576 research outputs found

    Seasonal variation of phytoplankton in My Thanh River, Mekong delta, Vietnam

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    A study on the seasonal variation of phytoplankton composition was conducted at the upper, middle, and lower parts of the My Thanh River, which supplies an important source of water for aquaculture. Qualitative and quantitative samples of phytoplankton were collected monthly at both high and low tide. The results showed that a total of 171 phytoplankton (algae) species were recorded, belonging to 59 genera and 5 phyla. Diatoms were the most abundant group with the highest species number, followed by green algae. The other phyla possessed a lower number of species. The species composition was more diverse in the rainy season and at high tide at most of the sampling sites. The mean density of algae varied from 30,900-43,521 ind.L^-1^. The density of diatoms was higher in the middle and lower parts. At the same time, euglenoids displayed the highest density in the upper part, showing a difference in the dominant algae group under the influence of salinity. Salinity was found to be significantly positively correlated (p<0.01) with diatoms, whereas it was negatively correlated (p<0.05) with blue-green algae and euglenoids. The algae composition was quite diverse, with the H' index ranging from 2.0-3.3, showing the water quality was slightly to moderately polluted

    Besting the black-box: Barrier zones for adversarial example defense

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    Adversarial machine learning defenses have primarily been focused on mitigating static, white-box attacks. However, it remains an open question whether such defenses are robust under an adaptive black-box adversary. In this paper, we specifically focus on the black-box threat model and make the following contributions: First we develop an enhanced adaptive black-box attack which is experimentally shown to be &#x2265; 30% more effective than the original adaptive black-box attack proposed by Papernot et al. For our second contribution, we test 10 recent defenses using our new attack and propose our own black-box defense (barrier zones). We show that our defense based on barrier zones offers significant improvements in security over state-of-the-art defenses. This improvement includes greater than 85% robust accuracy against black-box boundary attacks, transfer attacks and our new adaptive black-box attack, for the datasets we study. For completeness, we verify our claims through extensive experimentation with 10 other defenses using three adversarial models (14 different black-box attacks) on two datasets (CIFAR-10 and Fashion-MNIST)

    Correlation and high-resolution timing for Paleo-tethys Permian-Triassic boundary exposures in Vietnam and Slovenia using geochemical, geophysical and biostratigraphic data sets

