining the development of children but do not affect the influence of family structure. When controlling for health conditions of the children and health behavior of the parents the impact of family structure weakens (smoking, mental health problems) or diminishes (subjective health status). We found that parents in non-traditional families with good or above average family resources can partly compensate for negative effects of the family structure." (author's abstract

    Themenheft 4 "Armut bei Kindern und Jugendlichen"

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    Kinder und Jugendliche stellen in Deutschland mittlerweile diejenige Altersgruppe dar, die am hĂ€ufigsten von Armut bedroht ist. Eine Armutslage in der Kindheit bedeutet einen schlechten Start ins Leben und hat oftmals nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf die soziale und gesundheitliche Entwicklung der Heranwachsenden. Das Themenheft verdeutlicht dies anhand von Daten des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes, der Krankenkassen sowie verschiedener epidemiologischer Studien und Gesundheitssurveys. ...[ĂŒberarbeitete Neuauflage 2005] Hinweis: Wir bieten hier nur noch die im August 2005 ĂŒberarbeitete Version des im Oktober 2001 erschienenen Heftes zum Herunterladen an

    “Smoke on the water“ – Wasserpfeifenkonsum bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland (Ergebnisse aus KiGGS Welle 1)

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    Wasserpfeifen (Shishas) erfreuen sich auch in Deutschland zunehmender Beliebtheit. WĂ€hrend die allgemeine Rauchquote und damit vor allem das Zigarettenrauchen bei Jugendlichen in den letzten 15 Jahren deutlich zurĂŒckgegangen ist, hat sich das Shisha-Rauchen als alternative Form des Tabakkonsums etabliert. Wie die Daten der Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland (KiGGS Welle 1, 2009–2012) zeigen, betrĂ€gt die LebenszeitprĂ€valenz des Wasserpfeifenkonsums in der Altersgruppe der 12- bis 17-JĂ€hrigen 28,9 Prozent, die 12-MonatsprĂ€valenz liegt bei 20,9 Prozent. Jeder zehnte Jugendliche hat nach eigenen Angaben innerhalb der letzten 30 Tage vor der Befragung Wasserpfeife geraucht. Insgesamt ist der Konsum von Wasserpfeifen bei Jungen etwas stĂ€rker verbreitet als bei MĂ€dchen, die PrĂ€valenzen steigen bei beiden Geschlechtern mit zunehmendem Alter an. Jungen mit beidseitigem Migrationshintergrund greifen hĂ€uÂżger zur Wasserpfeife als Jungen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Da die Gesundheits- und Suchtgefahren des Shisha-Rauchens von Jugendlichen hĂ€uÂżg unterschĂ€tzt werden, erscheint eine verstĂ€rkte AufklĂ€rungsarbeit im Rahmen der TabakprĂ€vention dringend geboten.In Germany, as in other countries, waterpipe (shisha) tobacco smoking has been increasing in popularity. While in the last 15 years overall smoking prevalence, particularly cigarette smoking, has declined among adolescents, waterpipe smoking has become an emerging type of tobacco use. According to the results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS Wave 1, 2009–2012), lifetime prevalence of waterpipe use among 12- to 17-year-olds was 28.9 per cent. Approx imately one-Âżfth (20.6 %) of the adolescents reported waterpipe use in the past 12 months, onetenth (10.0 %) reported current use (at least once during the past 30 days). In both sexes, prevalence increased with age. Waterpipe smoking rates were signiÂżcantly higher among boys than girls. Among boys with a two-sided migration background (both parents, or the child and one parent, immigrated to Germany) waterpipe use was more common compared to non-immigrants. Due to waterpipe related health and addiction risks that are often underestimated by adolescents, speciÂżc health education and prevention measures are necessary

