23 research outputs found

    Verified Delegated Quantum Computing with One Pure Qubit

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    While building a universal quantum computer remains challenging, devices of restricted power such as the so-called one pure qubit model have attracted considerable attention. An important step in the construction of these limited quantum computational devices is the understanding of whether the verification of the computation within these models could be also performed in the restricted scheme. Encoding via blindness (a cryptographic protocol for delegated computing) has proven successful for the verification of universal quantum computation with a restricted verifier. In this paper, we present the adaptation of this approach to the one pure qubit model, and present the first feasible scheme for the verification of delegated one pure qubit model of quantum computing.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, fixed numbering of theorem

    Reducing resources for verification of quantum computations

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    We present two verification protocols where the correctness of a "target" computation is checked by means of "trap" computations that can be efficiently simulated on a classical computer. Our protocols rely on a minimal set of noise-free operations (preparation of eight single-qubit states or measurement of four observables, both on a single plane of the Bloch sphere) and achieve linear overhead. To the best of our knowledge, our protocols are the least demanding techniques able to achieve linear overhead. They represent a step towards further reducing the quantum requirements for verification.Comment: Accepted versio

    Quantum-enhanced Secure Delegated Classical Computing

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    We present a quantumly-enhanced protocol to achieve unconditionally secure delegated classical computation where the client and the server have both limited classical and quantum computing capacity. We prove the same task cannot be achieved using only classical protocols. This extends the work of Anders and Browne on the computational power of correlations to a security setting. Concretely, we present how a client with access to a non-universal classical gate such as a parity gate could achieve unconditionally secure delegated universal classical computation by exploiting minimal quantum gadgets. In particular, unlike the universal blind quantum computing protocols, the restriction of the task to classical computing removes the need for a full universal quantum machine on the side of the server and makes these new protocols readily implementable with the currently available quantum technology in the lab

    Nonadaptive fault-tolerant verification of quantum supremacy with noise

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    Quantum samplers are believed capable of sampling efficiently from distributions that are classically hard to sample from. We consider a sampler inspired by the classical Ising model. It is nonadaptive and therefore experimentally amenable. Under a plausible conjecture, classical sampling upto additive errors from this model is known to be hard. We present a trap-based verification scheme for quantum supremacy that only requires the verifier to prepare single-qubit states. The verification is done on the same model as the original sampler, a square lattice, with only a constant overhead. We next revamp our verification scheme in two distinct ways using fault tolerance that preserves the nonadaptivity. The first has a lower overhead based on error correction with the same threshold as universal quantum computation. The second has a higher overhead but an improved threshold (1.97%) based on error detection. We show that classically sampling upto additive errors is likely hard in both these schemes. Our results are applicable to other sampling problems such as the Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial-time (IQP) computation model. They should also assist near-term attempts at experimentally demonstrating quantum supremacy and guide long-term ones

    Efficient verification of universal and intermediate quantum computing

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    The promise of scalable quantum technology appears more realistic, after recent advances in both theory and experiment. Assuming a quantum computer is developed, the task of verifying the correctness of its outcome becomes crucial. Unfortunately, for a system that involves many particles, predicting its evolution via classical simulation becomes intractable. Moreover, verification of the outcome by computational methods, i.e. involving a classical witness, is believed inefficient for the hardest problems solvable by a quantum computer. A feasible alternative to verify quantum computation is via cryptographic methods, where an untrusted prover has to convince a weak verifier for the correctness of his outcome. This is the approach we take in this thesis. In the most standard configuration the prover is capable of computing all polynomial-time quantum circuits and the verifier is restricted to classical with very modest quantum power. The goal of existing verification protocols is to reduce the quantum requirements for the verifier - ideally making it purely classical - and reduce the communication complexity. In Part II we propose a composition of two existing verification protocols [Fitzsimons and Kashefi, 2012], [Aharonov et al., 2010] that achieves quadratic improvement in communication complexity, while keeping the quantum requirements for the verifier modest. Along this result, several new techniques are proposed, including the generalization of [Fitzsimons and Kashefi, 2012] to prime dimensions. In Part III we discuss the idea of model-specific quantum verification, where the prover is restricted to intermediate quantum power, i.e. between full-fledged quantum and purely classical, thus more feasible experimentally. As a proof of principle we propose a verification protocol for the One-Pure-Qubit computer [Knill and Laflamme, 1998], which tolerates noise and is capable of computing hard problems such as large matrix trace estimation. The verification protocol is an adaptation of [Fitzsimons and Kashefi, 2012] running on Measurement-Based Quantum Computing with newly proved properties of the underlying resources. Connections of quantum verification to other security primitives are considered in Part IV. Authenticated quantum communication has been already proved to relate to quantum verification. We expand this by proposing a quantum authentication protocol derived from [Fitzsimons and Kashefi, 2012] and discuss implications to verification with purely classical verifier. Connections between quantum security primitives, namely blindness - prover does not learn the computation -, and classical security are considered in Part V. We introduce a protocol where a client with restricted classical resources computes blindly a universal classical gate with the help of an untrusted server, by adding modest quantum capabilities to both client and server. This example of quantum-enhanced classical security we prove to be a task classically impossible

    Partition Function Estimation: Quantum and Quantum-Inspired Algorithms

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    We present two algorithms, one quantum and one classical, for estimating partition functions of quantum spin Hamiltonians. The former is a DQC1 (Deterministic quantum computation with one clean qubit) algorithm, and the first such for complex temperatures. The latter, for real temperatures, achieves performance comparable to a state-of-the-art DQC1 algorithm [Chowdhury et al. Phys. Rev. A 103, 032422 (2021)]. Both our algorithms take as input the Hamiltonian decomposed as a linear combination Pauli operators. We show this decomposition to be DQC1-hard for a given Hamiltonian, providing new insight into the hardness of estimating partition functions

    Information Theoretically Secure Hypothesis Test for Temporally Unstructured Quantum Computation

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    We propose a new composable and information-theoretically secure protocol to verify that a server has the power to sample from a sub-universal quantum machine implementing only commuting gates. By allowing the client to manipulate single qubits, we exploit properties of Measurement based Blind Quantum Computing to prove security against a malicious Server and therefore certify quantum supremacy without the need for a universal quantum computer

    Accreditation of analogue quantum simulators

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    We present an accreditation protocol for analogue, i.e., continuous-time, quantum simulators. For a given simulation task, it provides an upper bound on the variation distance between the probability distributions at the output of an erroneous and error-free analogue quantum simulator. As its overheads are independent of the size and nature of the simulation, the protocol is ready for immediate usage and practical for the long term. It builds on the recent theoretical advances of strongly universal Hamiltonians and quantum accreditation as well as experimental progress toward the realization of programmable hybrid analogue–digital quantum simulators