2,585 research outputs found

    From Collectivism towards Segmentalism : Institutional Change in German Vocational Training

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    This paper argues that the German system of vocational training is undergoing subtle but significant changes from a mainly collectivist system to a more segmentalist one. To make the argument, the paper first discusses the two logics of collectivism and segmentalism, and how the German system is characterized by longstanding tensions between competing collectivist and segmentalist interests. In the empirical section, recent trends in the German system are portrayed to show that the system’s segmentalist dimension has been strengthened at the expense of its collectivist dimension. These trends can be seen from developments in the participation of firms in training and from the changing politics of vocational training reform. To buttress our argument, we present three case studies on the debate over the modularization and Europeanization of vocational training, on the (re)introduction of two-year apprenticeships and on the unfolding conflict on vocational exams respectively. Before we conclude, we highlight parallels in contemporary trends in vocational training and changes in other realms of the German political economy.Dieses Papier dokumentiert den graduellen, aber transformativen Wandel des deutschen Berufsbildungssystems von einem kollektivistischen zu einem stärker segmentalistischen Modell. Zunächst wird gezeigt, dass die beiden Logiken des Kollektivismus und des Segmentalismus in der Geschichte der beruflichen Bildung schon immer in einem Spannungsverhältnis standen. Im empirischen Teil wird gezeigt, dass die segmentalistische Dimension während der letzen drei Jahrzehnte gegenüber der kollektivistischen an Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Dies wird anhand der Entwicklung der Ausbildungsbeteiligung von Unternehmen sowie der Politik der beruflichen Bildung dokumentiert. Insbesondere werden drei Fallstudien zur Debatte über Modularisierung und Europäisierung der beruflichen Bildung, zur (Wieder-)Einführung zweijähriger Ausbildungsberufe und zum sich anbahnenden Konflikt über die Organisation von Prüfungen präsentiert. Abschließend werden Parallelen zwischen dem Wandel der beruflichen Bildung und den Arbeitsbeziehungen im Allgemeinen herausgearbeitet

    Imaging and simulation of Achilles tendon dynamics: Implications for walking performance in the elderly

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    The Achilles tendon (AT) is a complex structure, consisting of distinct fascicle bundles arising from each triceps surae muscle that may act as mechanically independent structures. Advances in tissue imaging are rapidly accelerating our understanding of the complexities of functional Achilles tendon behavior, with potentially important implications for musculoskeletal injury and performance. In this overview of our recent contributions to these efforts, we present the results of complementary experimental and computational approaches to investigate AT behavior during walking and its potential relevance to reduced triceps surae mechanical performance due to aging. Our experimental evidence reveals that older tendons exhibit smaller differences in tissue deformations than young adults between regions of the AT presumed to arise from the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. These observations are consistent with a reduced capacity for inter-fascicle sliding within the AT, which could have implications for the mechanical independence of the triceps surae muscles. More uniform AT deformations are also correlated with hallmark biomechanical features of elderly gait – namely, a loss of net ankle moment, power, and positive work during push-off. Simulating age-related reductions in the capacity for inter-fascicle sliding in the AT during walking predicts detriments in gastrocnemius muscle-tendon mechanical performance coupled with underlying shifts in fascicle kinematics during push-off. AT compliance, also suspected to vary due to age, systematically modulates those effects. By integrating in vivo imaging with computational modeling, we have gained theoretical insight into multi-scale biomechanical changes due to aging, hypotheses regarding their functional effects, and opportunities for experiments that validate or invalidate these assertions

    Variation in the human Achilles tendon moment arm during walking

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    The Achilles tendon (AT) moment arm is an important determinant of ankle moment and power generation during locomotion. Load and depth-dependent variations in the AT moment arm are generally not considered, but may be relevant given the complex triceps surae architecture. We coupled motion analysis and ultrasound imaging to characterize AT moment arms during walking in 10 subjects. Muscle loading during push-off amplified the AT moment arm by 10% relative to heel strike. AT moment arms also varied by 14% over the tendon thickness. In walking, AT moment arms are not strictly dependent on kinematics, but exhibit important load and spatial dependencies

    Patterning of two-dimensional electron systems in SrTiO₃ based heterostructures using a CeO₂ template

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    Two-dimensional electron systems found at the interface of SrTiO3-based oxide heterostructures often display anisotropic electric transport whose origin is currently under debate. To characterize transport along specific crystallographic directions, we developed a hard-mask patterning routine based on an amorphous CeO2 template layer. The technique allows preparing well-defined microbridges by conventional ultraviolet photolithography which, in comparison to standard techniques such as ion- or wet-chemical etching, does not induce any degradation of interfacial conductance. The patterning scheme is described in detail and the successful production of microbridges based on amorphous Al2O3-SrTiO3 heterostructures is demonstrated. Significant anisotropic transport is observed for T < 30 K which is mainly related to impurity/defect scattering of charge carriers in these heterostructures

