175 research outputs found

    Modeling of the Coupled Magnetospheric and Neutral Wind Dynamos

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    Over the past four years of funding, SRI, in collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas, has been involved in assessing the influence of thermospheric neutral winds on the electric field and current systems at high latitudes. The initial direction of the project was to perform a set of numerical experiments concerning the contribution of the magnetospheric and neutral wind dynamo processes, under specific boundary conditions, to the polarization electric field and/or the field-aligned current distribution at high latitudes. To facilitate these numerical experiments we developed a numerical scheme that relied on using output from the NCAR Thermosphere-Ionosphere General Circulation Model (NCAR-TIGCM), expanding them in the form of spherical harmonics and solving the dynamo equations spectrally. Once initial calculations were completed, it was recognized that the neutral wind contribution could be significant but its actual contribution to the electric field or currents depended strongly on the generator properties of the magnetosphere. Solutions to this problem are not unique because of the unknown characteristics of the magnetospheric generator, therefore the focus was on two limiting cases. One limiting case was to consider the magnetosphere as a voltage generator delivering a fixed voltage to the high-latitude ionosphere and allowing for the neutral wind dynamo to contribute only to the current system. The second limiting case was to consider the magnetosphere as a current generator and allowing for the neutral wind dynamo to contribute only to the generation of polarization electric fields. This work was completed and presented at the l994 Fall AGU meeting. The direction of the project then shifted to applying the Poynting flux concept to the high-latitude ionosphere. This concept was more attractive as it evaluated the influence of neutral winds on the high-latitude electrodynamics without actually having to determine the generator characteristics of the magnetosphere. The influence of the neutral wind was then determined not by estimating how much electric potential or current density it provides, but by determining the contribution of the neutral wind to the net electromagnetic energy transferred between the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The estimate of the net electromagnetic energy transfer and the role of the neutral winds proves to be a more fundamental quantity in studies of magnetosphere- ionosphere coupling also showed that by using electric and magnetic field measurements from the HILAT satellite, the Poynting flux could be a measurable quantity from polar-orbiting, low- altitude spacecraft. Through collaboration with Dr. Heelis and others at UTD and their expertise of the electric field measurements on the DE-B satellite, an extensive analysis was planned to determine the Poynting flux from the DE-B measurements in combination with a modeling effort to help interpret the observations taking into account the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere

    Magnetospheric-ionospheric Poynting flux

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    Over the past three years of funding SRI, in collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas, has been involved in determining the total electromagnetic energy flux into the upper atmosphere from DE-B electric and magnetic field measurements and modeling the electromagnetic energy flux at high latitudes, taking into account the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system. This effort has been very successful in establishing the DC Poynting flux as a fundamental quantity in describing the coupling of electromagnetic energy between the magnetosphere and ionosphere. The DE-B satellite electric and magnetic field measurements were carefully scrutinized to provide, for the first time, a large data set of DC, field-aligned, Poynting flux measurement. Investigations describing the field-aligned Poynting flux observations from DE-B orbits under specific geomagnetic conditions and from many orbits were conducted to provide a statistical average of the Poynting flux distribution over the polar cap. The theoretical modeling effort has provided insight into the observations by formulating the connection between Poynting's theorem and the electromagnetic energy conversion processes that occur in the ionosphere. Modeling and evaluation of these processes has helped interpret the satellite observations of the DC Poynting flux and improved our understanding of the coupling between the ionosphere and magnetosphere

    Modeling of the coupled magnetospheric and neutral wind dynamos

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    This report summarizes the progress made in the first year of NASA Grant No. NAGW-3508 entitled 'Modeling of the Coupled Magnetospheric and Neutral Wind Dynamos.' The approach taken has been to impose magnetospheric boundary conditions with either pure voltage or current characteristics and solve the neutral wind dynamo equation under these conditions. The imposed boundary conditions determine whether the neutral wind dynamo will contribute to the high-latitude current system or the electric potential. The semi-annual technical report, dated December 15, 1993, provides further detail describing the scientific and numerical approach of the project. The numerical development has progressed and the dynamo solution for the case when the magnetosphere acts as a voltage source has been evaluated completely using spectral techniques. The simulation provides the field-aligned current distribution at high latitudes due to the neutral wind dynamo. A number of geophysical conditions can be simulated to evaluate the importance of the neutral wind dynamo contribution to the field-aligned current system. On average, field-aligned currents generated by the neutral wind dynamo contributed as much as 30 percent to the large-scale field-aligned current system driven by the magnetosphere. A term analysis of the high-latitude neutral wind dynamo equation describing the field aligned current distribution has also been developed to illustrate the important contributing factors involved in the process. The case describing the neutral dynamo response for a magnetosphere acting as a pure current generator requires the existing spectral code to be extended to a pseudo-spectral method and is currently under development

