26 research outputs found

    Corporate venturing – a new way of creating a company’s future

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    Purpose – More and more companies are embarking on an experimental journey into an unpredictable future – a future that is characterised by uncertainty and new challenges. Corporate venturing enables established companies, so-called incumbents, to deal with new markets and business models in a highly flexible and innovative way, besides their existing business and well known, successful business models. A new innovator’s dilemma has emerged: not only established companies are required to be increasingly creative and to question existing thought patterns, but it is similar for start ups and new businesses. Research method – After conceptualising the paper and conducting literature bibliometry by VOSviewer, the research gap was identified. It is based on the three presented approaches: Causation, Effectuation and Bricolage as transformative approaches for strategic decision-making. Using a qualitative research by conducting 30 in-depth interviews, a transcription and a MaxQDA analysis, 5 identified corporate venturing tools were shown. Originality/value – The paper introduces a new approach of management which rapidly gains importance and which is crucial for companies in upcoming times to compete with flexible and disruptive start-up based business models.Thomas BAAKEN: [email protected] ALFERT: [email protected] KLIEWE: [email protected] BAAKEN, Professor - Managing Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnsterCarina ALFERT, MA - Academic Researcher, Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnster, MĂŒnster & VU Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThorsten KLIEWE, Professor - Research Director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnsterAlfert C., Bossink B., Baaken T., Kliewe T., 2019, Linking corporate venturing and effectuation in established organizations. A theory-focused literature review, [in:] Proceedings of HTSF, High Tech Small Firms Conference, Enschede, Netherlands, 27-28 May 2019.Antoncic B., Hisrich R.D., 2003, Clarifying the intrapreneurship concept, “Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development”, vol. 10(1), pp. 7-24, DOI: 10.1108/14626000310461187.Baker T., Miner A.S., Eesley D.T., 2003, Improvising firms: Bricolage, account giving and improvisational competencies in the founding process, “Research Policy”, vol. 32(2), pp. 255-276.Baker T., Nelson R.E., 2005, Creating something from nothing: Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage, “Administrative Science Quarterly”, vol. 50(3), pp. 329-366, DOI: 10.2189/asqu.2005.50.3.329.Battistini B., Hacklin F., Baschera P., 2013, The State of Corporate Venturing: Insights from a Global Study, “Research-Technology Management”, vol. 56(1), pp. 31-39, DOI: 10.5437/08956308X5601077.Birkinshaw J., Hill S.A., 2005, Corporate Venturing Units, “Organizational Dynamics”, vol. 34(3), pp. 247-257, DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2005.06.009.Bosma N.S., Stam E., Wennekers S., 2011, Intrapreneurship versus independent entrepreneurship: A cross-national analysis of individual entrepreneurial behaviour, Utrecht School of Economics, Working Papers, vol. 11(4).Bouette R.D., 2004, Creative Coupling Programme, Report prepared for the Government of Victoria, Melbourne.Bryman A., Bell E., 2015, Business research methods, Fourth edition, University Press, Oxford.Chesbrough H., 2010, Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers, “Long Range Planning”, vol. 43(2-3), pp. 354-363, DOI: 0.1016/j.lrp.2009.07.010.Christensen C.M., Raynor M.E., McDonald R., 2015, What is disruptive innovation, “Harvard Business Review”, vol. 93(12), pp. 44-53.Christensen C.M., 1997, The Innovator’s Dilemma, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.Christensen C.M., Overdorf M., 2000, Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change, “Harvard Business Review”, vol. 78(2), pp. 6-77.Covin J.G., Garrett R.P., Gupta J.P., Kuratko D.F., Shepherd D.A., 2018, The Interdependence of Planning and Learning among Internal Corporate Ventures, “Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice”, vol. 42(4), pp. 537-570, DOI: 10.1177/1042258718783430.Davey T., Meerman A., Galan-Muros V., Orazbayeva B., Baaken T., 2018, The State of University-Business Cooperation in Europe, Report for the European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Brussels.Dew N., Sarasvathy S.D., 2001, Of immortal firms and mortal markets: Dissolving the Innovator’s Dilemma, Presented at: The Second Annual Technology Entrepreneurship Research Policy Conference, Robert H. 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Investigating Effects of Entrepreneurial Behaviors on Business Model Innovation and Venture Performance, „Long Range Planning”, vol. 51(1), pp. 64-81, DOI: 10.1016/j.lrp.2017.06.008.Garrett Jr. R.P., Neubaum D.O., 2013, Top management support and Initial strategic assets: A dependency model for internal corporate venture performance, “Journal of Product Innovation Management”, vol. 30(5), pp. 896-915, DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12036.Harms R., Schiele H., 2012, Antecedents and consequences of effectuation and causation in the international new venture creation process, “Journal of International Entrepreneurship”, vol. 10(2), pp. 95-116, DOI: 10.1007/s10843-012-0089-2.Hmieleski K.M., Corbett A.C., 2006, Proclivity for improvisation as a predictor of entrepreneurial intentions, “Journal of Small Business Management”, vol. 44(1), pp. 45-63, DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-627X.2006.00153.x.Faschingbauer M., Baierl R., Grichnik D., 2013, Effectuation: Gestalten statt Vorhersagen, [in:] Das unternehmerische Unternehmen: revitalisieren und gestalten der Zukunft mit Effectuation, Grichnik D., Gassmann O. (eds.), Springer-Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp. 3-21.Kliewe T., Alfert C., Baaken T., 2019, Corporate Venture Management und Entrepreneurial Marketing, [in:] Entrepreneurial Marketing, PraxisWISSEN Marketing, Rumler A., Stumpf M. 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    Wirtschafts-Wissenschaftskooperationen an Fachhochschulen in Europa