    Nociceptin Is a Chemorepellent in \u3ci\u3eTetrahymena thermophila\u3c/i\u3e

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    Tetrahymena thermophila are free-living, ciliated, eukaryotic organisms that respond to stimuli by moving toward chemoattractants and avoiding chemorepellents. Chemoattractant responses involve faster ciliary beating, which propels the organisms forward more rapidly. Chemorepellent signaling involves ciliary reversal, which disrupts forward swimming, and causes the organism to jerk back and forth, swim in small circles, or spin in an attempt to get away from the repellent. Many food sources, such as proteins, are chemoattractants for Tetrahymena, while a variety of compounds are repellents. Repellents in nature are thought to come from the secretions of predators, or from ruptured organisms, which may serve as “danger” signals. Several hormones involved in human pain signaling have been shown to be chemorepellents in Tetrahymena, including substance P, ACTH, PACAP, VIP, and nociceptin. We have been studying the response of Tetrahymena to nociceptin, using pharmacological inhibitors in order to elucidate components of the nociceptin signaling pathway. We have found that G-protein inhibitors and a number of mammalian tyrosine kinase inhibitors have no effect on nociceptin avoidance. However, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein, inhibits avoidance to nociceptin, likely by an unrelated mechanism. Nociceptin avoidance is also inhibited by the calcium chelator, EGTA, and partially inhibited by the ER calcium ATPase inhibitor, thapsigargin. Whole cell electrophysiology experiments in a calcium-containing buffer show that addition of 50 ÎŒM nociceptin to the buffer causes a sustained depolarization of approximately 30 mV. This depolarization is nearly eliminated in the presence of EGTA, further supporting the hypothesis that calcium is involved in nociceptin signaling. J-113397, an inhibitor of the human nociceptin receptor, also inhibits nociceptin avoidance in Tetrahymena, though other nociceptin antagonists we tested had no effect on avoidance. Further experimentation on this organism will give a more complete picture of the signaling pathway, as well as allowing greater comparison between nociceptin avoidance in Tetrahymena and nociceptin signaling in vertebrates

    Nociceptin Signaling Involves a Calcium-Based Depolarization in Tetrahymena thermophila

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    Tetrahymena thermophila are free-living, ciliated eukaryotes. Their behavioral response to stimuli is well characterized and easily observable, since cells swim toward chemoattractants and avoid chemorepellents. Chemoattractant responses involve increased swim speed or a decreased change in swim direction, while chemorepellent signaling involves ciliary reversal, which causes the organism to jerk back and forth, swim in small circles, or spin in an attempt to get away from the repellent. Many food sources, such as proteins, are chemoattractants for these organisms, while a variety of compounds are repellents. Repellents in nature are thought to come from the secretions of predators or from ruptured organisms, which may serve as “danger” signals. Interestingly, several peptides involved in vertebrate pain signaling are chemorepellents in Tetrahymena, including substances P, ACTH, PACAP, VIP, and nociceptin. Here, we characterize the response of Tetrahymena thermophila to three different isoforms of nociceptin. We find that G-protein inhibitors and tyrosine kinase inhibitors do not affect nociceptin avoidance. However, the calcium chelator, EGTA, and the SERCA calcium ATPase inhibitor, thapsigargin, both inhibit nociceptin avoidance, implicating calcium in avoidance. This result is confirmed by electrophysiology studies which show that 50”M nociceptin-NH2 causes a sustained depolarization of approximately 40 mV, which is eliminated by the addition of extracellular EGTA

    Soziale Unterschiede in der Lebenserwartung: Datenquellen in Deutschland und Analysemöglichkeiten des SOEP

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    'In diesem Beitrag werden Möglichkeiten zur Analyse sozialer Unterschiede in der Lebenserwartung auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) dargestellt. Einleitend wird ein Überblick ĂŒber verschiedene Datenquellen zur Analyse sozial differenzieller Sterblichkeit gegeben und der Forschungsstand fĂŒr Deutschland zusammengefasst. Anschließend wird auf methodische Besonderheiten und Probleme des SOEP hingewiesen, die sich insbesondere an einer ÜberschĂ€tzung der mittleren Lebenserwartung festmachen lassen. Abschließend wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, anhand dessen sich diese ÜberschĂ€tzung unter Verwendung der amtlichen Sterbetafeln ausgleichen lĂ€sst.' (Autorenreferat)'This paper describes the potential for analysing socio-economic inequalities in life expectancy with the German Socio- Economic Panel Study (SOEP). It includes a short review of available data sources and recent evidence on inequalities in life expectancy for Germany. Subsequently the characteristics and issues with analysing mortality with the SOEP are discussed. The main problem for providing undistorted estimates of life expectancy across social strata with SOEP data is an overestimation of life expectancy in the study population. We will present a method that allows overcoming this problem with the utilization of official life tables for Germany.' (author's abstract)
