1,006 research outputs found

    Bi-quadratic magnetoelectric coupling in underdoped La_2CuO_{4+x}

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    The recent discovery of relaxor ferroelectricity and magnetoelectric effect in lightly doped cuprate material La_2CuO_{4+x} has provided a number of questions concerning its theoretical description. It has been argued using a Ginzburg-Landau free energy approach that the magnetoelectric effect can be explained by the presence of bi-quadratic interaction terms in the free energy. Here, by using the same free energy functional, we study the variety of behavior which can emerge in the electric polarization under an external magnetic field. Subsequently, we discuss the role of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in generating this magnetoelectric response. This work is particularly relevant for such relaxor systems where the material-dependent parameters would be affected by changes in e.g. chemical doping or cooling rate.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.152

    Frustration of the interlayer coupling by mobile holes in La2-xSrxCuO4 (x<0.02)

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    We have studied the interlayer coupling in the antiferromagnetic (AF) phase of Sr and Zn doped La2CuO4 by analyzing the spin flip transition in the magnetization curves. We find that the interlayer coupling strongly depends on the mobility of the hole charge carriers. Samples with the same hole content as well as the same Neel temperature but a different hole mobility, which we adjusted by Zn co-doping, can have a very different interlayer coupling. Our results suggest that only mobile holes can cause a strong frustration of the interlayer coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetic susceptibility anisotropies in a two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions

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    The magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet that incorporates both a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and pseudo-dipolar interactions are studied within the framework of a generalized nonlinear sigma model (NLSM). We calculate the static uniform susceptibility and sublattice magnetization as a function of temperature and we show that: i) the magnetic-response is anisotropic and differs qualitatively from the expected behavior of a conventional easy-axis QHAF; ii) the Neel second-order phase transition becomes a crossover, for a magnetic field B perpendicular to the CuO(2) layers. We provide a simple and clear explanation for all the recently reported unusual magnetic anisotropies in the low-field susceptibility of La(2)CuO(4), L. N. Lavrov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 017007 (2001), and we demonstrate explicitly why La(2)CuO(4) can not be classified as an ordinary easy-axis antiferromagnet.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Revtex4, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Current status of Colletotrichum capsici strains, causal agents of Brown blotch disease of cowpea in Burkina Faso

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    Brown blotch disease, caused by Colletotrichum capsici, is an important disease of cowpea with a significant yield losses ranging from 42 to 100% in West Africa. In this study, a specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer set CC1F1/CcapR was used to characterize and to study the phylogenetic relationship of thirty eight strains of Colletotrichum species. This primer set is capable of amplifying only C. capsici from different fungal structures and provide a powerful tool for C. capsici detection in brown blotch disease in cowpea. Phylogenetic analysis from neighbor-joining (NJ) showed a high genetic variability in the rDNA-ITS region of the isolates. The isolates formed four groups or clusters on the basis of specific fragment analysis. Groups I, II, and III consist of strains containing specific region length of twenty one nucleotides and were considered as variant 1 of C. capsici. Group IV was a heterogeneous and consists of variants 1, 2, 3, and 4 of C. capsici.Keywords: Cultivars, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence, Colletotrichum specie

    Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Transmission through Metallic Gratings of Subwavelength Slits

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    We present FDTD calculations for transmission of light and other electromagnetic waves through periodic arrays of slits in a metallic slab. The results show resonant, frequency dependent, transmittance peaks for subwavelength widths of the slits which can be up to a factor of ten with respect to those out of resonance. Although our conclusions agree with previous work by Lezec and Thio as regards both the magnitude of the enhancement and the lack of contribution of surface plasmon polaritons of the metal surface to this effect, we derive an interpretation from a theory that deals with emerging beam- Rayleigh anomalies of the grating, and with Fabry-Perot resonances of the perforated slab considered as an effective medium.Comment: 12 pages 3 figure

    Magnetic field effects and magnetic anisotropy in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4

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    The effects of the application of a magnetic field on the diagonal stripe spin-glass phase is studied in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (x=0.014 and 0.024). With increasing magnetic field, the magnetic elastic intensity at the diagonal incommensurate (DIC) positions (1,\pm\epsilon,0) decreases as opposed to the increase seen in superconducting samples. This diminution in intensity with increasing magnetic field originates from a spin reorientation transition, which is driven by the antisymmetric exchange term in the spin Hamiltonian. On the other hand, the transition temperature, the incommensurability, and the peak width of the diagonal incommensurate correlations are not changed with magnetic field. This result suggests that the magnetic correlations are determined primarily by the charge disproportionation and that the geometry of the diagonal incommensurate magnetism is also determined by effects, that is, stripe formation which are not purely magnetic in origin. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antisymmetric exchange is nevertheless important in determining the local spin structure in the DIC stripe phase.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.


