12 research outputs found

    Un signe spécifique d'infarctus aigu du myocarde en cas de bloc de branche gauche (BBG)

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    Prévention de l'hyperthyroïdie induit par les produits de contraste iodés

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    La survenue d’une dysfonction thyroïdienne sévère suite à l’administration de produits de contraste iodés est probablement peu fréquente mais comme l’utilisation d’examens radiologiques utilisant ces agents est de plus en plus répandue, il est important pour tout clinicien de bien connaitre ce type de complications et de les détecter précocement. Dans cet article, nous discutons de l’évaluation des risques spécifiques à chaque patient et des méthodes de prévention de l’hyperthyroïdie induite par les produits de contraste iodés[Prevention of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism] Although the prevalence of severe contrast-induced thyroid dysfunction is low, clinicians must be aware of thyroid-specific complications that can arise with the widespread use of contrast-enhanced imaging techniques. This article aimed to discuss how to evaluate the specific risks in various patients, along with the appropriate procedures for preventing iodine- induced hyperthyroidis

    Maladie de Kikuchi-Fujimoto : À propos d'un cas

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    Nous rapportons un cas de maladie de Kikuchi-Fujimoto, affection rare, peu connue des cliniciens, définie comme une lymphadénite nécrosante touchant de manière prépondérante les sujets jeunes de sexe féminin. À propos de cette observation, une brève revue de cette maladie est proposée ainsi que les principaux diagnostics différentiels à évoquer

    Local and regional food system resilience during COVID-19

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    "This guide was supported in part by Enhancing Rural Economic Opportunities (NE1749) regional research committee with long-term support from USDA NIFA.""COVID-19 elevated U.S. food access, affordability and supply chain issues into media, industry and policy discussions during 2020. Known for their short supply chains and locally focused marketing, local and regional food systems (LRFS) nimbly responded to marketplace needs and connected to customers during the pandemic. As LRFS have become more visible and accessible, some food buyers and policymakers have recommitted to supporting and sustaining such food systems. Because local food sales grow when the economy grows, the recession that began in 2020 may impact LRFS sales disproportionately. This research-based guide summarizes how LRFS, including producers and processors who participate in these systems, innovated during the pandemic to respond to market demand changes, and it considers policy changes that may benefit the sector’s future."--First page.Written by: Sarah Low (Associate Professor of Regional Economics and Director, Exceed), Dawn Thilmany (Professor at Colorado State University), Elizabeth Canales (Assistant Professor at Mississippi State), Kathryn A. Boys (Associate Professor at North Carolina State)New 1/2021Includes bibliographical reference

    Mitigating immediate harmful impacts of COVID-19 on Colorado farms and ranches selling through local and regional food markets

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    These estimates are customized for Colorado based on a national economic impact assessment compiled by Dawn Thilmany, Becca Jablonski, Debra Tropp, Blake Angelo, and Sarah Low at the request of a national food system collaboration, the National Sustainable Ag Coalition to inform current stimulus policy formation

    Correlation Between the Responses to Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment During Childhood and Adulthood in a Monocentric Cohort of GH-Deficient Patients.

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    Our aim was to analyze a cohort of patients with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency (GHD) to evaluate if there is some correlation between the response to GH treatment during childhood and adulthood, respectively. This was an observational retrospective monocentric cohort study of 47 patients treated with GH during childhood and adulthood. Changes in growth parameters during childhood were compared with the increase of IGF-I z-score and other indexes of GH response (body composition, lipid profile) after 1 year of treatment in adulthood. The only significant positive correlation was observed between final growth velocity during the last year of childhood GH treatment and increase in IGF-I z-score in GH-treated adults (r=0.592, p=< 0.01). No correlation was observed between growth-promoting effects of GH as child and metabolic changes induced by GH as adult. We also observed a negative correlation between weight at the end of childhood GH treatment and the IGF-I response during first year of treatment in adults (r=- 0.335, p <0.05). No significant positive correlation could be observed between the main parameters that evaluate response to GH treatment in children and adults. However, the final growth velocity, which may be considered as one of the main criteria of end of GH treatment in children, was identified as parameter that could predict future response to GH treatment in adulthood