16 research outputs found

    Influence of urban pollution on the production of organic particulate matter from isoprene epoxydiols in central Amazonia

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    The atmospheric chemistry of isoprene contributes to the production of a substantial mass fraction of the particulate matter (PM) over tropical forests. Isoprene epoxydiols (IEPOX) produced in the gas phase by the oxidation of isoprene under HO2-dominant conditions are subsequently taken up by particles, thereby leading to production of secondary organic PM. The present study investigates possible perturbations to this pathway by urban pollution. The measurement site in central Amazonia was located 4 to 6 h downwind of Manaus, Brazil. Measurements took place from February through March 2014 of the wet season, as part of the GoAmazon2014/5 experiment. Mass spectra of organic PM collected with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer were analyzed by positive-matrix factorization. One resolved statistical factor (IEPOX-SOA factor) was associated with PM production by the IEPOX pathway. The IEPOX-SOA factor loadings correlated with independently measured mass concentrations of tracers of IEPOX-derived PM, namely C5-alkene triols and 2-methyltetrols (R = 0. 96 and 0.78, respectively). The factor loading, as well as the ratio f of the loading to organic PM mass concentration, decreased under polluted compared to background conditions. For an increase in NOy concentration from 0.5 to 2 ppb, the factor loading and f decreased by two to three fold. Overall, sulfate concentration explained 37 % of the variability in the factor loading. After segregation of factor loading into subsets based on NOy concentration, the sulfate concentration explained up to 75 % of the variability. Considering both factors, the data sets show that the suppressing effects of increased NO concentrations dominated over the enhancing effects of higher sulfate concentrations. The pollution from Manaus elevated NOy concentrations more significantly than sulfate concentrations relative to background conditions. In this light, increased emissions of nitrogen oxides, as anticipated for some scenarios of Amazonian economic development, could significantly alter pathways of PM production that presently prevail over the tropical forest, implying changes to air quality and regional climate.</html

    Aesthetic of Haiku Making

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    Local and Regional Contributions to Tropospheric Ozone Concentrations

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    The Wasatch Front in Utah, USA is currently a non-attainment area for ozone according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO2 + NO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight lead to ozone formation in the troposphere. When the rate of oxidant production, defined as the sum of O3 and NO2, is faster than the rate of NOx production, a region is said to be NOx-limited and ozone formation will be limited by the concentration of NOx species in the region. The inverse of this situation makes the region VOC-limited. Knowing if a region is NOx-limited or VOC-limited can aid in generating effective mitigation strategies. Understanding the background or regional contributions to ozone in a region, whether it be from the transport of precursors or of ozone, provides information about the lower limit for ozone concentrations that a region can obtain with regulation of local precursors. In this paper, measured oxidant and NOx concentrations are analyzed from 14 counties in the state of Utah to calculate the regional and local contributions to ozone for each region. This analysis is used to determine the nature of the atmosphere in each county by determining if the region is VOC- or NOx-limited. Furthermore, this analysis is performed for each county for the years 2012 and 2022 to determine if there has been a change in the oxidative nature and quantify the regional and local contributions to ozone over a 10-year period. All studied counties—except for Washington County—in Utah were found to be VOC-limited in 2012. This shifted in 2022 to most counties being either in a transitional state or being NOx-limited. Local contributions to ozone increased in two major counties, Cache and Salt Lake Counties, but decreased in Carbon, Davis, Duchesne, Uinta, Utah, Washington, and Weber Counties. Generally, the regional contributions to oxidant concentrations decreased across the state. A summertime spike in both regional and local contributions to oxidants was seen. Smoke from wildfires was seen to increase the regional contributions to oxidants and shift the local regime to be more NOx-limited

    Detection of Sulfur Dioxide by Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (BBCEAS)

