9 research outputs found

    Charge and Spin-State Characterization of Cobalt Bis(<i>o</i>‑dioxolene) Valence Tautomers Using Co Kβ X‑ray Emission and L‑Edge X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopies

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    The valence tautomeric states of Co­(phen)­(3,5-DBQ)<sub>2</sub> and Co­(tmeda)­(3,5-DBQ)<sub>2</sub>, where 3,5-DBQ is either the semiquinone (SQ<sup>–</sup>) or catecholate (Cat<sup>2–</sup>) form of 3,5-di-<i>tert</i>-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone, have been examined by a series of cobalt-specific X-ray spectroscopies. In this work, we have utilized the sensitivity of 1s3p X-ray emission spectroscopy (Kβ XES) to the oxidation and spin states of 3d transition-metal ions to determine the cobalt-specific electronic structure of valence tautomers. A comparison of their Kβ XES spectra with the spectra of cobalt coordination complexes with known oxidation and spin states demonstrates that the low-temperature valence tautomer can be described as a low-spin Co<sup>III</sup> configuration and the high-temperature valence tautomer as a high-spin Co<sup>II</sup> configuration. This conclusion is further supported by Co L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (L-edge XAS) of the high-temperature valence tautomers and ligand-field atomic-multiplet calculations of the Kβ XES and L-edge XAS spectra. The nature and strength of the magnetic exchange interaction between the cobalt center and SQ<sup>–</sup> in cobalt valence tautomers is discussed in view of the effective spin at the Co site from Kβ XES and the molecular spin moment from magnetic susceptibility measurements

    Iron L‑Edge X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Oxy-Picket Fence Porphyrin: Experimental Insight into Fe–O<sub>2</sub> Bonding

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    The electronic structure of the Fe–O<sub>2</sub> center in oxy-hemoglobin and oxy-myoglobin is a long-standing issue in the field of bioinorganic chemistry. Spectroscopic studies have been complicated by the highly delocalized nature of the porphyrin, and calculations require interpretation of multideterminant wave functions for a highly covalent metal site. Here, iron L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy, interpreted using a valence bond configuration interaction multiplet model, is applied to directly probe the electronic structure of the iron in the biomimetic Fe–O<sub>2</sub> heme complex [Fe­(pfp)­(1‑MeIm)­O<sub>2</sub>] (pfp (“picket fence porphyrin”) = <i>meso</i>-tetra­(α,α,α,α-<i>o</i>-pivalamidophenyl)­porphyrin or TpivPP). This method allows separate estimates of σ-donor, π-donor, and π-acceptor interactions through ligand-to-metal charge transfer and metal-to-ligand charge transfer mixing pathways. The L-edge spectrum of [Fe­(pfp)­(1‑MeIm)­O<sub>2</sub>] is further compared to those of [Fe<sup>II</sup>(pfp)­(1‑MeIm)<sub>2</sub>], [Fe<sup>II</sup>(pfp)], and [Fe<sup>III</sup>(tpp)­(ImH)<sub>2</sub>]Cl (tpp = <i>meso</i>-tetraphenylporphyrin) which have Fe<sup>II</sup> <i>S</i> = 0, Fe<sup>II</sup> <i>S</i> = 1, and Fe<sup>III</sup> <i>S</i> = 1/2 ground states, respectively. These serve as references for the three possible contributions to the ground state of oxy-pfp. The Fe–O<sub>2</sub> pfp site is experimentally determined to have both significant σ-donation and a strong π-interaction of the O<sub>2</sub> with the iron, with the latter having implications with respect to the spin polarization of the ground state

    Metal–Ligand Covalency of Iron Complexes from High-Resolution Resonant Inelastic X‑ray Scattering

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    Data from Kα resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) have been used to extract electronic structure information, i.e., the covalency of metal–ligand bonds, for four iron complexes using an experimentally based theoretical model. Kα RIXS involves resonant 1s→3d excitation and detection of the 2p→1s (Kα) emission. This two-photon process reaches similar final states as single-photon L-edge (2p→3d) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), but involves only hard X-rays and can therefore be used to get high-resolution L-edge-like spectra for metal proteins, solution catalysts and their intermediates. To analyze the information content of Kα RIXS spectra, data have been collected for four characteristic σ-donor and π-back-donation complexes: ferrous tacn [Fe<sup>II</sup>(tacn)<sub>2</sub>]­Br<sub>2</sub>, ferrocyanide [Fe<sup>II</sup>(CN)<sub>6</sub>]­K<sub>4</sub>, ferric tacn [Fe<sup>III</sup>(tacn)<sub>2</sub>]­Br<sub>3</sub> and ferricyanide [Fe<sup>III</sup>(CN)<sub>6</sub>]­K<sub>3</sub>. From these spectra metal–ligand covalencies can be extracted using a charge-transfer multiplet model, without previous information from the L-edge XAS experiment. A direct comparison of L-edge XAS and Kα RIXS spectra show that the latter reaches additional final states, e.g., when exciting into the e<sub>g</sub> (σ*) orbitals, and the splitting between final states of different symmetry provides an extra dimension that makes Kα RIXS a more sensitive probe of σ-bonding. Another key difference between L-edge XAS and Kα RIXS is the π-back-bonding features in ferro- and ferricyanide that are significantly more intense in L-edge XAS compared to Kα RIXS. This shows that two methods are complementary in assigning electronic structure. The Kα RIXS approach can thus be used as a stand-alone method, in combination with L-edge XAS for strongly covalent systems that are difficult to probe by UV/vis spectroscopy, or as an extension to conventional absorption spectroscopy for a wide range of transition metal enzymes and catalysts

