372 research outputs found

    Real-time inter-row tree detection and tracking techniques for unmanned vehicle-based on simultaneous localization and mapping approach / Norashikin M. Thamrin

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    In this work, an inter-row tree detection and tracking techniques based on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) method is developed specifically for a well-structured agricultural field where the trees are planted uniformly with certain distance that leaves it with number of inter-row spaces. The existing rows has created opportunities for an autonomous vehicle to navigate in between the trees to perform the plantation activities such as scouting, monitoring, rowing, pesticide spraying and others. Unfortunately, the complicated conditions in the farm impair this solution. Such conditions like large canopy of leaves covered the top of the farm has led difficulty on the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal to penetrate the field and set a stable communication with the autonomous vehicle. In addition, a dark environment is created around the farm which could worsen the usage of image as artificial lighting must be added to distinguish the landmarks from the background. Therefore, a new approach to detect the landmarks and navigate in the farm based on the lightweight sensors and less computation effort is proposed. In this method, the tree detection and diameter estimation techniques implement the modified tree-triangle diameter technique by using innovative technique based on infrared sensors

    Peningkatan Kecerdasan Logis Matematik Melalui Sentra Balok Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    : This research is motivated importance of increasing the logical mathematical intelligence in children from an early age, the center of the beam is an effort that can be done to improve the ability of logical mathematical intelligence of children, especially in sorting objects by size, color and shape, recognize geometric shapes in the objects and classify objects. This study uses action research, while the method used is descriptive method. The subjects in this study were children who totaled 24 children consisted of 9 girls and 15 boys and classroom teachers. While the data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of research carried out has been an increase in the child sort objects by size , color and shape for 16.67 % , recognize geometric shapes in one object increased by 20.84 % and classifying objects increased by 37.5 %

    The Coral Reef Condition in Setan Island Waters of Carocok Tarusan Sub-district Pesisir Selatan Regency West Sumatera Province

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    This study has been done on the reefs in the coastal waters of Setan Island. Field work was carried out in April 2014 by deploying LIT method. The aim of this study was to find out the condition of the reefs based on the percentage of Hard Living Coral Cover. Three stations as representatives were chosen purposively. The result showed, the type of reefs in the area of study was domitated by fringing reef with different condition on each station. The station 1 showed good condition, it was 58,75%, station 2 showed good condition, it was 54,90% and station 3 showed good condition, it was 54,89%. The coral reefs condition was categorized as good condition

    The Distribution of Toxic Bhentik Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus SP. Prorocentrum SP and Ostreopsis SP on Sargassum SP in the Coastal of Sungai Nipah, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province

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    Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP), can be caused by ciguatoxin from groups such as the bhentic dinoflagellate of Gambierdiscus sp., Ostreopsis sp., and Prorocentrum sp.,the bhentic dinoflagellates potentially toxic. In addition as bhentic organisms these three bhenthic dinoflagellates also found associated with brown algae, red algae, coral fragments and also attached on seaweed . Research on the distribution of the toxic dinoflagellate benthic Sargassum sp in the coastal waters of Sungai Nipah Beach of Pesisir Selatan Regency of West Sumatra Province was conducted in April 2014 with the to analyze the abundance and distribution of benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus sp. Ostreopsis sp Prorocentrum sp. The study was conducted by taking a substrate attachment of benthic dinoflagellates from the seaweed, and then put them in a plastic screen of sea water. For the releasing of the benthic dinoflagellate the process agitation and filtration were used with filter of 250μm and 20μm. The samples observed by using microscope and Sedgwick Rafter Cell. The highest abundance was found at stations with high density (45.85 cells/gram). The research showed that the abundance and distribution of toxic dinoflagellate types of seaweed in coastal waters in Sungai Nipah was more influenced by local currents

    The Community Structure of Macrozoobenthos in Intertidal Zone of Topang Island Meranti Islands Regency Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in December 2013 in the intertidal zone of Topang Island of Meranti Islands regency in Riau Province. This study aims was to determine the community structure of the intertidal zone macrozoobenthos in Topang Island. The method used was a survey to determine the location of the study which consisted of 7 and 3 point sampling station. Macrozoobenthos samples were taken and analyzed in a laboratory of marine biology.The result showed that, the macrozoobenthos in the study site consisted of 18 species belonging to 4 classes. Macrozoobenthos density in the study area varies where the station the highest was of stastion two (II), and the lowest at station VI. Based on the value of diversity index (H ') macrozoobenthos in the study area were at moderate meaning no dominant species and the distribution was at uniformity

    Peranan Guru Penjas Mengatasi Keterbatasan Fasilitas dan Peralatan Olahraga

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    Guru Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan mempunyai peranankunci yang tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja, karena guru murid yangmemiliki pengetahuan, ketcrampilan dan sikap yang lebih sempurna.Dalam proses belajar mengajar Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan,keberadaan alat fasilitas olahraga mempunyai peranan yang sangatpenting terutama untuk kelancaran jalannya proses belajar mengajar disekolah. Sebagai seorang Guru Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan harusmampu mengatasi segala persoalan kcterbatasan peralatan dan fasilitasolahraga yang ada.Dengan perawatan secara baik dan benar semua peralatan danfasilitas olahraga yang dimilikinya akan dapat bertahan lebih lama danawet, terutama perlu disediakan tempat yang khusus, sedangkan apabilaterdapat kekurangan peralatan untDk keperluan proses belajar mengajardapat dilakukan mengajukan kepada pengurus HP3 melalui pengajiJandalam rancangan anggaran dan belanja sekolah. Apabila kemampuanHP3 terbatas, modifikasi dalam mcngajar dapat dilakukan denganmenggunakan peralatan lain tanpa menyimpang dari prinsip-prinsipgerakan

    Real-time inter-row tree detection and tracking techniques for unmanned vehicle-based on simultaneous localization and mapping approach / Norashikin M. Thamrin

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    In this work, an inter-row tree detection and tracking techniques based on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) method is developed specifically for a well-structured agricultural field where the trees are planted uniformly with certain distance that leaves it with number of inter-row spaces. The existing rows has created opportunities for an autonomous vehicle to navigate in between the trees to perform the plantation activities such as scouting, monitoring, rowing, pesticide spraying and others. Unfortunately, the complicated conditions in the farm impair this solution. Such conditions like large canopy of leaves covered the top of the farm has led difficulty on the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal to penetrate the field and set a stable communication with the autonomous vehicle. In addition, a dark environment is created around the farm which could worsen the usage of image as artificial lighting must be added to distinguish the landmarks from the background. Therefore, a new approach to detect the landmarks and navigate in the farm based on the lightweight sensors and less computation effort is proposed. In this method, the tree detection and diameter estimation techniques implement the modified tree-triangle diameter technique by using innovative technique based on infrared sensors. Then, in substituting the GPS signal problems during the navigation and localization problems, a curve-based navigation approach is formulated. The path is planned based on the third-polynomial Bezier curve by projecting series of waypoints to create a solid path from one point to another. Then, the trajectory plan is derived for the autonomous vehicle to follow these waypoints during the navigation. At the same time, the mapping technique implements the memory utilization method in order to ease the localization process as well as landmarks mapping in the visual map which is oriented in two-dimensional coordinate format. These functions are created, formulated and tested thoroughly in the embedded microcontroller development board platform by using dsPIC30F6014A chip on the omnidirectional vehicle platform. A positive result was found in tree diameter estimation, navigation techniques and landmark mapping with the average error of 0.61 cm, 4.0 cm and 8.9 cm, respectively. These results are compared with the previous research work from other researchers and showed remarkable and promising results to be implemented in the agriculture field with further enhancement and recommendation
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