64 research outputs found
Stratégies antivirales contre l'herpÚsvirus équin-1
International audienceLâherpĂšsvirus Ă©quin-1 (HVE-1) est un virus responsable de troubles respiratoires, dâavortements et de troubles neurologiques chez les chevaux. Bien que ce virus soit fortement contagieux entre les chevaux, il nâest pas transmissible Ă lâHomme. AprĂšs une primo-infection, ce virus endĂ©mique dans la plupart des pays du monde dont la France, a la facultĂ© de rester en phase de latence dans lâorganisme et peut ĂȘtre rĂ©activĂ© suite notamment Ă un stress. La forme respiratoire induite par ce virus affecte majoritairement les jeunes chevaux et se caractĂ©rise par du jetage nasal, de la fiĂšvre et de la toux. Il est admis aujourdâhui que lâHVE-1 est la premiĂšre cause virale dâavortement chez la jument. La forme nerveuse, Ă©galement appelĂ©e myĂ©loencĂ©phalopathie Ă HVE-1, provoque des troubles neurologiques variables, pouvant aller dâun simple trouble de la locomotion Ă une paralysie complĂšte de lâanimal, conduisant dans la plupart des cas Ă lâeuthanasie. LâHVE-1 est indĂ©niablement un des virus responsable des pertes Ă©conomiques les plus importantes pour les acteurs de la filiĂšre Ă©quine.A ce jour, la prĂ©vention repose essentiellement sur lâutilisation de vaccins et sur les pratiques dâĂ©levage. Bien que la vaccination procure une bonne protection contre la forme respiratoire et rĂ©duit lâincidence des avortements, elle prĂ©sente une efficacitĂ© largement insuffisante contre la forme nerveuse de la maladie. Il est donc dâun intĂ©rĂȘt majeur de dĂ©velopper des traitements antiviraux pouvant ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s en complĂ©ment de la vaccination. A lâheure actuelle, le peu dâĂ©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es lâont Ă©tĂ© Ă lâaide dâantiviraux classiquement utilisĂ©s chez lâHomme.Lâobjectif de mon projet de thĂšse vise Ă dĂ©velopper et identifier des molĂ©cules antivirales capables de lutter contre lâHVE-1. Pour cela, dans une premiĂšre partie, un criblage in vitro dâun panel de molĂ©cules issues de diffĂ©rentes chimiothĂšques et prĂ©sentant diverses activitĂ©s biologiques, antivirales ou non, sera tout dâabord rĂ©alisĂ©, dans le but dâidentifier de nouvelles molĂ©cules au potentiel antiviral capables de lutter contre lâHVE-1. LâĂ©tape suivante consistera Ă dĂ©terminer quelles Ă©tapes du cycle de rĂ©plication viral sont ciblĂ©es par les composĂ©s chimiques prĂ©sentant les meilleures activitĂ©s antivirales contre lâHVE-1. Enfin, une optimisation de ces molĂ©cules sera rĂ©alisĂ©e en partenariat avec une Ă©quipe de chimistes afin dâaccroĂźtre lâeffet antiviral des molĂ©cules sĂ©lectionnĂ©es. ParallĂšlement, des combinaisons de diffĂ©rentes molĂ©cules dâintĂ©rĂȘts seront Ă©tudiĂ©es afin dâidentifier des effets synergiques potentiels. Ceci pourrait Ă©galement permettre de minimiser le phĂ©nomĂšne dâĂ©chappement viral en ciblant plusieurs Ă©tapes du cycle rĂ©plicatif du virus.Dans une seconde partie, les molĂ©cules sĂ©lectionnĂ©es sur la base de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s antivirales in vitro prĂ©sentant une bonne stabilitĂ© mĂ©tabolique et ne prĂ©sentant pas de toxicitĂ© seront Ă©tudiĂ©es in vivo, sur modĂšle souris
Criblage in vitro de molécules antivirales contre l'herpÚsvirus équin-1 par impédancemétrie et évaluation clinique de l'effet du valganciclovir
Nine herpesviruses are known to infect the equine population. Among them, the equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) induces the most severe forms of diseases. Indeed, this virus causes respiratory symptoms, abortions, neonatal foal deaths and nervous diseases, often leading to their euthanasia. Prophylaxis, relying on good sanitary practices and vaccination remains the best way to avoid epizooties of herpesviruses. Vaccines reducing efficiently respiratory disorders and EHV-1 dissemination are currently available. However, they do not prevent abortions and have no proven effect against nervous symptoms. In addition, the vaccine coverage is insufficient in France. Antiviral therapy is therefore an interesting complementary approach in the fight against EHV-1. However, there is a lack of studies