189 research outputs found

    How should we be using biomarkers in trials of disease modification in Parkinson’s disease?

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    The recent validation of the alpha synuclein seed amplification assay as a biomarker with high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease has formed the backbone for a proposed staging system for incorporation in Parkinson’s disease clinical studies and trials. The routine use of this biomarker should greatly aid in the accuracy of diagnosis during recruitment of Parkinson’s disease patients into trials (as distinct from patients with non- Parkinson’s disease parkinsonism or non- Parkinson’s disease tremors). There remain however further challenges in the pursuit of biomarkers for clinical trials of disease modifying agents in Parkinson’s disease, namely: optimising the distinction between different alpha synucleinopathies; the selection of subgroups most likely to benefit from a candidate disease modifying agent; as sensitive means of confirming target engagement; and in the early prediction of longer-term clinical benefit. For example; levels of cerebrospinal fluid proteins such as the lysosomal enzyme ß-glucocerebrosidase may assist in prognostication or allow enrichment of appropriate patients into disease modifying trials of agents with this enzyme as the target; the presence of coexisting Alzheimer disease like pathology (detectable through cerebrospinal fluid levels of Amyloid Beta-42 and tau) can predict subsequent cognitive decline; imaging techniques such as free-water or neuromelanin MRI may objectively track decline of Parkinson’s disease even in its later stages. The exploitation of additional biomarkers to the alpha synuclein seed amplification assay will therefore greatly add to our ability to plan trials and assess disease modifying properties of interventions. The choice of which biomarker(s) to use in the context of disease modifying clinical trials will depend on the intervention, the stage (at risk, premotor, motor, complex) of the population recruited and the aims of the trial. The progress already made lends hope that panels of fluid biomarkers in tandem with structural or functional imaging may provide sensitive and objective methods of confirming that an intervention is modifying a key pathophysiological process of Parkinson’s disease. However, correlation with clinical progression does not necessarily equate to causation and the ongoing validation of quantitative biomarkers will depend on insightful clinical-genetic-pathophysiological comparisons incorporating longitudinal biomarker changes from those at genetic risk with evidence of onset of the pathophysiology and those at each stage of manifest clinical Parkinson’s disease

    Critical Aspects of Clinical Trial Design for Novel Cell and Gene Therapies

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    Neural cell transplantation and gene therapy have attracted considerable interest as promising therapeutic alternatives for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Preclinical and open-label studies have suggested that grafted fetal neural tissue or viral vector gene transfer can achieve considerable biochemical and clinical improvements, whereas subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled protocols have produced rather more modest and variable results. Detailed evaluation of these discordant findings has highlighted several crucial issues such as patient selection criteria, details surrounding transplantation or gene therapy methodologies, as well as the study designs themselves that ought to be carefully considered in the planning phases of future clinical trials. Beyond the provision of symptomatic efficacy and safety data, it also remains to be identified whether the possibilities offered by stem cell and gene therapy technological advances might translate to meaningful neuroprotection and/or disease-modifying effects or alleviate the nonmotor aspects of PD and thus offer additional benefits beyond those achieved through conventional pharmacotherapy or deep brain stimulation (DBS)

    Understanding and Prevention of “Therapy-” Induced Dyskinesias

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    L-dopa is the most effective, currently available treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD), but it leads to the development of involuntary movements known as L-dopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) in the majority of patients after long-term use. Both gene and cell therapy approaches are the subject of multiple ongoing studies as potential ways of relieving symptoms of PD without the complication of dyskinesia. However, the spectre of dyskinesia in the absence of L-dopa, the so-called “off-phase” or graft-induced dyskinesia (GID), remains a major obstacle particularly in the further development of cell therapy in PD, but it is also a concern for proponents of gene therapy approaches. LID results from nonphysiological dopamine release, supersensitivity of dopamine receptors, and consequent abnormal signalling through mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Restoration of physiological circuitry within the basal ganglia loops is ultimately the aim of all cell and gene therapy approaches but each using distinctive strategies and accompanied by risks of exacerbation of LID or development of “off-phase”/GID. In this paper we discuss the details of what is understood regarding the development of dyskinesias with relevance to cell and gene therapy and potential strategies to minimize their occurrence

    How Does Deep Brain Stimulation Change the Course of Parkinson's Disease?

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    A robust body of evidence from randomized controlled trials has established the efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in reducing off time and dyskinesias in levodopa-treated patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). These effects go along with improvements in on period motor function, activities of daily living, and quality of life. In addition, subthalamic DBS is effective in controlling drug-refractory PD tremor. Here, we review the available data from long-term observational and controlled follow-up studies in DBS-treated patients to re-examine the persistence of motor and quality of life benefits and evaluate the effects on disease progression, major disability milestones, and survival. Although there is consistent evidence from observational follow-up studies in DBS-treated patients over 5-10 years and beyond showing sustained improvement of motor control, the long-term impact of DBS on overall progression of disability in PD is less clear. Whether DBS reduces or delays the development of later motor and non-motor disability milestones in comparison to best medical management strategies is difficult to answer by uncontrolled observational follow-up, but there are signals from controlled long-term observational studies suggesting that subthalamic DBS may delay some of the late-stage disability milestones including psychosis, falls, and institutionalization, and also slightly prolongs survival compared with matched medically managed patients. These observations could be attributable to the sustained improvements in motor function and reduction in medication-induced side effects, whereas there is no clinical evidence of direct effects of DBS on the underlying disease progression. © 2022 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Impairment in Theory of Mind in Parkinson’s Disease Is Explained by Deficits in Inhibition

