67 research outputs found

    Building the GLENCOE Platform -Grasslands LENding eConomic and ecOsystems sErvices

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    To feed the rising population whilst also preserving ecosystem functions, creative solutions are needed for the ecological intensification of natural grassland-based livestock systems. In Uruguay, natural grasslands are the main nutritional resource for livestock production. In these ecosystems, cattle and sheep graze together all the year round, and grasslands are frequently heavily grazed. Considerable research has been generated concerning grassland management, but there is still no knowledge about the impact of decision rules that supports management actions on long-term ecosystem functioning, at the system level. To meet this deficit, a participatory working group of farmers, researchers, and consultants have developed the GLENCOE platform. This platform is a large-scale facility, supported by INIA-Uruguay, designed to answer the following question: How to intensify the grazing management to improve the sustainability of livestock systems based on natural grasslands? To build the platform three steps were followed: (I) definition of the research problem using a problem tree analysis; (ii) conceptualization of the platform and the design of the grazing systems to be evaluated; and, (iii) spatial allocation of the grazing systems according to the variability of soil, slopes, and seasonal dynamic of vegetation indexes. These criteria were considered across farmlets that were equivalent in the initial stage, allowing causal inferences for the systems trajectories on productive and environmental traits. The platform is composed of three independent farmlets of 50 ha each, where multiparous Hereford cows and Merinos wethers co-graze under three grazing management systems. Each farmlet is managed according to different spatio-temporal decisions of the specific management of vegetation communities, grazing methods, and the stockpile of forage that is allowed by the number of the existing paddocks. Farmlet-1; comprises less decisions (2 paddocks), Farmlet-2; intermediate (8 paddocks), and Farmlet-3; high level of decisions (32 paddocks). This innovative platform will be used as a participatory and interdisciplinary space for research and co-learning of management on processes that can only be observed in long-term evaluations, and at farmlet scale. We expect that this new approach will contribute to the developement and implemention of sustainable grazing management systems in Uruguay

    Ingestive behavior of Angus yearling steers in natural grassland subjected to fertilization and over sown of temperate species

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    The objective was to evaluate the ingestive behavior of Angus yearling steers grazing natural grasslands of Southern Brazil, submitted or not to the application of fertilizers: NG= natural grassland; FNG= fertilized natural grassland, and FONG= fertilized natural grassland improved with the over sown of temperate forage species. Three Angus yearling steers and a variable number of put-and-take animals were used per experimental unit, to maintain a forage allowance of 13 kg of dry matter/100 kg of body weight. Ingestive behavior of tester animals was visually assessed in four seasons of the year through instantaneous records of activity every ten minutes during the daytime period. There was no effect of pasture treatments on ingestive behavior. An interaction between seasons and periods of the day was observed for daily grazing and rumination time (P <0.05). The grazing activities were clustered at the beginning and the end of the day in summer, autumn and winter, while in spring it was similar in the 1 st three quarters of the day, with higher activity in the period close to sunset. The animals spent more time grazing in the spring despite the better quality of forage in this season. Regardless of the season, longer residence and grazing time were found in water foci areas. We conclude that grazing time on natural pastures is influenced by forage mass and forage allowance, and bite rate is influenced by the chemical composition of the sward

    Quality of the forage apparently consumed by beef calves in natural grassland under fertilization and oversown with cool season forage species

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of the forage apparently consumed by steers in a natural grassland on region of Campanha, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, subjected or not to different inputs: NP - natural pasture without inputs; FNP - fertilized natural pasture and INP - improved natural grassland with fertilization and over-seeded with cultivated winter species. Three Angus steers testers and a variable number of regulator animals per experimental unit were utilized in order to maintain 13 kg of DM/100 kg of live weight (LW) as forage allowance. One time at each season, hand plucking samples were performed along the daily grazing time simulating forage harvested by the animals. The collected samples after drying and grind were submitted to chemical analysis to determine the forage quality. Except in winter and spring, the values of neutral detergent fiber were higher than the critical value of 550 g/kg of DM, which could limit forage intake, demonstrating that the values of forage on offer provided (15.6; 13.7; 13.5; 15.8 kg of DM/100 kg of LW/day in summer, autumn, winter and spring, respectively) were not restrictive to intake. The oversowing of winter cultivated species or fertilization positively alter the degradable fiber content. The seasons had marked influence on the chemical composition of forage apparently consumed; positively increasing some fractions of forage chemical composition in the seasons in which native or cultivated winter species increased their participation. The forage chemical composition is the determining factor in animal performance in natural pasture