evaluating the antiviral effect of compounds against EHV-1, limiting the prospects of use. To resolve this issue, we have developed a medium/high throughput screening protocol using the RTCA xCELLigenceÂź technology based on cell impedance measurements. Following the screening of 2891 compounds, 21 candidates were identified for their efficacy against EHV-1. Among them, aphidicolin, decitabine, ganciclovir, idoxuridine, pritelivir and valganciclovir showed the best efficacy. The activity of these compounds was confirmed on different cell lines in the presence of different EHV-1 strains. This study led to the identification and the understanding of the mode of action of decitabine. This deoxycitidine analogue, also showed a synergistic effect when combined with valganciclovir. In the second part of this work, we evaluated the effect of valganciclovir treatment during an experimental infection by nebulisation with a new EHV-1 strain (C2254) recently isolated during the epizootic of 2018. This study demonstrated that a dose of 6.5 mg/kg body weight of valganciclovir, administrated orally twice a day, allowed to maintain a good protection prior the establishment of the humoral immune response. Indeed, this treatment allows to reduce significantly clinical signs, viral excretion and cell-associated viremia induced by EHV-1 on ponies. This work carried out in vivo demonstrated the efficiency of valganciclovir treatment against EHV-1, while the in vitro screening opens up new perspectives of treatment, in particular with compounds association.Neuf herpĂšsvirus sont connus pour infecter les Ă©quidĂ©s. Parmi eux, lâherpĂšsvirus Ă©quin 1 (HVE-1) induit les formes de la maladie les plus graves. En effet, ce virus provoque des troubles respiratoires, des avortements, des morts nĂ©onatales et des troubles nerveux qui mĂšnent souvent Ă lâeuthanasie de lâanimal. La prophylaxie, reposant sur les bonnes pratiques sanitaires et la vaccination, demeure le meilleur moyen de lutte contre lâensemble des herpĂšsvirus Ă©quins. Des vaccins qui rĂ©duisent efficacement les troubles respiratoires et la dissĂ©mination de lâHVE-1 ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Cependant, ces derniers ne prĂ©viennent pas les avortements et nâont aucun effet dĂ©montrĂ© contre la forme nerveuse. De plus, la couverture vaccinale demeure insuffisante en France. Les traitements aux antiviraux constituent donc une approche complĂ©mentaire dans la lutte contre lâHVE-1. Cependant, trop peu dâĂ©tudes ont Ă©valuĂ© lâeffet de molĂ©cules contre ce virus, limitant les perspectives dâutilisation. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă cette problĂ©matique, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un protocole de criblage Ă moyen/haut dĂ©bit Ă lâaide de la technologie RTCA xCELLigenceÂź, basĂ©e sur la mesure dâimpĂ©dance cellulaire. Suite au criblage de 2891 molĂ©cules, 21 candidats ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s pour leur efficacitĂ© contre lâHVE-1. Parmi ceux-ci, lâaphidicoline, la dĂ©citabine, le ganciclovir, lâidoxuridine, le pritelivir et le valganciclovir ont prĂ©sentĂ© les meilleurs effets. LâactivitĂ© de ces molĂ©cules a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e sur diffĂ©rents modĂšles cellulaires en prĂ©sence de diffĂ©rentes souches dâHVE-1. Cette Ă©tude a conduit Ă lâidentification et Ă lâĂ©tude du mode dâaction dâune nouvelle molĂ©cule efficace contre lâHVE-1, la dĂ©citabine. Cet analogue de la dĂ©oxycitidine a Ă©galement montrĂ© un effet synergique in vitro lorsquâelle est associĂ©e au valganciclovir. Lors de la seconde phase de ce travail, nous avons testĂ© lâefficacitĂ© dâun traitement au valganciclovir lors dâun challenge expĂ©rimental avec infection par nĂ©bulisation dâune souche dâHVE-1 (C2254) rĂ©cemment isolĂ©e au cours de lâĂ©pizootie de 2018. Cette Ă©tude a permis de dĂ©montrer quâune dose de 6,5 mg/kg de valganciclovir, administrĂ©e 2 fois par jour, permettait de maintenir un bon niveau de protection avant la mise en place de la rĂ©ponse immunitaire humorale. En effet, ce traitement permet de rĂ©duire les signes cliniques, lâexcrĂ©tion virale et la virĂ©mie cellulaire induits par lâHVE-1. Ces travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s in vivo dĂ©montrent lâefficacitĂ© du valganciclovir contre lâHVE-1 et le criblage rĂ©alisĂ© in vitro ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de traitement, en particulier avec des associations de molĂ©cules
