198 research outputs found

    Building Comprehensive Sex Education Plans for Teenagers: Groundwork-Based Research Design Application

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    Although sexual education is an important part of a child’s education and upbringing, in Vietnam, sex education is not an official subject in school, and young people’s awareness of Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is still limited. While sex education at school is necessary, it is not the only way nor sufficient enough to change teenage sexual behavior. A parent’s role could involve communicating about values, providing a positive family environment, and monitoring their children’s behavior. This topic explores the awareness of teenagers about CSE and the availability of teaching CSE in Vietnamese schools and families. Data was collected via an online survey of 89 teenagers and 119 parents whose children are teenagers. The findings revealed that the target group is not fully aware of CSE and in particular, they also feel the importance of the family in this regard but are afraid to share gender issues with their parents and tend to find information on their own through the internet. Keywords: teenagers, sex education, reproductive health, Vietnam, sex and sexualit

    A Study of Asparagus Preservation Capacity of Chitosan-Alginate and Chitosan-Carrageenan Biofilms

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    Fresh postharvest green asparagus rapidly deteriorate due to its senescence process and high transpiration rate. This thesis aims to utilize the available sources of carrageenan and alginate for combining with pure chitosan coating solution, thus create a new multi-component coating that can overcome the limitations of pure chitosan coating, and show more effective in maintaining the quality of postharvest green asparagus. The gel solution ratio 2:1 (v/v) of chitosan 1% (w/v) and alginate 0.2% (w/v), had ability to prolong shelf-life of asparagus for 3 days (from weight loss point of view) and 7 days (from visual quality point of view) compared to control sample. The weight loss was less than about 12% and also ensured lower firmness change, maintained higher chlorophyll content, exhibiting better quality of asparagus compared to control and chitosan coated sample. The chitosan-alginate (2:1 v/v) coated asparagus achieved highest sensory score in day 7 and 14 of storage and lowest total aerobic growth in 14 days of storage at 4 ºC. The coating biofilm of chitosan-alginate could be considered as the new multi-component edible coating which showed high effectiveness in quality preservation and shelf-life extension of asparagus

    Convolution for the transform induced by Fourier integral transform and its inverse

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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance of Tax Officials: An Empirical Study in Vietnam

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    Purpose: The level of employee satisfaction with the use of e-tax systems is a major factor influencing the success of such systems. While studies typically focus on taxpayers' perspectives, this research investigates the influence of perceived ease of use, IT background, incentives, and social influence on tax officials’ job performance, mediated by tax officials’ job satisfaction.   Theoretical framework: The research is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to propose the research model which analyze the impact of job satisfaction on job performance.    Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative approach was adopted, involving surveys administered to tax officials in Vietnam. The study analyzed 250 valid responses using Cronbach's test, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).   Findings: The research revealed that all four factors significantly influence job performance through job satisfaction of tax officials in Vietnam. These findings provide valuable insights for tax authorities to improve job performance.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The research results contribute to other countries with similar characteristics in devising strategies to enhance employee performance. However, its limitations include its generalizability to other e-tax systems and countries. Future research with a larger sample size could bolster the applicability of these findings nationally.   Originality/Value: The research suggests tax authorities to support tax officials improve their professional skills; improve the regulations, policies on salary and bonus for tax officials; assist tax officials in using the e-tax system; implement effective communication


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    It is not deniable that pronunciation is considered one of the most crucial parts of learning English helping learners enhance their communication in both speaking and listening comprehension. To reach a level of a clear and precise pronunciation has never been an effortless task; however, it is a far more problematic one for English majored students regardless of their learning years. For this reason, the study entitled “Common Errors in Pronouncing Dental Sounds of English-Majored Sophomores at Tay Do University” was implemented with the aim at investigating the errors that English-majored students encountered in pronouncing dental sounds. 80 English-majored sophomores from course 14 at Tay Do University were selected to participate in the study. Questionnaires and recording tests were delivered to the participants for collecting data and getting more information. The collected data from the two instruments mentioned above was all analyzed afterward. The findings of the research revealed that sophomores of English major often mispronounced the dental sounds, including omission and substitution. The results of this study may also be useful for those who are interested in this field. Article visualizations

    US-China rivalry in Southeast Asia region: a study on the South China Sea case

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    Southeast Asia is one of the places where fierce rivalry is taking place between the two leading powers in the world today - the US and China. The US-China rivalry in this region takes place in key fields, from politics - diplomacy, economy, security - defense to "soft power", the most prominent of which is the South China Sea issue. This article analyzes the strategic importance of the South China Sea in the policy of the US and China, the competition between the US and China in Southeast Asia in general, and the South China Sea in particular. To achieve this goal, the authors use research methods in international relations to analyze the main issues of the study. In addition to reviewing previous scholarly research and reviews, the authors use a comparative approach to assess the interactions between theory and data. The authors believe the data is important for accurately assessing the strategic competition between the US and China in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea. The rise of China in the early years of the XXI century strongly influenced the adjustment of the US policy in Southeast Asia and the powerful US-China rivalry in this region and the South China Sea. This rivalry is becoming increasingly complicated, and geopolitical conflicts between major powers are possible in the following years


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    In communication, intonation plays an important role in conveying the meaning of a speech. In this article, we study students' perception of the influence of intonation in conveying the meaning of speech in communication to propose solutions to help students overcome intonation errors when communicating, as well as, help teachers have appropriate intonation teaching methods. Our data and analysis are based on research documents, surveys, and in-depth interviews with students. According to the study results, most students are well aware of the importance of intonation and of the factors affecting intonation, and they are also aware of the causes of intonation errors. However, students do not apply their knowledge of intonation to speech, they stop at the cognitive level. The study indicates that students often make intonation mistakes in Tag-question, Wh-question, and Imperative sentence in communication.  Article visualizations


