280 research outputs found

    Residual circulation trajectories and transit times into the extratropical lowermost stratosphere

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    Transport into the extratropical lowermost stratosphere (LMS) can be divided into a slow part (time-scale of several months to years) associated with the global-scale stratospheric residual circulation and a fast part (time-scale of days to a few months) associated with (mostly quasi-horizontal) mixing (i.e. two-way irreversible transport, including stratosphere-troposphere exchange). The stratospheric residual circulation can be considered to consist of two branches: a deep branch more strongly associated with planetary waves breaking in the middle to upper stratosphere, and a shallow branch more strongly associated with synoptic-scale waves breaking in the subtropical lower stratosphere. In this study the contribution due to the stratospheric residual circulation alone to transport into the LMS is quantified using residual circulation trajectories, i.e. trajectories driven by the (time-dependent) residual mean meridional and vertical velocities. This contribution represents the advective part of the overall transport into the LMS and can be viewed as providing a background onto which the effect of mixing has to be added. Residual mean velocities are obtained from a comprehensive chemistry-climate model as well as from reanalysis data. Transit times of air traveling from the tropical tropopause to the LMS along the residual circulation streamfunction are evaluated and compared to recent mean age of air estimates. A clear time-scale separation with much smaller transit times into the mid-latitudinal LMS than into polar LMS is found that is indicative of a clear separation of the shallow from the deep branch of the residual circulation. This separation between the shallow and the deep circulation branch is further manifested in a clear distinction in the aspect ratio of the vertical to meridional extent of the trajectories as well as the integrated mass flux along the residual circulation trajectories. The residual transit time distribution reproduces qualitatively the observed seasonal cycle of youngest air in the extratropical LMS in fall and oldest air in spring

    Quantifying the deep convective temperature signal within the tropical tropopause layer (TTL)

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    Dynamics on a vast range of spatial and temporal scales, from individual convective plumes to planetary-scale circulations, play a role in driving the temperature variability in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). Here, we aim to better quantify the deep convective temperature signal within the TTL using multiple datasets. First, we investigate the link between ozone and temperature in the TTL using the Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) dataset. Low ozone concentrations in the TTL are indicative of deep convective transport from the boundary layer. We confirm the usefulness of ozone as an indicator of deep convection by identifying a typical temperature signal associated with reduced ozone events: mid and upper tropospheric warming and TTL cooling. We quantify these temperature signals using two diagnostics: 1) the ozone minimum diagnostic, which has been used in previous studies and identifies the upper tropospheric minimum ozone concentration as a proxy for the level of main convective outflow; and 2) the ozone mixing height , which we introduce in order to identify the maximum altitude in a vertical ozone profile up to which reduced ozone concentrations, typical of transport from the boundary layer are observed. Results indicate that the ozone mixing height diagnostic better separates profiles with convective influence than the ozone minimum diagnostic. Next, we collocate deep convective clouds identified by CloudSat 2B-CLDCLASS with COSMIC GPS temperature profiles. We find a robust large-scale deep convective TTL temperature signal that is persistent in time. However, it is only the convective events that penetrate into the upper half of the TTL that have a significant impact on TTL temperature. A distinct seasonal difference in the spatial scale and the persistence of the temperature signal is identified. Deep-convective cloud top heights are found to be well described by the level of neutral buoyancy

    Quantifying transport into the lowermost stratosphere using simultaneous in-situ measurements of SF6 and CO2

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    The seasonality of transport and mixing of air into the lowermost stratosphere (LMS) is studied using distributions of mean age of air and a mass balance approach, based on in-situ observations of SF6 and CO2 during the SPURT (Spurenstofftransport in der Tropopausenregion, trace gas transport in the tropopause region) aircraft campaigns. Combining the information of the mean age of air and the water vapour distributions we demonstrate that the tropospheric air transported into the LMS above the extratropical tropopause layer (ExTL) originates predominantly from the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The concept of our mass balance is based on simultaneous measurements of the two passive tracers and the assumption that transport into the LMS can be described by age spectra which are superposition of two different modes. Based on this concept we conclude that the stratospheric influence on LMS composition is strongest in April with extreme values of the tropospheric fractions (alpha1) below 20% and that the strongest tropospheric signatures are found in October with alpha1 greater than 80%. Beyond the fractions, our mass balance concept allows us to calculate the associated transit times for transport of tropospheric air from the tropics into the LMS. The shortest transit times (<0.3 years) are derived for the summer, continuously increasing up to 0.8 years by the end of spring. These findings suggest that strong quasi-horizontal mixing across the weak subtropical jet from summer to mid of autumn and the considerably shorter residual transport time-scales within the lower branch of the Brewer-Dobson circulation in summer than in winter dominates the tropospheric influence in the LMS until the beginning of next year's summer

