183 research outputs found

    Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin,Western Tyrrhenian : New insights from the « METYSS » cruise (June 2009)

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    International audienceThe « METYSS » cruise was carried out in June 2009 onboard the R/V « Téthys II » along the eastern Sardinian and south-eastern Corsican margins, western Tyrrhenian Sea, in order to better constrain the potential links between deformation related to either crustal tectonics or salt tectonics and sediment accumulation, especially during the Messinian and Plio-Quaternary times. We acquired 15 high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (about 1200 km in cumulative length) along the south-eastern Corsican margin, immediately north of the Bonifacio Strait and along the upper and middle parts of the eastern Sardinian margin, from the continental slope to the Cornaglia Terrace. The Tyrrhenian Sea is considered as a Neogene back-arc basin that opened during continental rifting and oceanic spreading related to the eastward migration of the Apennine subduction system from Tortonian to Pliocene times (Jolivet et al., 2006). Rifting of the Tyrrhenian Sea started first along the Eastern Sardinian margin during the Tortonian-Messinian times and therefore the series of that age should be considered as syn-rift sediments (Sartori et al., 2004). The « METYSS » seismic profiles clearly illustrate that this part of the Tyrrhenian was highly segmented during the rifting stage by N-S trending normal faults delineating ridges (e.g., Baronie Ridge) and basins (e.g., Sardinian Basin and Cornaglia Terrace), as previously described for example by Thommeret (1999) and Sartori et al. (2004). The Messinian sedimentary units and especially the « Upper Unit » (UU, Lofi et al., this congress, corresponding to the « Upper Evaporites » in the previous literature) are, without any doubt, of syn-rift age, as they display a fan-shaped stratal geometry. The Mobile Unit (MU, Lofi et al., this congress), i.e. the Messinian halite, is clearly imaged in the study area and its spatial repartition can be outlined. The highly-variable thickness of the confined salt basins could be due to the initial basin geometry (i.e. before the Messinian salinity Crisis) or to the syn-rift character of the deposition. Southeastward of the study area, in the vicinity of the Cornaglia Seamount, salt tectonics appears surprisingly vigorous. More surprisingly, several normal faults seem to have remained active in recent times, if not even at present time. Fault slip has been recorded by bathymetric scarps and associated footwall debris flows interfingered within the Plio-Quaternary sequence, even though the eastern Sardinian margin is usually considered to be passive now. Moreover, some amount of tectonic inversion is visible on some normal faults that show contractional or transpressional components of late slip. In addition, this “post-rift” deformation can be illustrated within the Plio-Quaternary sequence by a regional unconformity. Consequently, numerous mass-transport deposits and channel-levees systems observed in the Plio-Quaternary cover could be partly controlled by tectonic activity. These very preliminary results require further investigations in order to better decipher the role of crustal tectonics and salt tectonics, salt-related structures being very efficient markers to discriminate between the respective contribution of gravity-driven, salt tectonics and deep-seated, crustal tectonics (Gaullier et al., 2010). Finally, we aim to precisely determine the relative vertical movements (tilting, subsidence, magmatism. . . ) and geodynamical history of the different segments of the area since 6 Ma

    Crustal structure of Guadeloupe Islands and the Lesser Antilles Arc from a new gravity and magnetic synthesis

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    Guadeloupe Island (West French Indies) is one of the twenty islands that compose the Lesser Antilles Arc, which results from the subduction of the Atlantic Ocean plate beneath the Caribbean one. The island lies in a complex volcano-tectonic system and the need to understand its geological context has led to numerous on- and offshore geophysical investigations. This work presents the compilation and processing of available, on-land, airborne and marine, gravity and magnetic data acquired during the last 40 years on Guadeloupe Islands and at the scale of the Lesser Antilles Arc. The overall dataset provides new Bouguer and reduced to the pole magnetic anomaly maps at the highest achievable resolution. Regionally, the main central negative gravity trend of the arc allows defining two subsident areas. The first one is parallel to the arc direction (~N160°E) to the north, whereas the second unexpected southern one is oriented parallel to oceanic ridges (N130°E). Along the Outer Arc, the long wavelength positive anomaly is interpreted, at least along the Karukera Spur, as an up-rise of the volcanic basement in agreement with the seismic studies. To the NE of Guadeloupe, the detailed analysis of the geophysical anomalies outlines a series of structural discontinuities consistent with the main bathymetric morphologies, and in continuity of the main fault systems already reported in this area. Based on geophysical evidences, this large scale deformation and faulting of the Outer Arc presumably primarily affects the Atlantic subducting plate and secondarily deforms the upper Caribbean plate and the accretion prism. At the scale of Guadeloupe Island, joined gravity and magnetic modeling has been initiated based on existing interpretation of old seismic refraction profiles, with a general structure in three main layers. According to our geophysical anomalies, additional local structures are also modeled in agreement with geological observations: i) the gravity and magnetic signals confirm an up-rise of the volcanic basement below the limestone platforms outcropping on Grande-Terre Island ; ii) the ancient volcanic complexes of Basse-Terre Island are modeled with high density and reverse magnetized formations; iii) the recent volcanic centre is associated with formations consistent with the low measured density and the underlying hydrothermal system. The EW models coherently image a NNW-SSE depression structure in half-graben beneath Basse-Terre Island, its western scarp following the arc direction in agreement with bathymetric and seismic studies to the north of the island. The so-defined depressed area, and particularly its opening in half-graben toward the SW, is interpreted as the present-day front of deformation of the upper plate associated with the recent volcanic activity on and around Guadeloupe. Based on this regional deformation model, perspectives are given for further integrated investigation of key targets to address the internal structure and evolution of the Lesser Antilles Arc and Guadeloupe volcanic system

