12 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Cooperation in the International Supply Chain of Seafood Enterprises: the Case of Vietnamese

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate factors affecting cooperation in the international supply chain of Vietnamese seafood enterprises.   Theoretical framework: Operations in international business context are associated with high risks, so cooperation in supply chain helps to improve management flexibility. On the other hand, acccording to the theory of resource dependency, resource sharing and information sharing strategies can affect the quality and the level of cooperation among supply chain partners.   Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the aim of this study, a literature survey related to supply chain and supply chain cooperation is carried out, and empirical analysis is conducted among 327 partners in seafood industry with the results analyzed using Cronbach’s Alpha analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and linear regression analysis (RA).   Findings: Research results have confirmed that there are six main factors directly affecting the international supply chain cooperation of Vietnamese seafood enterprises including: (1) Trust; (2) Power; (3) Distance; (4) Government policy; (5) Cooperation strategies and (6) Information sharing.   Research/Practical & Social implication: The encouraging policies and simplified export regulations are to be implemented by the government, VASEP and enterprises so the knowledge about international supply chain cooperation will be promoted with the help of comprehensive future research directions.   Originality/value: This is literally one of the first research works in Vietnam to incorporate the information sharing component into the model of affecting factors for international supply chain cooperation. Regardless of business uncertainties, the study shed new light on supply chain cooperation and promote firms to gain an edge in the global marketplace

    Another new species of Dixonius (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Gia Lai Province in the Central Highlands, Vietnam

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    Another new species of Dixonius, D. fulbrighti sp. nov., is described from Gia Lai Province, in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, using an integrated approach based on morphological, categorical (color pattern), and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (ND2) and its flanking tRNAs data. Phylogenetic analyses recovered Dixonius fulbrighti sp. nov. as closely related to D. gialaiensis from Gia Lai Province and part of a clade that includes D. minhlei, D. siamensis, and D. somchanhae. Multivariate (PCA, DAPC, and MFA) and univariate (ANOVA) analyses of 15 meristic (scale counts), six morphometric (mensural), and five categorical (color pattern and morphology) characters from 44 specimens of all eight species of Dixonius from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia clearly demonstrated that Dixonius fulbrighti sp. nov. is statistically different and diagnostically distinct from all closely related species of Dixonius. This new species discovery highlights the underestimated gecko diversity and the importance of continued fieldwork in the Central Highlands of Vietnam

    Two new species of Dixonius from Vietnam and Laos with a discussion of the taxonomy of Dixonius (Squamata, Gekkonidae)

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    Integrated analyses using maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian inference (BI), principal component analysis (PCA), discriminate analysis of principal components (DAPC), multiple factor analysis (MFA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) recovered two new diagnosable species of gekkonid lizards in the genus Dixonius, one from the Central Highlands, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam and another from the Vientiane Province, Laos. Phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (ND2) and adjacent tRNAs showed that Dixonius gialaiensis sp. nov. is the sister species of D. minhlei from Dong Nai Province, Vietnam and is nested within a clade that also includes the sister species D. siamensis and D. somchanhae. Dixonius muangfuangensis sp. nov. is the sister species to D. lao from Khammouane Province, Laos and is embedded in a clade with D. vietnamensis, D. taoi, and undescribed species from Thailand. Multivariate (PCA, DAPC, and MFA) and univariate (ANOVA) analyses using combinations of 15 meristic (scale counts), six morphometric (measurements), and five categorical (color pattern and morphology) characters from 44 specimens encompassing all eight species of Dixonius from Vietnam and Laos clearly illustrate Dixonius gialaiensis sp. nov. and Dixonius muangfuangensis sp. nov. are statistically different and discretely diagnosable from all closely related species of Dixonius. These integrative analyses also highlight additional taxonomic issues that remain unresolved within Dixonius and the need for additional studies. The discovery of these new species further emphasizes the underappreciated herpetological diversity of the genus Dixonius and illustrates the continued need for field work in these regions

    Some Theoretical and Practical Issues on International Supply Chain Cooperation of Vietnamese Seafood Enterprises

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    International supply chain cooperation increasingly affirms the important role in the development of the supply chain and in the business activities of enterprises. With the aim of analyzing and evaluating the process of international supply chain cooperation of Vietnamese seafood enterprises, the article analyzes and evaluates the situation of international supply chain cooperation of Vietnamese seafood enterprises in recent years. Since then, the article has proposed a number of solutions for state management agencies, the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) and enterprises to improve the ability to cooperate in the international supply chain for Vietnamese seafood enterprises. Keywords: Cooperation, supply chain, international, fisheries, Vietnam DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-10-02 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Lycodon namdongensis Luu & Ziegler & Ha & Le & Hoang 2019, sp. nov.

