17,494 research outputs found

    Observations of High Frequency, Long Range Acoustic Propagation in a Harbor Environment

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    The positioning and navigation of AUV\u27s in harbor environments using underwater acoustics is complicated by shallow waters, long propagation distances, and complex oceanographic features. This paper reports on high frequency (40 kHz) acoustic measurements made in Portsmouth Harbor, NH, USA, which is an estuary containing several riverine inputs and a strong tidal flow (2+ knots). A one-way propagation experiment was conducted at the mouth of the harbor for propagation distances up to 100 water depths. Strong signatures of a variety of phenomenon were observed in the acoustic signal levels, including tidal heights and currents, turbulent mixing, and wind/wave action. The relative importance of each of these will be discussed in terms of signal to noise level and the associated constraints on acoustic positioning systems

    Spatial control of irreversible protein aggregation

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    Liquid cellular compartments spatially segregate from the cytoplasm and can regulate aberrant protein aggregation, a process linked to several medical conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Yet the mechanisms by which these droplet-like compartments affect protein aggregation remain unknown. Here, we combine kinetic theory of protein aggregation and liquid-liquid phase separation to study the spatial control of irreversible protein aggregation in the presence of liquid compartments. We find that, even for weak interactions between the compartment constituents and the aggregating monomers, aggregates are strongly enriched inside the liquid compartment relative to the surrounding cytoplasm. We show that this enrichment is caused by a positive feedback mechanism of aggregate nucleation and growth which is mediated by a flux maintaining the phase equilibrium between the compartment and the cytoplasm. Our model predicts that the compartment volume that maximizes aggregate enrichment in the compartment is determined by the reaction orders of aggregate nucleation. The underlying mechanism of aggregate enrichment could be used to confine cytotoxic protein aggregates inside droplet-like compartments suggesting potential new avenues against aberrant protein aggregation. Our findings could also represent a common mechanism for the spatial control of irreversible chemical reactions in general

    Acoustic sensing of gas seeps in the deep ocean with split-beam echosounders

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    When in the form of free gas in the water column, methane seeps emanating from the seabed are strong acoustic targets that are often detectable from surface vessels using echo sounders.In addition to detecting that a seep is present at some location, it is also desirable to characterize the nature of the seep in terms of its morphology and flux rates. Here, we examine how much we can learn about seeps in the deep (\u3e 1000 m) northern Gulf of Mexico using narrow-band split-beam echo sounders operating at fixed frequencies (18 kHz and 38 kHz).Methane seeps in this region are deeper than the methane hydrate stability zone, implying that bubbles of free gas form hydrate rinds that allow them to rise further in the water column than they otherwise would. While this behavior may aid in the classification of gas types in the seep, it is possible that the presence of hydrate rinds may also change the acoustic response of the bubbles and thereby make flux rate estimates more challenging. These and other aspects of seep characterization will be discussed

    Acoustic and optical observations of methane gas seeps in the Gulf of Mexico

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    In 2011 and 2012, measurements of acoustic backscatter from natural methane seeps were made in the northern Gulf of Mexico in water depths between 1000-2000 m. The measurementswere made using a calibrated 18 kHz echo sounder with an 11 degree beamwidth in order to estimate the depth-dependent target strength (TS). The TS data indicate a wide variation in the rate of gas seepage from the seafloor. Several of these seeps were revisited with a remotely operated vehicle in order to optically assess the bubble size distribution and to estimate the rate at which gas bubbles were exiting the seafloor. The optical data show bubble sizes between 1-10 mm radius, and similar rates of gas seepage ranging from a few bubbles per second to several tens of bubbles per second. Together, these data help to suggest the requirements for acoustically estimating gas flux from the seafloor over large regions

    Stellar rotation, binarity, and lithium in the open cluster IC4756

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    An important aspect in the evolutionary scenario of cool stars is their rotation and the rotationally induced magnetic activity and interior mixing. Stars in open clusters are particularly useful tracers for these aspects because of their known ages. We aim to characterize the open cluster IC4756 and measure stellar rotation periods and surface differential rotation for a sample of its member stars. Thirty-seven cluster stars were observed continuously with the CoRoT satellite for 78 days in 2010. Follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy of the CoRoT targets and deep Str\"omgren uvbyβuvby\beta and Hα\alpha photometry of the entire cluster were obtained with our robotic STELLA facility and its echelle spectrograph and wide-field imager, respectively. We determined high-precision photometric periods for 27 of the 37 CoRoT targets and found values between 0.155 and 11.4 days. Twenty of these are rotation periods. Twelve targets are spectroscopic binaries of which 11 were previously unknown; orbits are given for six of them. Six targets were found that show evidence of differential rotation with ΔΩ/Ω\Delta\Omega/\Omega in the range 0.04-0.15. Five stars are non-radially pulsating stars with fundamental periods of below 1d, two stars are semi-contact binaries, and one target is a micro-flaring star that also shows rotational modulation. Nine stars in total were not considered members because of much redder color(s) and deviant radial velocities with respect to the cluster mean. Hα\alpha photometry indicates that the cluster ensemble does not contain magnetically over-active stars. The cluster average metallicity is -0.08±\pm0.06 (rms) and its logarithmic lithium abundance for 12 G-dwarf stars is 2.39±\pm0.17 (rms). [...]Comment: A&A, in pres

