10 research outputs found

    Pendugaan Jenis Kelamin Menggunakan Ciri-ciri Morfologi Dan Perilaku Harian Pada Gelatik Jawa (Padda Oryzivora Linn, 1758) Di Penangkaran

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    Java sparrow is endemic species to Java, Bali and Bawean Island, but now introduced widely to Southeast Asia region and Srilangka. The species now scarce as a result of massive capture for the pet trade. A research on sex determination using morphological characteristics and daily behaviour of Java sparrow was carried out on May-July 2005 at Bogor. 12 unsexed individuals of Java sparrow were used in this observation. The birds put in two separate cages. The research resulted that sexing error of the sample sparrows using morphological characteristics was only 16.7%. Daily activity pattern of male and female birds was not much difference, but the male tends to be more active than female. Among its behaviour, twitter was the only characteristic which distinguish sex of the sparrows

    Preferensi Dan Pendugaan Produktivitas Pakan Alami Populasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temmick, 1847) Di Hutan Produksi Khusus (Hpkh) Pusat Latihan Gajah (Plg) Sebelat, Bengkulu Utara

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    The isolation of habitat, shrinking of natural habitat and diminishing of habitat quality have increased conflicts between man and elephant to utilize space and abundance of food. This research was carried out from April to June 2007 in Seblat Training Centre for Elephants. The objectives of this research were to recognize the potential of food plants for the elephants, the productivity of food plants, types and parts of food plants favoured by the elephants, and preferential of specific food plants and feeding behaviour. The analysis was conducted by means of vegetation analysis, through cutting and pruning parts of feeding plants, studying them and running statistical procedures to acquire conclusions about the food plant species. The analysis was followed by observing the feeding behaviour of the elephants on foot. Ground plant species which were potential as elephants' feed comprised of 36 species, 29 spesies at seedling level, 26 species at sapling level, 24 species at pole level and 29 species at tree level. The highest productivity for sapling and pole levels are Leea indica and for seedling level is Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea. The feeding plants of elephants comprises of 245 species from which 11 parts of the plants preferred by the elephants. Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea and Stachyphrynium sp were the most favored plant species, indicated by the highest preferential index. The feeding behaviour of elephants could be categoried into 8 categories

    Preferensi Dan Pendugaan Produktivitas Pakan Alami Populasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temmick, 1847) Di Hutan Produksi Khusus (Hpkh) Pusat Latihan Gajah (Plg) Sebelat, Bengkulu Utara

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    The isolation of habitat, shrinking of natural habitat and diminishing of habitat quality have increased conflicts between man and elephant to utilize space and abundance of food. This research was carried out from April to June 2007 in Seblat Training Centre for Elephants. The objectives of this research were to recognize the potential of food plants for the elephants, the productivity of food plants, types and parts of food plants favoured by the elephants, and preferential of specific food plants and feeding behaviour. The analysis was conducted by means of vegetation analysis, through cutting and pruning parts of feeding plants, studying them and running statistical procedures to acquire conclusions about the food plant species. The analysis was followed by observing the feeding behaviour of the elephants on foot. Ground plant species which were potential as elephants\u27 feed comprised of 36 species, 29 spesies at seedling level, 26 species at sapling level, 24 species at pole level and 29 species at tree level. The highest productivity for sapling and pole levels are Leea indica and for seedling level is Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea. The feeding plants of elephants comprises of 245 species from which 11 parts of the plants preferred by the elephants. Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea and Stachyphrynium sp were the most favored plant species, indicated by the highest preferential index. The feeding behaviour of elephants could be categoried into 8 categories

    Analisis Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Batu Ampar - PT. Smart Tbk. Dalam Implementasi Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil

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    Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) is a standard system of sustainable palm oil plantations in Indonesia are economically viable, socially viable and environmentally friendly which is compulsory in accordance with the regulations. This study aims to analyze the environmental management performance in palm oil mill Batu Ampar and formulate the performance optimization based on the ISPO requirements. The evaluation shows that the company can meet the 38 indicators related to environmental management with some of the achievements include utilization of renewable energy sources that generate energy by 5.0664 million KWh, amounting to 1,677,615.89 liters of diesel fuel savings, reduction in CO2 emissions by 70.63 Kg / ton CPO, chemical fertilizers worth saving Rp.5.750.080,00 / ha / year. The optimization strategy for continuous improvement which is based on the SWOT analysis include: the selection of accredited laboratories, improve the performance of Waste Water Treatment Plant, planned to construct methane capture, optimizing the utilization of solid waste, optimizing the reduction of hazardous waste, provide input in determining government policy, and training routine related to environmental management to improve the competence of personnel

    Habituasi Pada Rusa Totol (Axis Axis Erxleben, 1777) Di Penangkaran Dengan Panggilan, Warna Pakaian Dan Urin (Habituation of Axis Deer – Axis Axis Erxleben, 1777 in Captive Breeding by Calling, Clothes Colour and Urine)

