183 research outputs found

    Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte im Boden in einer 6-feldrigen Fruchtfolge

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    In ökologisch bewirtschafteten Systemen ist Stickstoff hĂ€ufig der begrenzende Wachstumsfaktor. Daher stehen BemĂŒhungen um seine effektive Nutzung innerhalb der Fruchtfolge im Mittelpunkt vieler Untersuchungen. Diese Problematik ist besonders auf humusschwachen Sandstandorten Nordostdeutschlands von Bedeutung. Je sandiger der Boden desto geringer ist sein Wasser- und NĂ€hrstoffspeichervermögen. In der Folge steigt die Gefahr der NĂ€hrstoffauswaschung, was insbesondere den Stickstoff betrifft. Einerseits geht dem Betriebskreislauf dadurch Stickstoff verloren, andererseits erfolgt ein verstĂ€rkter Eintrag in den Wasserkreislauf. Von 1993 bis 2002 wurden in einer 6-feldrigen Fruchtfolge am Standort GĂŒlzow in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern auf dem ökologisch bewirtschafteten Versuchsfeld und einer konventionellen Vergleichsvariante die Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte im Boden in einer Tiefe von 0 bis 90 cm zu Vegetationsende und Vegetationsbeginn bestimmt. Die Probenahme wurde mit dem Bohrstock, die Nitratbestimmung durch Hydrazinreduktion im Analyseautomaten (SKALAR) vorgenommen. Die statistische Auswertung der mehrjĂ€hrigen Ergebnisse erfolgte mit der Statistiksoftware SAS (Statistical Analysis System) und der Prozedur MIXED nach PIEPHO und MICHEL (2001). Sowohl im Herbst als auch im FrĂŒhjahr wurden bei ökologischer Bewirtschaftung geringere NO3-N-Gehalte festgestellt als im konventionellen System. Bei ökologischer und bei konventioneller Bewirtschaftung waren Mittelwert und Streuung im Herbst grĂ¶ĂŸer als im FrĂŒhjahr. Die Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte im Herbst wurden besonders durch die Bewirtschaftung (Fruchtfolge) beeinflusst. Hohe Gehalte von 113 kg/ha bei konventioneller bzw. 95 kg/ha bei ökologischer Bewirtschaftung traten im Mittel bei der Kombination Körnerfuttererbsen-Wintergetreide auf. Hohe Werte (ca. 80 kg/ha) ergaben sich auch bei Herbstfurche mit und ohne Dung nach unterschiedlichen Kulturen. Das im ökologischen Landbau weit verbreitete Fruchfolgepaar Kleegras-Wintergetreide wies zu Vegetationsende Nitrat-Stickstoff-Gehalte von 87 kg/ha auf. Geringe Gehalte wurden in erster Linie bei Bodenbedeckung ĂŒber Winter festgestellt, unabhĂ€ngig ob ökologisch oder konventionell gewirtschaftet wurde. So ergaben sich auf FlĂ€chen mit Kleegrasuntersaaten oder ZwischenfrĂŒchten Gehalte von ca. 25 kg/ha. Die Differenz aus den FrĂŒhjahrs- und Herbstwerten wurde als Gewinn bzw. Verlust bewertet (KURZER et. al., 1997; GRUBER et. al., 1998). Im Mittel der Fruchtfolge traten in beiden Systemen in fast allen Jahren Nitrat-Stickstoff-Verluste auf. Dabei waren diese im ökologischen System tendenziell geringer als im konventionellen Anbau. Der Einfluss der Bewirtschaftung/Fruchtfolgestellung war dagegen hoch signifikant. Die Betrachtung der Nitrat-Stickstoff-Differenzen FrĂŒhjahr-Herbst ergab hohe jahresbedingte Unterschiede. Die Betrachtung der Differenzen in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Fruchtart ergab hohe Verluste beim Anbau von Wintergetreide nach Körnererbsen und Kleegras. Deutlich geringere Differenzen ergaben sich bei der Kombination Herbstfurche – Dung bei ökologischer Bewirtschaftung sowie beim Anbau von Getreide nach Leguminosen-Getreide-Gemenge. Positive Effekte wurden beim Anbau von ZwischenfrĂŒchten und bei Kleegrasumbruch im FrĂŒhjahr festgestellt