    X‑ray Emission Spectroscopy as an <i>in Situ</i> Diagnostic Tool for X‑ray Crystallography of Metalloproteins Using an X‑ray Free-Electron Laser

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    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) using the ultrashort X-ray pulses from a X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) provides a new way of collecting structural data at room temperature that allows for following the reaction in real time after initiation. XFEL experiments are conducted in a shot-by-shot mode as the sample is destroyed and replenished after each X-ray pulse, and therefore, monitoring and controlling the data quality by using <i>in situ</i> diagnostic tools is critical. To study metalloenzymes, we developed the use of simultaneous collection of X-ray diffraction of crystals along with X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) data that is used as a diagnostic tool for crystallography, by monitoring the chemical state of the metal catalytic center. We have optimized data analysis methods and sample delivery techniques for fast and active feedback to ensure the quality of each batch of samples and the turnover of the catalytic reaction caused by reaction triggering methods. Here, we describe this active <i>in situ</i> feedback system using Photosystem II as an example that catalyzes the oxidation of H<sub>2</sub>O to O<sub>2</sub> at the Mn<sub>4</sub>CaO<sub>5</sub> active site. We used the first moments of the Mn Kβ<sub>1,3</sub> emission spectra, which are sensitive to the oxidation state of Mn, as the primary diagnostics. This approach is applicable to different metalloproteins to determine the integrity of samples and follow changes in the chemical states of the reaction that can be initiated by light or activated by substrates and offers a metric for determining the diffraction images that are used for the final data sets

    DataSheet1_Microfluidic liquid sheets as large-area targets for high repetition XFELs.PDF

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    The high intensity of X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) can damage solution-phase samples on every scale, ranging from the molecular or electronic structure of a sample to the macroscopic structure of a liquid microjet. By using a large surface area liquid sheet microjet as a sample target instead of a standard cylindrical microjet, the incident X-ray spot size can be increased such that the incident intensity falls below the damage threshold. This capability is becoming particularly important for high repetition rate XFELs, where destroying a target with each pulse would require prohibitively large volumes of sample. We present here a study of microfluidic liquid sheet dimensions as a function of liquid flow rate. Sheet lengths, widths and thickness gradients are shown for three styles of nozzles fabricated from isotropically etched glass. In-vacuum operation and sample recirculation using these nozzles is demonstrated. The effects of intense XFEL pulses on the structure of a liquid sheet are also briefly examined.</p

    Alzheimer’s Drug PBT2 Interacts with the Amyloid β 1–42 Peptide Differently than Other 8‑Hydroxyquinoline Chelating Drugs

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    Although Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was first described over a century ago, it remains the leading cause of age-related dementia. Innumerable changes have been linked to the pathology of AD; however, there remains much discord regarding which might be the initial cause of the disease. The “amyloid cascade hypothesis” proposes that the amyloid β (Aβ) peptide is central to disease pathology, which is supported by elevated Aβ levels in the brain before the development of symptoms and correlations of amyloid burden with cognitive impairment. The “metals hypothesis” proposes a role for metal ions such as iron, copper, and zinc in the pathology of AD, which is supported by the accumulation of these metals within amyloid plaques in the brain. Metals have been shown to induce aggregation of Aβ, and metal ion chelators have been shown to reverse this reaction in vitro. 8-Hydroxyquinoline-based chelators showed early promise as anti-Alzheimer’s drugs. Both 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline (CQ) and 5,7-dichloro-2-[(dimethylamino)­methyl]-8-hydroxyquinoline (PBT2) underwent unsuccessful clinical trials for the treatment of AD. To gain insight into the mechanism of action of 8HQs, we have investigated the potential interaction of CQ, PBT2, and 5,7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinoline (B2Q) with Cu­(II)-bound Aβ(1–42) using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), high energy resolution fluorescence detected (HERFD) XAS, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). By XAS, we found CQ and B2Q sequestered ∼83% of the Cu­(II) from Aβ(1–42), whereas PBT2 sequestered only ∼59% of the Cu­(II) from Aβ(1–42), suggesting that CQ and B2Q have a higher relative Cu­(II) affinity than PBT2. From our EPR, it became clear that PBT2 sequestered Cu­(II) from a heterogeneous mixture of Cu­(II)­Aβ(1–42) species in solution, leaving a single Cu­(II)­Aβ(1–42) species. It follows that the Cu­(II) site in this Cu­(II)­Aβ(1–42) species is inaccessible to PBT2 and may be less solvent-exposed than in other Cu­(II)­Aβ(1–42) species. We found no evidence to suggest that these 8HQs form ternary complexes with Cu­(II)­Aβ(1–42)

