252 research outputs found

    К актуальности разработки информационных систем для поддержки социальных исследований

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    This article is devoted to the problem of social researches information support and designed for the purpose of weaknesses identification in the current methods of organizing large-scale sociological studies (within the region) and also for assessment of related costs

    Application of the linear network model of finding the shortest way of evacuation of the population

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    The report considers an algorithm for solving the problem of advance evacuation of the population, which is formulated as finding the shortest path in a linear network model representing the routes of movement along the existing transport network of roads with a cycle. The starting point is the prefabricated evacuation point, and the final one is the receiving evacuation point, the numbers on the edges are the length of the path between the intermediate points

    Галльский пласт в современном немецком литературном языке: структурно-системный и функционально-динамический аспекты

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    Диссертационное исследование Меремкуловой Татьяны Игоревны выполнено в русле контактной лингвистики, стремительно развивающейся ветви исторического языкознания, и посвящено определению структурно-системных и функционально-динамических характеристик заимствованных лексических единиц галльского пласта в системе современного немецкого литературного языка и в синхронной немецкой литературной речи.The dissertation research of Meremkulova Tatyana Igorevna is carried out in the mainstream of the contact linguistics, the rapidly developing branch of historical linguistics, and is devoted to the determination of structural-systemic and functional-dynamic characteristics of the borrowed lexical units of the Gallic layer in the system of modern German literary language and in synchronous German literary speech

    Прогнозирование режимов работы дожимной компрессорной станции на Х нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении (ЯНАО)

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    Расчет оптимизационного варианта режима работы дожимной компрессорной станции. Анализ режимов работы дожимной компрессорной станции.Calculation of the optimization variant of the booster compressor station operation mode. Analysis of the operation modes of the booster compressor station

    Systemic availability of lipophilic organic UV filters through dermal sunscreen exposure

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    Background Chemical UV filters are common components in sunscreens and cosmetic products and used to protect the skin against harmful effects of sunlight like sunburn. However, the effectiveness of sunscreens in the prevention of skin cancer is in some parts still controversial. Meanwhile, questions about negative effects of the chemical UV filters on human health arise and request an effective risk assessment. Real-life exposure data in humans after application of these products are still rare. Thus, we explored whether and to what extent UV filters are absorbed through the skin into the human body. Material and methods Plasma and urine samples from 20 healthy volunteers were collected before, during and after a real-life exposure scenario (1st application: 2 mg/cm2; 2nd and 3rd (after 2 and 4 h): 1 mg/cm2 each) using a commercial sunscreen formulation for one day. These samples were analyzed for their content of the currently prominent UV filters octocrylene and avobenzone as well as 2-cyano-3,3-diphenylacrylic acid (CDAA) as the main octocrylene metabolite by using different liquid chromatography electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometric procedures. Results Following dermal sunscreen exposure, avobenzone, octocrylene and CDAA reached concentrations up to 11 μg/L, 25 μg/L and 1352 μg/L in plasma. In urine detection rates of avobenzone and octocrylene were low while CDAA showed a high detection rate and reached up to 5207 μg/g creatinine. Kinetic models could be fitted for octocrylene and CDAA in plasma and CDAA in urine. Concentration peaks were reached between 10 and 16 h after first application and half-life periods were in the range of 1.5 to 2 days. The lipophilic UV filter octocrylene and its metabolite CDAA showed a much slower elimination than other more hydrophilic UV filters. Concordantly, the metabolite CDAA in particular showed a markedly increased renal excretion over the whole sampling period and indicated high internal exposure to OC. Discussion Real-life sunscreen usage leads to considerable bioavailability of organic UV filters and their metabolites which is rarely seen for other environmental exposures. A combined monitoring of the parent compound and its metabolites is important to fully address internal exposure to the UV filter in humans. Considering the kinetic profiles a prolonged systemic release due to depot formation in skin and a potential accumulation through multi-day exposure is presumed. High in-vivo loads call for a critical toxicological assessment of the UV filters and their metabolites

    Exposure of patients to di(2-ethylhexy)phthalate (DEHP) and its metabolite MEHP during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy

