3,576 research outputs found

    The New British Christianity of C.S. Lewis

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    The emergence of C.S. Lewis as a popular author known for Christian content during the second half of the twentieth century provides an ideal case study for the transformation of religiosity within Britain. As religious behavior shifted from institutional adherence to private experience, Lewis became a ‘popular theologian’ who represented Christianity both for Christians – who looked to him for spiritual inspiration– and for non-Christians – who treated his views as representative of contemporary Christianity. By analyzing the reception, representation, and use of Lewis (his figure and his work) throughout the twentieth-century and into the twenty-first, it becomes clear that Lewis’s promotion of Anglican orthodoxy in a common vernacular, often through vivid and memorable storytelling, has endured as a readily recognizable Christian idiom in the religious culture of Britain

    Simulations of Solid-on-Solid Models of Spreading of Viscous Droplets

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    We have studied the dynamics of spreading of viscous non-volatile fluids on surfaces by MC simulations of SOS models. We have concentrated on the complete wetting regime, with surface diffusion barriers neglected for simplicity. First, we have performed simulations for the standard SOS model. Formation of a single precursor layer, and a density profile with a spherical cap shaped center surrounded by Gaussian tails can be reproduced with this model. Dynamical layering (DL), however, only occurs with a very strongly attractive van der Waals type of substrate potential. To more realistically describe the spreading of viscous liquid droplets, we introduce a modified SOS model. In the new model, tendency for DL and the effect of the surface potential are in part embedded into the dynamics of the model. This allows a relatively simple description of the spreading under different conditions, with a temperature like parameter which strongly influences the droplet morphologies. Both rounded droplet shapes and DL can easily be reproduced with the model. Furthermore, the precursor width increases proportional to the square root of time, in accordance with experimental observations. PACS: 68.10.Gw, 05.70.Ln, 61.20.Ja.Comment: to appear in Physica A (1994), standard LaTex, 20 page

    Genealogy and the Virtual Library

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    Solid state NMR studies of inorganic pigment materials and catalysts

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    The research conducted can be split into three major regions; pigment material, a simulation program called QuadFit and mesoporous oxides. There has also been some extra work conducted on a catalyst for partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Various techniques have been used on the different systems including XPS, STEM and 77Se, 17O, 93Nb, 15N, 119Sn, 27Al, 115In and 63,65Cu static and MAS NMR. The pigment materials consist of a series of materials which are grouped under the F-Colours project. The pigments consist of sulphur doped tin niobates, copper indium sulphur selenide doped zinc selenides, sulphur doped tin tungstates and colloidal gold and silver enamels. The sulphur doped tin niobate study shows a conversion from foordite to pyrochlore and also where the sulphur sits in the structure. The copper indium sulphur selenide doped zinc selenide study shows the indium and copper moving into the zinc selenide as copper indium pairs. However, how the pairs sit in the structure remains undetermined. The sulphur doped tin tungstate study shows that the sulphur acts as a promoter for the beta phase rather than the desired alpha phase. The enamels based on gold and silver show that the tin site does not determine the colour of the enamel and the silver-gold association is likely to be the dominant factor. Mesoporous oxides show a link between the amount of mesoporous structure and their temperature stability. The nitrogen spectra of the template in the material shows that in the mesoporous silicate (which has the largest surface area) there is a breakdown of the amine into NH groups which does not appear in the other mesoporous materials. This could lead to a method of increasing the surface area of the other mesoporous oxides. QuadFit has the ability to simulate quadrupolar and CSA interactions with distributions of interactions whilst static and the quadrupolar interaction with distributions under MAS. The program is written in Java so will run on most platforms and also has near perfect stability

    The American Bar Association: Its Organization, History and Achievements

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    The American Bar Association holds its fifty-first annual meeting in Seattle, Washington, July 25, 26, 27, 1928. This is the Semi-Centennial meeting of the Association and special preparations are being made to make the occasion notable, and it is therefore appropriate that the whole bar of Washington who have so courteously invited the National Association to Seattle this year, should know something about the organization, history and achievements of the largest and one of the oldest organizations of lawyers in the world. A considerable portion of the bar of Washington are already members of the National Association, and to them many of the things hereinafter stated are well known, but it is hoped that all reputable lawyers of the great state of Washington will be sufficiently interested in the affairs of the National Association, to join its ranks, and thereby assist in the important work which the future has in store for the advancement of the profession and the welfare of the Nation

    Lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and evolution of the Volta Basin in Ghana

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    We present a revised lithostratigraphy for the Voltaian Supergroup of Ghana, based on a review of existing literature, interpretations of remotely sensed data and reconnaissance field survey of the Volta Basin. These strata thicken eastwards, to a maximum of between 5 and 6 km adjacent to the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. They began to accumulate some time after about 1000 Ma, along the margin of an epicontinental sea. Initial sedimentation, comprising the age-equivalent Kwahu and Bombouaka Groups, shows a cyclical mode of deposition controlled by eustatic changes in sea-level that produced a range of nearshore marine, littoral and terrestrial environments. A major erosional interval was followed by deposition of the 3–4 km thick Oti-Pendjari Group. Basal tillites and associated sandy diamictons are correlated with the Marinoan (end-Cryogenian) glaciation, indicating a maximum depositional age of about 635 Ma. The overlying cap carbonates and tuffs were deposited within a shallow epeiric sea bordered by a volcanically active rift system. The main part of the group records the transition from a rifted passive margin to a fully developed foreland basin receiving marine flysch in the form of argillaceous strata interbedded with highly immature wacke-type sandstones and conglomerates. Maximum accommodation space was developed within a foredeep adjacent to the Dahomeyide belt. Towards the end of the orogenic phase, the foredeep succession became partially inverted and then was buried under coarse terrestrial, red-bed molasse of the Obosum Group

    Data-driven codebook adaptation in phonetically tied SCHMMs

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