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    Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an important precursor for the formation of atmospheric sulfate aerosol and acid rain. We present an instrument using Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (BBCEAS) for the measurement of SO2 with a minimum limit of detection of 0.75 ppbv (3-&sigma;) using the spectral range 305.5&ndash;312 nm and an averaging time of 5 min. The instrument consists of high-reflectivity mirrors (0.9985 at 310 nm) and a deep UV light source (Light Emitting Diode). The effective absorption path length of the instrument is 610 m with a 0.966 m base length. Published reference absorption cross sections were used to fit and retrieve the SO2 concentrations and were compared to fluorescence standard measurements for SO2. The comparison was well correlated, R2 = 0.9998 with a correlation slope of 1.04. Interferences for fluorescence measurements were tested and the BBCEAS showed no interference, while ambient measurements responded similarly to standard measurement techniques

    Sources of Formaldehyde in Bountiful, Utah

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    The U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s National Air Toxics Trends Stations Network has been measuring the concentration of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) including formaldehyde (HCHO) since 2003. Bountiful, Utah (USA) has served as one of the urban monitoring sites since the network was established. Starting in 2013, the mean concentration of HCHO measured in Bountiful, Utah exceeded the non-cancer risk threshold and the 1 in 1 million cancer risk threshold. In addition, the measured concentrations were more than double those found at surrounding locations in Utah. A Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) analysis using PMF-EPA v5 was performed using historical data (2004–2017) to better understand the sources of formaldehyde in the region. The historical data set included samples that were collected every sixth day on a 24 h basis. Beginning in February 2019 an eight-week air sampling campaign was initiated to measure formaldehyde on a two-hour averaged basis. In addition, the measurements of O3, NO, NO2, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were also collected. Corresponding back-trajectory wind calculations for selected time periods were calculated to aid in the understanding of the effects of BTEX emission sources and formaldehyde formation. The results indicate that the principal formaldehyde sources are associated with biomass burning and the conversion of biogenic emissions into HCHO. Back-trajectory wind analysis of low (≤3 ppbv) and high (23.8–32.5 ppbv) HCHO cases show a clear dominance of high HCHO originating in trajectories that come from the southwest and pass over the area of the oil refineries and industrial sources in the north Salt Lake City area

    Measurements of the Absorption Cross Section of <sup>13</sup>CHO<sup>13</sup>CHO at Visible Wavelengths and Application to DOAS Retrievals

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    The trace gas glyoxal (CHOCHO) forms from the atmospheric oxidation of hydrocarbons and is a precursor to secondary organic aerosol. We have measured the absorption cross section of disubstituted <sup>13</sup>CHO<sup>13</sup>CHO (<sup>13</sup>C glyoxal) at moderately high (1 cm<sup>–1</sup>) optical resolution between 21 280 and 23 260 cm<sup>–1</sup> (430–470 nm). The isotopic shifts in the position of absorption features were found to be largest near 455 nm (Δν = 14 cm<sup>–1</sup>; Δλ = 0.29 nm), whereas no significant shifts were observed near 440 nm (Δν < 0.5 cm<sup>–1</sup>; Δλ < 0.01 nm). These shifts are used to investigate the selective detection of <sup>12</sup>C glyoxal (natural isotope abundance) and <sup>13</sup>C glyoxal by <i>in situ</i> cavity enhanced differential optical absorption spectroscopy (CE-DOAS) in a series of sensitivity tests using synthetic spectra, and laboratory measurements of mixtures containing <sup>12</sup>C and <sup>13</sup>C glyoxal, nitrogen dioxide, and other interfering absorbers. We find the changes in apparent spectral band shapes remain significant at the moderately high optical resolution typical of CE-DOAS (0.55 nm fwhm). CE-DOAS allows for the selective online detection of both isotopes with detection limits of ∼200 pptv (1 pptv = 10<sup>–12</sup> volume mixing ratio), and sensitivity toward total glyoxal of few pptv. The <sup>13</sup>C absorption cross section is available for download from the Supporting Information