    Quality and traceability of meat product from low input system

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    A produção de carne de ruminantes em sistemas forrageiros de baixos aporte de insumos (Low Input) engloba atributos extrínsecos valorizados pelo consumidor, porém esse tipo de produção não deve comprometer a qualidade intrínseca desses produtos. Nesse contexto, estudou-se os aspectos de qualidade intrínseca e a traçabilidade do produto cárneo em dois dispositivos experimentais de produção Low Input. Primeiramente, avaliaram-se as características sensoriais, a concentração de compostos aromáticos e de ácidos graxos na carne e tecido adiposo de cordeiros em pastejo de gramíneas suplementados com níveis de alfafa fresca: (U-sem suplementação; L-baixa; M- intermediária e H- alta) representando 0, 25, 50 e 75% desta leguminosa, respectivamente. Utilizou-se quatro grupos de 9 cordeiros distribuídos em quatro parcelas de Dactilys glomerata. Também avaliou-se o valor δ15N visando autenticar sistemas de produção ricos em leguminosas. O teor escatol na gordura perirenal foi superior nos animais que consumiram alfafa (P <0,05), aumentando a partir do nível L e sendo associado ao flavour animal da carne. A intensidade deste atributo apresentou o mesmo comportamento que o teor de escatol na gordura perirenal, sugerindo que a partir de uma concentração 0,26-0,34 μg de escatol/g de gordura líquida ocorre estabilização da intensidade de percepção dos odores e flavours relacionados à este composto. O incremento de alfafa na dieta proporcionou aumento do teor C18:3 n-3 e também de C16:0. O valor δ15N classificou corretamente 85,3% das amostras quando comparados animais U com os que receberam alfafa, demonstrando ser eficiente em autenticar sistemas de produção com leguminosas. No segundo dispositivo experimental avaliou-se o perfil de ácidos graxos da carne de bovinos Aberdeen angus em três sistemas de produção no Rio Grande do Sul utilizando diferentes níveis de insumos (NG=Pastagem Natural n=16; ING= Pastagem Natural Melhorada, n=18 e SP= Pastagem de Sorgo, n=8), resultando em distintas diversidades florísticas na dieta dos animais. Menor teor de C14:0 e maiores teores de ácidos graxos n-3 foram obtidos nas carnes de NG e de ING do que na carne de SP. Apesar de apresentarem maior idade ao abate, a carne de ING apresentou menor SFA que a carne SP. Além disto, a relação n-6/n-3 foi menor na carne de ING. Desta forma, a carne de bovinos terminados em pastagem natural melhorada mostrou um perfil de ácidos graxos mais benéfico à saúde humana.Ruminant meat production on Low-Input herbage systems embody extrinsics attributes that consumers value, however this way of production must conciliate the intrinsic quality of this products. On the light of this, we investigated the intrinsic quality aspects of meat products in two experimental contexts of Low-Input livestock system. Firstly,we evaluated the sensory characteristics, the concentration of aromatic compounds, the fatty acid composition of meat and adipose tissue of lambs grazing a cocksfoot pastures and receiving a supplemented with different levels of fresh alfalfa forage to obtain four dietary proportions of alfalfa: U-unsuplemented; L-Low; M- Medium e H- high, corresponding respectively to 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% of dietary alfalfa. It was used four groups of nine lambs distributed on four padocks of cocksfoot. We also evaluated the hability of δ15N value to authenticate legume rich production systems. Skatole concentration on perirenal fat was higher on lambs consuming alfalfa than for those that did not (P<0.05). Perirenal fat skatole concentration increased as soon as the dietary proportion of alfalfa reached 25%, being the skatole associated to animal flavour on meat, and presenting the same behaviour as skatole concentration, suggesting that the threshold above which the off-flavour and off-odour related to skatole are perceived corresponds to a perirenal fat skatole concentration in the range 0.26–0.34 μg/g of liquid fat. The dietary alfalfa also increased C18:3n-3 and also C16:0 concentration. δ15N value correct classified 85,3% of the samples (U x L, M, H), showing to be efficient in authenticate legume-rich production systems. On the second Low Input experimental contex we evaluate the fatty acid profile of Aberdeen angus steers (n=42) on three production systems on Rio Grande do Sul which used different levels of input (NG=Natural Grassland, n=16, ING= Improved Natural Grassland, n=18 and SP= Sorghum pasture, n=8), which conduced to different floristic richness. Lower amounts of C14:0 and higher amounts of n-3 fatty acids were found on NG and ING than for SP meats. Besides presenting higher age at slaughter, steers finished on ING lower SFA than SP meats. Moreover, the n-6/n-3 ratio was lower for ING meats, therefore meats produced on ING systems presented a better fatty acid profile by humans health point of view

