158 research outputs found

    Hand measurement data from human babies at birth, from 26 to 41 weeks estimated gestational age.

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    This article displays measurement data from the hands of human babies, taken at birth. Measurements were made on 25 individuals born pre-term, from 26 to 36 weeks EGA (Estimated Gestational Age), and on 36 individuals born at term, from 37 to 41 weeks EGA. Data were collected in the Neonatal Unit of the CHRU Jeanne de Flandre (University Hospital) in Lille, France, between January and May 2014. Seven kinds of measures were taken with a medical caliper on the hand, palm and digits.The first author is funded by the British Academy (Newton International Fellowship, grant code: 75110).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.08

    The oil position in the Tunisian economy: Adaptation of computable general equilibrium model

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    This article presents several preliminary results of the real prices application on the Tunisian economy through a dynamic computable general equilibrium model. The objective is to assess the effects of the progressive dismantling policies of oil products subsidy on the economic growth, the sectoral dynamics and, to a lesser extent, on the household incomes. The simulations on the crude oil price and on the subsidies granted to oil products have redrew new structures of the prices and have modified their levels. The analysis of the impacts of this simulation studies the effects of these new prices data on the economic agents and on the economy in general

    Injectabilité des coulis de ciment dans des milieux fissurés

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    Le travail présenté ici est un bilan des travaux de recherche effectués sur l'injectabilité des coulis de ciment dans les milieux fissurés. Un certain nombre de coulis à base de ciment Portland et microfin ont été sélectionnés afin de caractériser leur capacité à pénétrer des milieux fissurés. Une partie des essais a été menée en laboratoire. L'étude rhéologique des différents mélanges a permis de tester l'influence de l'ajout de superplastifiant et/ou de fumée de silice sur la distribution granulométrique des coulis et par conséquent sur leur capacité à injecter des colonnes de sable simulant un milieu fissuré donné. La classe granulométrique d'un coulis, sa stabilité et sa fluidité sont apparus comme les trois facteurs principaux pour la réussite d'une injection. Un facteur de finesse a été défini au cours de cette étude: basé sur la classe granulométrique du ciment et sa stabilité, il peut entrer dans la formulation théorique du débit d'injection avant application sur chantier. La deuxième et dernière partie de l'étude présente les résultats de deux projets de recherche sur l'injection réalisés sur chantier. L'injection de dalles de béton fissurées a permis le suivi de l'évolution des pressions avec la distance au point d'injection. L'injection de murs de maçonnerie à caractère historique a montré l'importance de la définition de critères de performance des coulis à utiliser pour traiter un milieu donné et pour un objectif donné. Plusieurs mélanges peuvent ainsi être prédéfinis et mis à disposition sur le chantier. La complémentarité des ciments traditionnels et des ciments microfins devient alors un atout important. Le choix d'utilisation de ces mélanges est fonction du terrain rencontré. En conclusion, cette recherche établit une méthodologie pour la sélection des coulis à base de ciment et des pressions d'injection en fonction de l'ouverture des fissures ou joints de construction

    The impact of oil prices on economic activity in administrated price structure: the case of Tunisia

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    This article has for a core objective the handling of the established relation between oil price variation and certain macroeconomic variables, in this particular case GDP, RMM, CPI, Ex-factory price. The study in Tunisia is based on quarterly and monthly data from the period going from 2000 to 2011 revealed three important facts. First, it showed at the level of the quarterly analysis that the Tunisian authority succeeded in limiting the effect of crude oil price shock, it was approved through an impulse analysis of the dynamic responses, a second important result was revealed at the level of the quarterly analysis and the established long-term relation which showed that the GDP or the industrial production positively and significantly depend on Brent oil price and on the inflation in a structure of administered price. Second at the level of the monthly analysis, the conducted study allowed us to identify the nature of inflation, which is said to the production cost through introducing a new variable which is ex-factory price. Third, the conducted study allowed us to study the asymmetric relation between Brent oil price and the monetary mechanism in an administered price regime

