13 research outputs found

    The longitudinal use of geriatric assessment in an oncology center in Brazil : a pilot study in patients with breast cancer

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    Introdução: O Câncer e o envelhecimento estão integralmente relacionados e evidenciam um inexorável aumento nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. No Brasil o câncer de mama é o mais frequente nas mulheres com aumento de sua incidência e mortalidade na população idosa. A avaliação Geriátrica Ampla (AGA) é instrumento seguro e utilizado por geriatras, para estratificar os idosos entre diferentes níveis de fragilidades e tem por objetivo determinar as deficiências e incapacidades para um planejamento individual do cuidado. Objetivos : Avaliar a utilidade da AGA e sua aplicabilidade como instrumento de monitoramento longitudinal em mulheres idosas portadoras de câncer de mama no Brasil. Material e métodos: Estudo coorte, prospectivo, quasi experimental em mulheres idosas, com >= 60 anos, provindas do sistema público de saúde, recém diagnosticadas do câncer de mama e que iriam iniciar tratamento oncológico. As pacientes foram seguidas por dois anos e avaliadas pelos parâmetros da AGA: Escala de Comorbidades de Charlson; Atividades básica de vida diária (ABVD); Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária (AIVD); Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) ; Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS-15); Mini Avaliação Nutricional (MAN) e pela Escala de Sintomas de Edmonton ao diagnóstico e a cada 4 meses no primeiro ano e após 2 anos do diagnóstico. Resultados: 20 idosas de idade média 70,2 (+ - 7.03 ), receberam um total de 97 AGAs no decorrer de 2 anos. A AGA identificou novas fragilidades em 90% das avaliações, com ampliação da conduta clinica, e 45% das pacientes tiveram o tratamento oncológico modificado após a avaliação. Como instrumento de monitoramento, houve uma tendência de diminuição do numero de novos diagnósticos após cada AGA realizada ao longo de 2 anos. Conclusão: O presente estudo valida a importância do uso da AGA na população idosa com câncer de mama no Brasil ao identificar fragilidades e sugerir mudanças no plano do tratamento oncológico. Novos estudos, em diversos tipos de câncer, com maior tempo de seguimento, são necessários para avaliar o impacto da AGA na população idosa em tratamento oncológicoIntroduction: The Cancer and aging are integrally related and show an inexorable rise in developed and developing countries . In Brazil, breast cancer is the most common in women with increased incidence and mortality in the elderly population . The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is an instrument used with insurance by geriatricians to stratify elderly between different levels of weaknesses and aims to determine the disabilities for an individual plan of care. Objectives : To evaluate the usefulness of CGA and its applicability as longitudinal monitoring instrument in older women with breast cancer in Brazil. Methods: Cohort study , prospective, quasi experimental in elderly women with >= 60 years , originated from the public health system , newly diagnosed breast cancer and they would start cancer treatment . The patients were followed for two years and evaluated by the parameters of CGA : Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI); Activities of Daily Living (ADL); Instrumental Activities of Daily (IADL); Mini Mental State Evaluation (MMSE); Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS); Mini Nutritional Assessment (MAN) and Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale. The CGA occurred every four months in the first year and after 2 years of diagnosis . Results: 20 elderly women with average age of 70.2 ( + - 7.03 ) , received a total of 97 GA in the course of two years . CGA identified new weaknesses in 90 % of cases , with expansion of the clinical conduct, and 45% of patients had cancer treatment modified after the evaluation. As monitoring instrument , there was a downward trend in the number of new diagnoses after each AGA conducted over two years. Conclusion: This study validates the importance of using the AGA in the elderly population with breast cancer in Brazil to identify weaknesses and suggest changes in cancer treatment plan. New studies in various cancers and longer follow-up are needed to assess the impact of AGA in the elderly undergoing cancer treatmen

    Glioblastoma: approach to treat elderly patients Glioblastoma: enfoque no tratamento de pacientes idosos