    Einfluss der SaatstÀrke auf Ertragsmerkmale bei Getreide

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    Zielstellung: Aussagen zu Ertragsmerkmalen bei Winterroggen und Sommergetreide in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der SaatstĂ€rke Methode: Auswertung mehrjĂ€hriger einfaktorieller Parzellenversuche mit abgestuften SaatstĂ€rken und bei Roggen zusĂ€tzlich mit zwei Saatzeiten Auswertung mit der Statistiksoftware SAS (Statistical Analysis System) und der Prozedur MIXED nach Piepho und Michel (2001). Ergebnisse: Die SaatstĂ€rke hat bei allen einbezogenen Getreidearten einen gesicherten Einfluss auf die Ertrags- merkmale. Bei Winterroggen wurde bei Aussaat um den 15. September (1. Saatzeit) mit 300 kf. Körnern der höchste Ertrag erreicht. Bei spĂ€terer Aussaat sind höhere SaatstĂ€rken sinnvoll. UnabhĂ€ngig von der SaatstĂ€rke wird der Ertrag durch spĂ€tere Aussaat deutlich verringert. Bestockung und Bestandesdichte sowie die TKM wurden ebenfalls signifikant beeinflusst. Bei Sommergetreide fĂŒhrten innerhalb des untersuchten Bereiches steigende SaatstĂ€rken zu steigenden ErtrĂ€gen. Die damit in Verbindung stehenden höheren Saatgutkosten rechtfertigen nicht immer den höheren Saatguteinsatz. Bestockung und Bestandesdichte wurden durch höhere SaatstĂ€rken bei Hafer stĂ€rker als bei Sommergerste und Sommerweizen beeinflusst. Bei Sommergerste und Sommerweizen trat eine signifikante Verringerung der TKM durch steigende SaatstĂ€rken ein

    Chromosomal radiosensitivity and acute radiation side effects after radiotherapy in tumour patients - a follow-up study

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    Radiotherapists are highly interested in optimizing doses especially for patients who tend to suffer from side effects of radiotherapy (RT). It seems to be helpful to identify radiosensitive individuals before RT. Thus we examined aberrations in FISH painted chromosomes in in vitro irradiated blood samples of a group of patients suffering from breast cancer. In parallel, a follow-up of side effects in these patients was registered and compared to detected chromosome aberrations. METHODS: Blood samples (taken before radiotherapy) were irradiated in vitro with 3 Gy X-rays and analysed by FISH-painting to obtain aberration frequencies of first cycle metaphases for each patient. Aberration frequencies were analysed statistically to identify individuals with an elevated or reduced radiation response. Clinical data of patients have been recorded in parallel to gain knowledge on acute side effects of radiotherapy. RESULTS: Eight patients with a significantly elevated or reduced aberration yield were identified by use of a t-test criterion. A comparison with clinical side effects revealed that among patients with elevated aberration yields one exhibited a higher degree of acute toxicity and two patients a premature onset of skin reaction already after a cumulative dose of only 10 Gy. A significant relationship existed between translocations in vitro and the time dependent occurrence of side effects of the skin during the therapy period. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that translocations can be used as a test to identify individuals with a potentially elevated radiosensitivity

    Hallmark of quantum skipping in energy filtered lensless scanning electron microscopy

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    We simulate the electronic system of ejected electrons arising when a tip, positioned few 10 amp; 8201;nm away from a surface, is operated in the field emission regime. We find that, by repeated quantum reflections quantum skipping , electrons produced at the nanoscale primary site are able to reach the macroscopic environment surrounding the tip surface region. We observe the hallmark of quantum skipping in an energy filtered experiment that detects the spin of the ejected electron

    Establishment of canine hemangiosarcoma xenograft models expressing endothelial growth factors, their receptors, and angiogenesis-associated homeobox genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human hemangiosarcoma (HSA) tends to have a poor prognosis; its tumorigenesis has not been elucidated, as there is a dearth of HSA clinical specimens and no experimental model for HSA. However, the incidence of spontaneous HSA is relatively high in canines; therefore, canine HSA has been useful in the study of human HSA. Recently, the production of angiogenic growth factors and their receptors in human and canine HSA has been reported. Moreover, the growth-factor environment of HSA is very similar to that of pathophysiological angiogenesis, which some homeobox genes regulate in the transcription of angiogenic molecules. In the present study, we established 6 xenograft canine HSA tumors and detected the expression of growth factors, their receptors, and angiogenic homeobox genes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six primary canine HSAs were xenografted to nude mice subcutaneously and serially transplanted. Subsequently, the expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGF), flt-1 and flk-1 (receptors of VEGF-A), FGFR-1, and angiogenic homeobox genes HoxA9, HoxB3, HoxB7, HoxD3, Pbx1, and Meis1 were investigated in original and xenograft tumors by histopathology, immunostaining, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), using canine-specific primer sets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Histopathologically, xenograft tumors comprised a proliferation of neoplastic cells that were varied in shape, from spindle-shaped and polygonal to ovoid; some vascular-like structures and vascular clefts of channels were observed, similar to those in the original tumors. The expression of endothelial markers (CD31 and vWF) was detected in xenograft tumors by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Moreover, the expression of VEGF-A, bFGF, flt-1, flk-1, FGFR-1, HoxA9, HoxB3, HoxB7, HoxD3, Pbx1, and Meis1 was detected in xenograft tumors. Interestingly, expressions of bFGF tended to be higher in 3 of the xenograft HSA tumors than in the other tumors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We established 6 xenograft canine HSA tumors in nude mice and found that the expressions of angiogenic growth factors and their receptors in xenograft HSAs were similar to those in spontaneous HSA. Furthermore, we detected the expression of angiogenic homeobox genes; therefore, xenograft models may be useful in analyzing malignant growth in HSA.</p