    Quality and traceability of meat product from low input system

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    A produção de carne de ruminantes em sistemas forrageiros de baixos aporte de insumos (Low Input) engloba atributos extrínsecos valorizados pelo consumidor, porém esse tipo de produção não deve comprometer a qualidade intrínseca desses produtos. Nesse contexto, estudou-se os aspectos de qualidade intrínseca e a traçabilidade do produto cárneo em dois dispositivos experimentais de produção Low Input. Primeiramente, avaliaram-se as características sensoriais, a concentração de compostos aromáticos e de ácidos graxos na carne e tecido adiposo de cordeiros em pastejo de gramíneas suplementados com níveis de alfafa fresca: (U-sem suplementação; L-baixa; M- intermediária e H- alta) representando 0, 25, 50 e 75% desta leguminosa, respectivamente. Utilizou-se quatro grupos de 9 cordeiros distribuídos em quatro parcelas de Dactilys glomerata. Também avaliou-se o valor δ15N visando autenticar sistemas de produção ricos em leguminosas. O teor escatol na gordura perirenal foi superior nos animais que consumiram alfafa (P <0,05), aumentando a partir do nível L e sendo associado ao flavour animal da carne. A intensidade deste atributo apresentou o mesmo comportamento que o teor de escatol na gordura perirenal, sugerindo que a partir de uma concentração 0,26-0,34 μg de escatol/g de gordura líquida ocorre estabilização da intensidade de percepção dos odores e flavours relacionados à este composto. O incremento de alfafa na dieta proporcionou aumento do teor C18:3 n-3 e também de C16:0. O valor δ15N classificou corretamente 85,3% das amostras quando comparados animais U com os que receberam alfafa, demonstrando ser eficiente em autenticar sistemas de produção com leguminosas. No segundo dispositivo experimental avaliou-se o perfil de ácidos graxos da carne de bovinos Aberdeen angus em três sistemas de produção no Rio Grande do Sul utilizando diferentes níveis de insumos (NG=Pastagem Natural n=16; ING= Pastagem Natural Melhorada, n=18 e SP= Pastagem de Sorgo, n=8), resultando em distintas diversidades florísticas na dieta dos animais. Menor teor de C14:0 e maiores teores de ácidos graxos n-3 foram obtidos nas carnes de NG e de ING do que na carne de SP. Apesar de apresentarem maior idade ao abate, a carne de ING apresentou menor SFA que a carne SP. Além disto, a relação n-6/n-3 foi menor na carne de ING. Desta forma, a carne de bovinos terminados em pastagem natural melhorada mostrou um perfil de ácidos graxos mais benéfico à saúde humana.Ruminant meat production on Low-Input herbage systems embody extrinsics attributes that consumers value, however this way of production must conciliate the intrinsic quality of this products. On the light of this, we investigated the intrinsic quality aspects of meat products in two experimental contexts of Low-Input livestock system. Firstly,we evaluated the sensory characteristics, the concentration of aromatic compounds, the fatty acid composition of meat and adipose tissue of lambs grazing a cocksfoot pastures and receiving a supplemented with different levels of fresh alfalfa forage to obtain four dietary proportions of alfalfa: U-unsuplemented; L-Low; M- Medium e H- high, corresponding respectively to 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% of dietary alfalfa. It was used four groups of nine lambs distributed on four padocks of cocksfoot. We also evaluated the hability of δ15N value to authenticate legume rich production systems. Skatole concentration on perirenal fat was higher on lambs consuming alfalfa than for those that did not (P<0.05). Perirenal fat skatole concentration increased as soon as the dietary proportion of alfalfa reached 25%, being the skatole associated to animal flavour on meat, and presenting the same behaviour as skatole concentration, suggesting that the threshold above which the off-flavour and off-odour related to skatole are perceived corresponds to a perirenal fat skatole concentration in the range 0.26–0.34 μg/g of liquid fat. The dietary alfalfa also increased C18:3n-3 and also C16:0 concentration. δ15N value correct classified 85,3% of the samples (U x L, M, H), showing to be efficient in authenticate legume-rich production systems. On the second Low Input experimental contex we evaluate the fatty acid profile of Aberdeen angus steers (n=42) on three production systems on Rio Grande do Sul which used different levels of input (NG=Natural Grassland, n=16, ING= Improved Natural Grassland, n=18 and SP= Sorghum pasture, n=8), which conduced to different floristic richness. Lower amounts of C14:0 and higher amounts of n-3 fatty acids were found on NG and ING than for SP meats. Besides presenting higher age at slaughter, steers finished on ING lower SFA than SP meats. Moreover, the n-6/n-3 ratio was lower for ING meats, therefore meats produced on ING systems presented a better fatty acid profile by humans health point of view

