24,114 research outputs found

    CP-odd Phases in Slepton Pair Production

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    The effects of CP-odd supersymmetric phases on slepton pair production are considered. It is shown that CP-even observables in e+ee^+ e^- and eee^- e^- collisions, such as the total selectron cross section, can depend on CP-odd supersymmetric phases through interference between different tree level amplitudes. Left handed selectron pair production in eee^- e^- collisions is particularly sensitive to the relative phase between the bino and wino masses. This sensitivity is not limited to any kinematic regime and extends over all of neutralino parameter space. The relative phase between the bino and wino masses is a renormalization group invariant at one-loop, and as such provides a clean probe for operators which violate gaugino universality at the messenger scale.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the the Second International Workshop on Electron-Electron Interactions at TeV Energie

    Foreign policy and religious engagement: the special case of Italy

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    Analyzing Demand For Disposal And Recycling Services: A Systems Approach

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    Pricing municipal solid waste (MSW) services using a flat fee offers no incentive to conserve on disposal. This has prompted the use of unit pricing schemes, which should reduce disposal in accordance with demand theory and encourage alternatives such as recycling. Most studies estimate distinct demand equations for disposal and recycling, and none use a systems approach to simultaneous estimate them. To that end, this research estimates such a model, which also recognizes the endogeneity of policy variables. The results offer important policy insight and shed light on the effectiveness of unit pricing in reducing disposal and simultaneously encouraging recycling.

    Teachers\u27 Perceptions and Experiences Consulting with School Counselors: A Qualitative Study

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    School counselor–teacher consultation is an efficient strategy for school counselors to indirectly serve students on their caseload. Teachers\u27 perceptions are crucial in examining this consultation process. This qualitative study examined elementary school teachers\u27 perceptions and experiences of school counselor–teacher consultation. The researchers identified three themes: (a) school counselors prioritizing relationships, (b) school counselors taking initiative, and (c) school counselors\u27 specialization. The researchers discuss implications for school counseling practice, including strategies for facilitating consultation with teachers

    The complex relationship between weather and dengue virus transmission in Thailand.

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    Using a novel analytical approach, weather dynamics and seasonal dengue virus transmission cycles were profiled for each Thailand province, 1983-2001, using monthly assessments of cases, temperature, humidity, and rainfall. We observed systematic differences in the structure of seasonal transmission cycles of different magnitude, the role of weather in regulating seasonal cycles, necessary versus optimal transmission "weather-space," basis of large epidemics, and predictive indicators that estimate risk. Larger epidemics begin earlier, develop faster, and are predicted at Onset change-point when case counts are low. Temperature defines a viable range for transmission; humidity amplifies the potential within that range. This duality is central to transmission. Eighty percent of 1.2 million severe dengue cases occurred when mean temperature was 27-29.5°C and mean humidity was > 75%. Interventions are most effective when applied early. Most cases occur near Peak, yet small reductions at Onset can substantially reduce epidemic magnitude. Monitoring the Quiet-Phase is fundamental in effectively targeting interventions pre-emptively

    A Trajectory Toward the Periphery:Francis of Assisi, Louis Massignon, Pope Francis, and Muslim–Christian Relations

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    If one day Muslim Americans will be forced to register their identities, then that is the day this proud Jew will register as a Muslim. (Khomami and Sidahmed 2016Khomami, Nadia, and Mazin Sidahmed. 2016. “Jonathan Greenblatt: ‘This Proud Jew Would Register as a Muslim’ in database.” BBC News, November 18. Accessed 28 August, 2017.https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/18/jonathan-greenblatt-muslim-registry-database-trump [Google Scholar])—Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)When we were at last together he railed against injustice, particularly injustice against the lowly. He told me he had made a vow—at age seventy-six—that if a certain Algerian who is wanted by both the French police and the Algerian terrorists comes to the Muslim–Christian pilgrimage in Brittany later this month and is arrested, he will enter prison with him. (Emphasis added).11 Massingnon's is referring to the legend of the “Seven Sleepers of Ephesus” found in the Qur’an and ancient Christian sources. It is commemorated by an old French church in Brittany. Massignon started a Muslim–Christian pilgrimage there for reconciliation shortly after the FLN started the armed struggle in Algeria (section 4). Herbert Mason, formerly University Professor of History and Religion, Boston University, was a life-long friend of Massignon's, and translated into English Massignon's La Passion d’al-Hallaj / The Passion of al-Hallaj (Massignon 1982Massignon, Louis. 1982. La Passion d’ al-Hallaj / The Passion of al-Hallaj, Trans. by Herbert Mason, 4 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [Google Scholar]).View all notes—Herbert Mason on Louis Massignon (1988Mason, Herbert. 1988. Memoir of a Friend: Louis Massignon. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. [Google Scholar], 102)Many times in our private conversations, Massingnon told me how great was his debt to St. Francis of Assisi, whom he considered not only one of the most ‘compassionate’ men in the history of civilization, but also the first Western Christian to preach, by example, as well as by words, the principle of non-violence, as opposed to the war-like ideology of the Crusades … . to preach the principle that only with love should we confront those who appear to be our enemies.—Giulio Bassetti-Sani (1974Bassetti-Sani, Giulio, OFM. 1974. Louis Massignon: Christian Ecumenist. Chicago, IL: Franciscan Herald Press. [Google Scholar], 33

    Hydrogeological overview

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    19 slides in Powerpoint presentation

    An Agricultural Time Series-Cross Section Data Set

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    The Agricultural Time Series-Cross Section (ATICS) dataset described in this Working Paper is based on the annual crop and livestock statistics collected by the United States Department of Agriculture. These statistics, scattered through a wide assortment of published and unpublished USDA bulletins and circulars, are extensive in their coverage of the agricultural sector, are highly disaggregated, and span a time period over one hundred years in length. Yet these rich sources have never been unified into a single compilation of data which is accessible, uniform, and machine readable. The ATICS dataset is an attempt to fill this gap.

    Mesino - Antimesino Oscillations

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    The phenomenological implications of supersymmetric theories with low scale supersymmetry breaking and a squark as the lightest standard model superpartner are investigated. Such squarks hadronize with light quarks, forming sbaryons and mesinos before decaying. Production of these supersymmetric bound states at a high energy collider can lead to displaced jets with large negative impact parameter. Neutral mesino - antimesino oscillations are not forbidden by any symmetry and can occur at observable rates with distinctive signatures. Stop mesino - antimesino oscillations would give a sensitive probe of up-type sflavor violation in the squark sector, and can provide a discovery channel for supersymmetry through events with a same-sign top-top topology.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, LaTe