    Triphilic ionic-liquid mixtures: fluorinated and non-fluorinated aprotic ionic-liquid mixtures

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    We present here the possibility of forming triphilic mixtures from alkyl- and fluoroalkylimidazolium ionic liquids, thus, macroscopically homogeneous mixtures for which instead of the often observed two domainspolar and nonpolarthree stable microphases are present: polar, lipophilic, and fluorous ones. The fluorinated side chains of the cations indeed self-associate and form domains that are segregated from those of the polar and alkyl domains. To enable miscibility, despite the generally preferred macroscopic separation between fluorous and alkyl moieties, the importance of strong hydrogen bonding is shown. As the long-range structure in the alkyl and fluoroalkyl domains is dependent on the composition of the liquid, we propose that the heterogeneous, triphilic structure can be easily tuned by the molar ratio of the components. We believe that further development may allow the design of switchable, smart liquids that change their properties in a predictable way according to their composition or even their environment

    Advanced Mid-Water Tools for 4D Marine Data Fusion and Visualization

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    Mapping and charting of the seafloor underwent a revolution approximately 20 years ago with the introduction of multibeam sonars -- sonars that provided complete, high-resolution coverage of the seafloor rather than sparse measurements. The initial focus of these sonar systems was the charting of depths in support of safety of navigation and offshore exploration; more recently innovations in processing software have led to approaches to characterize seafloor type and for mapping seafloor habitat in support of fisheries research. In recent years, a new generation of multibeam sonars has been developed that, for the first time, have the ability to map the water column along with the seafloor. This ability will potentially allow multibeam sonars to address a number of critical ocean problems including the direct mapping of fish and marine mammals, the location of mid-water targets and, if water column properties are appropriate, a wide range of physical oceanographic processes. This potential relies on suitable software to make use of all of the new available data. Currently, the users of these sonars have a limited view of the mid-water data in real-time and limited capacity to store it, replay it, or run further analysis. The data also needs to be integrated with other sensor assets such as bathymetry, backscatter, sub-bottom, seafloor characterizations and other assets so that a “complete” picture of the marine environment under analysis can be realized. Software tools developed for this type of data integration should support a wide range of sonars with a unified format for the wide variety of mid-water sonar types. This paper describes the evolution and result of an effort to create a software tool that meets these needs, and details case studies using the new tools in the areas of fisheries research, static target search, wreck surveys and physical oceanographic processes

    Acoustic positioning and tracking in Portsmouth Harbour, New Hampshire

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    Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, is frequently used as a testing area for multibeam and sidescan sonars, and is the location of numerous ground-truthing studies. Having the ability to accurately position underwater sensors is an important aspect of this type of work. However, underwater positioning in Portsmouth Harbor is challenging. It is relatively shallow, approximately one kilometer wide with depths of less than 25 meters. There is mixing between fresh river water and seawater, which is intensified by high currents and strong tides. This causes a very complicated spatial and temporal sound speed structure. Solutions that use the time-of-arrival of an acoustic pulse to estimate range will require very precise knowledge of the travel paths of the signal in order to separate out issues of multipath arrivals. An alternative solution is to use the phase measurements between closely spaced hydrophones to measure the bearing of an acoustic pinger. By using two bearing measurement devices that are widely separated, the intersection of the two bearings can be used to position the pinger. The advantage of this approach is that the sound speed only needs to be known at the location of the phase measurements. Both time-of-arrival and phase difference systems may encounter difficulties arising from horizontal refraction due to spatially varying sound speed. To ascertain which solution would be optimal in Portsmouth Harbor, the time-of-arrival and phase measurement approaches are being examined individually. Initial field tests have been conducted using a 40 kHz signal to look at bearing accuracy. Using hydrophones that are spaced 2/3 wavelengths apart, the bearing accuracy was found to be 1.25deg for angles up to 20deg from broadside with signal to noise ratios (SNR) greater than 15 dB. The results from the closely spaced hydrophones were used to resolve phase ambiguities, allowing finer bearing measurements to be made between hydrophones spaced 5 wavelengths apart. The fi- ne bearing measurements resulted in a bearing accuracy of 0.3deg for angles up to 20deg from broadside with SNR greater than 15 dB. Field tests planned for summer 2007 will include a more detailed investigation of how the environmental influences affect each of the measurement types including range, signal to noise ratio, currents, and sound speed structure