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    <i>Lycodon namdongensis</i> sp. nov. <p>Figs. 2 ¯4</p> <p> <b>Holotype:</b> VNUF R.2017.23 (field number: TT 17.23), adult male, collected on 13 June 2017 by Vinh Quang Luu, Nghia Van Ha, Oanh Van Lo, and Ngoan Van Ha in the karst forest, Nam Dong Nature Reserve, Quan Son District, Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam (20°18.298’N; 104°54.776’E, at an elevation of 616 m a.s.l.)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Lycodon namdongensis</i> <b>sp. nov</b> is characterized by the following morphological characters: dorsal scales in 17¯17¯15 rows, all smooth; supralabials 8; infralabials 10; one large loreal on each side, separated from the eye; cloacal plate single; ventral scales 218 (plus two preventral scales); subcaudals 85; a total length of 723 mm in the single male; tail / total length ratio 0.205; dorsal head pattern whitish grey; dorsal surface of body with 23 narrowed greyish cream bands; dorsal surface of tail with 14 cream bands; ventral surface of body mostly cream with a few dark spots posteriorly; ventral surface of tail dark grey.</p> <p> <b>Description of the holotype:</b> Head elongate (HL 20.4 mm), moderately distinct from the neck, longer than wide (HW/HL ratio 0.54), depressed (HH/HL ratio 0.40), narrow anteriorly (IN/IO ratio 0.68); snout elongate (SnL/HL ratio 0.33); nostril lateral, oval shaped, located in the middle of the nasal; eye large (ED/HL ratio 0.13), pupils vertically elliptic; rostral triangular, much broader than high, hardly visible from above; nasal divided into two scales by a vertical ridge along posterior edge of nostril; two square internasals, as wide as long, bordered by two large, subpentagonal prefrontals posteriorly; frontal single, enlarged, pentagonal, narrow posteriorly; parietals longer than wide, in contact with each other medially, with upper anterior and posterior temporals, paraparietal laterally and three nuchal scales posteriorly; loreal 1/1 (on the left side the normal sized loreal posteriorly is followed by an additional, very tiny one), elongate, not entering orbit; supralabials 8/8, first and second in contact with nasal, only fifth entering orbit on left side, and third to fifth entering orbit on right side, sixth largest; infralabials 10/10, first pair in broad contact with each other, first to fifth in contact with anterior chin shields; anterior and posterior pairs of chin shields elongate, of about the same size and shape, separated by a medial groove, anterior pair slightly larger than the posterior; preoculars 3/1 (the lower two, tiny preoculars on the left side represent separated upper parts of supralabials 3¯4); postoculars 2/2; anterior temporals 2/2, posterior temporals 2/ 2, upper anterior ones distinctly thinner than lower ones.</p> <p>Left maxilla arched, with an angulous apex, distinctly bent inwards anteriorly. A total of 12 maxillary teeth or teeth alveola, with the following formula: four small anterior teeth, with the last two ones being somewhat enlarged + two strongly enlarged teeth, thick, and not much curved + a wide gap, of about the length of the largest teeth before + three small teeth + a small gap + three posterior teeth, with the first two of them being enlarged.</p> <p>Body elongate, SVL 575 mm; TaL 148 mm; TL 723 mm; ratio of tail length/total length 0.205; ventrals 218 (plus two preventrals); subcaudals 85, divided, weakly notched laterally; cloacal single; DSR 17¯17¯15; all dorsal scale rows smooth; the vertebral scales not enlarged (Table 1).</p> <p> <b>Colouration in life:</b> Head pattern whitish grey; dorsal surface of the head dark in the anterior half and slightly cream posteriorly; ventral side of the head cream, dark-grey anteriorly; dorsal surface of body dark grey with 23 narrowed greyish cream dorsal bands, each band with dark flank spots; first body band starting at ventral scale 25, one vertebral scale covered by this band, and slightly extended laterally to a width of 2–4 (mostly 2) scales; ventral surface mostly cream with a few small dark spots posteriorly; dorsal surface of tail with 14 cream bands, ventral surface of tail dark grey with irregular blotches corresponding to light crossbands, however, these bands do not form complete rings.</p> <p> <b>Hemipenis:</b> The left hemipenis is only in part everted, hemipenis cylindrical at base, lower part smooth, upper part densely covered with spines, slightly widened.