119 research outputs found

    Differential Inhibition of Human Nav1.2 Resurgent and Persistent Sodium Currents by Cannabidiol and GS967

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    Many epilepsy patients are refractory to conventional antiepileptic drugs. Resurgent and persistent currents can be enhanced by epilepsy mutations in the Nav1.2 channel, but conventional antiepileptic drugs inhibit normal transient currents through these channels, along with aberrant resurgent and persistent currents that are enhanced by Nav1.2 epilepsy mutations. Pharmacotherapies that specifically target aberrant resurgent and/or persistent currents would likely have fewer unwanted side effects and be effective in many patients with refractory epilepsy. This study investigated the effects of cannbidiol (CBD) and GS967 (each at 1 Ī¼M) on transient, resurgent, and persistent currents in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells stably expressing wild-type hNav1.2 channels. We found that CBD preferentially inhibits resurgent currents over transient currents in this paradigm; and that GS967 preferentially inhibits persistent currents over transient currents. Therefore, CBD and GS967 may represent a new class of more targeted and effective antiepileptic drugs

    Recent Developments Regarding Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Blockers for the Treatment of Inherited and Acquired Neuropathic Pain Syndromes

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    Chronic and neuropathic pain constitute significant health problems affecting millions of individuals each year. Pain sensations typically originate in sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system which relay information to the central nervous system (CNS). Pathological pain sensations can arise as result of changes in excitability of these peripheral sensory neurons. Voltage-gated sodium channels are key determinants regulating action potential generation and propagation; thus, changes in sodium channel function can have profound effects on neuronal excitability and pain signaling. At present, most of the clinically available sodium channel blockers used to treat pain are non-selective across sodium channel isoforms and can contribute to cardio-toxicity, motor impairments, and CNS side effects. Numerous strides have been made over the last decade in an effort to develop more selective and efficacious sodium channel blockers to treat pain. The purpose of this review is to highlight some of the more recent developments put forth by research universities and pharmaceutical companies alike in the pursuit of developing more targeted sodium channel therapies for the treatment of a variety of neuropathic pain conditions

    Human Nav1.6 Channels Generate Larger Resurgent Currents than Human Nav1.1 Channels, but the NavĪ²4 Peptide Does Not Protect Either Isoform from Use-Dependent Reduction

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    Voltage-gated sodium channels are responsible for the initiation and propagation of action potentials (APs). Two brain isoforms, Nav1.1 and Nav1.6, have very distinct cellular and subcellular expression. Specifically, Nav1.1 is predominantly expressed in the soma and proximal axon initial segment of fast-spiking GABAergic neurons, while Nav1.6 is found at the distal axon initial segment and nodes of Ranvier of both fast-spiking GABAergic and excitatory neurons. Interestingly, an auxiliary voltage-gated sodium channel subunit, NavĪ²4, is also enriched in the axon initial segment of fast-spiking GABAergic neurons. The C-terminal tail of NavĪ²4 is thought to mediate resurgent sodium current, an atypical current that occurs immediately following the action potential and is predicted to enhance excitability. To better understand the contribution of Nav1.1, Nav1.6 and NavĪ²4 to high frequency firing, we compared the properties of these two channel isoforms in the presence and absence of a peptide corresponding to part of the C-terminal tail of NavĪ²4. We used whole-cell patch clamp recordings to examine the biophysical properties of these two channel isoforms in HEK293T cells and found several differences between human Nav1.1 and Nav1.6 currents. Nav1.1 channels exhibited slower closed-state inactivation but faster open-state inactivation than Nav1.6 channels. We also observed a greater propensity of Nav1.6 to generate resurgent currents, most likely due to its slower kinetics of open-state inactivation, compared to Nav1.1. These two isoforms also showed differential responses to slow and fast AP waveforms, which were altered by the NavĪ²4 peptide. Although the NavĪ²4 peptide substantially increased the rate of recovery from apparent inactivation, NavĪ²4 peptide did not protect either channel isoform from undergoing use-dependent reduction with 10 Hz step-pulse stimulation or trains of slow or fast AP waveforms. Overall, these two channels have distinct biophysical properties that may differentially contribute to regulating neuronal excitability