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    The plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is often used for PVC medical devices, that are also largely used for intensive care medical treatments, like extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy. Due to the toxicological potential of DEHP, the inner exposure of patients with this plasticizer is a strong matter of concern as many studies have shown a high leaching potential of DEHP into blood. In this study, the inner DEHP exposure of patients undergoing ECMO treatment was investigated. The determined DEHP blood levels of ECMO patients and the patients of the control group ranged from 31.5 to 1009 μg/L (median 156.0 μg/L) and from 19.4 to 75.3 μg/L (median 36.4 μg/L), respectively. MEHP blood levels were determined to range from < LOD to 475 μg/L (median 15.9 μg/L) in ECMO patients and from < LOD to 9.9 μg/L (median 3.7 μg/L) in the control group patients, respectively. Increased DEHP exposure was associated with the number of cannulas and membranes of the ECMO setting, whereas residual diuresis decreased the exposure. Due to the suspected toxicological potential of DEHP, its use in medical devices should be further investigated, in particular for ICU patients with long-term exposure to PVC, like in ECMO therapy

    Coordination of chemical analyses under the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU): Concepts, procedures and lessons learnt

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    The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) ran from 2017 to 2022 with the aim of advancing and harmonizing human biomonitoring in Europe. More than 40,000 analyses were performed on human samples in different human biomonitoring studies in HBM4EU, addressing the chemical exposure of the general population, temporal developments, occupational exposure and a public health intervention on mercury in populations with high fish consumption. The analyses covered 15 priority groups of organic chemicals and metals and were carried out by a network of laboratories meeting the requirements of a comprehensive quality assurance and control system. The coordination of the chemical analyses included establishing contacts between sample owners and qualified laboratories and monitoring the progress of the chemical analyses during the analytical phase, also addressing status and consequences of Covid-19 measures. Other challenges were related to the novelty and complexity of HBM4EU, including administrative and financial matters and implementation of standardized procedures. Many individual contacts were necessary in the initial phase of HBM4EU. However, there is a potential to develop more streamlined and standardized communication and coordination in the analytical phase of a consolidated European HBM programme.This study was part of the HBM4EU project receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032. The co-funding of the HBM4EU partner countries is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank all sample owners and qualified laboratories for the excellent collaboration. The authors also acknowledge the HBM4EU partners in charge of upstream (WP7, WP8) and downstream (WP10) processes for the smooth connections with the analytical phase.S

    European interlaboratory comparison investigations (ICI) and external quality assurance schemes (EQUAS) for the analysis of bisphenol A, S and F in human urine: Results from the HBM4EU project

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    The Human Biomonitoring for Europe initiative (HBM4EU) aims to study the exposure of citizens to chemicals and potentially associated health effects. One objective of this project has been to build a network of laboratories able to answer to the requirements of European human biomonitoring studies. Within the HBM4EU quality assurance and quality control scheme (QA/QC), a number of interlaboratory comparison investigations (ICIs) and external quality assurance schemes (EQUASs) were organized to ensure data consistency, comparability and reliability. Bisphenols are among the prioritized substance groups in HBM4EU, including bisphenol A (BPA), bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF) in human urine. In four rounds of ICI/EQUAS, two target concentration levels were considered, related to around P25 and P95 of the typical exposure distribution observed in the European general population. Special attention was paid to the conjugated phase II metabolites known to be most dominant in samples of environmentally exposed individuals, through the analysis of both native samples and samples fortified with glucuronide forms. For the low level, the average percentage of satisfactory results across the four rounds was 83% for BPA, 71% for BPS and 62% for BPF. For the high level, the percentages of satisfactory results increased to 93% for BPA, 89% for BPS and 86% for BPF. 24 out of 32 participating laboratories (75%) were approved for the analyses of BPA in the HBM4EU project according to the defined criterion of Z-scores for both low and high concentration levels in at least two ICI/EQUAS rounds. For BPS and BPF, the number of qualified laboratories was 18 out of 27 (67%) and 13 out of 28 (46%), respectively. These results demonstrate a strong analytical capability for BPA and BPS in Europe, while improvements may be needed for BPF.We gratefully acknowledge funding by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 733032 HBM4EU. The authors would like to thank the HBM4EU Secretariat at the German Environment Agency for administrative support. The authors acknowledge all the participating and expert laboratories (Table A1, SM) that made the HBM4EU QA/QC programme possible as well as the Management and Advisory Boards of HBM4EU.S