Identification of antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 using RTCA screening
International audienceEquid alpha-herpesviruses (EHV) are responsible for different diseases in equine population. EHV-1 causes respiratory diseases, abortions and nervous disorders, In this presentation, we documented the interest of the Real-Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) technology to monitor the cytopathic effects induced by EHV-1 on equine dermal cells, and established the efficacy of this method to evaluate the antiviral effect of aciclovir and ganciclovir . In addition, the RTCA technology has also been found appropriate for the high-throughput screening of small molecules against EHV. Among the 2891 compounds screened, 22 molecules have been found to be effective in vitro against EHV-1. Decitabine, ganciclovir, and valganciclovir, were the most effective compounds identified, and their antiviral potency was further assessed on E. Derm, RK13 and EEK cells and against 3 different field strains of EHV-1 (ORF30 2254A/G/C) using RTCA technology. We also provide evidences of synergistic interactions between valganciclovir and decitabine in our in vitro antiviral assay as determined by impedance measurement and qPCR assays.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haM3ThKw6GU
Measurement of the neutralisation of equine influenza virus by impedancemetry
International audienceEquine influenza virus (EIV) is an important respiratory pathogens of the horse. Beyond the welfare issue, equine influenza can significantly affect the equine industry. Vaccination is widely and effectively used to prevent EIV infection. Identification and validation of effective antiviral compounds would also increase our therapeutic arsenal against this pathogen. To date, the methods of choice to study neutralising antibody induced by vaccination (or natural infection) and/or activity of antiviral molecules are based on the infection of embryonated chicken eggs. This method is time consuming and requires the use of a significant number of eggs. The real-time measurement technology by xCELLigenceÂź has been used to test several aspects of equine herpesviruses infection, replication, neutralization and inhibition in vitro. This presentation presents some preliminary data related to the use of impedancemetry to measure the efficacy of three antiviral compounds: zanamivir, memantin and a molecule derived from the amantadin. The impedancemetry may also be used to measure neutralising antibody activity in serum and could represent a potential alternative to embryonated eggs infection
Development of realâtime cell analysis methods applied to equine influenza virus: proof of concept
International audienceBackground: Equine influenza virus (EIV) is a respiratory pathogen that causes important economic losses to the equine industry. As a result, equine influenza has benefited from several technological advances in the fields of vaccine development, diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance. New Real-Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) methods (e.g. impedancemetry) allows sensitive measurement of EIV infection, tropisms and replication in vitro. This technological approach has now been applied to several equine viruses (e.g. equine herpesvirus; West Nile Virus) but has not been adapted to EIV yet. Objectives: To develop a RTCA model for EIV. Study design: In vitro experiments, proof of concept. Methods: 1) Real-time EIV SeroNeutralisation assay (RSNA) was applied to equine serums (n = 5) with different Single Radial Haemolysis (SRH) antibody titres and 2) antiviral compounds activity against EIV were screened. Both assays used MDCK cells. The normalised Cell Index (CIn) was calculated after 30 minutes pre-incubation of EIV A/equine/Jouars/4/2006 (H3N8, Florida Clade 2 sub-lineage) strain with different equine serums and subsequent cell