    Prospective Modelling of Oil Supply in Tunisia

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    The theoretical framework which we are developing refers essentially to Hubbert model in order to determine the peak oil in Tunisia and the exploitation speed of the remaining resources, while referring to the data supplied by the Directorate General for Energy. The study focuses on the comparison between the results of the several econometric adjustment techniques (linear, non-linear techniques, linear techniques with structural change and the non-parametric methods) applied to the Tunisian oil production during the period going from 1966 to 2011. The prospective study through the econometric models has allowed us to determine the two dates scaring all energy executives, namely the peak which took place in the middle of the eighties and the finiteness of resources planned in 2028. The obtained results have shown that it remains 495 million barrels to be produced in Tunisia, bearing in mind that the data supplied by the authorities announces the figure of 420 million barrels of the remaining proved reserve in the Tunisian underground. Thereby, we have noticed a strong link between the physical models for reservoir flows and the empirical specifications based on the decline curves. Keywords: Oil production; non-linear techniques; non-parametric methods; peak oil. JEL Classifications: C51; Q41; Q4

    The impact of oil prices on economic activity in administrated price structure: the case of Tunisia

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    This article has for a core objective the handling of the established relation between oil price variation and certain macroeconomic variables, in this particular case GDP, RMM, CPI, Ex-factory price. The study in Tunisia is based on quarterly and monthly data from the period going from 2000 to 2011 revealed three important facts. First, it showed at the level of the quarterly analysis that the Tunisian authority succeeded in limiting the effect of crude oil price shock, it was approved through an impulse analysis of the dynamic responses, a second important result was revealed at the level of the quarterly analysis and the established long-term relation which showed that the GDP or the industrial production positively and significantly depend on Brent oil price and on the inflation in a structure of administered price. Second at the level of the monthly analysis, the conducted study allowed us to identify the nature of inflation, which is said to the production cost through introducing a new variable which is ex-factory price. Third, the conducted study allowed us to study the asymmetric relation between Brent oil price and the monetary mechanism in an administered price regime

    The oil position in the Tunisian economy: Adaptation of computable general equilibrium model

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    This article presents several preliminary results of the real prices application on the Tunisian economy through a dynamic computable general equilibrium model. The objective is to assess the effects of the progressive dismantling policies of oil products subsidy on the economic growth, the sectoral dynamics and, to a lesser extent, on the household incomes. The simulations on the crude oil price and on the subsidies granted to oil products have redrew new structures of the prices and have modified their levels. The analysis of the impacts of this simulation studies the effects of these new prices data on the economic agents and on the economy in general

    Potentiel et application des systèmes experts pour le transport urbain collectif

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    Applications potentielles des S.E. : Généralités -- Évaluation du potentiel d'application des S.E. en transport -- Quelques applications potentielles des S.E. en transport -- Les S.E. de renseignement -- Les S.E. d'aide à l'analyse et l'interprétation -- Les S.E. de design -- Les S.E. d'aide au diagnostic -- Les S.E. d'identification -- Les S.E. de contrôle et de surveillance -- Les S.E. de support des politiques -- Quelques applications de S.E. en transport -- La circulation -- Considérations d'environnement et de sécurité -- Design des réseaux -- Entretien des infrastructures -- S.E. de renseignement pour le T.U.C. -- Construction du S.E. -- Évaluation du protorype de S.E. -- Synthèse -- Évolution de l'approche S.E


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    La grammaire est cet art de bien écrire. Elle recouvre l’ensemble des règles qui régissent le fonctionnement d’une langue donnée. En effet, la structuration correcte des énoncés nécessite la maîtrise des usages morphosyntaxiques de ces règles établies. Dans le présent article, nous analyserons les difficultés rencontrées par les apprenants de quatrième année du moyen dans l’accord du participe passé
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