491 research outputs found

    The Doctrine of Prior Restraint

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    The concept of prior restraint, roughly speaking, deals with official restrictionsimposed upon speech or other forms of expression in advance of actual publication.Prior restraint is thus distinguished from subsequent punishment, which is a penaltyimposed after the communication has been made as a punishment for having made it.Again speaking generally, a system of prior restraint would prevent communicationfrom occurring at all; a system of subsequent punishment allows the communicationbut imposes a penalty after the event. Of course, the deterrent effect of a later penaltymay operate to prevent a communication from ever being made. Nevertheless, for avariety of reasons, the impact upon freedom of expression may be quite different,depending upon whether the system of control is designed to block publication inadvance or deter it by subsequent punishment

    Academic Freedom of the Faculty Member as Citizen

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    The faculty member in an institution of higher learning functions in two capacities.He is, first of all, a scholar

    Academic Freedom of the Faculty Member as Citizen

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    A hi-tech company often focuses on being innovative by providing product offerings as product leader, fast follower or with operational excellence. In the international calling sector the technological solutions are numerous. The providers are, for instance, normal telecom providers, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Mobile virtual network operators (MVNO). This means that a company faces not only the competitors that offer the same solution but also from outside the company’s business sector. The company thus needs to tackle many challenges, such as fast-paced product development, market expansion, competitor volatility, at the same time as the company cultivates its brand assets. This study focuses on the branding strategy within the VoIP telecom sector. It aims to set a guideline for how companies, in particular in the VoIP telecom sectors, cultivate and enhance their brand identity in order to differentiate themselves from competitors as well as achieve a successful and sustainable level of brand equity. The thesis also studies the brand strategies that have already manifested themselves within the providers of international calling services, in particular VoIP providers and a couple of MVNO providers. By conducting the brand identity and brand equity analysis, customer analysis and competitors’ analysis, a company can make a decision on brand strategy that will further associate, differentiate, energize and support its brands. The research framework consists of both the corporate and consumer perspectives. It consists of brand theory, market research, competitor analysis and the company’s brand identity, as well as brand awareness analysis. The thesis presents the Swedish VoIP consumers’ behavior and trends, the guideline and case study on how a company bridges the gap between brand identity and brand equity as well as the guideline and case study of brand portfolio strategies that have been explored within the VoIP telecom sectors, i.e. VoIP branding

    Justice Douglas and Lawyers with a Cause

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    Fowler Vincent Harper

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    Justice Douglas and Lawyers with a Cause

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    Throughout his life Justice Douglas was a controversial figure

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bill of Rights

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    This paper was presented by Professor Emerson at aconference on the FBI sponsored by the Committeefor Public Justice and the Woodrow Wilson Schoolof Princeton University. The conference was held onOctober 29-30,1971, at Princeton. The paperspresented at that conference, including ProfessorEmerson\u27s, and portions of the transcript of the conference,will be published this fall by Doubleday andCo. under the title Investigating the FBI

    Freedom of Expression in Wartime

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    War and preparation for war create serious strains on a systemof freedom of expression. Emotions run high, lowering the degreeof rationality which is required to make such a system viable

    Book Review: Cases and Materials on Administrative Law

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    It is opportune, therefore, to reconsider where this lusty body of administrativelaw fits into the law school curriculum and how it can bestbe imparted to the law school student. Professor Katz\u27s new casebookundertakes an answer to these questions

    Malapportionment and Judicial Power

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    The Supreme Court\u27s decision in Baker v. Carr promises to be one of themost important of the century. Like the segregation decisions, it brings constitutionalprinciples and judicial institutions to the solution of one of the fundamentalproblems of American society. Unlike the decisions in the Smithand McCarran Act cases, which have no future in the democratic process, itmoves broadly in the direction of developing and supporting procedures necessaryfor the effective operation of a modern democratic system. The decisionis of interest and significance on various levels. The major ones are (1) itsimportance in terms of legal doctrine; (2) its bearing on the actual solution ofthe malapportionment problem; and (3) its broader implications concerningthe role of law and legal institutions in the democratic process
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