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    This report presents the result of four surveys in 2013 at 12 sampling stations on fish composition of fish fauna in the Thu Bon estuary of Quang Nam province (the central Vietnam) and a total of 139 species of fishes were identified belonging to 110 genera, 63 families and 17 orders. Analysis of community structure of fish fauna showed that the order Perciformes was the most popular, making up 56.1%; Cypriniformes (8.6%); Pleuronectiformes (6.5%); Clupeiformes and Siluriformes (4.3%); Anguilliformes, Tetraodontiformes (3.6%); Mugiliformes (2.9%); ... The family Gobiidae was the most abundant with 12 species, making up 8.6% of the total number of species; Cyprinidae (10 species, 7.2%); Leiognathidae, Carangidae had the same number of species (6 species, 4.3%); Clupeidae, Lutjanidae: 5 species (3.6%); Serranidae, Mugilidae, Soleidae, Gerreidae, Ambassidae, Tetraodontidae: 4 species (2.9%); In addition, 4 families had 3 species, 12 families had 2 species and 35 families had 1 species. Cluster analysis based on the Bray - Curtis similarity index of nine fish faunas (Bach Dang, Thai Binh, Bu Lu, Son Tra peninsula, Thu Bon, coastal wetlands of Quang Nam, Nha Phu - Binh Cang, Ben Tre and Tra Vinh) showed that fish composition of the coastal - estuaries of Tra Vinh and Ben Tre had the highest similarity (78%), subsequently fish faunas of Thu Bon had similarity with that of Quang Nam (47%), Quang Nam and Nha Phu - Binh Cang (41%), Bu Lu and Thu Bon (38%). The result was also classified into three distinct groups of 9 fish faunas: group 1- Tra Vinh, Ben Tre and Thai Binh; group 2- Quang Nam, Thu Bon, Nha Phu - Binh Cang, Son Tra and Bu Lu; group 3- Bach Đang. The species richness (Margalef’s index) of Thu Bon (28.0) was less abundant than that of other areas: the highest species richness belonging to Tra Vinh (39.4), Thai Binh (38.6), Nha Phu - Binh Cang (35.9), Son Tra (31.8), Bu Lu (29.7), … The diversity of species composition according to the taxa in each region showed the characteristic of each fish fauna. The fish fauna is evidently typical of characteristics of the estuarine waters and coastal lagoons. There are 4 threatened species which are listed in the Vietnam’s Red Data Book (2007) at ex-tremely vulnerable levels.Thực hiện 4 chuyến khảo sát thu mẫu thành phần loài cá vùng cửa sông Thu Bồn trong năm 2013 tại 12 điểm thu mẫu. Kết quả đã ghi nhận được 139 loài thuộc 17 bộ, 63 họ và 110 giống. Phân tích cấu trúc quần xã khu hệ cá cho thấy: bộ cá Vược Perciformes là bộ cá phổ biến nhất chiếm 56,1%; tiếp đến là bộ cá Chép 8,6%; bộ cá Bơn Pleuronectiformes chiếm 6,5%; bộ cá Trích Clupeiformes và cá Nheo Siluriformes mỗi bộ 4,3%; bộ cá Chình Anguilliformes, cá Nóc Tetraodontiformes (3,6%); bộ cá Đối Mugiliformes (2,9%); ... Các họ chiếm ưu thế về loài: họ cá Bống trắng (Gobiidae) 12 loài chiếm 8,6% tổng số loài; cá Chép (Cyprinidae) 7,2%; cá Liệt (Leiognathidae) và cá Khế (Carangidae) mỗi họ 4,3%; cá Trích (Clupeidae), cá Hồng (Lutjanidae): 3,6%, ... So sánh với 8 khu hệ cá cửa sông - ven biển Việt Nam (Bạch Đằng, Thái Bình, Bù Lu, Sơn Trà, vùng đất ngập nước ven biển tỉnh Quảng Nam, Nha Phu - Bình Cang, Bến Tre và Trà Vinh) ghi nhận, vùng ven biển cửa sông Trà Vinh và Bến Tre có mức tương đồng cao nhất 78%, tiếp đến là Quảng Nam và Thu Bồn 47%, Quảng Nam và Nha Phu - Bình Cang 41%, Bu Lu và Thu Bồn 38%. Phân tích chỉ số giống nhau về thành phần loài của 9 khu hệ cá hình thành nên 3 nhóm: nhóm 1: Trà Vinh, Bến Tre và Thái Bình; nhóm 2: Quảng Nam, Thu Bồn, Nha Phu - Bình Cang, Sơn Trà và Bù Lu; Bạch Đằng hình thành riêng nhóm 3. Độ giàu có về loài của Thu Bồn đạt 28,0; Trà Vinh đạt cao nhất 39,4; tiếp đến là Thái Bình (38,6); Nha Phu - Bình Cang (35,9), Sơn Trà (31,8), Bù Lu (29,7), … Tính đa đạng về thành phần loài cá theo các bậc taxon trên từng vùng thể hiện tính đặc trưng riêng cho từng khu hệ. Các khu hệ cá thể hiện rõ tính chất nước lợ điển hình của các thuỷ vực cửa sông, đầm phá ven biển. Có 4 loài cá quý hiếm được ghi trong sách đỏ Việt Nam 2007 ở mức độ rất nguy cấp