    Deep structure of the Armorican Basin (Bay of Biscay): a review of Norgasis seismic reflection and refraction data

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    International audienceThe Bay of Biscay is bounded to the North by the North Biscay margin, which comprises the Western Approaches and Armorican segments. In the 1970s and 1980s, most researchers considered this margin typical of a non-volcanic passive margin: It is characterized by a striking succession of tilted blocks beneath which occurs the S reflector and the continent/ocean boundary is abrupt. This paper examines the Armorican segment and is based on a study of all early seismic profiles together with new multichannel reflection and refraction seismic data (NORGASIS cruise). An important result is the discovery of a 80-km wide Ocean-Continent Transition zone that coincides with the Armorican Basin (a deep sedimentary basin). It is characterized by a High-Velocity Layer-Crust (7.4-7.5 km/s) overlain by sediments. The other results are: i) the main crustal thinning occurs exclusively under the narrow continental slope. ii) The tilted blocks and the S-reflector are observed only at the base of the continental slope in the narrow domain called "neck area". iii) the North Biscay Ridge is a large oceanic plateau present only off the NW Armorican margin rather than a long ridge elongated off the whole North Biscay Margin

    Bathymay : la structure sous-marine de Mayotte révélée par l'imagerie multifaisceaux

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    International audienceLa campagne Bathymay, effectuée en 2004 à bord du N/O Marion Dufresne 2 , a permis de réaliser le premier levé bathymétrique complet de la pente insulaire de Mayotte. L'analyse préliminaire de la morphologie révèle l'existence de nombreux canyons, de vastes déstabilisations de flancs et d'édifices volcaniques sous-marins. Des falaises abruptes, dont certaines semblent guidées par des failles, limitent de vastes plateaux sous-marins. La campagne Bathymay a mis en évidence deux mécanismes de déstabilisation du volcan de Mayotte : la déstabilisation lente, issue de l'effondrement gravitaire de l'édifice pendant le stade bouclier, puis la déstabilisation catastrophique des flancs du volcan au stade post-bouclier The BATHYMAY marine survey was carried out in January 2004 around the French volcanic island of Mayotte, onboard the research vessel Marion Dufresne 2. Multibeam bathymetry revealed for the first time the morphology of the whole outer slope. Preliminary interpretations show broad canyons that deeply incise the slope, numerous volcanoes and huge landslides. Large submarine plateaus are also highlighted, bounded by steep cliffs and active normal faults. A model for Mayotte is suggested, in which eruptive activity, sometimes influenced by normal faulting, was concentrated along a N140◦ regional line (the Comoros archipelago axis), with landslide activity concentrated on the northeastern and southwestern flanks of this line

    Cenozoic tectonics of the Western Approaches Channel basins and its control of local drainage systems

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    International audienceLe domaine des Approches occidentales de la Manche constitue une zone clé pour caractériser l'évolution post-rift des marges continentales NW européennes associées à la collision Afrique/Europe. Malgré les divers témoins des inversions cénozoïques jalonnant le pourtour de la Manche, la structuration et l'amplitude des mouvements demeurent néanmoins incertaines au sein de la partie méridionale française des Approches occidentales. Il en est de même sur le rôle de l'inversion de la mer du Nord dans la mise en place du Fleuve Manche qui drainait un bassin versant bien supérieur à la Manche actuelle durant les grandes régressions plio-quaternaires et alimentait les éventails sous-marins Celtique et Armoricain en bas de pente. La réalisation des campagnes de sismique-réflexion haute résolution GEOMOC et GEOBREST03 dont les résultats font l'objet de cet article permettent de répondre à ces questions en complétant la connaissance géologique de la Manche. Les nouvelles observations soulignent le diachronisme et le contraste de l'amplitude des mouvements du système de failles associées à l'inversion du bassin d'Iroise. Celle-ci se fait en deux épisodes: un épisode paroxysmal paléogène décomposé en deux phases, éocène (Yprésien probable) et oligocène, et un épisode néogène plus modéré réactivant partiellement les structures impliquées antérieurement. Les déformations se concentrent le long de l'accident nord Iroise (NIF) situé dans le prolongement de la faille Médio-Manche et entraîne localement des plissements de la couverture sédimentaire à l'aplomb des accidents profonds. L'inversion induit ainsi un soulèvement de près de 700 m du plateau médian situé au sud de l'accident nord Iroise. La cartographie isochrone des séquences sismiques identifiées démontre également le contrôle majeur des structures tectoniques sur la mise en place des dépôts néogènes. Le soulèvement de la partie orientale du bassin favorise ainsi la mise en place de vastes prismes progradants d'âge miocène supérieur, et contrôle le développement postérieur du réseau des paléo-vallées constituant l'extrémité occidentale du fleuve Manche. Ce réseau présente une géométrie en baïonnette marquée par de brutaux changements de directions variant de N040 à N070, cette dernière direction caractérisant la plus grande partie des failles néogènes associées au bassin d'Iroise. Les paléo-vallées se seraient développées lors d'une chute du niveau marin au-delà du rebord de plate-forme et la stratigraphie établie à travers cette étude amène à placer le début des incisions au Pliocène (Reurévien ou pré-Tiglien). La chute amplifiée par l'inversion du bassin d'Iroise serait suivie d'un basculement tardif de la plate-forme externe à l'instar des observations réalisées sur de nombreuses marges du pourtour nord atlantique

