799 research outputs found

    Formation of nanocrystals based on decomposition in the amorphous Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 alloy

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    Primary crystallization and decomposition in the bulk amorphous alloy Ar41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 have been studied by small angle neutron scattering (SANS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). SANS data of samples annealed isothermally at 623 K exhibit an interference peak centered at q=0.46 nm(^-1) after an incubation time of about 100 min. TEM and DSC investigations confirm that the respective periodic variation in the scattering length density is due to the formation of nanocrystals embedded in the amorphous matrix. These observations suggest that during the incubation time a chemical decomposition process occurs and the related periodic composition fluctuations give rise to the observed periodic arrangement of the nanocrystals

    Small-angle x-ray-scattering study of phase separation and crystallization in the bulk amorphous Mg62Cu25Y10Li3 alloy

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    We report on a small-angle x-ray-scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry study of phase separation and crystallization in rapidly quenched amorphous Mg62Cu25Y10Li3 alloy samples. Differential scanning calorimetry demonstrates the occurrence of crystallization and grain growth upon isothermal annealing of these samples at 135 °C. The SAXS studies show the presence of large inhomogeneities even in the rapidly quenched as-prepared Mg62Cu25Y10Li3 alloy that is attributed to phase separation in the undercooled liquid during the cooling process. After isothermal annealing at 135 °C for longer than 30 min the samples exhibit a strong SAXS intensity that monotonically increases with increasing annealing time. During heat treatment, crystallization and growth of a nanocrystalline bcc-Mg7Li3 phase occurs in the Y-poor and MgLi-rich domains. The initially rough boundaries of the nanocrystals become sharper with increasing annealing time. Anomalous small-angle x-ray-scattering investigations near the Cu K edge indicate that while Cu is distributed homogeneously in the as-prepared sample, a Cu composition gradient develops between the matrix and the bcc-Mg7Li3 nanocrystals in the annealed sample

    Vanity of Indians and the Success of the Cosmetic Advertisements

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    The quest for adornment is a global passion and Indians are no exception to it. Indian Cosmetic market is a multi Billion Market (Lifestyle, 2012) and reportedly growing at 15-20% annually. Though it was observed that demand for skin whitening products by both the genders is the main drive of the bullish trend in the cosmetic market, the same can’t undermine the substantial contribution of the other beauty products. This growing vanity of Indians widens the scope for global cosmetic marketers and not much scholarly light has been thrown upon this area. Hence, this present study concentrates on the influence of Gender and Social status on Physical and Achievement variables and how a latent variable Vanity explains Physical and Achievement, finally the effect of Vanity on Cosmetic Product Advertisement Effectiveness. A sample of 350 was collected from Tamil Nadu Pondicherry, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar by adopting non-probability convenience sampling method. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the complex relationship between variables and test the Hypotheses. Results indicate irrespective of Gender and Social status people are concerned about their appearance and success in life and vanity has a significant role to play towards the likelihood of remembering cosmetic advertisements. The findings of this research may have implications for marketers, Advertising professionals and researchers. Keywords: Vanity, Cosmetic Advertisements, Gender, Social Status, SEM

    Impact of Viewer's Perception on Effectiveness of Couple Image Sex Appeal Advertisements

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    The present study examined the Influence of Youth's general perception towards use of sex appeal in advertisements on effectiveness of Advertisements using varying degree of intimacy between couple images as a tool for promotion. General Linear Model MANOVA was applied and results indicate that perception influences the effectiveness of Advertisements at multivariate level. At univariate level the influence proved significant for Wild and Mild stimuli not for moderate appeal. Keywords: Perception, Couple Image sexual stimuli, Advertisement Recognition, Brand Recall, TV Advertisements

    Analytical model and data-driven approach for concrete moisture prediction

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    The advent of smart sensing technologies has opened up new avenues for addressing the billion dollar problem in the wastewater industry of H2S corrosion in concrete sewer pipes, where there is a growing interest in monitoring the environmental properties that govern the rate of corrosion. In this context, this paper proposes a methodology to predict the moisture content of concretes through data-driven approach by using Gaussian Process Regression modeling. The experimental program in this study practices measurements during wetting and drying phases of concrete. The obtained moisture data is used to train the prediction model against interpreted electrical resistivity data. The data of analytical model formulated from Archie's Law is then analyzed with experimental and Gaussian Process prediction data

    Evaluation of safe alternative wetting & drying and its influence on growth, yield and water use of the efficiency of rice (Orzya sativa l.)