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    Two Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) successions, Lung Cam in Vietnam, and Lukač in Slovenia, have been sampled for high-resolution magnetic susceptibility, stable isotope and elemental chemistry, and biostratigraphic analyses. These successions are located on the eastern (Lung Cam section) and western margins (Lukač section) of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during PTB time. Lung Cam, lying along the eastern margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean provides an excellent proxy for correlation back to the GSSP and out to other Paleo-Tethyan successions. This proxy is tested herein by correlating the Lung Cam section in Vietnam to the Lukač section in Slovenia, which was deposited along the western margin of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean during the PTB interval. It is shown herein that both the Lung Cam and Lukač sections can be correlated and exhibit similar characteristics through the PTB interval. Using time-series analysis of magnetic susceptibility data, high-resolution ages are obtained for both successions, thus allowing relative ages, relative to the PTB age at ~252 Ma, to be assigned. Evaluation of climate variability along the western and eastern margins of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean through the PTB interval, using d18O values indicates generally cooler climate in the west, below the PTB, changing to generally warmer climates above the boundary. A unique Black Carbon layer (elemental carbon present by agglutinated foraminifers in their test) below the boundary exhibits colder temperatures in the eastern and warmer temperatures in the western Paleo-Tethys Ocean.ReferencesBalsam W., Arimoto R., Ji J., Shen Z, 2007. Aeolian dust in sediment: a re-examination of methods for identification and dispersal assessed by diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry. International Journal of Environment and Health, 1, 374-402.Balsam W.L., Otto-Bliesner B.L., Deaton B.C., 1995. Modern and last glacial maximum eolian sedimentation patterns in the Atlantic Ocean interpreted from sediment iron oxide content. Paleoceanography, 10, 493-507.Berggren W.A., Kent D.V., Aubry M-P., Hardenbol J., 1995. Geochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation. SEPM Special Publication #54, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Tulsa, OK, 386p.Berger A., Loutre M.F., Laskar J., 1992. Stability of the astronomical frequencies over the Earth's history for paleoclimate studies. Science, 255, 560-566.Bloemendal J., deMenocal P., 1989. Evidence for a change in the periodicity of tropical climate cycles at 2.4 Myr from whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements. Nature, 342, 897-900.Chen J., Shen S-j., Li X-h., Xu Y-g., Joachimski M.M., Bowring S.A., Erwin D.H., Yuan D-x., Chen B., Zhang H., Wang Y., Cao C-q, Zheng Q-f., Mu L., 2016. High-resolution SIMS oxygen isotope analysis on conodont apatite from South China and implications for the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448, 26-38.Da Silva A-C., Boulvain F., 2002. Sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility and isotopes of a Middle Frasnian carbonate platform: Tailfer Section, Belgium. Facies, 46, 89-102.Da Silva A.-C., Boulvain F., 2005. Upper Devonian carbonate platform correlations and sea level variations recorded in magnetic susceptibility. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 240, 373-388.Dettinger M.D., Ghil M., Strong C.M., Weibel W., Yiou P., 1995. Software expedites singular-spectrum analysis of noisy time series. EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 76, 12-21.Dinarùs-Turell J., Baceta J.I., Bernaola G., Orue-Etxebarria X., Pujalte V., 2007. Closing the Mid-Palaeocene gap: Toward a complete astronomically tuned Palaeocene Epoch and Selandian and Thanetian GSSPs at Zumaia (Basque Basin, W Pyrenees). 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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 561-571.Ghil M., Allen R.M., Dettinger M.D., Ide K., Kondrashov D., Mann M.E., Robertson A., Saunders A., Tian Y., Varadi F., Yiou P., 2002. Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series. Reviews of Geophysics, 40, 3.1-3.41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2000RG000092.Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Smith A.G., 2004. A geologic Time Scale 2004. Cambridge University Press, England, 589p.Hartl P., Tauxe L., Herbert T., 1995. Earliest Oligocene increase in South Atlantic productivity as interpreted from “rock magnetics” at Deep Sea drilling Site 522. Paleoceanography, 10, 311-326.Imbrie J., Hays J.D., Martinson D.G., McIntyre A., Mix A.C., Morley J.J., Pisias N.G., Prell W.L., Shackleton N.J., 1984. The Orbital Theory of Pleistocene Climate: Support from a Revised Chronology of the Marine Delta 18O Record. In Berger A.L., Imbrie J., Hays J., Kukla G., Saltzman B. 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Time in Stratigraphy. New York, Mc Graw Hill, 365p.Shen S.-Z., Crowley J.L., Wang Y., Bowring S.A., Erwin D.H., Henderson C.M., Ramezani J., Zhang H., Shen Y.,Wang X.-D., Wang W., Mu L., Li W.-Z., Tang Y.-G., Liu X.-L., Liu X.-L., Zeng Y., Jiang Y.-F., Jin Y.-G., 2011a. High-precision geochronologic dating constrains probable causes of Earth’s largest mass extinction. Science, 334, 1367-1372. Doi:10.1126/science.1213454.Swartzendruber L.J., 1992. Properties, units and constants in magnetism. Journal of Magnetic Materials, 100, 573-575.Weedon G.P., Jenkyns H.C., Coe A.L., Hesselbo S.P., 1999. Astronomical calibration of the Jurassic time-scale from cyclostratigraphy in British mudrock formations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London, A357, 1787-1813.Weedon G.P., Shackleton N.J., Pearson P.N., 1997. The Oligocne time scale and cyclostratigraphy on the Ceara Rise, western equatorial Atlantic. In: Schackleton N.J., Curry W.B., Richter C., and Bralower T.J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 154, 101-114.Whalen M.T., Day J.E., 2008. Magnetic Susceptibility, Biostratigraphy, and Sequence Stratigraphy: Insights into Devonian Carbonate Platform Development and Basin Infilling, Western Alberta. Papers on Phanerozoic Reef Carbonates in Honor of Wolfgang Schlager. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication, 89, 291-314

    Fluctuation-driven, topology-stabilized order in a correlated nodal semimetal

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    The interplay between strong electron correlation and band topology is at the forefront of condensed matter research. As a direct consequence of correlation, magnetism enriches topological phases and also has promising functional applications. However, the influence of topology on magnetism remains unclear, and the main research effort has been limited to ground state magnetic orders. Here we report a novel order above the magnetic transition temperature in magnetic Weyl semimetal (WSM) CeAlGe. Such order shows a number of anomalies in electrical and thermal transport, and neutron scattering measurements. We attribute this order to the coupling of Weyl fermions and magnetic fluctuations originating from a three-dimensional Seiberg-Witten monopole, which qualitatively agrees well with the observations. Our work reveals a prominent role topology may play in tailoring electron correlation beyond ground state ordering, and offers a new avenue to investigate emergent electronic properties in magnetic topological materials.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure

    Abrupt GaP/Si hetero-interface using bistepped Si buffer

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    We evidence the influence of the quality of the starting Si surface on the III-V/Si interface abruptness and on the formation of defects during the growth of III-V/Si heterogeneous crystal, using high resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. GaP layers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on vicinal Si (001). The strong effect of the Si substrate chemical preparation is first demonstrated by studying structural properties of both Si homoepitaxial layer and GaP/Si heterostructure. It is then shown that choosing adequate chemical preparation conditions and subsequent III-V regrowth conditions enables the quasi-suppression of micro-twins in the epilayer. Finally, the abruptness of GaP/Si interface is found to be very sensitive to the Si chemical preparation and is improved by the use of a bistepped Si buffer prior to III-V overgrowth

