3,712 research outputs found

    Collisional Energy Loss of Fast Charged Particles in Relativistic Plasmas

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    Following an argument by Kirzhnits we rederive an exact expression for the energy loss of a fast charged particle in a relativistic plasma using the quantum field theoretical language. We compare this result to perturbative calculations of the collisional energy loss of an energetic electron or muon in an electron-positron plasma and of an energetic parton in the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 9 pages, LATEX, 2 PostScript figure

    Constraint Correlation Dynamics of SU(N) Gauge Theories

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    A constraint correlation dynamics up to 4-point Green functions is proposed for SU(N) gauge theories which reduces the N-body quantum field problem to the two-body level. The resulting set of nonlinear coupled equations fulfills all conservation laws including fermion number, linear and angular momenta as well as the total energy. Apart from the conservation laws in the space-time degrees of freedom the Gauss law is conserved as a quantum expectation value identically for all times. The same holds for the Ward identities as generated by commutators of Gauss operators. The constraint dynamical equations are highly non-perturbative and thus applicable also in the strong coupling regime, as e.g. low-energy QCD problems.Comment: 26 pages, LATEX, UGI-94-0

    Ward Identities in Non-equilibrium QED

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    We verify the QED Ward identity for the two- and three -point functions at non-equilibrium in the HTL limit. We use the Keldysh formalism of real time finite temperature field theory. We obtain an identity of the same form as the Ward identity for a set of one loop self-energy and one loop three-point vertex diagrams which are constructed from HTL effective propagators and vertices.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex, 4 PostScript figures, revised version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Autowaves in a dc complex plasma confined behind a de Laval nozzle

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    Experiments to explore stability conditions and topology of a dense microparticle cloud supported against gravity by a gas flow were carried out. By using a nozzle shaped glass insert within the glass tube of a dc discharge plasma chamber a weakly ionized gas flow through a de Laval nozzle was produced. The experiments were performed using neon gas at a pressure of 100 Pa and melamine-formaldehyde particles with a diameter of 3.43 {\mu}m. The capturing and stable global confining of the particles behind the nozzle in the plasma were demonstrated. The particles inside the cloud behaved as a single convection cell inhomogeneously structured along the nozzle axis in a tube-like manner. The pulsed acceleration localized in the very head of the cloud mediated by collective plasma-particle interactions and the resulting wave pattern were studied in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Quark-Gluon-Plasma Liquid

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    The quark-gluon plasma close to the critical temperature is a strongly interacting system. Using strongly coupled, classical, non-relativistic plasmas as an analogy, we argue that the quark-gluon plasma is in the liquid phase. This allows to understand experimental observations in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions and to interpret lattice QCD results. It also supports the indications of the presence of a strongly coupled QGP in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, final version, to bepublished in J. Phys.

    N∗→Nη′N^*\to N \eta^\prime decays from photoproduction of η′\eta^\prime-mesons off protons

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    A study of the partial-wave content of the γp→η′p\gamma p\to \eta^\prime p reaction in the fourth resonance region is presented, which has been prompted by new measurements of polarization observables for that process. Using the Bonn-Gatchina partial-wave formalism, the incorporation of new data indicates that the N(1895)1/2−N(1895)1/2^-, N(1900)3/2+N(1900)3/2^+, N(2100)1/2+N(2100)1/2^+, and N(2120)3/2−N(2120)3/2^- are the most significant contributors to the photoproduction process. New results for the branching ratios of the decays of these more prominent resonances to Nη′N\eta^\prime final states are provided; such branches have not been indicated in the most recent edition of the Review of Particle Properties. Based on the analysis performed here, predictions for the helicity asymmetry EE for the γp→η′p\gamma p\to \eta^\prime p reaction are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Damping Rate of a Yukawa Fermion at Finite Temperature

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    The damping of a massless fermion coupled to a massless scalar particle at finite temperature is considered using the Braaten-Pisarski resummation technique. First the hard thermal loop diagrams of this theory are extracted and effective Green's functions are constructed. Using these effective Green's functions the damping rate of a soft Yukawa fermion is calculated. This rate provides the most simple example for the damping of a soft particle. To leading order it is proportional to g2Tg^2T, whereas the one of a hard fermion is of higher order.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, postscript figures appended, UGI-94-0

    Decay of a Yukawa fermion at finite temperature and applications to leptogenesis

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    We calculate the decay rate of a Yukawa fermion in a thermal bath using finite temperature cutting rules and effective Green's functions according to the hard thermal loop resummation technique. We apply this result to the decay of a heavy Majorana neutrino in leptogenesis. Compared to the usual approach where thermal masses are inserted into the kinematics of final states, we find that deviations arise through two different leptonic dispersion relations. The decay rate differs from the usual approach by more than one order of magnitude in the temperature range which is interesting for the weak washout regime. We discuss how to arrive at consistent finite temperature treatments of leptogenesis.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
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