    The challenge of comprehensively mapping children's health in a nation-wide health survey: Design of the German KiGGS-Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>From May 2003 to May 2006, the Robert Koch Institute conducted the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Aim of this first nationwide interview and examination survey was to collect comprehensive data on the health status of children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Participants were enrolled in two steps: first, 167 study locations (sample points) were chosen; second, subjects were randomly selected from the official registers of local residents. The survey involved questionnaires filled in by parents and parallel questionnaires for children aged 11 years and older, physical examinations and tests, and a computer assisted personal interview performed by study physicians. A wide range of blood and urine testing was carried out at central laboratories. A total of 17 641 children and adolescents were surveyed – 8985 boys and 8656 girls. The proportion of sample neutral drop-outs was 5.3%. The response rate was 66.6%.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The response rate showed little variation between age groups and sexes, but marked variation between resident aliens and Germans, between inhabitants of cities with a population of 100 000 or more and sample points with fewer inhabitants, as well as between the old West German states and the former East German states. By analysing the short non-responder questionnaires it was proven that the collected data give comprehensive and nationally representative evidence on the health status of children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years.</p

    Global gene expression analysis of canine osteosarcoma stem cells reveals a novel role for COX-2 in tumour initiation

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    Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumour of both children and dogs. It is an aggressive tumour in both species with a rapid clinical course leading ultimately to metastasis. In dogs and children distant metastasis occurs in >80% of individuals treated by surgery alone. Both canine and human osteosarcoma has been shown to contain a sub-population of cancer stem cells (CSCs), which may drive tumour growth, recurrence and metastasis, suggesting that naturally occurring canine osteosarcoma could act as a preclinical model for the human disease. Here we report the successful isolation of CSCs from primary canine osteosarcoma, as well as established cell lines. We show that these cells can form tumourspheres, and demonstrate relative resistance to chemotherapy. We demonstrate similar results for the human osteosarcma cell lines, U2OS and SAOS2. Utilizing the Affymetrix canine microarray, we are able to definitively show that there are significant differences in global gene expression profiles of isolated osteosarcoma stem cells and the daughter adherent cells. We identified 13,221 significant differences (p = 0.05), and significantly, COX-2 was expressed 141-fold more in CSC spheres than daughter adherent cells. To study the role of COX-2 expression in CSCs we utilized the COX-2 inhibitors meloxicam and mavacoxib. We found that COX-2 inhibition had no effect on CSC growth, or resistance to chemotherapy. However inhibition of COX-2 in daughter cells prevented sphere formation, indicating a potential significant role for COX-2 in tumour initiation

    Analysis of test beam data taken with a prototype of TPC with resistive Micromegas for the T2K Near Detector upgrade

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    In this paper we describe the performance of a prototype of the High Angle Time Projection Chambers (HA-TPCs) that are being produced for the Near Detector (ND280) upgrade of the T2K experiment. The two HA-TPCs of ND280 will be instrumented with eight Encapsulated Resistive Anode Micromegas (ERAM) on each endplate, thus constituting in total 32 ERAMs. This innovative technique allows the detection of the charge emitted by ionization electrons over several pads, improving the determination of the track position. The TPC prototype has been equipped with the first ERAM module produced for T2K and with the HA-TPC readout electronics chain and it has been exposed to the DESY Test Beam in order to measure spatial and dE/dx resolution. In this paper we characterize the performances of the ERAM and, for the first time, we compare them with a newly developed simulation of the detector response. Spatial resolution better than 800 ÎŒm{\mu \rm m} and dE/dx resolution better than 10% are observed for all the incident angles and for all the drift distances of interest. All the main features of the data are correctly reproduced by the simulation and these performances fully fulfill the requirements for the HA-TPCs of T2K

    Characterization of Charge Spreading and Gain of Encapsulated Resistive Micromegas Detectors for the Upgrade of the T2K Near Detector Time Projection Chambers

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    An upgrade of the near detector of the T2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment is currently being conducted. This upgrade will include two new Time Projection Chambers, each equipped with 16 charge readout resistive Micromegas modules. A procedure to validate the performance of the detectors at different stages of production has been developed and implemented to ensure a proper and reliable operation of the detectors once installed. A dedicated X-ray test bench is used to characterize the detectors by scanning each pad individually and to precisely measure the uniformity of the gain and the deposited energy resolution over the pad plane. An energy resolution of about 10% is obtained. A detailed physical model has been developed to describe the charge dispersion phenomena in the resistive Micromegas anode. The detailed physical description includes initial ionization, electron drift, diffusion effects and the readout electronics effects. The model provides an excellent characterization of the charge spreading of the experimental measurements and allowed the simultaneous extraction of gain and RC information of the modules