    Pleistocene Tectono-magmato-volcanic events recorded east of Mayotte - insights for the ongoing seismo-volcanic crisis

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    The offshore eastern Mayotte area has been extensively studied since the outbreak of the seismo-volcanic crisis in May 2018. Several oceanographic surveys have been carried out by REVOSIMA – https://doi.org/10.18715/MAYOTTE.REVOSIMA (MAYOBS cruises -https://doi.org/10.18142/291) for monitoring purpose, or for academic research (SISMAORE - https://doi.org/10.17600/18001331 and SCRATCH cruises - https://doi.org/10.17600/18002274). They offer a complete coverage of the eastern slope and abyssal plain with multibeam bathymetry and backscatter imagery, sub-bottom profiler (SBP), and several sediment cores. This set of data offers the opportunity to describe the morphology of the area and details the first tens of meters of the sedimentary succession on the abyssal plain.We discover several features including faults, domes and massive chaotic deposits that developed or occurred during Quaternary in the vicinity of the new Fani Maore Volcano. Domes are interpreted as forced folds related to the intrusion of a large sill at depth. The main fault crossing the largest forced fold is a succession of en-echelon segments with vertical throws of up to 8 meters and a preferential N130° strike compatible with the present day regional dextral context. Analysis of the SBP profiles reveals that faulting and doming associated to sill intrusion occurred simultaneously, and together with the deposition of two massive (several km3) and chaotic lobes at the foot of the Mayotte slope. Sediment cores collected over or close to the massive deposits indicate a mixed bioclastic-volcanoclastic content with a large amount of pumices, whose aspect and chemical composition are identical to volcanic edifices located on the upper slope (Horseshoe Volcano) or onshore (Petite-Terre). Backscatter imagery also reveals streaks that cover the lobes and trace back to the same upper slope area. Analysis of bioclasts from a core catcher stopped in the upper part of the deposit shows a large variety of foraminifers, shells fragments, with a little proportion originating from the upper-slope and shelf. We propose that these massive lobe deposits might have occurred as the pumice-dominated material ejected at HV or PT flows downslope, thus reworking and incorporating a substantial amount of hemipelagic deposits along the slope and over the abyssal plain. These observations suggests that a tectono-magmato-volcanic event occurred during recent geological time (Late Pleistocene according to early estimations). At least one comparable set of similar and synchronous features appears on our dataset thus implying the occurrence of a similar event, earlier in the Pleistocene. The correlations between these events and the activity at HV and PT volcanic centers are critical, as it would provide a recurring scenario to compare with present day seismo-volcanic crisis at Mayotte.This work is funded by REVOSIMA, ANR funded COYOTES project, and internal BRGM Project PDEV MAYOTTE.COmores & maYotte : vOlcanisme, TEctonique et Sismicit

    Evolution of a low convergence collisional orogen: a review of Pyrenean orogenesis

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    The Pyrenees is a collisional orogen built by inversion of an immature rift system during convergence of the Iberian and European plates from Late Cretaceous to late Cenozoic. The full mountain belt consists of the pro-foreland southern Pyrenees and the retro-foreland northern Pyrenees, where the inverted lower Cretaceous rift system is mainly preserved. Due to low overall convergence and absence of oceanic subduction, this orogen preserves one of the best geological records of early orogenesis, the transition from early convergence to main collision and the transition from collision to post-convergence. During these transitional periods major changes in orogen behavior reflect evolving lithospheric processes and tectonic drivers. Contributions by the OROGEN project have shed new light on these critical periods, on the evolution of the orogen as a whole, and in particular on the early convergence stage. By integrating results of OROGEN with those of other recent collaborative projects in the Pyrenean domain (e.g., PYRAMID, PYROPE, RGF-Pyrénées), this paper offers a synthesis of current knowledge and debate on the evolution of this immature orogen as recorded in the synorogenic basins and fold and thrust belts of both the upper European and lower Iberian plates. Expanding insight on the role of salt tectonics at local to regional scales is summarised and discussed. Uncertainties involved in data compilation across a whole orogen using different datasets are discussed, for example for deriving shortening values and distribution