infection. SRH titres ranged from 0mmÂČ to 252mmÂČ. Antiviral compounds Zanamivir and Memantine were used at concentrations ranging from 50 to 1.56 ”g/mL. Experimental CIn were compared with control conditions (i.e. cell-culture with/without EIV). Results: The CIn decrease induced by EIV infection was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) after pre-incubation with the reference EDQM serum (200mmÂČ) and the high SRH titre serums (222 to 253 mmÂČ). Serums with an intermediate or negative SRH titre (123 and 0 mmÂČ, respectively) did not prevent the CIn decrease induced by EIV. Zanamivir was significantly active against EIV when used at 12.5 ”g/ml (p < 0.05). Memantine was not active against EIV at the concentrations used. Main limitations: Limited number of serums and EIV strains tested. Conclusions: RTCA could be used to develop new EIV neutralisation assays and to facilitate the screening of new antiviral molecules
New EHV-1 variant identified
International audienceEquine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is an important threat to the equine industry worldwide. EHV-1 infection can induce respiratory disease, abortion in mares, neonatal death of foals and myeloencephalopathy (EHM). The reasons for the development of different forms of the disease remain largely unknown, but are likely to involve factors such as virus pathogenicity, environmental conditions, host immunity and genetic background
Equine herpesvirus 1: phylogenic analysis in France & new approaches for antiviral therapy
International audienceAmong the 9 herpesviruses described in equids, the equine herpesvirus 1 is particularly pathogenic for equine species. It can cause respiratory disorders, abortion, neonatal foal death and neurological disease. As current vaccines do not provide full protection against severe symptoms, EHV-1 represents a major threat for the horse industry, causing serious economic losses every year. Different tools are available or need to be developed in order to improve outbreak management.In this report, we will describe the importance of molecular surveillance of strains circulating after performing a phylogenic analysis of strains isolated from 2012 to 2018, including 2018 major EHV-1 crisis [1]. This study allowed the comparison of three different tools including the typing of the well known A2254G ORF30 mutation, the complete ORF30 sequencing and the Multi Locus Sequence Analysis tool developed by Garvey et al. (2019) [2]. We will also describe the development of new antiviral strategies using the xCELLigence RTCA system, based on cells impedance measurement [3]. Until now, 3.000 compounds have been screened against EHV-1 KyD strain using this technology. Based on calculation of two mathematical models, 26 compounds were identified as effective against EHV-1. Antiviral effects of these compounds were confirmed by dose-response assays. Among these compounds, 6 were selected as they showed an efficacy similar to ganciclovir which is the most potent antiviral compound until now. Antiviral effects of these compounds were then confirmed on different cell models and against two field strains of EHV-1 recently isolated in our laboratory. Three of the retained compounds had never been described before against herpesviruses and some combinations studies showed good synergy between different compounds.References:1. Sutton, G.; Jourdan, M.; Fortier, C.; Maisonnier, V.; Dervin, S.; Marcillaud-Pitel, C.; Legrand, L.; Paillot, R.; Pronost, S. Phylogenic study of Equine Herpesvirus 1 after a major outbreak in France in 2018; 2019;2. Garvey, M.; Lyons, R.; Hector, R.; Walsh, C.; Arkins, S.; Cullinane, A. Molecular Characterisation of Equine Herpesvirus 1 Isolates from Cases of Abortion, Respiratory and Neurological Disease in Ireland between 1990 and 2017. Pathogens 2019, 8, 7.3. Thieulent, C.J.; Hue, E.S.; Fortier, C.I.; Dallemagne, P.; Zientara, S.; Munier-Lehmann, H.; Hans, A.; Fortier, G.D.; Pitel, P.-H.; Vidalain, P.-O.; et al. Screening and evaluation of antiviral compounds against Equid alpha-herpesviruses using an impedance-based cellular assay. Virology 2019, 526, 105â116
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