    Improved Analysis of GW150914 Using a Fully Spin-Precessing Waveform Model

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    This paper presents updated estimates of source parameters for GW150914, a binary black-hole coalescence event detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015 [Abbott et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016).]. Abbott et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 241102 (2016).] presented parameter estimation of the source using a 13-dimensional, phenomenological precessing-spin model (precessing IMRPhenom) and an 11-dimensional nonprecessing effective-one-body (EOB) model calibrated to numerical-relativity simulations, which forces spin alignment (nonprecessing EOBNR). Here, we present new results that include a 15-dimensional precessing-spin waveform model (precessing EOBNR) developed within the EOB formalism. We find good agreement with the parameters estimated previously [Abbott et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 241102 (2016).], and we quote updated component masses of 35+5−3M⊙ and 30+3−4M ⊙ (where errors correspond to 90% symmetric credible intervals). We also present slightly tighter constraints on the dimensionless spin magnitudes of the two black holes, with a primary spin estimate < 0.65 and a secondary spin estimate < 0.75 at 90% probability. Abbott et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 241102 (2016).] estimated the systematic parameter-extraction errors due to waveform-model uncertainty by combining the posterior probability densities of precessing IMRPhenom and nonprecessing EOBNR. Here, we find that the two precessing-spin models are in closer agreement, suggesting that these systematic errors are smaller than previously quoted

    The evolution of HIV policy in Vietnam: from punitive control measures to a more rights-based approach

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    Aim: Policymaking in Vietnam has traditionally been the preserve of the political elite, not open to the scrutiny of those outside the Communist Party. This paper aims to analyse Vietnam&#x0027;s HIV policy development in order to describe and understand the policy content, policy-making processes, actors and obstacles to policy implementation. Methods: Nine policy documents on HIV were analysed and 17 key informant interviews were conducted in Hanoi and Quang Ninh Province, based on a predesigned interview guide. Framework analysis, a type of qualitative content analysis, was applied for data analysis. Results: Our main finding was that during the last two decades, developments in HIV policy in Vietnam were driven in a top-down way by the state organs, with support and resources coming from international agencies. Four major themes were identified: HIV policy content, the policy-making processes, the actors involved and human resources for policy implementation. Vietnam&#x0027;s HIV policy has evolved from one focused on punitive control measures to a more rights-based approach, encompassing harm reduction and payment of health insurance for medical costs of patients with HIV-related illness. Low salaries and staff reluctance to work with patients, many of whom are drug users and female sex workers, were described as the main barriers to low health staff motivation. Conclusion: Health policy analysis approaches can be applied in a traditional one party state and can demonstrate how similar policy changes take place, as those found in pluralistic societies, but through more top-down and somewhat hidden processes. Enhanced participation of other actors, like civil society in the policy process, is likely to contribute to policy formulation and implementation that meets the diverse needs and concerns of its population

    Physical growth during the first year of life. A longitudinal study in rural and urban areas of Hanoi, Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Good infant growth is important for future health. Assessing growth is common in pediatric care all over the world, both at the population and individual level. There are few studies of birth weight and growth studies comparing urban and rural communities in Vietnam. The first aim is to describe and compare the birth weight distributions and physical growth (weight and length) of children during their first year in one rural and one urban area of Hanoi Vietnam. The second aim is to study associations between the anthropometric outcomes and indicators of the economic and educational situations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Totally 1,466 children, born from 1<sup>st </sup>March, 2009 to June 2010, were followed monthly from birth to 12 months of age in two Health and Demographic Surveillance Sites; one rural and one urban. In all, 14,199 measurements each of weight and length were made. Birth weight was recorded separately. Information about demographic conditions, education, occupation and economic conditions of persons and households was obtained from household surveys. Fractional Polynomial models and standard statistical methods were used for description and analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Urban infants have higher birth weight and gain weight faster than rural infants. The mean birth weight for urban boys and girls were 3,298 grams and 3,203 grams as compared to 3,105 grams and 3,057 grams for rural children. At 90 days, the urban boys were estimated to be 4.1% heavier than rural boys. This difference increased to 7.2% at 360 days. The corresponding difference for girls was 3.4% and 10.5%. The differences for length were comparatively smaller. Both birth weight and growth were statistically significantly and positively associated with economic conditions and mother education.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Birth weight was lower and the growth, weight and length, considerably slower in the rural area, for boys as well as for girls. The results support the hypothesis that the rather drastic differences in maternal education and economic conditions lead to poor nutrition for mothers and children in turn causing inferior birth weight and growth.</p