    Distinct functional alterations in SCN8A epilepsy mutant channels

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    SCN8A is a novel causal gene for early infantile epileptic encephalopathy. It is well accepted that gain-of-function mutations in SCN8A underlie the disorder, but the remarkable heterogeneity of its clinical presentation and poor treatment response demand for better understanding of the disease mechanisms. Here, we characterize a new epilepsy-related SCN8A mutation, R850Q, in human Nav1.6. We show that it is a gain-of-function mutation, with a hyperpolarizing shift in voltage dependence of activation, a 2-fold increase of persistent current and a slowed decay of resurgent current. We systematically compare its biophysics with three other SCN8A epilepsy mutations, T767I, R1617Q and R1872Q, in the human Nav1.6 channel. Although all of these mutations are gain-of-function, the mutations affect different aspects of channel properties. One commonality we discovered is an alteration of resurgent current kinetics, but the mechanisms by which resurgent currents are augmented is not yet clear for all of the mutations. Computational simulations predict increased excitability of neurons carrying these mutations with differential enhancement by open channel block

    Cardiac sodium channel palmitoylation regulates channel availability and myocyte excitability with implications for arrhythmia generation

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    Cardiac voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav1.5) play an essential role in regulating cardiac electric activity by initiating and propagating action potentials in the heart. Altered Nav1.5 function is associated with multiple cardiac diseases including long-QT3 and Brugada syndrome. Here, we show that Nav1.5 is subject to palmitoylation, a reversible post-translational lipid modification. Palmitoylation increases channel availability and late sodium current activity, leading to enhanced cardiac excitability and prolonged action potential duration. In contrast, blocking palmitoylation increases closed-state channel inactivation and reduces myocyte excitability. We identify four cysteines as possible Nav1.5 palmitoylation substrates. A mutation of one of these is associated with cardiac arrhythmia (C981F), induces a significant enhancement of channel closed-state inactivation and ablates sensitivity to depalmitoylation. Our data indicate that alterations in palmitoylation can substantially control Nav1.5 function and cardiac excitability and this form of post-translational modification is likely an important contributor to acquired and congenital arrhythmias

    Extracellular signal-regulated kinases mediate the enhancing effects of inflammatory mediators on resurgent currents in dorsal root ganglion neurons

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    Previously we reported that a group of inflammatory mediators significantly enhanced resurgent currents in dorsal root ganglion neurons. To understand the underlying intracellular signaling mechanism, we investigated the effects of inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and protein kinase C on the enhancing effects of inflammatory mediators on resurgent currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. We found that the extracellular signal-regulated kinases inhibitor U0126 completely prevented the enhancing effects of the inflammatory mediators on both Tetrodotoxin-sensitive and Tetrodotoxin-resistant resurgent currents in both small and medium dorsal root ganglion neurons. U0126 substantially reduced repetitive firing in small dorsal root ganglion neurons exposed to inflammatory mediators, consistent with prevention of resurgent current amplitude increases. The protein kinase C inhibitor Bisindolylmaleimide I also showed attenuating effects on resurgent currents, although to a lesser extent compared to extracellular signal-regulated kinases inhibition. These results indicate a critical role of extracellular signal-regulated kinases signaling in modulating resurgent currents and membrane excitability in dorsal root ganglion neurons treated with inflammatory mediators. It is also suggested that targeting extracellular signal-regulated kinases-resurgent currents might be a useful strategy to reduce inflammatory pain

    The Diurnal Rhythm of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) and Kir4.1 in Diabetes: Implications for a Clock Gene Bmal1

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    Purpose: Diabetes leads to the downregulation of the retinal Kir4.1 channels and MĆ¼ller cell dysfunction. The insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is a critical regulator of insulin signaling in MĆ¼ller cells. Circadian rhythms play an integral role in normal physiology; however, diabetes leads to a circadian dysrhythmia. We hypothesize that diabetes will result in a circadian dysrhythmia of IRS-1 and Kir4.1 and disturbed clock gene function will have a critical role in regulating Kir4.1 channels. Methods: We assessed a diurnal rhythm of retinal IRS-1 and Kir4.1 in db/db mice. The Kir4.1 function was evaluated using a whole-cell recording of MĆ¼ller cells. The rat MĆ¼ller cells (rMC-1) were used to undertake in vitro studies using a siRNA. Results: The IRS-1 exhibited a diurnal rhythm in control mice; however, with diabetes, this natural rhythm was lost. The Kir4.1 levels peaked and troughed at times similar to the IRS-1 rhythm. The IRS-1 silencing in the rMC-1 led to a decrease in Kir4.1 and BMAL1. The insulin treatment of retinal explants upregulated Kir4.1 possibly via upregulation of BMAL1 and phosphorylation of IRS-1 and Akt-1. Conclusions: Our studies highlight that IRS-1, by regulating BMAL1, is an important regulator of Kir4.1 in MĆ¼ller cells and the dysfunctional signaling mediated by IRS-1 may be detrimental to Kir4.1