</p> <p> <b>Comparisons:</b> <i>Lycodon namdongensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> can be distinguished from its closest relative <i>L. futsingensis</i> by having more ventral scales (218 <i>versus</i> 193–208), ventral pattern mostly cream with a few small dark spots posteriorly (<i>versus</i> speckled posteriorly), first body band starting at ventral scale 25 (<i>versus</i> 13–21), and first body band covered by one vertebral scale (<i>versus</i> 5–10) (Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2009; Luu <i>et al</i>. 2013a; Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014), in concert with an uncorrected <i>p</i> -distance of 6.5%; from <i>L. flavozonatus</i> by having cloacal plate single (<i>versus</i> divided), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> 10–12 keeled dorsal scale rows at midbody), a distinctly lower body band count (23 <i>versus</i> 51–78), belly pattern mostly cream with a few small dark spots (<i>versus</i> yellow with large black spots) (Orlov & Ryabov 2004); from <i>L. meridionalis</i> by having whitish grey head pattern (<i>versus</i> with yellow-black marble markings), fewer ventral scales (218 <i>versus</i> 234–246), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> distinctly keeled), dorsal pattern banded (<i>versus</i> blotched), fewer subcaudal scales (86 <i>versus</i> 98–106), ventral surface mostly cream with a few dark spots posteriorly (<i>versus</i> yellow with dark spots posteriorly), and fewer tail bands (14 <i>versus</i> 25–35) (Bourret 1935; Orlov & Ryabov 2004; Gawor <i>et al</i>. 2016); from <i>L. banksi</i> by having a loreal not entering the orbit (<i>versus</i> entering the orbit), fewer ventral scales (218 <i>versus</i> 241), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> feebly keeled), dorsal pattern banded (<i>versus</i> blotched) (Luu <i>et al</i>. 2018); from <i>L. rufozonatus</i> by having a distinctly lower body band count (23 <i>versus</i> 44–52), having fewer dorsal scale rows at neck (17 <i>versus</i> 19), whitish grey dorsal head pattern (<i>versus</i> dark brown with yellow borders), and body bands cream with a few small dark spots laterally (<i>versus</i> yellow or cream, speckled posteriorly) (Boulenger 1893; Deuve 1970); from <i>L. semicarinatus</i> by dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> keeled along anterior half), whitish grey dorsal head pattern (<i>versus</i> black), first and second labials dark grey (<i>versus</i> yellow with black sutures), and belly pattern mostly cream with a few small dark spots posteriorly (<i>versus</i> yellow) (Boulenger 1893); from <i>L. capucinus</i> by having more ventrals (218 <i>versus</i> 182–211), fewer supralabials (8 <i>versus</i> 9–10), banded dorsal pattern (<i>versus</i> reticulated), cloacal single (<i>versus</i> divided), and more subcaudal scales (86 <i>versus</i> 59–74) (Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014); from <i>L. cardamomensis</i> by having more light bands on dorsum (23 <i>versus</i> 12–14), fewer dorsal scale rows at neck (17 <i>versus</i> 19), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> keeled on midbody), and more tail bands (14 <i>versus</i> 6–7) (Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014; Do <i>et al</i>. 2017); from <i>L. davidi</i> by having dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> middorsal scale rows weakly keeled), slightly fewer ventrals (218 <i>versus</i> 224), body cross-bands greyish cream with dark spots laterally (<i>versus</i> pale tan brown) (Vogel <i>et al.</i> 2012); from <i>L. laoensis</i> by having more ventrals (218 <i>versus</i> 169–192), more subcaudals (85 <i>versus</i> 60–76), fewer supralabials (8 <i>versus</i> 9–10), anterior chinshields slightly longer than posterior ones (<i>versus</i> anterior chinshields 2 to 3 times longer than posterior ones), cloacal single (<i>versus</i> divided) (Vogel & David 2010; Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014); from <i>L. rosozonatum</i> by having fewer dorsal scale rows at neck and at midbody (17–17 <i>versus</i> 19–19, respectively), the vertebral scale row not enlarged (<i>versus</i> distinctly enlarged), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> three to nine upper dorsal scale rows plus vertebral row weakly keeled), and fewer dorsal bands (23 <i>versus</i> 28–35) (Hu <i>et al</i>. 1975); from <i>Lycodon ruhstrati abditus</i> by dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> three to five dorsal scale rows plus vertebral row distinctly keeled), fewer subcaudals (85 <i>versus</i> 90–103), first body band starting at ventral scale 25 (<i>versus</i> 12–17), and first body band covering one vertebral scale (<i>versus</i> 5–6) (Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2009; Luu <i>et al</i>. 