47 research outputs found

    A preliminary phylogeographic study of Flavopunctelia and Punctelia inferred from rDNA ITS-sequences

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    A preliminary phylogeny of the genera Flavopunctelia and Punctelia is presented. Genus and species delimitations have been investigated using ITS rDNA-sequencing of populations from different continents. Current genus delimitations of Flavopunctelia, Punctelia and Parmelia are confirmed and the species status of recently resurrected Punctelia ulophylla is confirmed. The status of three cryptic species, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata and P. stictica is discussed. Flavopunctelia borrerioides and Punctelia perreticulata are reported from China for the first time.Esitatakse perekondade Flavopunctelia ja Punctelia esialgne fülogeneesi rekonstruktsioon. Perekondade ja liikide eraldamist on uuritud erinevatelt kontinentidelt pärinevate populatsioonide ITS rDNA sekventside alusel. Senine perekondade Flavopunctelia, Punctelia ja Parmelia piiritlemine on leidnud kinnitust, samuti liigi Punctelia ulophylla staatus. Arutletakse kolme krüptilise liigi, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata ja P. stictica staatuse üle. Teatatakse liikide Flavopunctelia borrerioides ja Punctelia perreticulata esmasleidudest HiinasFil: Thell, Arne. Lund University; SueciaFil: Herber, B.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Aptroot, A.. Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures; Países BajosFil: Adler, Monica Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; ArgentinaFil: Feuerer, T.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Kärnefelt, Ingvar. Lund University; Sueci

    Five new Caloplaca species (Teloschistaceae, Ascomycota) from Australia

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    Five new species of Caloplaca, C. mallacootensis, C. montenegrensis, C. rexii, C. rossii, and C. subgyalectoides are described, illustrated and compared with closely related taxa

    Three new Orientophila species (Teloschistaceae, Ascomycota) from eastern Asia

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    Three species, Orientophila fauriei, O. jungakimae and O. yokjidoensis, from South Korea are described as new, illustrated and compared with closely related taxa


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    Xanthoparmelia lineola s. l. in Australia and North America

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    Populations previously included in Xanthoparmelia lineola and X. digitiformis from Australia and North America have been investigated using ITS rDNA sequences, chemistry and morphology and have been compared with possible related species. The new species, Xanthoparmelia knudsenii Elix, A. Thell & Søchting is described and the new combination Xanthoparmelia rimalis (Kurok.) Elix, A. Thell & Søchting is propose

    A new circumscription of the lichen genus Nephromopsis (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes).

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    The phylogeny of the cetrarioid lichens with bifusiform spermatia and dorsiventral thalli which contain usnic acid is reanalysed using three parts of the genome, ITS rDNA, b-tubulin and GAPDH sequences. Molecular data from five cetrarioid species are presented for the first time, and 13 new sequences are combined with sequences from the gene bank to delimit the genus Nephromopsis. A monophyletic clade of Nephromopsis, Tuckneraria, ’Cetraria’ leucostigma and ’C.’ melaloma is identified and circumscribed as one genus, Nephromopsis, which now includes 19 species. Four new combinations are presented. A key to the species is provided