276 research outputs found

    El sistema electoral FPTP de Myanmar como obstáculo para la inclusión de las minorías étnicas en la toma de decisiones parlamentarias

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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze limitations in Myanmar’s political system that hindered inclusive participation of ethnic minorities in decision-making. The goal was to understand the impact of these limitations on minority representation and propose solutions for more equitable representation. Methodology: A documentary research design and systematic literature review were employed. Secondary data were gathered from academic articles and civil society reports on ethnic diversity, the non-inclusive political system, and challenges of the electoral system. Primary data from news and NGO reports were used to analyze election results and minority representation in parliament. Results: Findings revealed that ethnic minorities in Myanmar faced barriers in accessing public services and being represented in the political system. The FPTP electoral system exacerbated their underrepresentation, as only winners’ voices were heard in parliament. Lack of inclusivity and equitable representation contributed to internal conflicts and civil wars between ethnic groups and the government. Conclusions: This study identified fundamental flaws in Myanmar’s political system that hindered inclusive decision-making for ethnic minorities. The need for reforms to enable more equitable government representation and address ethnic tensions was highlighted. A review of the FPTP electoral system was proposed to ensure fair and just representation of all voices in parliament. These measures would strengthen the human security of ethnic minorities and promote stability and cohesion in Myanmar. Keywords: Ethnic Minorities; Inclusive Representation; Myanmar Political System; FPTP Electoral System; Human Security.Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las limitaciones en el sistema político de Myanmar que obstaculizaban la participación inclusiva de las minorías étnicas en la toma de decisiones. El propósito fue comprender el impacto de estas limitaciones en la representación de las minorías y proponer soluciones para una representación más equitativa. Metodología: Se empleó un diseño de investigación documental y una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Los datos secundarios se recopilaron de artículos académicos e informes de la sociedad civil sobre diversidad étnica, el sistema político no inclusivo y los desafíos del sistema electoral. Los datos primarios de noticias e informes de ONG se utilizaron para analizar los resultados electorales y la representación de minorías en el parlamento. Resultados: Los hallazgos mostraron que las minorías étnicas en Myanmar enfrentaban barreras para acceder a los servicios públicos y ser representados en el sistema político. El sistema electoral FPTP exacerbó su subrepresentación, ya que solo se escuchaban en el parlamento las voces de los ganadores. La falta de inclusividad y representación equitativa contribuyó a conflictos internos y guerras civiles entre los grupos étnicos y el gobierno. Conclusiones: En conclusión, este estudio identificó defectos fundamentales en el sistema político de Myanmar que obstaculizaban la toma de decisiones inclusiva para las minorías étnicas. Se destacó la necesidad de reformas para permitir una representación gubernamental más equitativa y abordar las tensiones étnicas. Se propuso una revisión del sistema electoral FPTP para garantizar una representación justa y equitativa de todas las voces en el parlamento. Estas medidas fortalecerían la seguridad humana de las minorías étnicas y promoverían la estabilidad y cohesión en Myanmar. Palabras clave: Minorías Étnicas; Representación Inclusiva; Sistema Político de Myanmar; Sistema Electoral FPTP; Seguridad Humana

    The Role Of Brand Image On Brand Trust And Loyalty For Purified Drinking Bottled Water Brands In Tachileik

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    Bottled water consumption has been on the rise globally but the brand image of bottled water remains unstudied. Motivated by the significant value of brand image as a source of brand equity, particularly from customer-based aspect, this study puts an emphasis on brand image in examining its role on brand trust and brand loyalty. The contribution lies not only in revealing the image role in bottled water, but also the cognitive, affective and sensory domains of image perceptions. In other words, cognitive image, affective image, and sensory image are studied. While cognitive image is rational in nature of the perceptual process and has closer relationship with the tangible aspects of encounters and experiences with the brand, the affective or emotional image is more related to feelings that arise as a result of, for instances, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer services. Sensory aspect of brand image is vastly neglected in the extant literature. These three dimensions of brand image form the customers’ mental constructions and gives rise to meaningful perceptions to influence brand trust and brand loyalty. The findings of this study can provide the brand marketers with a strategic guide to improve the brand perceptions of consumers and thus induce brand loyalty. Besides, on the theoretical domain, this study provides an imagery insight in more balanced manner – cognitively, affectively, and sensory wise. The main statistical analysis tools to be used are factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses, including mediating impact analysis. Data would be collected from the consumers of purified bottled water in Tachileik, Myanmar

    Innovation af fusion: et informationsproblem, der bliver til udskydelsesledelse

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    Denne artikel peger på, at den eksisterende viden om fusioner og opkøb er låst fast i bestemte antagelser, meningshorisonter og særligt problemer og løsninger og påpeger behovet for at etablere nye mulighedsrum for tanke og handling (innovation). Som konkret eksempel inddrages problemet og løsningen omhandlende information og kommunikation. Her udfoldes hvordan det, der traditionelt kan opfattes som et spørgsmål om manglende information faktisk viser sig som en særlig bevægelig måde at lede fusioner på kaldet udskydelsesledelse. Et klassisk informationsproblem forsøges således genlæst innovativt i artiklen og gennem en konkret case vises, hvordan ledelse bliver til udskydelsesledelse. Udskydelsesledelse arbejder på to måder i fusion og opkøb. På den ene side sikrer udskydelsesledelse, at fusionen/opkøbet holdes i bevægelse. På den anden side producerer denne ledelsesform en bestemt adfærd i den enkelte medarbejder og leder

    Influence of Aging on Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Dissolved Copper in the Sediment-Dwelling Oligochaete <i>Tubifex tubifex</i>:A Long-Term Study Using a Stable Copper Isotope

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    For engineered metal nanoparticles (NPs), such as copper oxide (CuO) NPs, the sediment is recognized as a major compartment for NP accumulation. Sediment-dwelling organisms, such as the worm Tubifex tubifex, will be at particular risk of metal and metal NP exposure. However, a range of complex transformation processes in the sediment affects NP bioavailability and toxicity as the contamination ages. The objective of this study was to examine bioaccumulation and adverse effects of CuO NPs in T. tubifex compared to dissolved Cu (administered as CuCl2) and the influence of aging of spiked sediment. This was done in a 28-day exposure experiment with T. tubifex incubated in clean sediment or freshly spiked sediment with different concentrations of dissolved Cu (up to 230 μg g−1 dw) or CuO NPs (up to 40 μg g−1 dw). The experiment was repeated with the same sediments after it had been aged for 2 years. To obtain a distinct isotopic signature compared to background Cu, both Cu forms were based on the stable isotope 65Cu (&gt;99%). The 28-day exposure to sediment-associated dissolved 65Cu and 65CuO NPs resulted in a clear concentration-dependent increase in the T. tubifex65Cu body burden. However, despite the elevated 65Cu body burdens in exposed worms, limited adverse effects were observed in either of the two experiments (e.g., above 80% survival in all treatments, low or no effects on the growth rate, feeding rate, and reproduction). Organisms exposed to aged sediments had lower body burdens of 65Cu than those exposed to freshly spiked sediments and we suggest that aging decreases the bioavailability of both 65Cu forms. In this study, the use of a stable isotope made it possible to use environmentally realistic Cu concentrations and, at the same time, differentiate between newly accumulated 65Cu and background Cu in experimental samples despite the high background Cu concentrations in sediment and T. tubifex tissue. Realistic exposure concentrations and aging of NPs should preferably be included in future studies to increase environmental realism to accurately predict the environmental risk of metal NPs