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    Due to the increase in scarcity of freshwater resources available for irrigated agriculture and escalating demand for food around the world, in the future, it will be necessary to produce more food with less water. Due to inadequate or unevenly-distributed rainfall, irrigation is essential to high rice yields. A field experiment of Alternative Wetting and Drying Irrigation (AWDI) was conducted during kharif season 2014 & 2015 at Soil & Water Management Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. The treatments ranged from delayed irrigations of T1 to T6 (10, 15, 20 cm depletion of water level below the ground level, 15cm depletion of water up to maximum tillering, up to panicle initiation & up to 10 days prior to harvest) and continuous submergence (T7) of field irrigation water denoting the application of 5 cm flooded water condition, when the water level in the perforated PVC pipe fell at 10, 15 and 20 cm below ground level respectively. There was a significant (5% level) consequence of plant height, productive tillers, filled grains, yield and Water Use Efficiency (WUE) due to the influence of AWDI. The highest yield (5981 kg/ha) and WUE (7.56 kg/ha/mm) was recorded in treatment T1. Longer water stress resulted in the loss of grain yield to the tune of 500 to 1000 kg/ha. This study found that in sandy loam soil at 10cm depletion of ponded water produced maximum yield (5809 kg/ha, besides the highest B.C ratio of 2.02) and WUE (7.56 kg/ha mm)

    Entrepreneurial Climate in India, China and the USA

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    Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the process of wealth creation and improving the standard of living of the people through large-scale employment generation. So this study aims to identify the critical factors among the entrepreneurial framework conditions (EFC) and entrepreneurial behaviour and attitudes (EBAA) in enhancing the entrepreneurship climate in the United States of America (USA), China and India. The data for the study is collected from GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) on EBAA and EFC. Exploratory factor analysis was attempted initially to reduce the EBAA and EFC data into manageable factors. Further, confirmatory factor analysis was attempted to cross-validate the results. Key Points: • The results unveil that the Public conditions and Business Promotions (EFC) in the USA are superior to India and China. At the same time, India lags behind both the USA and China. • Indian entrepreneurs are more optimistic and audacious than their Chinese counterparts. • The future of entrepreneurship in India depends on what measures the Government adopts today to strengthen the entrepreneurship framework conditions

    Frequency sweep based sensing technology for non-destructive electrical resistivity measurement of concrete

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    © 2019 International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction I.A.A.R.C. All rights reserved. Electrical resistivity is an important parameter to be monitored for the conditional assessment and health monitoring of aging and new concrete infrastructure. In this paper, we report the design and development of a frequency sweep based sensing technology for non-destructive electrical resistivity measurement of concrete. Firstly, a sensing system prototype was developed based on the Wenner probe arrangement for the electrical resistivity measurements. This system operates by integrating three major units namely current injection unit, sensing unit and microcontroller unit. Those units govern the overall operations of the sensing system. Secondly, the measurements from the developed unit were compared with the measurements of the commercially available device at set conditions. This experimentation evaluated the measurement performance and demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed sensor prototype. Finally, the influence of rebar and the effect of frequency on the electrical measurements were studied through laboratory experimentation on a concrete sample. Experimental results indicated that the electrical resistivity measurements taken at a closer proximity to the rebar had its influence than the measurements taken away from the rebar in the ideal set condition. Also, the increase in electrical resistivity to the increase in frequency was observed, and then the measurements show lesser variations to higher frequency inputs

    Recent Advanced Computing Methods Employed in Web Service Automation - A Survey

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    Web Service Automation gains momentum for the past two decades. So, various computational algorithms have been developed on different aspects of web service categorization and resource allocation. Research activities are more on comparing the algorithms over time and space complexity. Web designers and service providers make their contribution to enrich the IT products in this area. In this paper, a detail study is attempted on the above aspects of web service Automation. We open an area of web technology for implementation of newer algorithms. Keywords - Web Service Allocation, Zero Knowledge Authentication, Logic Programming, Service Computing, Distributed Algorithms, Cloud computing
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