482 research outputs found

    E-Participation Readiness Among Head of Departments in Sony Supply Chain Solutions Malaysia

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the operations of the supply chain efficiently. Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. Sony Supply Chain Solutions was established to provide Supply Chain Services to Sony EMCS who produces various audio products to be shipped to customer destination. Sony Supply Chain is responsible for raw parts delivery , empty container delivery and speaker pairing from Sony Kedah Plant. Sony Supply Chain involves in operations such as container delivery, raw material supply and speaker delivery to Sony EMCS thus there will be meetings held to discuss issues and to solve problems. Since Sony Supply Chain HOD is based in external branches which are situated in different Prai Industrial Zone they will need to travel to Sony EMCS to attend meetings to discuss on operation matters. Thus there is an issue on punctuality and timing of attending meetings. There is a need to find a solution for this. We are proposing to implement e-participation to replace current meeting method. This research is to asses the readiness of Sony Supply Chain Solutions HOD’s to adopt E-Participation through netmeeting to replace current meeting method

    The Compatibility of the Access to Essential Generic Medicines with Human Rights: An Analysis of the In-Transit Seizure of Essential Generic Medicines from India by the European Union

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has sensitised the global community on the importance of the access to essential medicines. The nations of the world have engaged in a fierce battle over the lifesaving Covid-19 vaccines, in which developed nations have come out successfully. The access to essential medicines has long been promoted by the United Nations and other international human rights organisations. This research will also study the case in which a consignment of essential generic medicines from India designated to Brazil was seized, in-transit, by Dutch customs due to a suspected Intellectual Property infringement. Following this incident both India and Brazil filed requests with the World Trade Organization’s Appellate Body to hold consultations with the European Union on the issue of seizure of in transit generic pharmaceuticals by Dutch custom officials. Against this backdrop, this work intends to examine whether the seizure of essential generic medicines from India by the EU is compatible with the standards employed by international human rights law. It will also investigate the impact that European Council Regulation 1383/2003 has on in transit medicine which, by default, was never intended to enter the domestic market of the EU in the first place. In this regard, it is worth noting that both Brussels and New Delhi seems to have much in common, including that they happen to be large democracies with India being the largest in the world. Both adhere to the rule of law, the promotion of human rights and have large economies. New Delhi was also among the first to establish bilateral relations with the European Economic Community in 1963. In recent times, both unions have engaged in negotiations over a bilateral Free Trade Agreement, which has been put on hold. This work endeavours to reflect on the aspect of international trade agreements of the EU. More precisely, it will address the higher IPRs (“TRIPS plus”) standards that seem to be part and parcel of both bilateral and multilateral trade agreements of the EU. It shall also consider both FTA’s and Economic Partnership Agreements of the EU with LDC and developing nations. In addition, it will examine whether the IPRs that are applied by the Brussels could potentially obstruct the full enjoyment of human rights. Finally, the overarching research question of this PhD project is whether the seizure of essential generic medicines from India by the European Union, designated to developing countries, is compatible with the right to health. More precisely, it will further examine whether the access to essential generic medicines could be classified as falling under the category of the right to health (human right) and consequently whether the seizure and subsequent detention of the in-transit cargo of these medicines would qualify as a violation of international human rights law. In this context, it would be relevant to examine whether international human rights law should supersede intellectual property law in cases in which a norm conflict arises. More importantly, this work will assess whether the right to health, in the form of access to medicines, should take precedence over IP law in case of a conflict between both norms. Another issue that will be investigated is whether Brussels’ utilisation of IPRs protection, and the subsequent seizure as well as detention of generic medicines from India, could, potentially, have created a barrier to international trade in the field of generic medicines

    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus): A Whole Food Rich in Prebiotic Carbohydrates to Combat Global Obesity

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    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is a cool season food legume that is high in protein (20–30%) and in a range of micronutrients (e.g., minerals, carotenoids, folates) but very low in phytic acid. Recent research indicates that lentil contains a wide array of low-molecular weight carbohydrates (LMWC) or prebiotic carbohydrates, such as mono- and disaccharides, raffinose-family oligosaccharides (RFO), fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and sugar alcohols, and high-molecular weight resistant starches. Lentil provides more than 13 g of prebiotic carbohydrates per 100 g serving, and this level increases almost two-fold upon cooking, cooling, and reheating. In addition, prebiotic carbohydrate levels vary with lentil genotype and growing location/country. Intestinal microbiome and prebiotic studies suggest a prebiotic-rich, low-calorie diet can reduce the prevalence of obesity and related non-communicable diseases. Lentil thus represents a whole food source of prebiotics that can play a role in efforts to reduce obesity and non-communicable diseases. This chapter provides an overview of the current obesity-related health issues, holistic approaches to reduce obesity, worldwide lentil production, and the promise of pulses, mainly lentil, to be a whole food solution to combat global obesity. In addition, lentil’s superior LMWC profile and the genetic potential for further enrichment of prebiotic carbohydrates are briefly discussed

    E-Participation Readiness Among Head of Department in Sony Supply Chain Solutions Malaysia

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the operations of the supply chain efficiently. Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. Sony Supply Chain Solutions was established to provide Supply Chain Services to Sony EMCS who produces various audio products to be shipped to customer destination. Sony Supply Chain is responsible for raw parts delivery, empty container delivery and speaker pairing from Sony Kedah Plant . Sony Supply Chain involves in operations such as container delivery, raw material supply and speaker delivery to Sony EMCS thus there will be meetings held to discuss issues and to solve problems. Since Sony Supply Chain HOD is based in external branches which are situated in different Prai Industrial Zone they will need to travel to Sony EMCS to attend meetings to discuss on operation matters. Thus there is an issue on punctuality and timing of attending meetings. There is a need to find a solution for this. We are proposing to implement e-participation to replace current meeting method This research is to asses the readiness of Sony Supply Chain Solutions HOD'S to adopt E-Participation through netmeeting to replace current meeting method