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    Objective. Several studies have reported that people with Parkinson's disease (PD) perform poorly on tests of 'Theory of Mind' (ToM), suggesting impairment in the ability to understand and infer other people's thoughts and feelings. However, few studies have sought to separate the processes involved in social reasoning from those involved in managing the inhibitory demands on these tests. In this study, we investigated the contribution of inhibition to ToM performance in PD. Methods. 18 PD patients and 22 age-matched healthy controls performed a ToM test that separates the ability to infer someone else's perspective from the ability to inhibit one's own. Participants also completed a battery of standard measures of social and executive functioning, including measures of inhibition. Results. The PD patients performed worse on the ToM test only when the inhibitory demands were high. When the level of inhibition required was reduced, there were no significant group differences. Furthermore, executive impairments in PD patients were limited to measures of inhibition, with disadvantages associated with poorer ToM performance in this group. Conclusions. This study provides convincing evidence that the apparent impairment observed on ToM tests in PD is explained by deficits in inhibition

    A common polymorphism in SNCA is associated with accelerated motor decline in GBA-Parkinson's disease.

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    A growing number of genetic susceptibility factors have been identified for Parkinson’s disease (PD). The combination of inherited risk variants is likely to affect not only risk of developing PD but also its clinical course. Variants in the GBA gene are particularly common, being found in approximately 5 to 10% of patients, and they lead to more rapid disease progression1. However, the effect of concomitant genetic risk factors on disease course in GBA-PD is not known.The CamPaIGN study has received financial support from the Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Council, Parkinson’s UK and the Patrick Berthoud Trust. CHWG is supported by an RCUK/UKRI Innovation Fellowship awarded by the Medical Research Council. RAB is supported by the Wellcome Trust Stem Cell Institute (Cambridge). TBS received financial support from the Cure Parkinson’s Trust. The study is also supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Dementia and Neurodegeneration Theme (reference number 146281). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. CRS' work is supported in part by NIH grants R01AG057331, U01NS100603, R01AG057331, and the American Parkinson Disease Association. Illumina MEGA Chip genotyping was made possible by a philanthropic investment from Dooley LLC (to Brigham & Women's Hospital and CRS)

    Clinical outcomes after MRI connectivity-guided radiofrequency thalamotomy for tremor

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    OBJECTIVE: Radiofrequency thalamotomy (RF-T) is an established treatment for refractory tremor. It is unclear whether connectivity-guided targeting strategies could further augment outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of MRI connectivity-guided RF-T in severe tremor. METHODS: Twenty-one consecutive patients with severe tremor (14 with essential tremor [ET], 7 with Parkinson's disease [PD]) underwent unilateral RF-T at a single institution between 2017 and 2020. Connectivity-derived thalamic segmentation was used to guide targeting. Changes in the Fahn-Tolosa-Marin Rating Scale (FTMRS) were recorded in treated and nontreated hands as well as procedure-related side effects. RESULTS: Twenty-three thalamotomies were performed (with 2 patients receiving a repeated intervention). The mean postoperative assessment time point was 14.1 months. Treated-hand tremor scores improved by 63.8%, whereas nontreated-hand scores deteriorated by 10.1% (p < 0.01). Total FTMRS scores were significantly better at follow-up compared with baseline (mean 34.7 vs 51.7, p = 0.016). Baseline treated-hand tremor severity (rho = 0.786, p < 0.01) and total FTMRS score (rho = 0.64, p < 0.01) best correlated with tremor improvement. The most reported side effect was mild gait ataxia (n = 11 patients). CONCLUSIONS: RF-T guided by connectivity-derived segmentation is a safe and effective option for severe tremor in both PD and ET

    Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease: current trends and future directions

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    Over the last three decades, extensive basic and clinical research has been performed on the use of subthalamic nucleus (STN) as the preferred deep brain stimulation (DBS) target for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). The mechanism underlying the benefit for the motor symptoms in PD is related to the modulation of firing patterns within the hyperdirect projections from motor cortical areas, as well as within the afferent and efferent fibers to the motor STN. Advancements in neuroimaging techniques allow us to identify precisely the STN optimizing surgical targeting. In this review, we provide an update on the current uses of STN-DBS as a routine therapy as well as its experimental indications in PD, the critical aspects associated with its successful implementation and recent advances in DBS technology

    An Evaluation of KELVIN, an Artificial Intelligence Platform, as an Objective Assessment of the MDS UPDRS Part III

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease severity is typically measured using the Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale (MDS-UPDRS). While training for this scale exists, users may vary in how they score a patient with the consequence of intra-rater and inter-rater variability. OBJECTIVE: In this study we explored the consistency of an artificial intelligence platform compared with traditional clinical scoring in the assessment of motor severity in PD. METHODS: Twenty-two PD patients underwent simultaneous MDS-UPDRS scoring by two experienced MDS-UPDRS raters and the two sets of accompanying video footage were also scored by an artificial intelligence video analysis platform known as KELVIN. RESULTS: KELVIN was able to produce a summary score for 7 MDS-UPDRS part 3 items with good inter-rater reliability (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) 0.80 in the OFF-medication state, ICC 0.73 in the ON-medication state). Clinician scores had exceptionally high levels of inter-rater reliability in both the OFF (0.99) and ON (0.94) medication conditions (possibly reflecting the highly experienced team). There was an ICC of 0.84 in the OFF-medication state and 0.31 in the ON-medication state between the mean Clinician and mean Kelvin scores for the equivalent 7 motor items, possibly due to dyskinesia impacting on the KELVIN scores. CONCLUSION: We conclude that KELVIN may prove useful in the capture and scoring of multiple items of MDS-UPDRS part 3 with levels of consistency not far short of that achieved by experienced MDS-UPDRS clinical raters, and is worthy of further investigation