    'She's like a daughter to me': insights into care, work and kinship from rural Russia

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    This article draws on ethnographic research into a state-funded homecare service in rural Russia. The article discusses intersections between care, work and kinship in the relationships between homecare workers and their elderly wards and explores the ways in which references to kinship, as a means of authenticating paid care and explaining its emotional content, reinforce public and private oppositions while doing little to relieve the tensions and conflicts of care work. The discussion brings together detailed empirical insights into local ideologies and practices as a way of generating new theoretical perspectives, which will be of relevance beyond the particular context of study

    Deep Depth From Focus

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    Depth from focus (DFF) is one of the classical ill-posed inverse problems in computer vision. Most approaches recover the depth at each pixel based on the focal setting which exhibits maximal sharpness. Yet, it is not obvious how to reliably estimate the sharpness level, particularly in low-textured areas. In this paper, we propose `Deep Depth From Focus (DDFF)' as the first end-to-end learning approach to this problem. One of the main challenges we face is the hunger for data of deep neural networks. In order to obtain a significant amount of focal stacks with corresponding groundtruth depth, we propose to leverage a light-field camera with a co-calibrated RGB-D sensor. This allows us to digitally create focal stacks of varying sizes. Compared to existing benchmarks our dataset is 25 times larger, enabling the use of machine learning for this inverse problem. We compare our results with state-of-the-art DFF methods and we also analyze the effect of several key deep architectural components. These experiments show that our proposed method `DDFFNet' achieves state-of-the-art performance in all scenes, reducing depth error by more than 75% compared to the classical DFF methods.Comment: accepted to Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 201

    Visuomotor Entrainment and the Frequency-Dependent Response of Walking Balance to Perturbations

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    Visuomotor entrainment, or the synchronization of motor responses to visual stimuli, is a naturally emergent phenomenon in human standing. Our purpose was to investigate the prevalence and resolution of visuomotor entrainment in walking and the frequency-dependent response of walking balance to perturbations. We used a virtual reality environment to manipulate optical flow in ten healthy young adults during treadmill walking. A motion capture system recorded trunk, sacrum, and heel marker trajectories during a series of 3-min conditions in which we perturbed a virtual hallway mediolaterally with systematic changes in the driving frequencies of perceived motion. We quantified visuomotor entrainment using spectral analyses and changes in balance control using trunk sway, gait variability, and detrended fluctuation analyses (DFA). ML kinematics were highly sensitive to visual perturbations, and instinctively synchronized (i.e., entrained) to a broad range of driving frequencies of perceived ML motion. However, the influence of visual perturbations on metrics of walking balance was frequency-dependent and governed by their proximity to stride frequency. Specifically, we found that a driving frequency nearest to subjects' average stride frequency uniquely compromised trunk sway, gait variability, and step-to-step correlations. We conclude that visuomotor entrainment is a robust and naturally emerging phenomenon during human walking, involving coordinated and frequency-dependent adjustments in trunk sway and foot placement to maintain balance at the whole-body level. These findings provide mechanistic insight into how the visuomotor control of walking balance is disrupted by visual perturbations and important reference values for the emergence of balance deficits due to age, injury, or disease

    The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, VIII: The MIRI Focal Plane System

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    We describe the layout and unique features of the focal plane system for MIRI. We begin with the detector array and its readout integrated circuit (combining the amplifier unit cells and the multiplexer), the electronics, and the steps by which the data collection is controlled and the output signals are digitized and delivered to the JWST spacecraft electronics system. We then discuss the operation of this MIRI data system, including detector readout patterns, operation of subarrays, and data formats. Finally, we summarize the performance of the system, including remaining anomalies that need to be corrected in the data pipeline

    Interplane magnetic coupling effects in the multilattice compound Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15}

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    We investigate the interplane magnetic coupling of the multilattice compound Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15} by means of a bilayer Hubbard model with inequivalent planes. We evaluate the spin response, effective interaction and the intra- and interplane spin-spin relaxation times within the fluctuation exchange approximation. We show that strong in-plane antiferromagnetic fluctuations are responsible for a magnetic coupling between the planes, which in turns leads to a tendency of the fluctuation in the two planes to equalize. This equalization effect grows whit increasing in-plane antiferromagnetic fluctuations, i. e., with decreasing temperature and decreasing doping, while it is completely absent when the in-layer correlation length becomes of the order of one lattice spacing. Our results provide a good qualitative description of NMR and NQR experiments in Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15}.Comment: Final version, to appear. in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications), sched. Jan. 9
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