4,001 research outputs found

    Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14

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    This Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP) provides an overview of the work described in “Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14”, a proposal funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Repository Development under the UCCSN/YMP Co-op in support of the Science and Technology Initiatives. The objective of this work is to provide improved estimates of the time required for ground water to travel from the site of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to the accessible environment

    A Systematic Review of the Uptake and Adherence Rates to Supervised Exercise Programs in Patients with Intermittent Claudication

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    Background Intermittent claudication (IC) is a common and debilitating symptom of peripheral arterial disease and is associated with a significant reduction in a sufferer's quality of life. Guidelines recommend a supervised exercise program (SEP) as the primary treatment option; however, anecdotally there is a low participation rate for exercise in this group of patients. We undertook a systematic review of the uptake and adherence rates to SEPs for individuals with IC. Methods The MEDLINE, Embase, and PubMed databases were searched up to January 2015 for terms related to supervised exercise in peripheral arterial disease. The review had 3 aims: first, to establish the rates of uptake to SEPs, second, the rates of adherence to programs, and finally to determine the reasons reported for poor uptake and adherence. Separate inclusion and/or exclusion criteria were applied in selecting reports for each aim of the review. Results Only 23 of the 53 potentially eligible articles for uptake analysis identified on literature searches reported any details of screened patients (n = 7,517) with only 24.2% of patients subsequently recruited to SEPs. Forty-five percent of screen failures had no reason for exclusion reported. Sixty-seven articles with 4,012 patients were included for analysis of SEP adherence. Overall, 75.1% of patients reportedly completed an SEP; however, only one article defined a minimal attendance required for SEP completion. Overall, 54.1% of incomplete adherence was due to patient withdrawal and no reason for incomplete adherence was reported for 16% of cases. Conclusions Reporting of SEP trials was poor with regard to the numbers of subjects screened and reasons for exclusions. Only approximately 1 in 3 screened IC patients was suitable for and willing to undertake SEP. Levels of adherence to SEPs and definitions of satisfactory adherence were also lacking in most the current literature. Current clinical guidelines based on this evidence base may not be applicable to most IC patients and changes to SEPs may be needed to encourage and/or retain participants

    Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for the treatment of lower limb intermittent claudication: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (the SHOCKWAVE 1 trial)

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) has a population prevalence of 4.6% with intermittent claudication (IC) presenting as one of the earliest and most common symptoms. PAD has detrimental effects on patients' walking ability in terms of maximum walking distance (MWD) and pain-free walking distance (PFWD). Research has suggested extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) may induce angiogenesis in treated tissue; therefore, our objective is to assess the tolerability and efficacy of ESWT as a novel treatment of intermittent claudication. Methods/design: Patients with unilateral claudication will be randomised to receive either ESWT (PiezoWave 2 shockwave system) or sham treatment to the calf muscle bulk three times per week for 3 weeks. All patients are blinded to treatment group, and all assessments will be performed by a masked assessor. Treatment tolerability using a visual analogue scale, ankle-brachial pressure index, MWD, PFWD and safety will all be formally assessed as outcome measures at baseline and at 4, 8 and 12 weeks follow-up. Discussion: This trial will be the first of its kind in terms of methodology in relation to ESWT for intermittent claudication. A double-masked randomised controlled trial will provide useful information about the potential for the use of ESWT as a non-invasive treatment option and the need for further robust research. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02652078. Registered on 17 October 2014

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of systemic intraoperative anticoagulation during arteriovenous access formation for dialysis