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    ABSTRACT Treating elderly cancer patients is a challenge for oncologists, especially considering the several therapeutic modalities in glioblastoma. Extensive tumor resection offers the best chance of local control. Adequate radiotherapy should always be given to elderly patients if they have undergone gross total resection and have maintained a good performance status. Rather than being ruled out, chemotherapy should be considered, and temozolomide is the chosen drug. A comprehensive geriatric assessment is a valuable tool to help guiding treatment decisions in elderly patients with glioblastoma. Keywords: Glioblastoma/therapy; Aged; Geriatric assessment; Radiotherapy; Antineoplasic agents, alkylating/therapeutic use RESUMO O tratamento de idosos com câncer é um desafio para a prática oncológica, especialmente no que se refere à terapêutica multimodal do glioblastoma. Nessa população, a ressecção ampla do tumor oferece a melhor chance de controle local e, naqueles pacientes que mantenham um bom performance status, a radioterapia complementar deve sempre ser levada em consideração. A quimioterapia também tem um papel no tratamento, sendo a temozolomida a droga de eleição. Frente à heterogeneidade desses pacientes, uma avaliação geriátrica ampla é um instrumento valioso no auxílio da decisão terapêutica em idosos com glioblastoma

    Care for patients with advanced cancer in the last weeks of life in Brazil

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    Despite all advances in the treatment of neoplasms and substantial increases in fiveyear survival rates, most patients still die due to their diseases. Late diagnosis in some circumstances and resistance mechanisms throughout treatment still cause most patients to require palliative care integrated with cancer treatment, since diagnosis. Most palliative care interventions can and should be carried out by the oncologist, with reference to the multidisciplinary team specialized in palliative care in the most critical moments of clinical evolution. It is important that the oncologist develops their skills in this scenario and knows how to recognize the moment of referral. The following text outlines the basic skills that are expected of oncologists, such as recognition of the prognosis, identification and correct assessment of symptoms, definition of the time to stop antineoplastic therapy, how to communicate these aspects to patients and family, how to involve psychosocial and spiritual issues and, finally, how to stay within the limits established by modern bioethics. This work consists of brief recommendations for oncologists working in Brazil

    Treatment of a Frail Older Patient with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma on Maintenance Dialysis: Attenuated Immunochemotherapy and Adapted Care Plan

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    Purpose of the Study: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common lymphoid malignancy worldwide. Its incidence increases with age and about 40% of cases occur in patients over 70 years. Herein, we describe a case of a frail elderly patient with renal insufficiency and DLBCL treated with R-mini-CHOP. Case Report: A 77-year-old man on maintenance hemodialysis started experiencing persistent fatigue. He was diagnosed with a large mass on the left lobe of the lung. Biopsy demonstrated a DLBCL, CD20 positive. The patient was assigned clinical stage IIBX, with a high age-adjusted international prognosis index. A proper geriatric assessment revealed a frail patient. Thus, an adapted chemotherapy regimen was proposed which consisted of R-mini-CHOP every 21 days, with a reduction of 10% in the doses of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. During the treatment, the patient went through regular dialysis sessions, 3 times per week, with an extra session performed 12 h after each chemotherapy administration. The patient experienced no adverse events or grade 3/4 toxicities. After 6 cycles of R-mini-CHOP, the patient achieved unconfirmed complete remission, and consolidation radiotherapy was performed. At the last follow-up, he was still in unconfirmed complete remission, with a progression-free survival of 11.3 months. Conclusions: R-mini-CHOP represented a reasonable treatment option for this patient with renal failure. The oncogeriatric approach led to a successful management of this frail patient, highlighting that an adapted plan of care is a key issue to improve the outcomes of elderly cancer patients

    Correlação entre o estresse do cuidador e as características clínicas do paciente portador de demência