2013a); from <i>L. zoosvictoriae</i> by having more ventral scales (218 <i>versus</i> 213), dorsum banded (<i>versus</i> blotched), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> weakly keeled), dorsal head whitish grey (<i>versus</i> dark brown), dorsal tail banded (<i>versus</i> blotched) (Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014); from <i>L. multifasciatus</i> by having fewer ventral scales (218 <i>versus</i> 229–237), fewer subcaudals (85 <i>versus</i> 106–119 in males), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> upper dorsal and vertebral rows keeled), tail bands (14 <i>versus</i> 25–42), first body band starting at ventral scale 25 (<i>versus</i> 7–11), and first body band covered by one vertebral scale (<i>versus</i> about 6) (Maki 1931; Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2012); from <i>L. ophiophagus</i> by having more ventral scales (218 <i>versus</i> 211–212), fewer subcaudals (85 <i>versus</i> 87–90), and first body band covered by one vertebral scale (<i>versus</i> about 8) (Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2009; Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2012); from <i>L. paucifasciatus</i> by having fewer dorsal scale rows at neck (17 <i>versus</i> 19), dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> upper rows plus vertebral row keeled), fewer subcaudals (85 <i>versus</i> 92 in males), first body band starting at ventral scale 25 (<i>versus</i> 10–15), first body band covered by one vertebral scale (<i>versus</i> 9.5–11), and more light tail bands (14 <i>versus</i> 8–11) (Smith 1943; Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2009; Vogel <i>et al</i>. 2012; Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014); from <i>L. synaptor</i> by having more ventral scale rows (218 <i>versus</i> 201–203), fewer light bands on dorsum (23 <i>versus</i> 30–31), more subcaudals (85 <i>versus</i> 68–69), and dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> 6–7 dorsal scale rows keeled) (Vogel & David 2010) (for more details see Table 1).</p> <p> The new species has a loreal which is not in contact with the orbit and thus differs from the following species of the <i>Lycodon fasciatus</i> group which have the loreal entering the orbit: <i>L. butleri</i> Boulenger; <i>L. fasciatus</i>; <i>L. subcinctus</i>. In addition, the new species differs from <i>L. butleri</i> by having fewer dorsal bands (23 <i>versus</i> 28–37), fewer tail bands (14 <i>versus</i> 17–23), belly pattern mostly cream (<i>versus</i> banded & spotted) (Grismer <i>et al</i>. 2014); from <i>L. fasciatus</i> by having dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> weakly keeled), dorsal head pattern whitish grey (<i>versus</i> dark), first body band starting at ventral scale 25 (<i>versus</i> 5–18), first body band covered by one vertebral scale (<i>versus</i> 3–12), ventral pattern mostly cream (<i>versus</i> banded) (Vogel & David 2010; Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014); from <i>L. subcinctus</i> by the presence of a preocular scale (<i>versus</i> absent), having dorsal scale rows being completely smooth (<i>versus</i> weakly keeled), single cloacal (<i>versus</i> divided), and more body bands (23 <i>versus</i> 9–15) (Neang <i>et al</i>. 2014) (for more details see Table 1).</p> <p> <b>Distribution:</b> <i>Lycodon namdongensis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is currently known only from the type locality in the Nam Dong NR, Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Distribution of the new species and other <i>Lycodon</i> species from Vietnam was shown in Figs. 5 and 6.</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> We name this species after its type locality, Nam Dong NR, where the new <i>Lycodon</i> was discovered and propose the following common names: Namdong Wolf Snake (English), Namdong Wolfszahnnatter (German), RÇ»n khuyḗt nam đá»™ng (Vietnamese).</p> <p> <b>Natural history:</b> The holotype was collected at 7:54 PM, while crawling on the forest path, at an elevation of 616 m a.s.l. The surrounding habitat was shrubs in secondary karst forest (Fig. 7). The humidity at the time of collection was approximately 66% and the air temperature was 28.4 o C.</p>Published as part of <i>Luu, Vinh Quang, Ziegler, Thomas, Ha, Nghia Van, Le, Minh Duc & Hoang, Tuoi Thi, 2019, A new species of Lycodon Boie, 1826 (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam, pp. 261-277 in Zootaxa 4586 (2)</i> on pages 267-271, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4586.2.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/2644466">http://zenodo.org/record/2644466</a&gt