    Distinctive Properties and Powerful Neuromodulation of Nav1.6 Sodium Channels Regulates Neuronal Excitability

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    Voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) are critical determinants of cellular excitability. These ion channels exist as large heteromultimeric structures and their activity is tightly controlled. In neurons, the isoform Nav1.6 is highly enriched at the axon initial segment and nodes, making it critical for the initiation and propagation of neuronal impulses. Changes in Nav1.6 expression and function profoundly impact the input-output properties of neurons in normal and pathological conditions. While mutations in Nav1.6 may cause channel dysfunction, aberrant changes may also be the result of complex modes of regulation, including various protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications, which can alter membrane excitability and neuronal firing properties. Despite decades of research, the complexities of Nav1.6 modulation in health and disease are still being determined. While some modulatory mechanisms have similar effects on other Nav isoforms, others are isoform-specific. Additionally, considerable progress has been made toward understanding how individual protein interactions and/or modifications affect Nav1.6 function. However, there is still more to be learned about how these different modes of modulation interact. Here, we examine the role of Nav1.6 in neuronal function and provide a thorough review of this channelā€™s complex regulatory mechanisms and how they may contribute to neuromodulation

    Resurgent and Gating Pore Currents Induced by De Novo SCN2A Epilepsy Mutations

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    Over 150 mutations in the SCN2A gene, which encodes the neuronal Nav1.2 protein, have been implicated in human epilepsy cases. Of these, R1882Q and R853Q are two of the most commonly reported mutations. This study utilized voltage-clamp electrophysiology to characterize the biophysical effects of the R1882Q and R853Q mutations on the hNav1.2 channel, including their effects on resurgent current and gating pore current, which are not typically investigated in the study of Nav1.2 channel mutations. HEK cells transiently transfected with DNA encoding either wild-type (WT) or mutant hNav1.2 revealed that the R1882Q mutation induced a gain-of-function phenotype, including slowed fast inactivation, depolarization of the voltage dependence of inactivation, and increased persistent current. In this model system, the R853Q mutation primarily produced loss-of-function effects, including reduced transient current amplitude and density, hyperpolarization of the voltage dependence of inactivation, and decreased persistent current. The presence of a NavĪ²4 peptide (KKLITFILKKTREK-OH) in the pipette solution induced resurgent currents, which were increased by the R1882Q mutation and decreased by the R853Q mutation. Further study of the R853Q mutation in Xenopus oocytes indicated a reduced surface expression and revealed a robust gating pore current at negative membrane potentials, a function absent in the WT channel. This not only shows that different epileptogenic point mutations in hNav1.2 have distinct biophysical effects on the channel, but also illustrates that individual mutations can have complex consequences that are difficult to identify using conventional analyses. Distinct mutations may, therefore, require tailored pharmacotherapies in order to eliminate seizures

    Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel in Grasshopper Mice Defends Against Bark Scorpion Toxin

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    Painful venoms are used to deter predators. Pain itself, however, can signal damage and thus serves an important adaptive function. Evolution to reduce general pain responses, although valuable for preying on venomous species, is rare, likely because it comes with the risk of reduced response to tissue damage. Bark scorpions capitalize on the protective pain pathway of predators by inflicting intensely painful stings. However, grasshopper mice regularly attack and consume bark scorpions, grooming only briefly when stung. Bark scorpion venom induces pain in many mammals (house mice, rats, humans) by activating the voltage-gated Na+ channel Nav1.7, but has no effect on Nav1.8. Grasshopper mice Nav1.8 has amino acid variants that bind bark scorpion toxins and inhibit Na+ currents, blocking action potential propagation and inducing analgesia. Thus, grasshopper mice have solved the predator-pain problem by using a toxin bound to a nontarget channel to block transmission of the pain signals the venom itself is initiating
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