    Quantifying transport into the lowermost stratosphere using simultaneous in-situ measurements of SF6 and CO2

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    The seasonality of transport and mixing of air into the lowermost stratosphere (LMS) is studied using distributions of mean age of air and a~mass balance approach, based on in-situ observations of SF6 and CO2 during the SPURT (Spurenstofftransport in der Tropopausenregion, trace gas transport in the tropopause region) aircraft campaigns. Combining the information of the mean age of air and the water vapour distributions we demonstrate that the tropospheric air transported into the LMS above the extratropical tropopause layer (ExTL) originates predominantly from the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The concept of our mass balance is based on simultaneous measurements of the two passive tracers and the assumption that transport into the LMS can be described by age spectra which are superposition of two different modes. Based on this concept we conclude that the stratospheric influence on LMS composition is strongest in April with tropospheric fractions (Îą1) below 20% and that the strongest tropospheric signatures are found in October with (Îą1 greater than 80%. Beyond the fractions, our mass balance concept allows to calculate the associated transit times for transport of tropospheric air from the tropics into the LMS. The shortest transit times (<0.3 years) are derived for the summer, continuously increasing up to 0.8 years by the end of spring. These findings suggest that strong quasi-horizontal mixing across the weak subtropical jet from summer to mid of autumn and the considerably shorter residual transport time-scales within the lower branch of the Brewer-Dobson circulation in summer than in winter dominates the tropospheric influence in the LMS until the beginning of next year's summer

    Potential impact of tropopause sharpness on the structure and strength of the general circulation

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    The wintertime extratropical general circulation may be viewed as being primarily governed by interactions between Rossby waves and the background flow. These Rossby waves propagate vertically and meridionally away from their sources and amplify within the core of the tropopause-level jet, which acts as a waveguide. The strength of this waveguide is in part controlled by tropopause sharpness, which itself is a function of the strength of tropopause inversion layer (TIL), a layer of enhanced static stability just above the tropopause. Here, we report a strong relation between interannual-to-multidecadal variations in the strength of the mid-latitude TIL and features of the general circulation (e.g., jet latitude, strength of the Hadley cell) in a reanalysis and climate models. Similar relationships hold for the variability across climate models. Experiments with a mechanistic model show that a sharper tropopause promotes an intensified general circulation and an equatorward shifted jet.publishedVersio

    On the structural changes in the Brewer-Dobson circulation after 2000

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    In this paper we present evidence that the observed increase in tropical upwelling after the year 2000 may be attributed to a change in the Brewer-Dobson circulation pattern. For this purpose, we use the concept of transit times derived from residual circulation trajectories and different in-situ measurements of ozone and nitrous dioxide. Observations from the Canadian midlatitude ozone profile record, probability density functions of in-situ N2O observations and a shift of the N2O-O3 correlation slopes, taken together, indicate that the increased upwelling in the tropics after the year 2000 appears to have triggered an intensification of tracer transport from the tropics into the extratropics in the lower stratosphere below about 500 K. This finding is corroborated by the fact that transit times along the shallow branch of the residual circulation into the LMS have decreased for the same time period (1993–2003). On a longer time scale (1979–2009), the transit time of the shallow residual circulation branch show a steady decrease of about −1 month/decade over the last 30 years, while the transit times of the deep branch remain unchanged. This highlights the fact that a change in the upwelling across the tropical tropopause is not a direct indicator for changes of the whole Brewer-Dobson circulation

    Die extratropische Tropopausenregion

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    How to create conducive institutions to enable agricultural mechanization: A comparative historical study from the United States and Germany