    A new species of Lycodon Boie, 1826 (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam

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    Luu, Vinh Quang, Ziegler, Thomas, Ha, Nghia Van, Le, Minh Duc, Hoang, Tuoi Thi (2019): A new species of Lycodon Boie, 1826 (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Zootaxa 4586 (2): 261-277, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4586.2.

    A new species of Achalinus (Squamata: Xenodermidae) from Trang An Landscape Complex, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam

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    Luu, Vinh Quang, Ziegler, Thomas, Ha, Nghia Van, Lo, Oanh Van, Hoang, Tuoi Thi, Ngo, Hanh Thi, Le, Minh Duc, Tran, Dung Hoang, Nguyen, Truong Quang (2020): A new species of Achalinus (Squamata: Xenodermidae) from Trang An Landscape Complex, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam. Zootaxa 4877 (1): 174-184, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4877.1.

    A new species of Hemiphyllodactylus (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Ha Giang Province, Vietnam

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    An integrative analysis recovered a new species of the Hemiphyllodactylus typus group from a karst formation in Lung Cu Commune, Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province, northeastern Vietnam. Hemiphyllodactylus lungcuensis sp. nov. is embedded within clade 6 of the typus group, bearing an uncorrected pairwise sequence divergence of 4.6–20.2% from all other species based on a 1,038 base pair segment of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (ND2). It is diagnosable from other species in clade 6 by statistically significant mean differences in normalized morphometric, meristic, and categorical characters. A multiple factor analysis using the three aforementioned character types recovered its unique, non-overlapping placement in morphospace as statistically significantly different from that of all other species in clade 6. The description of this new Hemiphyllodactylus species contributes to a growing body of literature underscoring the high degree of herpetological diversity and endemism in karst landscapes in Vietnam as well as in the genus Hemiphyllodactylus

    Effect of ESR, FSHB and PRLR Genes on Sperm Traits ofLandrace and Yorkshire Boars in the Tropical EnvironmentalConditions of Vietnam

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Fertility traits in pigsmade a restricted progress through traditional selection. Applying marker assisted selectioncould improve these traits. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of candidate genes Estrogen Receptor (ESR), FollicleStimulating Hormone Beta (FSHB) and Prolactin Receptor (PRLR) on sperm quality traits of Landrace and Yorkshire boars undertropical conditions in Northern Vietnam.Methods: A total of 6306 ejaculates from 140 boars (92 Landrace and 48 Yorkshire) were collected to estimate sperm ejaculatevolume (VOL), spermatozoon motility (MO), sperm concentration (CO) and total number of spermatozoon in ejaculate (NT). Eartissue samples were collected for genotype identification of SNP present in ESR, FSHB and PRLR genes using PCR-RFLP technique.A mixed model was used to test the effect of different genetic and non-genetic factors on the sperm quality traits.Result:The genotype frequencies of ESR, FSHB and PRLR were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for each breed. Age of boars andmonth of the year had significant effect on all the sperm quality traits (P<0.01) while effect of breed was found to be non-significant onall the sperm quality trait. FSHB gene significantly (P<0.05) affected VOL, MO and CO. Boars with BB genotype showed positiveeffect on VOL but negative effect on MO and CO in comparison with AA genotype boars. ESR gene showed only effect on VOL whilePRLR affected only MO. Boars with AA and AB genotypes of ESR gene had a significantly higher VOL than those with BB genotype(P<0.05). For PRLR gen, AB genotype was associated with higher MO than AA genotype (P<0.05). These results suggest a possibilityof using the existing polymorphisms in ESR, FSHB and PRLR genes to improve some sperm traits of Landrace and Yorkshire boars