20 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Contributions to Bs->K+K-

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    Inspired by the existing calculation of B->piK decays in supersymmetry (SUSY), we evaluate the dominant SUSY contributions to Bs->K+K-. We show that the observables of this process can be significantly modified in the presence of SUSY. In particular, the branching ratio can be increased considerably compared to the prediction of the standard model (SM). The effect is even more dramatic for the CP-violating asymmetries A_dir and A_mix. These asymmetries, expected to be small in the SM (A_dir is predicted to take only positive values), change drastically with SUSY contributions. The measurement of these observables can therefore be used to detect the presence of physics beyond the SM, and put constraints on its parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. This new version contains one added reference and some minor style change

    Footprints of the Beyond in flavor physics: Possible role of the Top Two Higgs Doublet Model

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    The B-factories results provide an impressive confirmation of the Standard Model (SM) description of flavor and CP violation. Nevertheless, as more data were accumulated, deviations in the 2.5-3.5 sigma range have emerged pointing to the exciting possibility of new CP-odd phase(s) and flavor violating parameters in B-decays. Primarily this seems to be the case in the time dependent CP asymmetries in penguin dominated modes (e.g. B -> phi (eta') Ks). We discuss these and other deviations from the SM and, as an illustration of possible new physics scenarios, we examine the role of the Top Two Higgs Doublet Model. This is a simple extension of the SM obtained by adding second Higgs doublet in which the Yukawa interactions of the two Higgs doublets are assigned in order to naturally account for the large top-quark mass. Of course, many other extensions of the Standard Model could also account for these experimental deviations. Clearly if one takes these deviations seriously then some new particles in the 300 GeV to few TeV with associated new CP-odd phase(s) are needed.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures (png format), uses pdflate

    Implications for the Constrained MSSM from a new prediction for b to s gamma

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    We re-examine the properties of the Constrained MSSM in light of updated constraints, paying particular attention to the impact of the recent substantial shift in the Standard Model prediction for BR(B to X_s gamma). With the help of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo scanning technique, we vary all relevant parameters simultaneously and derive Bayesian posterior probability maps. We find that the case of \mu>0 remains favored, and that for \mu<0 it is considerably more difficult to find a good global fit to current constraints. In both cases we find a strong preference for a focus point region. This leads to improved prospects for detecting neutralino dark matter in direct searches, while superpartner searches at the LHC become more problematic, especially when \mu<0. In contrast, prospects for exploring the whole mass range of the lightest Higgs boson at the Tevatron and the LHC remain very good, which should, along with dark matter searches, allow one to gain access to the otherwise experimentally challenging focus point region. An alternative measure of the mean quality-of-fit which we also employ implies that present data are not yet constraining enough to draw more definite conclusions. We also comment on the dependence of our results on the choice of priors and on some other assumptions.Comment: JHEP versio

    B_s - \bar{B}_s mixing in the MSSM scenario with large flavor mixing in the LL/RR sector

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    We show that the recent measurements of BsBˉsB_s-\bar{B}_s mass difference, Δms\Delta m_s, by D{\O} and CDF collaborations give very strong constraints on MSSM scenario with large flavor mixing in the LL and/or RR sector of down-type squark mass squared matrix. In particular, the region with large mixing angle and large mass difference between scalar strange and scalar bottom is ruled out by giving too large Δms\Delta m_s. The allowed region is sensitive to the CP violating phases δL(R)\delta_{L(R)}. The Δms\Delta m_s constraint is most stringent on the scenario with both LL and RR mixing. We also predict the time-dependent CP asymmetry in BsψϕB_s \to \psi \phi decay and semileptonic asymmetry in BsXB_s\to \ell X decay.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    A Collider Signature of the Supersymmetric Golden Region

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    Null results of experimental searches for the Higgs boson and the superpartners imply a certain amount of fine-tuning in the electroweak sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The "golden region" in the MSSM parameter space is the region where the experimental constraints are satisfied and the amount of fine-tuning is minimized. In this region, the stop trilinear soft term is large, leading to a significant mass splitting between the two stop mass eigenstates. As a result, the decay of the heavier stop into the lighter stop and a Z boson is kinematically allowed throughout the golden region. We propose that the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can search for this decay through an inclusive signature, Z+2jb+missing Et+X. We evaluate the Standard Model backgrounds for this channel, and identify a set of cuts that would allow detection of the supersymmetric contribution at the LHC for the MSSM parameters typical of the golden region. We also discuss other possible interpretations of a signal for new physics in the Z+2jb+missing Et+X channel, and suggest further measurements that could be used to distinguish among these interpretations.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. New in v4: an error fixed in Eq. (13); results unaffecte

    On the detectability of the CMSSM light Higgs boson at the Tevatron

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    We examine the prospects of detecting the light Higgs h^0 of the Constrained MSSM at the Tevatron. To this end we explore the CMSSM parameter space with \mu>0, using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique, and apply all relevant collider and cosmological constraints including their uncertainties, as well as those of the Standard Model parameters. Taking 50 GeV < m_{1/2}, m_0 < 4 TeV, |A_0| < 7 TeV and 2 < tan(beta) < 62 as flat priors and using the formalism of Bayesian statistics we find that the 68% posterior probability region for the h^0 mass lies between 115.4 GeV and 120.4 GeV. Otherwise, h^0 is very similar to the Standard Model Higgs boson. Nevertheless, we point out some enhancements in its couplings to bottom and tau pairs, ranging from a few per cent in most of the CMSSM parameter space, up to several per cent in the favored region of tan(beta)\sim 50 and the pseudoscalar Higgs mass of m_A\lsim 1 TeV. We also find that the other Higgs bosons are typically heavier, although not necessarily much heavier. For values of the h^0 mass within the 95% probability range as determined by our analysis, a 95% CL exclusion limit can be set with about 2/fb of integrated luminosity per experiment, or else with 4/fb (12/fb) a 3 sigma evidence (5 sigma discovery) will be guaranteed. We also emphasize that the alternative statistical measure of the mean quality-of-fit favors a somewhat lower Higgs mass range; this implies even more optimistic prospects for the CMSSM light Higgs search than the more conservative Bayesian approach. In conclusion, for the above CMSSM parameter ranges, especially m_0, either some evidence will be found at the Tevatron for the light Higgs boson or, at a high confidence level, the CMSSM will be ruled out.Comment: JHEP versio