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    Agricultural mechanization is now high on the policy agenda of many developing countries. History has shown that successful mechanization depends on an enabling environment providing various supporting functions, for example, knowledge and skills development and quality assurance. This paper analyses how this enabling environment was created during the mechanization history of two today’s mechanized countries, the United States and Germany, thereby distilling lessons for today’s mechanizing countries. The paper highlights the different roles played by government agencies (public sector), manufacturers of agricultural machinery (private sector) and farmers’ organizations (third sector) for the creation of this enabling environment. The study finds that both the United States and Germany witnessed the emergence of an institutional support landscape for mechanization. Yet, while mechanization benefitted from this support landscape in both countries, the organizations that created this support landscape differed largely. In Germany, the authors found more evidence of orchestrated public sector support and support from third-sector-actors to promote mechanization. In the United States, private actors played a larger role. For today’s mechanizing countries, the findings suggest that public, private and third sector can all contribute to create a conducive environment for mechanization. The results indicate that the appropriate role of public, private and third sector depends on the strengths of each of these sectors and the strength of the driving forces for mechanization. While the study suggests that the enabling environment can be created by different actors, the study also shows that dedication will be key as mechanization is unlikely to unfold without certain key functions being fulfilled

    „100 Jahre Meteorologie in München - ordentlich und öffentlich“: Bericht über einen Akademischen Nachmittag an der LMU am 30. März

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    Am frühen Nachmittag des 30. März 2023 versammelten sich etwa 150 Personen in der Kleinen Aula im Hauptgebäude der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München zu einem „Akademischen Nachmittag“. Der Anlass dafür war die Errichtung eines Ordinariats für Meteorologie 100 Jahre zuvor zu Beginn des Sommersemesters 1923 am 1. April 1923. Das Programm umfasste ein Präludium, drei Teile mit verschiedenen Vortragsformaten - rund um eine Pause mit Erfrischungen - und einen Empfang als Ausklang. Der DMG Fachausschuss „Geschichte der Meteorologie“ (FAGEM) hatte diese Abfolge entwickelt in enger Kooperation mit den Professoren am Meteorologischen Institut München (MIM) innerhalb der Fakultät für Physik. In zwei früheren Beiträgen in den Mitteilungen ist einiges zum Hintergrund des Jubiläums dargestellt (Volkert, 2022 und 2023). Dieser Beitrag berichtet in kompakter Form über den Ablauf der Veranstaltung. Weiterhin wird am Beispiel von vertikalen Temperatursondierungen über München, die 115 Jahre auseinander liegen (1907 und 2022), die Bedeutung einer bis in die Gegenwart wirkenden akademischen Tradition unterstrichen

    Planetary-geometric constraints on isopycnal slope in the Southern Ocean

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    On planetary scales, surface wind stress and differential buoyancy forcing act together to produce isopycnal surfaces that are relatively flat in the tropics/subtropics and steep near the poles, where they tend to outcrop. Tilted isopycnals in a rapidly rotating fluid are subject to baroclinic instability. The turbulent, mesoscale eddies generated by this instability have a tendency to homogenize potential vorticity (PV) along density surfaces. In the Southern Ocean (SO), the tilt of isopycnals is largely maintained by competition between the steepening effect of surface forcing and the flattening effect of turbulent, spatially inhomogeneous eddy fluxes of PV. Here we use quasi-geostrophic theory to investigate the influence of a planetary-geometric constraint on the equilibrium slope of tilted density/buoyancy surfaces in the SO. If the meridional gradients of relative vorticity and PV are small relative to β, then quasi-geostrophic theory predicts ds/dz = β/ f0 = cot(ϕ0)/a, or equivalently r ≡ |∂zs/(β/ f0)| = 1, where s is the isopycnal slope, ϕ0 is a reference latitude, a is the planetary radius, and r is the depth-averaged criticality parameter. We find that the strict r = 1 condition holds over specific averaging volumes in a large-scale climatology. A weaker r = O(1) condition for depth-averaged quantities is generally satisfied away from large bathymetric features. We employ the r = O(1) constraint to derive a depth scale to characterize large-scale interior stratification, and we use an idealized sector model to test the sensitivity of this relationship to surface wind forcing. Finally, we discuss the possible implications for eddy flux parameterization and for the sensitivity of SO circulation/stratification to changes in forcing
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