    A heuristic algorithm for channel assignment in cellular mobile systems

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    This paper describes an efficient heuristic algorithm for the channel assignment problem (CAP) in cellular mobile systems. The channel assignment scheme proposed here is based on repetitive ordering of requirements in sequences. The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by several benchmark problems and found to be superior than other existing methods. The study show that the proposed algorithm yields optimal assignment in most of the cases and near-optimal assignment in other cases.published_or_final_versio

    Nitrogen fixation of pea and chickpea in response to drought in Saskatchewan

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    Non-Peer ReviewedPulse crops are economically important in cropping systems because of their ability to assimilate atmospheric nitrogen (N2). Cost of fertilizer N and an interest in developing ecologically sustainable agricultural systems has lead to an increased interest in the process of N2 fixation. In stress-free environments, legumes fix nitrogen for crop growth and high-protein seed production. However, N2 fixation in legumes is sensitive to water deficit, which restricts N supply, grain yield, and grain quality. The objective of this study was to quantify differences in N2 fixation for chickpea and pea cultivars subject to drought in the field in 2002. Measurements included biomass accumulation and leaf ureide concentration, a potential nitrogen fixation product, throughout the season. At the end of the season, natural abundance of N by fixation and yield were taken. Results will be discussed relating differences in cultivar biomass accumulation and total N fixation to N fixation products

    Teaching theory and practice - a pre-university teacher's dilemma

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    This study was aimed to investigate the application of teaching and learning theories that were applied during the teaching and learning process. There are many teaching theories that advocates that the best learning technique is student-based or student-centred learning. Selected teachers were interviewed based on their teaching experience and education background. Three main groups of teachers were studied; those who had more than 20 years of teaching experience, those who had between ten to twenty years teaching experience and those with less than ten years. The Pre-University programmes chosen were those with at least fifty percent external examination component such as A-levels, MUFY and the AUSMAT. This article is written based on the teachers? experiences and the problems that arise as they tried to apply the teaching and learning theories that were taught during their training as a teacher

    Variability in Prebiotic Carbohydrates in Different Market Classes of Chickpea, Common Bean, and Lentil Collected From the American Local Market

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    Pulse crops such as lentil, common bean, and chickpea are rich in protein, low digestible carbohydrates, and range of micronutrients. The detailed information of low digestible carbohydrates also known as “prebiotic carbohydrate” profiles of commonly consumed pulse market classes and their impact on human health are yet to be studied. The objective of this study was to determine the profiles of prebiotic carbohydrates in two commonly consumed lentil market classes, seven common bean market classes, and two chickpea market classes. After removing fat and protein, total carbohydrates averaged 51/100 g for lentil, 53/100 g for common bean, and 54/100 g for chickpea. Among the portion of total carbohydrates, lentil showed 12/100 g of prebiotic carbohydrates (sugar alcohols, raffinose family oligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, hemicellulose, cellulose, and resistant starch), 15/100 g in common bean, and 12/100 g in chickpea. Prebiotic carbohydrate concentrations within the market classes for each crop were significantly different (P < 0.05). In conclusion, these three pulses are rich in prebiotic carbohydrates, and considering the variation in these concentrations in the present materials, it is possible to breed appropriate market classes of pulses with high levels of prebiotic carbohydrates


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    A vast array of natural trees and shrubs are traditionally being used by livestock farmersdetermining the usefulness of them through their experience are traditionally using shrubs.These plants may be represented in writings over thousands years ago as fodder trees in Sri-Lankan traditional livestock farming systems. These range from short structure shrubs throughlarge trees which can grow to a height of 30m.Botanically they come under several plantfamilies and basically categorized 15 leguminous and non leguminous tree fodders and bothcategories are equally Important as foragesPremier reviews of the natural fodder trees and shrubs have been carried out in Sri Lanka byseveral investigators under several institutions. 'Those studies were mainly composed to regionalsurveys, laboratory analysis on the composition and adverse factors and simple feedingexperiments.Studies revealed that the most of tree and shrub leaves are rich in CP, Ca, Mg, and average in Pand S, low in Na and trace in Cu and Zn. The average Crude Protein (CP), Neutral DetergentFiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ACF), Lignin, Cellulose and Total ash vary from 9.0 to28.1%,33.3 to 54.0%, 18.37 to 50.08%, 4.7 to 22.0%, 11.5to 24.8 and 4.6 to 14.7 respectively.There is a high variation in DCP (5.5 to 19.8%) and TDN (36.3 to 83.4%). In most of thespecies, In-vitro Organic matter Digestibility (IVOMD) value is between 45 to 55% while fewspecies show a value more than 55%,and less than 45% .In a nitrogen balance study, all the treefodder tested was able to maintain a positive nitrogen balance. Some natural tree fodder containsanti quality substances. Tannins are most popular substances, which occur in some tree leaves.Farmers currently overcome this problem by feeding mixtures of fodders, feeding in later stagersthat tannins are low in content and wilting or sun dryingLittle effort had been made to study and obtain information including production andconsumption under the natural habitats and their feeding limitations. Therefore increasedattention needs to given those as a team approach with all relevant institution