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    OBJETIVOS: Relacionar estresse dos cuidadores de pacientes dementes com características dos pacientes e cuidadores. MÉTODOS: Análise de prontuários. Variáveis do paciente: sóciodemográficas, comorbidades, medicamentos (atual e prévio), tempo de história e diagnóstico, tipo da demência e gravidade (cognitiva e funcional), sintomas neuropsiquiátricos e comportamentais. Variáveis do cuidador: sóciodemográficas, vínculo com paciente, tempo de cuidado e se residia com paciente. Sobrecarga avaliada pelo questionário de Zarit. RESULTADOS: Sessenta e sete pacientes (76,8 anos (&plusmn; 6,2), 53,7% mulheres). Oitenta e dois por cento dos cuidadores são mulheres. Relação direta entre estresse e sintomas comportamentais (pOBJECTIVE: To verify the correlation between caregiver burden in dementia and characteristics of patients and caregivers. METHODS: Analysis of medical records. Patient data: socio-demographic characteristics, comorbidities, medications (previous and current), onset of diagnosis and symptoms, type of dementia and severity (cognitive impairment and functional abilities), behavioral disorders. Caregiver data: socio-demographic characteristics, kinship, duration of caregiving and co-residency with the patient. Caregiver burden assessed by the Zarit interview. RESULTS: Sixty seven patients (76.8 years (&plusmn; 6.2), 53.7% women) and 82% female caregivers were surveyed. Correlation between burden and behavior disorders (p<0.001), dependencies (p=0.003), onset of symptoms (p=0.016) and of caregiving (p<0.001), previous diagnosis (p=0.016) and co-residency (p=0.002) was studied. Cognitive test scores (Mini Mental and CAMCOG) were inversely proportional to distress (p=0.005 and p=0.023). Black caregivers demonstrated lower levels of stress (p=0.012). CONCLUSION: Burden was associated with behavioral disorders, dependencies, cognitive impairment, and onset of symptoms, caregiving and co-residency. Black caregivers demonstrated lower levels of stress

    Prevalence of renal insufficiency in elderly cancer patients in a tertiary cancer center

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    <div><p> Objective To estimate the prevalence of abnormal glomerular filtration rate in elderly patients with solid tumors. Methods A retrospective study with patients aged >65 years diagnosed with solid tumors between January 2007 and December 2011 in a cancer center. The following data were collected: sex, age, serum creatinine at the time of diagnosis and type of tumor. Renal function was calculated using abbreviated Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formulae and then staged in accordance with the clinical practice guidelines published by the Working Group of the National Kidney Foundation. Results A total of 666 patients were included and 60% were male. The median age was 74.2 years (range: 65 to 99 years). The most prevalent diagnosis in the study population were colorectal (24%), prostate (20%), breast (16%) and lung cancer (16%). The prevalence of elevated serum creatinine (>1.0mg/dL) was 30%. However, when patients were assessed using abbreviated MDRD formulae, 66% had abnormal renal function, stratified as follows: 45% with stage 2, 18% with stage 3, 3% with stage 4 and 0.3% with stage 5. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study to estimate the frequency of renal insufficiency in elderly cancer patients in Brazil. The prevalence of abnormal renal function among our cohort was high. As suspected, the absolute creatinine level does underestimate renal function impairment and should not be used as predictor of chemotherapy metabolism, excretion and consequent toxicity.</p></div

    Chemotherapy in the elderly: translation of hurria’s toxicity score to portuguese

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the translation and transcultural adaptation of Hurria’s chemotherapy toxicity score, a prediction tool to estimate chemotherapy toxicity in the elderly. METHODS: The original English version of the score was translated to Portuguese using the forward and backward translation technique, as described by Guilemin. RESULTS: The translation was performed by two Brazilians (a physician and a professional translator), both fluent in English. Two professionals from a specialized linguistic service, not related to the study, then carried out the backward translation. Finally, a medical committee composed of oncologists, geriatricians, and hematologists discussed the consistency of the score, choosing a final version of the instrument in Portuguese. This version was piloted-tested in medical charts in an Oncogeriatric service, with high reliability as tested by Kappa statistic test. CONCLUSION: The final version of Hurria’s chemotherapy toxicity score in Portuguese proved to be an easy, clear, and quick tool, suitable for use in clinical practice.</p