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    Purpose: Surgical arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or graft (AVG) is preferred to a central venous catheter for dialysis access. Surgical access may suffer thrombosis early after placement and systemic anticoagulation during surgical access formation may increase patency rates but would be expected to increase bleeding-related complications. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials was conducted to examine the impact of systemic anticoagulation on access surgery perioperative bleeding and patency rates. Methods: We included randomised controlled trials testing systemic anticoagulation during access formation versus a control group without systemic anticoagulation reporting bleeding complications and access patency. Medline, Embase, CENTRAL and CINAHL were searched up to March 2015. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool and the Jadad score. Meta-analysis was performed using Cochrane Revman ® software. Results: Searches identified 445 reports of which four randomised studies involving 411 participants were included. Three studies pertained to AVF only and one included both AVF and AVG. Systemic anticoagulation led to increased bleeding events in all access [four trials; risk ratio (RR) 7.18; confidence interval (CI), 2.41 to 21.38; p < 0.001]. Patency was not improved for all access (four trials; RR, 0.64; CI, 0.37 to 1.09; p = 0.10) but was improved when AVF analysed alone (three trials; RR, 0.57; CI, 0.33 to 0.97; p = 0.04). Conclusions: The use of intraoperative systemic anticoagulation during access formation is associated with a highly significant increased risk of bleeding-related complications. A significant improvement in AVF patency was seen, though not when AVF and AVG were analysed together

    Why Trade Associations Matter: Exploring Function, Meaning, and Influence

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    We explore the organizational characteristics of trade associations (TAs) and suggest theoretical approaches for undertaking research into or involving TAs in management and organization studies. Through emphasizing the role of TAs within and between industries and at the interface of business and society, we consider how TAs generate meaning and influence

    Variable Hard X-ray Emission from the Candidate Accreting Black Hole in Dwarf Galaxy Henize 2-10

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray spectrum and long-term variability of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10. Recent observations suggest that this galaxy hosts an actively accreting black hole with mass ~10^6 M_sun. The presence of an AGN in a low-mass starburst galaxy marks a new environment for active galactic nuclei (AGNs), with implications for the processes by which "seed" black holes may form in the early Universe. In this paper, we analyze four epochs of X-ray observations of Henize 2-10, to characterize the long-term behavior of its hard nuclear emission. We analyze observations with Chandra from 2001 and XMM-Newton from 2004 and 2011, as well as an earlier, less sensitive observation with ASCA from 1997. Based on detailed analysis of the source and background, we find that the hard (2-10 keV) flux of the putative AGN has decreased by approximately an order of magnitude between the 2001 Chandra observation and exposures with XMM-Newton in 2004 and 2011. The observed variability confirms that the emission is due to a single source. It is unlikely that the variable flux is due to a supernova or ultraluminous X-ray source, based on the observed long-term behavior of the X-ray and radio emission, while the observed X-ray variability is consistent with the behavior of well-studied AGNs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Herbicide-Resistant Soybeans in Arkansas: Lessons Learned and Future Direction

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    In Arkansas Delta soybean production, glyphosate resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth has significantly impacted weed management. The incidence of herbicide resistant (HR) weeds has farreaching crop science, economic, and communications implications, which have been explored by the corresponding expertise of our research team members to form a comprehensive literature review. The review was used to develop policy recommendations to address current and future HR genetically modified (GM) crop use and the associated issues. The review of crop science research indicated an overall increase in herbicide application, as well as an increase in weed management programs focused around glyphosate rather than the application of multiple herbicides. The review also revealed some management methods have potential to resolve the problem, including alternating herbicide application, avoiding sub-lethal rates, using “burn down” herbicides prior to planting, crop rotation, tillage, and zero tolerance weed policies. The use of fewer herbicides rather than multiple types creates a monopolistic edge for the companies producing those few herbicides, allowing greater market control. Crisis communication methods, including developing internal readiness, conducting needs assessments, developing a relevant message, and conveying the message through appropriate channels, can be used to develop a response to the issue that will best communicate necessary information to the target audience. The team used these findings to formulate policy recommendations, which include management, economic, and communication plans that may provide a starting point to address the issue

    The Notch Ligand JAG1 Is Required for Sensory Progenitor Development in the Mammalian Inner Ear

