5,816 research outputs found

    Thin film evolution equations from (evaporating) dewetting liquid layers to epitaxial growth

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    In the present contribution we review basic mathematical results for three physical systems involving self-organising solid or liquid films at solid surfaces. The films may undergo a structuring process by dewetting, evaporation/condensation or epitaxial growth, respectively. We highlight similarities and differences of the three systems based on the observation that in certain limits all of them may be described using models of similar form, i.e., time evolution equations for the film thickness profile. Those equations represent gradient dynamics characterized by mobility functions and an underlying energy functional. Two basic steps of mathematical analysis are used to compare the different system. First, we discuss the linear stability of homogeneous steady states, i.e., flat films; and second the systematics of non-trivial steady states, i.e., drop/hole states for dewetting films and quantum dot states in epitaxial growth, respectively. Our aim is to illustrate that the underlying solution structure might be very complex as in the case of epitaxial growth but can be better understood when comparing to the much simpler results for the dewetting liquid film. We furthermore show that the numerical continuation techniques employed can shed some light on this structure in a more convenient way than time-stepping methods. Finally we discuss that the usage of the employed general formulation does not only relate seemingly not related physical systems mathematically, but does as well allow to discuss model extensions in a more unified way

    Solidification in soft-core fluids: disordered solids from fast solidification fronts

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    Using dynamical density functional theory we calculate the speed of solidification fronts advancing into a quenched two-dimensional model fluid of soft-core particles. We find that solidification fronts can advance via two different mechanisms, depending on the depth of the quench. For shallow quenches, the front propagation is via a nonlinear mechanism. For deep quenches, front propagation is governed by a linear mechanism and in this regime we are able to determine the front speed via a marginal stability analysis. We find that the density modulations generated behind the advancing front have a characteristic scale that differs from the wavelength of the density modulation in thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e., the spacing between the crystal planes in an equilibrium crystal. This leads to the subsequent development of disorder in the solids that are formed. For the one-component fluid, the particles are able to rearrange to form a well-ordered crystal, with few defects. However, solidification fronts in a binary mixture exhibiting crystalline phases with square and hexagonal ordering generate solids that are unable to rearrange after the passage of the solidification front and a significant amount of disorder remains in the system.Comment: 18 pages, 14 fig

    Technische Maßnahmen zur Schonung des Ostseedorschs - Gegenwärtige Ergebnisse der Selektionsforschung

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    Die gegenwärtige Situation der westlichen und östlichen Dorschbestände in der Ostsee wird von den Experten des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung, verglichen mit den 80er Jahren, als ungünstig beurteilt. Noch 1994 wurde daher kein Anlaß gesehen, trotz massiver Proteste der Praxis, die Empfehlung für eine moderate Befischung aufzuheben (Anon. 1994)

    Bifurcation analysis of the behavior of partially wetting liquids on a rotating cylinder

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    We discuss the behavior of partially wetting liquids on a rotating cylinder using a model that takes into account the effects of gravity, viscosity, rotation, surface tension and wettability. Such a system can be considered as a prototype for many other systems where the interplay of spatial heterogeneity and a lateral driving force in the proximity of a first- or second-order phase transition results in intricate behavior. So does a partially wetting drop on a rotating cylinder undergo a depinning transition as the rotation speed is increased, whereas for ideally wetting liquids the behavior \bfuwe{only changes quantitatively. We analyze the bifurcations that occur when the rotation speed is increased for several values of the equilibrium contact angle of the partially wetting liquids. This allows us to discuss how the entire bifurcation structure and the flow behavior it encodes changes with changing wettability. We employ various numerical continuation techniques that allow us to track stable/unstable steady and time-periodic film and drop thickness profiles. We support our findings by time-dependent numerical simulations and asymptotic analyses of steady and time-periodic profiles for large rotation numbers

    Sensor systems testbed for telerobotic navigation

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    A testbed has been developed for the study of sensor systems to be used in telerobotic operations. The program, conducted in conjunction with Johnson Space Center of NASA, addresses the navigational problems associated with target acquisition and rendezvous for teleoperated robotic work stations. The program will utilize a mobile platform which will support various sensor systems during their development and testing in an earth-based environment. The testbed has been developed in support of a program to develop sensor systems that will aid in rendezvous and docking operations to be conducted as a part of the space station program. A mobile platform has been used to permit testing of these components in a conventional laboratory environment with consequent savings in cost and complexity. The sensor systems, while representative of devices currently in use for robotic applications, are not considered prototypical of the ones that will be used in the final applications. The test program provided information that will support the design of system augmentations and will lead to a comprehensive test program for sensor development

    The relation of steady evaporating drops fed by an influx and freely evaporating drops

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    We discuss a thin film evolution equation for a wetting evaporating liquid on a smooth solid substrate. The model is valid for slowly evaporating small sessile droplets when thermal effects are insignificant, while wettability and capillarity play a major role. The model is first employed to study steady evaporating drops that are fed locally through the substrate. An asymptotic analysis focuses on the precursor film and the transition region towards the bulk drop and a numerical continuation of steady drops determines their fully non-linear profiles. Following this, we study the time evolution of freely evaporating drops without influx for several initial drop shapes. As a result we find that drops initially spread if their initial contact angle is larger than the apparent contact angle of large steady evaporating drops with influx. Otherwise they recede right from the beginning

    Depinning of three-dimensional drops from wettability defects

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    Substrate defects crucially influence the onset of sliding drop motion under lateral driving. A finite force is necessary to overcome the pinning influence even of microscale heterogeneities. The depinning dynamics of three-dimensional drops is studied for hydrophilic and hydrophobic wettability defects using a long-wave evolution equation for the film thickness profile. It is found that the nature of the depinning transition explains the experimentally observed stick-slip motion.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ep

    Enhancement of laser-driven ion acceleration in non-periodic nanostructured targets

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    Using particle-in-cell simulations, we demonstrate an improvement of the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) of protons in non-periodically nanostructured targets with micron-scale thickness. Compared to standard flat foils, an increase in the proton cutoff energy by up to a factor of two is observed in foils coated with nanocones or perforated with nanoholes. The latter nano-perforated foils yield the highest enhancement, which we show to be robust over a broad range of foil thicknesses and hole diameters. The improvement of TNSA performance results from more efficient hot-electron generation, caused by a more complex laser-electron interaction geometry and increased effective interaction area and duration. We show that TNSA is optimized for a nanohole distribution of relatively low areal density and that is not required to be periodic, thus relaxing the manufacturing constraints.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
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