    The 2004 UTfit Collaboration Report on the Status of the Unitarity Triangle in the Standard Model

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    Using the latest determinations of several theoretical and experimental parameters, we update the Unitarity Triangle analysis in the Standard Model. The basic experimental constraints come from the measurements of |V_ub/V_cb|, Delta M_d, the lower limit on Delta M_s, epsilon_k, and the measurement of the phase of the B_d - anti B_d mixing amplitude through the time-dependent CP asymmetry in B^0 to J/psi K^0 decays. In addition, we consider the direct determination of alpha, gamma, 2 beta + gamma and cos(2 beta) from the measurements of new CP-violating quantities, recently performed at the B factories. We also discuss the opportunities offered by improving the precision of the various physical quantities entering in the determination of the Unitarity Triangle parameters. The results and the plots presented in this paper can also be found at http://www.utfit.org, where they are continuously updated with the newest experimental and theoretical results.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figures. High resolution figures and updates can be found at http://www.utfit.org v2: misprints correcte

    The Semileptonic BB to K1(1270,1400)K_1(1270,1400) Decays in QCD Sum Rules

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    We analyze the semileptonic rare decays of BB meson to K1(1270)K_{1} (1270) and K1(1400)K_{1} (1400) axial vector mesons. The BK1(1270,1400)+B\to K_{1} (1270,1400) \ell^+ \ell^- decays are significant flavor changing neutral current decays of the BB meson. These decays are sensitive to the new physics beyond SM, since these processes are forbidden at tree level at SM. These decays occurring at the quark level via bs+b\to s \ell^+ \ell^- transition, also provide new opportunities for calculating the CKM matrix elements VbtV_{bt} and VtsV_{ts}. In this study, the transition form factors of the BK1(1270,1400)+B\to K_{1} (1270,1400) \ell^+ \ell^- decays are calculated using three-point QCD sum rules approach. The resulting form factors are used to estimate the branching fractions of these decays.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in JP

    Particle-Antiparticle Mixing, epsilon_K, Delta Gamma_q, A_SL^q, A_CP(B_d -> psi K_S), A_CP(B_s -> psi phi) and B -> X_{s,d} gamma in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-Parity

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    We calculate a number of observables related to particle-antiparticle mixing in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity (LHT). The resulting effective Hamiltonian for Delta F=2 transitions agrees with the one of Hubisz et al., but our phenomenological analysis goes far beyond the one of these authors. In particular, we point out that the presence of mirror fermions with new flavour and CP-violating interactions allows to remove the possible Standard Model (SM) discrepancy between the CP asymmetry S_{psi K_S} and large values of |V_ub| and to obtain for the mass difference Delta M_s < (Delta M_s)_SM as suggested by the recent result by the CDF collaboration. We also identify a scenario in which simultaneously significant enhancements of the CP asymmetries S_{phi psi} and A_SL^q relative to the SM are possible, while satisfying all existing constraints, in particular from the B -> X_s gamma decay and A_CP(B -> X_s gamma) that are presented in the LHT model here for the first time. In another scenario the second, non-SM, value for the angle gamma=-(109+-6) from tree level decays, although unlikely, can be made consistent with all existing data with the help of mirror fermions. We present a number of correlations between the observables in question and study the implications of our results for the mass spectrum and the weak mixing matrix of mirror fermions. In the most interesting scenarios, the latter one turns out to have a hierarchical structure that differs significantly from the CKM one.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures, 1 table. Extended discussion of the phases in the new mixing matrix V_Hd, some references added or updated, conclusions unchanged. Final version published in JHE

    Phenomenology of GUT-less Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We study models in which supersymmetry breaking appears at an intermediate scale, M_{in}, below the GUT scale. We assume that the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters of the MSSM are universal at M_{in}, and analyze the morphology of the constraints from cosmology and collider experiments on the allowed regions of parameter space as M_{in} is reduced from the GUT scale. We present separate analyses of the (m_{1/2},m_0) planes for tan(beta)=10 and tan(beta)=50, as well as a discussion of non-zero trilinear couplings, A_0. Specific scenarios where the gaugino and scalar masses appear to be universal below the GUT scale have been found in mirage-mediation models, which we also address here. We demand that the lightest neutralino be the LSP, and that the relic neutralino density not conflict with measurements by WMAP and other observations. At moderate values of M_{in}, we find that the allowed regions of the (m_{1/2},m_0) plane are squeezed by the requirements of electroweak symmetry breaking and that the lightest neutralino be the LSP, whereas the constraint on the relic density is less severe. At very low M_{in}, the electroweak vacuum conditions become the dominant constraint, and a secondary source of astrophysical cold dark matter would be necessary to explain the measured relic density for nearly all values of the soft SUSY-breaking parameters and tan(beta). We calculate the neutralino-nucleon cross sections for viable scenarios and compare them with the present and projected limits from direct dark matter searches.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures; typos corrected, references adde