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    Dalam pengolahan data barang, Mebel Berkah Jati Abadi Palembang belum memiliki aplikasi yang terkomputerisasi karena pengolahan data-data pada usaha ini masih dilakukan dengan sistem manual dengan mencatat ke dalam media kertas seperti nota, sehingga data penjualan barang menjadi kurang efisien. Selain itu pengolahan data stok barang furniture juga masih dilakukan manual sehingga saat pelanggan ingin bertanya mengenai ada tidaknya stok barang, karyawan harus kembali mengecek ke gudang untuk melihat stok barang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem yaitu metode Waterfall. metode waterfall sering dinamakan siklus hidup klasik (classic life cycle) yang menggambarkan pendekatan yang sistematis dan juga berurutan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak, dimulai dengan spesifikasi kebutuhan pengguna lalu berlanjut melalui tahapan-tahapan perencanaan, permodelan, konstruksi, serta penyerahan sistem ke para pelanggan/pengguna, yang diakhiri dengan dukungan pada perangkat lunak lengkap yang dihasilkan. Aplikasi Data Furniture Berbasis Website terdiri dari tiga user yang dapat mengakses aplikasi yang dibangun, yaitu admin, pimpinan dan pembeli. Admin melakukan proses pengolahan data barang dan transaksi. Pimpinan dapat melihat data barang dan laporan penjualan. Dan Pembeli hanya dapat melihat data barang. Aplikasi Data Furniture Pada Mebel Berkah Jati Abadi Palembang Berbasis Website ini dibangun dengan maksud agar dapat mempermudah pihak terkait dalam melakukan proses pengolahan data barang dan laporan penjualan

    Unusual magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in untwinned La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 single crystals in the lightly-doped region

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    We present a study of the magnetic susceptibility in carefully detwinned La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_4 single crystals in the lightly-doped region (x=0-0.03), which demonstrates a remarkable in-plane anisotropy of the spin system. This anisotropy is found to persist after the long-range antiferromagnetic (AF) order is destroyed by hole doping, suggesting that doped holes break the AF order into domains in which the spin alignment is kept essentially intact. It turns out that the freezing of the spins taking place at low temperatures is also notably anisotropic, implying that the "spin-glass" feature is governed by the domain structure as well.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let

    Influence de la rotation culturale, de la fertilisation et du labour sur les populations de nématodes phytoparasites du sorgho (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

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    Influence of crop rotation, fertilization and tillage on populations of plant parasitic nematodes of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). The soil nematodes of three long-term trials (1960, 1980 and 1990) representing the production of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) under different agricultural practices (rotation, tillage and fertilization) in the Center West of Burkina Faso, have been explored in the wake of the harvest during the agricultural season 2007/2008. The objective was to identify these nematodes and to study the influence of agricultural practices on this nematofauna. Nematodes were extracted by the method of Seinhorst elutriator. Plant-parasitic nematodes identified are Pratylenchus brachyurus, Tylenchorhynchus martini, Helicotylenchus multicinctus, Scutellonema Caveness, Criconemoides curvatum, Telotylenchus indicus and Xiphinema sp. The first three species represent approximately 98% of individuals surveyed. On the first site, the treatments involving mineral fertilizer and recycling of sorghum straw were favorable for the control of nematodes instead of treatments involving manure. As for rotations, monoculture of sorghum was more infested by nematodes than the rotations sorghum – cowpea and sorghum – cotton. On the second site, the nitrogen has increased of infestation by the two major nematodes in comparison to treatments without nitrogen, with the exception of treatment with anaerobic compost incorporation. On the third site, deep plowing has been unfavorable to the main nematode sorghum compared to shallow tillage. The nematofauna in fallow was more diversified than in cultivated sites and P. brachyurus, the main nematode related to sorghum has fallen sharply in fallow

    Surface wave generation and propagation on metallic subwavelength structures measured by far-field interferometry

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    Transmission spectra of metallic films or membranes perforated by arrays of subwavelength slits or holes have been widely interpreted as resonance absorption by surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Alternative interpretations involving evanescent waves diffracted on the surface have also been proposed. These two approaches lead to divergent predictions for some surface wave properties. Using far-field interferometry, we have carried out a series of measurements on elementary one-dimensional (1-D) subwavelength structures with the aim of testing key properties of the surface waves and comparing them to predictions of these two points of view
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