    Effects of Human-Animal Interactions on Affect and Cognition

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    Human-animal interaction has clear positive effects on people’s affect and stress. But less is known about how animal interactions influence cognition. We draw parallels between animal interactions and exposure to natural environments, a research area that shows clear improvements in cognitive performance. The aim of this study is to investigate whether interacting with animals similarly enhances cognitive performance, specifically executive functioning. To test this, we conducted two experiments in which we had participants self-report their affect and complete a series of cognitive tasks (long-term memory, attentional control, and working memory) before and after either a brief interaction with a dog or a control activity. We found that interacting with a dog improved positive affect and decreased negative affect (in one of the two experiments), stress, and anxiety compared to the control condition. However, we did not find effects of animal interaction on long-term memory, attentional control, or working memory. Thus, we replicated existing findings providing evidence that interacting with animals can improve affect, but we did not find similar improvements in cognitive performance. These results suggest that either our interaction was not of sufficient dose or timed appropriately to elicit effects on cognition or the mechanisms underlying effects of human-animal interaction on cognition differ from effects generated by other cognition-enhancing interventions such as exposure to nature. Future research should continue to increase knowledge of the connection between nature exposure and human-animal interaction studies to build our understanding of cognition in response to animal interactions

    Study of auroral dynamics with combined spacecraft and incoherent scatter radar data

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    The objectives of this project were to study the coupling between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, and to understand how this coupling was affected by changes in the solar wind. The data used consisted of satellite measurements coordinated with Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar observations. We focused our efforts on the study of temporal and spatial changes in the dayside auroral precipitation and electric field

    Diesel particulate matter emission factors and air quality implications from in–service rail in Washington State, USA

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    AbstractWe sought to evaluate the air quality implications of rail traffic at two sites in Washington State. Our goals were to quantify the exposure to diesel particulate matter (DPM) and airborne coal dust from current trains for residents living near the rail lines and to measure the DPM and black carbon emission factors (EFs). We chose two sites in Washington State, one at a residence along the rail lines in the city of Seattle and one near the town of Lyle in the Columbia River Gorge (CRG). At each site, we made measurements of size–segregated particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10), CO2 and meteorology, and used a motion–activated camera to capture video of each train for identification. We measured an average DPM EF of 0.94g/kg diesel fuel, with an uncertainty of 20%, based on PM1 and CO2 measurements from more than 450 diesel trains. We found no significant difference in the average DPM EFs measured at the two sites. Open coal trains have a significantly higher concentration of particles greater than 1μm diameter, likely coal dust. Measurements of black carbon (BC) at the CRG site show a strong correlation with PM1 and give an average BC/DPM ratio of 52% from diesel rail emissions. Our measurements of PM2.5 show that living close to the rail lines significantly increases PM2.5 exposure. For the one month of measurements at the Seattle site, the average PM2.5 concentration was 6.8μg/m3 higher near the rail lines compared to the average from several background locations. Because the excess PM2.5 exposure for residents living near the rail lines is likely to be linearly related to the diesel rail traffic density, a 50% increase in rail traffic may put these residents over the new U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards, an annual average of 12μg/m3

    2D Signal Estimation for Sparse Distributed Target Photon Counting Data

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    In this study, we explore the utilization of maximum likelihood estimation for the analysis of sparse photon counting data obtained from distributed target lidar systems. Specifically, we adapt the Poisson Total Variation processing technique to cater to this application. By assuming a Poisson noise model for the photon count observations, our approach yields denoised estimates of backscatter photon flux and related parameters. This facilitates the processing of raw photon counting signals with exceptionally high temporal and range resolutions (demonstrated here to 50 Hz and 75 cm resolutions), including data acquired through time-correlated single photon counting, without significant sacrifice of resolution. Through examination involving both simulated and real-world 2D atmospheric data, our method consistently demonstrates superior accuracy in signal recovery compared to the conventional histogram-based approach commonly employed in distributed target lidar applications

    Exercise Shifts Hypothetical Food Choices toward Greater Amounts and More Immediate Consumption

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    Although exercise modulates appetite regulation and food intake, it remains poorly understood how exercise impacts decision-making about food. The purpose of the present study was to assess the impact of an acute exercise bout on hypothetical choices related to the amount and timing of food intake. Forty-one healthy participants (22.0 ± 2.6 years; 23.7 ± 2.5 kg/m2 , 56% female) completed 45 min of aerobic exercise and a resting control condition in randomized order. Food amount preferences and intertemporal food preferences (preference for immediate vs. delayed consumption) were assessed using electronic questionnaires with visual food cues. Compared to rest, exercise resulted in a greater increase in the food amount selected, both immediately post-exercise (+25.8 ± 11.0 vs. +7.8 ± 11.0 kcal/item, p = 0.02) and 30 min post-exercise (+47.3 ± 12.4 vs. +21.3 ± 12.4 kcal/item, p = 0.005). Exercise further resulted in a greater increase in the preference for immediate consumption immediately post-exercise (+0.23 ± 0.10 vs. +0.06 ± 0.10; p = 0.03) and 30 min post-exercise (+0.30 ± 0.12 vs. +0.08 ± 0.12; p = 0.01). Our findings demonstrate that a single bout of aerobic exercise shifts hypothetical food choices toward greater amounts and more immediate consumption, highlighting the importance of the timing of food choices made in the exercise context
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