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of aberdeen angus steers finished in diferent pastures

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    Considerando as novas demandas de consumo de alimentos, com grande apelo à conservação ambiental, e que as pastagens nativas poderiam atender esses requisitos, foi conduzido o presente estudo com o objetivo de avaliar as características da carcaça e as características físico-químicas e sensoriais da carne de novilhos em três sistemas terminação de bovinos em pastagens: Pastagem natural (PN), pastagem natural melhorada com adubação e sobressemeadura de espécies hibernais (PNM) e Pastagem cultivada de verão - sorgo forrageiro (PCV). O experimento ocorreu entre 14/12/2009 e 30/11/2010 num delineamento experimental de blocos completamente casualizados, com duas repetições de campo. Foram utilizados novilhos Aberdeen Angus com idade e peso médio inicial de 20 meses e 354 ±27,4kg. Os abates foram realizados em 10/06/2010 para os animais terminados em sorgo forrageiro, 22/10/2010 para os animais da pastagem melhorada e 30/11/2010 para os da pastagem natural. Maiores ganhos médios diários foram obtidos com o sorgo. Não se verificou efeito dos sistemas de terminação na conformação das carcaças (P>0,05). Maior rendimento de carcaça foi obtido em pastagem melhorada (P0,05) para rendimento de dianteiro, para rendimento de ponta de agulha, nem para área de olho de lombo entre os sistemas de terminação. O traseiro serrote foi superior (P0,05). Maiores (P0,05). Higher carcass yield was found in Natural pasture fertilized + oversown (P0,05). Thawing and cooking losses were higher in Natural pasture fertilized + oversown and lower in Sorghum pasture. Those parameters showed negative correlation among thawing losses and pH 24 h post-morten r = -0,35 (P=0,0209) and cooking losses and pH 24 h post-morten r = -0,40 (P=0,0066). Regardless of treatment, the meat had luminosity ranging from intermediate to dark, high in red, high in yellow, and are considered within the normal range for beef. Higher shear force meats(P<0,05) were found in Natural pasture and lower shear force was found in Sorghum pasture. Average live weight daily gain explained 18% of shear force. In the sensory panel, the judges distinguished the meat from the different finishing systems All the studied finishing systems allow to obtain desirable characteristics in carcass and meat. Sensory panel by duo-trio test showed that the distinct pastures prints differences in meats flavor

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of aberdeen angus steers finished in diferent pastures

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    Considerando as novas demandas de consumo de alimentos, com grande apelo à conservação ambiental, e que as pastagens nativas poderiam atender esses requisitos, foi conduzido o presente estudo com o objetivo de avaliar as características da carcaça e as características físico-químicas e sensoriais da carne de novilhos em três sistemas terminação de bovinos em pastagens: Pastagem natural (PN), pastagem natural melhorada com adubação e sobressemeadura de espécies hibernais (PNM) e Pastagem cultivada de verão - sorgo forrageiro (PCV). O experimento ocorreu entre 14/12/2009 e 30/11/2010 num delineamento experimental de blocos completamente casualizados, com duas repetições de campo. Foram utilizados novilhos Aberdeen Angus com idade e peso médio inicial de 20 meses e 354 ±27,4kg. Os abates foram realizados em 10/06/2010 para os animais terminados em sorgo forrageiro, 22/10/2010 para os animais da pastagem melhorada e 30/11/2010 para os da pastagem natural. Maiores ganhos médios diários foram obtidos com o sorgo. Não se verificou efeito dos sistemas de terminação na conformação das carcaças (P>0,05). Maior rendimento de carcaça foi obtido em pastagem melhorada (P0,05) para rendimento de dianteiro, para rendimento de ponta de agulha, nem para área de olho de lombo entre os sistemas de terminação. O traseiro serrote foi superior (P0,05). Maiores (P0,05). Higher carcass yield was found in Natural pasture fertilized + oversown (P0,05). Thawing and cooking losses were higher in Natural pasture fertilized + oversown and lower in Sorghum pasture. Those parameters showed negative correlation among thawing losses and pH 24 h post-morten r = -0,35 (P=0,0209) and cooking losses and pH 24 h post-morten r = -0,40 (P=0,0066). Regardless of treatment, the meat had luminosity ranging from intermediate to dark, high in red, high in yellow, and are considered within the normal range for beef. Higher shear force meats(P<0,05) were found in Natural pasture and lower shear force was found in Sorghum pasture. Average live weight daily gain explained 18% of shear force. In the sensory panel, the judges distinguished the meat from the different finishing systems All the studied finishing systems allow to obtain desirable characteristics in carcass and meat. Sensory panel by duo-trio test showed that the distinct pastures prints differences in meats flavor