244 research outputs found

    Parmelia ernstiae - new to the Nordic lichen flora.

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    Parmelia ernstiae Feuerer & A. Thell, recently described from northwestern Germany, is reported from one locality in central SkĂĄne, southernmost Sweden

    Book reviews: Lavar - en fältguide

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    From Hoffmann to Wirth - an historical perspective of published German lichen floras.

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    German lichen flora projects are surveyed from Georg Hoffmann’s Deutschlands Flora oder Botanisches Taschenbuch. Zweyter Theil für das Jahr 1795. Cryptogamie to the recently published Die Flechten Deutschlands 2013, via Wilhelm Körber’s Systema Lichenum Germaniae 1855, and the supplementary volume Parerga lichenologica 1859, Gustav Lindau’s Die Flechten, Kryptogamenflora für Anfänger 1913 & 1923, Ludwig Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1930–1960, Walter Migula’s Kryptogamen Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Österreich und der Schweiz from 1929 & 1931, Georg Lettau’s Flechten aus Mitteleuropa 1939, 1944 & 1958, and Josef Poelt’s Bestimmungsschlüssel Europäischer Flechten from 1969

    Records of new and interesting Peltigera species for Greenland

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    Ten new species of Peltigera are reported from Greenland. Peltigera kristinssonii and P. membranacea are reported as new to South East Greenland, P. neckeri as new to North West Greenland, and P. occidentalis and P. ponojensis as new to Central West and South East Greenland

    A preliminary phylogeographic study of Flavopunctelia and Punctelia inferred from rDNA ITS-sequences

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    A preliminary phylogeny of the genera Flavopunctelia and Punctelia is presented. Genus and species delimitations have been investigated using ITS rDNA-sequencing of populations from different continents. Current genus delimitations of Flavopunctelia, Punctelia and Parmelia are confirmed and the species status of recently resurrected Punctelia ulophylla is confirmed. The status of three cryptic species, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata and P. stictica is discussed. Flavopunctelia borrerioides and Punctelia perreticulata are reported from China for the first time.Esitatakse perekondade Flavopunctelia ja Punctelia esialgne fülogeneesi rekonstruktsioon. Perekondade ja liikide eraldamist on uuritud erinevatelt kontinentidelt pärinevate populatsioonide ITS rDNA sekventside alusel. Senine perekondade Flavopunctelia, Punctelia ja Parmelia piiritlemine on leidnud kinnitust, samuti liigi Punctelia ulophylla staatus. Arutletakse kolme krüptilise liigi, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata ja P. stictica staatuse üle. Teatatakse liikide Flavopunctelia borrerioides ja Punctelia perreticulata esmasleidudest HiinasFil: Thell, Arne. Lund University; SueciaFil: Herber, B.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Aptroot, A.. Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures; Países BajosFil: Adler, Monica Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; ArgentinaFil: Feuerer, T.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Kärnefelt, Ingvar. Lund University; Sueci

    Taxonomy of the lichen family Teloschistaceae based on multigene phylogeny

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    The lichen family Teloschistaceae (Teloschistales, lichenized Ascomycota) included ten genera and ca 500 species prior to the molecular era (Kärnefelt 1989). Since then, molecular studies resulted in today's ca 112 genera and ca 1200 species (e.g., Fayyaz et al. 2022; Kondratyuk et al. 2022a, 2022b). New species and genera in the Teloschistaceae, based on recently discovered monophyletic branches, are presented

    David John Galloway 1942-2014, a life with lichens

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    Lichenicolous fungi of southern Scandinavia with particular reference to those associated with Xanthoria calcicola s. lat.

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    Lichenicolous fungi associated with Xanthoria calcicola s. lat. are studied in southernmost Scandinavia, i.e., Skåne, the southernmost province in Sweden and southern Denmark. Two species, Didymocyrtis slaptoensis and Pyrenochaeta xantho­ riae, are reported as new for the Nordic countries, whereas three species, Didymocyrtis cf. consimilis, Erythricium aurantiacum, and Illosporiopsis christiansenii are recorded for the first time from Skåne. New localities for rare lichenicolous fungi from southern Scandinavia and southernmost Denmark are also listed. Notes on the taxonomy and ecology of Telogalla olivieri and Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae are provided

    The red-listed Cetrelia cetrarioides (Parmeliaceae) is confirmed by molecular data in Belarus

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    The new locality of the Red-listed lichen Cetrelia cetrarioides was discovered in Belovezhskaya Puscha National Park. The occurrence of this species was confirmed by the sequence of the ITS region
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