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    The experiment was carried out to study habituation of axis deer in captive by calling, urine and clothes colour. Fifteen individuals of axis deer (7 males and 8 females) were used to test the effect of calling, urine and clothes color to adaptation and habituation of deer, using factorial with simple ramdom design. Four colorurs of keeper wear were tested in this experiment i.e. green, red, black and yellow. Calling treatment was conduted by keeper sound using tape recorder. To test the effect of urine was conducted by adding feed with the keepr\u27s urine. The deers was classified into two age groups (adult, sub adult and adolescent) and sex (male and female). Distance between deer to keeper was used to determine the effect of treatment. Result of research showed that deers were positive response to the calling, colour of clothes and urine adding in the food by moving to near the keeper. Red colour of clothes were better response than the others. According to the age-classes of deer, research showed that adult female deers were faster adapt than the others. In conclusion, treatment by using calling (sound), red colour of clothes and added of urine into deer\u27s food were positive to faster of adaptation and habituation process of deers in captivity

    Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Genetik Tumbuhan Oleh Masyarakat Tugutil Di Sekitar Taman Nasional Aketajawe Lolobata (Utilization of Plant Genetic Biodiversity by Tugutil Tribe in Aketajawe Lolobata National Park)

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    Indonesia is one of the richnest country in biodiversity, including the higest of diversity of agriculture genetic resources. Tugutil society is one ethnic in halmahera which have well knowledges in used of genetic resouces. Indigenous knowledges on genetic resources of agriculture by tugutil in Wasile, Halmahera is presented. 149 sources of They have been used 149 agricultural and medicinal genetic resources. There are 100 genetic resources of agriculture crop (71 species) they used for sources of primary food, secondary food like fruit, vegetables, etc.) and 49 plant medicinal genetic resources (45 species). Tugutil society has knowledge about how they wise used the genetic resources like not over exploited, local wisdom to conservation their genetic resources from destruction

    Comparative Study on Blood Protein Polymorphism of Captive Bali Starling (Leucospar Rotschildi) From Indonesia, the United States and England

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    Bali Starling (Leucopsar rotschildi) is stated as endangered species, and protected by law since 1970. The bird is only found in Bali Barat National Park. Captive breeding program of the bird has been camed out successfully in Indonesia, the United States and England. Furthermore, the individuals were planned released into their natural habitats. Therefore, a genetical study is important to know the genetical variability among the populations. Research on genetic polymorphism was conducted using an electrophoresis technique. Three captive populations of Bali starling and two other starling species i.e., black-winged starling (Smcnus n~elanopteros) and Asian pied starling(S. confra)were used for the study. All individualsof Bali starlingwere from Surabaya Zoo, consist of six individuals bred in Indonesia, eight individuals bred in the United States, and three individuals bred in England. Three individuals of black-winged starling and two individuals of Asian pied starling were bought from bird market at Bogor. Four locus analysed, i.e. Transferine (T), Post Transferine-1 (FT-I), Post Transferine-2 (FT-2) and Albumine (Al). The electrophoresis analysis resulted that all individuals of Bali starling were homozygote. So, there was no genetical polymorphism found among the Bali starling populations. The black-winged starling and Asian pied starling shown some degree of polymorphism, with heterozygosity value of 0.141 and 0.125 respectively. The study concluded that the heterozygotic rate of the captive Bali starling was extremely very low. The phenomenon shown that the genetical status of the Bali starling is extremely in critical quality. This maybe as a consequenq of the captive breeding by using only a small populations. Further research should be continued to analyse other loci, involving the natural populations of theBali starling

    Analisis Pola Penggunaan Ruang dan Waktu Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus Linneaus, 1760) di Hutan Mentoko Taman Nasional Kutai, Kalimantan Timur

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    Peningkatan kerusakan hutan menyebabkan semakin sempitnya habitat orangutan dan diantara upaya konservasi yang dapat dilakukan adalah pengelolaan habitat yang tersisa berdasarkan aspek ekologi orangutan dan kuantitatifnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Mentoko, Taman Nasional Kutai, Kalimantan Timur, meliputi penelitian perilaku orangutan dan analisis vegetasi habitat orangutan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola penggunaan spasial dan pola penggunaan waktu serta ritme orangutan dalam habitat alami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa presentase aktivitas harian orangutan di Mentoko lebih banyak berada pada ketinggian 20-30 meter dari tanah dan rata-rata 44,4% dari seluruh kegiatan mereka dihabiskan untuk aktivitas makan, 39,2% untuk istirahat, 11% aktivitas bergerak, dan 5,4% untuk aktivitas lainnya. Pada kondisi yang ideal tanpa gangguan, penggunaan habitat terkait ketinggian orangutan dalam beraktivitas cenderung bervariasi dari posisi rendah sampai tinggi sesuai posisi sumber pakan. Sebaliknya apabila kondisi tidak aman maka akan beraktivitas pada tempat yang lebih tinggi. Pilihan ketinggian posisi untuk membuat sarang, selama pengamatan ketinggian rata-rata dalam membuat sarang lebih dari 20 meter dimana sebenarnya pada kondisi tanpa pengamatan, orangutan seringkali membuat sarang pada ketinggian 8-10 meter dari permukaan tanah dalam penggunaan ruang, orangutan melakukan regenerasi antara 0,65-1,11 km adalah habitat yang terdiri dari 51 jenis pohon dengan indeks keanekaragaman jenis 3,75 yang terdiri atas 25 famili, 36 spesies pada tingkat pertumbuhan tiang dari 19 famili dan 39 spesies pada tingkat pertumbuhan anakan dari 22 famili