    Resonant Inelastic X‑ray Scattering on Ferrous and Ferric Bis-imidazole Porphyrin and Cytochrome <i>c</i>: Nature and Role of the Axial Methionine–Fe Bond

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    Axial Cu–S­(Met) bonds in electron transfer (ET) active sites are generally found to lower their reduction potentials. An axial S­(Met) bond is also present in cytochrome <i>c</i> (cyt <i>c</i>) and is generally thought to increase the reduction potential. The highly covalent nature of the porphyrin environment in heme proteins precludes using many spectroscopic approaches to directly study the Fe site to experimentally quantify this bond. Alternatively, L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) enables one to directly focus on the 3d-orbitals in a highly covalent environment and has previously been successfully applied to porphyrin model complexes. However, this technique cannot be extended to metalloproteins in solution. Here, we use metal K-edge XAS to obtain L-edge like data through 1s2p resonance inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). It has been applied here to a bis-imidazole porphyrin model complex and cyt <i>c</i>. The RIXS data on the model complex are directly correlated to L-edge XAS data to develop the complementary nature of these two spectroscopic methods. Comparison between the bis-imidazole model complex and cyt <i>c</i> in ferrous and ferric oxidation states show quantitative differences that reflect differences in axial ligand covalency. The data reveal an increased covalency for the S­(Met) relative to N­(His) axial ligand and a higher degree of covalency for the ferric states relative to the ferrous states. These results are reproduced by DFT calculations, which are used to evaluate the thermodynamics of the Fe–S­(Met) bond and its dependence on redox state. These results provide insight into a number of previous chemical and physical results on cyt <i>c</i>

    Targeted Ligand-Exchange Chemistry on Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Quantum Dots for High-Efficiency Photovoltaics

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    The ability to manipulate quantum dot (QD) surfaces is foundational to their technological deployment. Surface manipulation of metal halide perovskite (MHP) QDs has proven particularly challenging in comparison to that of more established inorganic materials due to dynamic surface species and low material formation energy; most conventional methods of chemical manipulation targeted at the MHP QD surface will result in transformation or dissolution of the MHP crystal. In previous work, we have demonstrated record-efficiency QD solar cells (QDSCs) based on ligand-exchange procedures that electronically couple MHP QDs yet maintain their nanocrystalline size, which stabilizes the corner-sharing structure of the constituent PbI<sub>6</sub><sup>4–</sup> octahedra with optoelectronic properties optimal for solar energy conversion. In this work, we employ a variety of spectroscopic techniques to develop a molecular-level understanding of the MHP QD surface chemistry in this system. We individually target both the anionic (oleate) and cationic (oleyl­ammonium) ligands. We find that atmospheric moisture aids the process by hydrolysis of methyl acetate to generate acetic acid and methanol. Acetic acid then replaces native oleate ligands to yield QD surface-bound acetate and free oleic acid. The native oleyl­ammonium ligands remain throughout this film deposition process and are exchanged during a final treatment step employing smaller cationsnamely, formamidinium. This final treatment has a narrow processing window; initial treatment at this stage leads to a more strongly coupled QD regime followed by transformation into a bulk MHP film after longer treatment. These insights provide chemical understanding to the deposition of high-quality, electronically coupled MHP QD films that maintain both quantum confinement and their crystalline phase and attain high photovoltaic performance

    Determining Atomic-Scale Structure and Composition of Organo-Lead Halide Perovskites by Combining High-Resolution X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopy and First-Principles Calculations

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    We combine high-energy resolution fluorescence detection (HERFD) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements with first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations to provide a molecular-scale understanding of local structure, and its role in defining optoelectronic properties, in CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>Pb­(I<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>Br<sub><i>x</i></sub>)<sub>3</sub> perovskites. The spectra probe a ligand field splitting in the unoccupied d states of the material, which lie well above the conduction band minimum and display high sensitivity to halide identity, Pb-halide bond length, and Pb-halide octahedral tilting, especially for apical halide sites. The spectra are also sensitive to the organic cation. We find that the halides in these mixed compositions are randomly distributed, rather than having preferred octahedral sites, and that thermal tilting motions dominate over any preferred structural distortions as a function of halide composition. These findings demonstrate the utility of the combined HERFD XAS and DFT approach for determining structural details in these materials and connecting them to optoelectronic properties observed by other characterization methods