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    Dieser Beitrag zeigt Ergebnisse einer Studie zu Wissenschafts-Wirtschaftskooperationen (WWK) in Europa, die 2011 fĂŒr die EuropĂ€ische Kommission durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Alle Hochschulen in 33 EU+-LĂ€ndern wurden einbezogen, ein RĂŒcklauf von 6.280 vollstĂ€ndigen Interviews erzielt. WWK werden durch Faktoren beeinflusst, die die Wahrnehmung von Nutzen sowie von Barrieren und Treibern beinhalten. Auch situative Faktoren beeinflussen deren Ausmaß und Umfang. WWK können durch adĂ€quate Strategien, Strukturen und AnsĂ€tze, operationale AktivitĂ€ten sowie unterstĂŒtzende Rahmenbedingungen verstĂ€rkt werden. Ein Modell wird vorgestellt, dass das Beziehungsgeflecht der verschie­denen Elemente innerhalb der WWK darstellt. Der Beitrag prĂ€sentiert einige detaillierte Ergebnisse zu Fachhochschulen in Europa. 30.03.2012 | Thomas Baaken (MĂŒnster) & Todd Davey (MĂŒnster/Amsterdam

    Bricolage and Growth Hacking: Two Smart Concepts of Creating a Business Lacking Resources

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    The chapter presents two smart concepts of creating a new business without or with only low budget. Thus, it applies particularly e.g., for either students, refugees and/or people from developing countries. “Bricolage” stands for a behaviour in which the actor solves problems using only available resources. Contrary to the resource-creating mentality, only the resources of the repertoire at hand are used. “Growth Hacking” as a new method, using digital approaches in particular, can achieve high sales in a short time. The relevance of data-driven marketing within the framework of a growth strategy. Working primarily with data is a promising strategy for companies that can effectively, efficiently and cost effectively using online tools or online-offline combinations to achieve their growth objectives. Thus, the two concepts are complementing each other by dedication to two different stages of a start-up process. Bricolage for creating the start-up and Growth Hacking for getting it successfully to the market and make it grow sustainably. The Chapter is describing the two concepts and their interdependence by offering a conceptual framework

    University-Business Cooperation and Entrepreneurship at Universities – An Empirical Based Comparison of Poland and Germany

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    The EU’s growth strategy for the coming decade (recorded and defined by Horizon2020) and the higher education modernisation agenda force all European countries to establish a more connected and better functioning relationship between the three most important players government, business and higher education institutions (HEI’s) in order to increase employment, productivity and social cohesion. This article explores the development of University-Business Cooperation (UBC) both in Poland and in Germany, shining a spotlight on the various factors influencing UBC, as well as providing a comparison of the two countries. The focus lays on a Polish-German comparison i.e. the compared analyses of the state of UBC in Germany and Poland from the perspective of HEI managers and researchers. Applying a UBC-ecosystem of different factors and action levels (http://ub-cooperation.eu/pdf/ UBCECO.pdf) the major differences of both countries are identified, addressed and commented to offer opportunities for improvements. This paper describes and discusses selected findings of a study, which had been conducted for the European Commission to analyse University-Business Cooperation in 33 European countries by the S2B Marketing Research Centre at MĂŒnster University of Applied Sciences.Thomas Baaken: [email protected] Rossano, M.A.: [email protected] von Hagenr: [email protected] Davey: [email protected] Meerman: [email protected]. Dr. hab. Thomas Baaken – Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnster University of Applied Sciences Germany;Sue Rossano, M.A. – Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, Münster University of Applied Sciences, Germany/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands;Friederike von Hagen, Dipl.-Kffr. – Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnster University of Applied Sciences, Germany;Todd Davey, Ph.D. – Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnster University of Applied Sciences, Germany;Arno Meerman, M.A. – Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, MĂŒnster University of Applied Sciences, Germany.Adams J. D., Clemmons J. 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    Herausforderung Deradikalisierung: Einsichten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis

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    Ver­glichen mit dem Themen­kom­plex "Ra­di­ka­li­sierung" wurde "De­ra­di­ka­lisierung" in der Wissen­schaft bis­her eher zweit­rangig be­handelt. Dieser Report ar­beitet sys­te­ma­tisch die zentralen Er­kennt­nisse aus der the­o­re­tischen Literatur und aus der De­ra­di­ka­lisierungs­praxis auf. Es zeigt sich, dass zentrale Akteure aus Praxis, Wissen­schaft, (Sicher­heits-)Be­hörden und Politik nicht nur unter­schied­liche De­fi­ni­tionen ver­wenden, es herrscht auch keine Einig­keit da­rĂŒber, was De­ra­di­ka­lisierung (praktisch) zu be­deuten hat. Hinzu kommt, dass die TrĂ€ger­land­schaft der Ex­tre­mis­mus­prÀ­ven­tion in Deutsch­land so divers ist wie das fö­de­rale System der Bundes­re­publik. Das in Deutsch­land be­steh­ende Hybrid­mo­dell aus staat­lichen und zivil­gesell­schaft­lichen Zu­stĂ€n­dig­keiten sowie die Viel­falt an An­sĂ€tzen und Pro­filen der Beratenden können, bei richtiger Ak­zen­tu­ierung, als Chance fĂŒr die Arbeit ge­wertet werden. Der Report schließt mit ent­sprech­enden Hand­lungs­em­pfehlungen fĂŒr Ent­scheidungs­trĂ€gerinnen und -trĂ€ger

    Corporate Venture Management und Entrepreneurial Marketing

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    Immer mehr Unternehmen gehen auf eine experimentelle Reise in die Zukunft - eine Zukunft, die vielfach von Ungewissheit geprĂ€gt ist. Corporate Venture Management befĂ€higt etablierte Unternehmen, sich neben dem bestehenden GeschĂ€ft auf flexible und experimentelle Weise mit neuen MĂ€rkten und GeschĂ€ftsmodellen auseinanderzusetzen und so dem Innovator's Dilemma zu begegnen. Dabei wird etablierten Unternehmen ein zunehmendes Maß an KreativitĂ€t und das Hinterfragen bestehender Denkmuster abverlangt. Neben praxisgeleiteten AnsĂ€tzen in Form kurzer Fallstudien wird Effectuation als transformativer Ansatz im Entrepreneurial Marketing vorgestellt.More and more companies are undertaking an experimental journey into the future − a future that is often characterized by uncertainty. Corporate venture management enables established companies to deal with new markets and business models in a flexible and experimental way, in addition to their existing business, to respond to the innovator's dilemma. Established companies are required to be increasingly creative and to question existing decision-making patterns. In addition to practice-oriented approaches in the form of short case studies, Effectuation is presented as a transformative approach in Entrepreneurial Marketing

    Marketing-making a difference for entrepreneurial universities

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    International audienceIn the knowledge economy, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are facing increasingly competitive environments. On the one side knowledge is now produced in a variety of organisations, so therefore universities are no longer the only producers or sources of knowledge. Universities are also competing with other education providers due to the growing offers of commercial education providers with a strong vocational dimension, and the emergence of new technologies in the higher education market offering virtual programs (Ferreira et al. 2007). Against this background HEIs are now operating in markets where it is imperative for them to make usage of marketing instruments if they want to succeed and remain sustainable. In this vein, the two core activities of HEIs, research and education, are addressing different markets and target groups. Consequently HEIs need to apply marketing, its toolbox and instruments to be successful in those markets, and they need to be entrepreneurial to access them. In this paper the markets for research in HEIs are examined more closely. The paper describes the particularities of a Marketing approach for science and recommends a comprehensive "Science-to-Business Marketing" approach, exhibiting and combining knowledge from different Marketing disciplines

    Creating a sustainable innovation environment within large enterprises: a case study on a professional services firm

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    International audienceThis paper considers the question of which structures, strategies and practical activities large firms can use to successfully create a sustainable innovation environment within an organisation. The paper has a special focus on communication activities used to support this change process. Using the ADKAR change management model as the underlying framework, this study analyses the story of a large professional service firm's national innovation program to show and discuss a successful example. The paper shows how the firm successfully managed both the change project and the stakeholder change to transform the nature of their organisation. The paper provides valuable insights for professionals, practitioners, consultants and academics involved in or studying the creation of innovation and how to affect this within large organisations