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    In mammals, six separate sensory regions in the inner ear are essential for hearing and balance function. Each sensory region is made up of hair cells, which are the sensory cells, and their associated supporting cells, both arising from a common progenitor. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms that govern the development of these sensory organs. Notch signaling plays a pivotal role in the differentiation of hair cells and supporting cells by mediating lateral inhibition via the ligands Delta-like 1 and Jagged (JAG) 2. However, another Notch ligand, JAG1, is expressed early in the sensory patches prior to cell differentiation, indicating that there may be an earlier role for Notch signaling in sensory development in the ear. Here, using conditional gene targeting, we show that the Jag1 gene is required for the normal development of all six sensory organs within the inner ear. Cristae are completely lacking in Jag1-conditional knockout (cko) mutant inner ears, whereas the cochlea and utricle show partial sensory development. The saccular macula is present but malformed. Using SOX2 and p27(kip1) as molecular markers of the prosensory domain, we show that JAG1 is initially expressed in all the prosensory regions of the ear, but becomes down-regulated in the nascent organ of Corti by embryonic day 14.5, when the cells exit the cell cycle and differentiate. We also show that both SOX2 and p27(kip1) are down-regulated in Jag1-cko inner ears. Taken together, these data demonstrate that JAG1 is expressed early in the prosensory domains of both the cochlear and vestibular regions, and is required to maintain the normal expression levels of both SOX2 and p27(kip1). These data demonstrate that JAG1-mediated Notch signaling is essential during early development for establishing the prosensory regions of the inner ear

    An Analysis of Overstory Tree Canopy Cover in Sites Occupied by Native and Introduced Cottontails in the Northeastern United States with Recommendations for Habitat Management for New England Cottontail

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    The New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) is a high conservation priority in the Northeastern United States and has been listed as a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act. Loss of early successional habitat is the most common explanation for the decline of the species, which is considered to require habitat with dense low vegetation and limited overstory tree canopy. Federal and state wildlife agencies actively encourage landowners to create this habitat type by clearcutting blocks of forest. However, there are recent indications that the species also occupies sites with moderate overstory tree canopy cover. This is important because many landowners have negative views about clearcutting and are more willing to adopt silvicultural approaches that retain some overstory trees. Furthermore, it is possible that clearcuts with no overstory canopy cover may attract the eastern cottontail (S. floridanus), an introduced species with an expanding range. The objective of our study was to provide guidance for future efforts to create habitat that would be more favorable for New England cottontail than eastern cottontail in areas where the two species are sympatric. We analyzed canopy cover at 336 cottontail locations in five states using maximum entropy modelling and other statistical methods. We found that New England cottontail occupied sites with a mean overstory tree canopy cover of 58% (SE±1.36), and was less likely than eastern cottontail to occupy sites with lower overstory canopy cover and more likely to occupy sites with higher overstory canopy cover. Our findings suggest that silvicultural approaches that retain some overstory canopy cover may be appropriate for creating habitat for New England cottontail. We believe that our results will help inform critical management decisions for the conservation of New England cottontail, and that our methodology can be applied to analyses of habitat use of other critical wildlife species

    Fine-Scale Habitat Comparison of Two Sympatric Cottontail Species in Eastern Connecticut

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    Changing landscapes in the Northeastern United States over the past century have had a profound effect on the abundance and distribution of native wildlife species that prefer early successional habitat, including New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis). Populations of New England cottontail have been in decline for several decades, whereas during this same time period the nonnative eastern cottontail (S. floridanus) range has expanded. We conducted intensive vegetation analyses at 17 known locations of New England cottontail and 19 known locations of eastern cottontail in Connecticut to better describe their chosen habitat and identify any difference in habitat used by the two species. Sites that were occupied by New England cot- tontail had greater canopy closure (73.7%) and basal area (12.3 m2/ha) than sites occupied by eastern cottontail (45.3% and 6.8 m2/ha). Our findings suggest management plans to create habitat for New England cottontails should include retaining more basal area and canopy closure than what is currently prescribed in southern New England; however, further fine-scale research is required to determine if this recommendation applies throughout the range of New England cottontail