7 research outputs found

    Innovasjon og IKT i offentlig sektor

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    Delprosjektet ”IKT Midt-Norge” er en del av forskningsprosjektet ”Forskning og innovasjon i offentlig sektor”. Det overordnede målet for hovedprosjektet er ”å utrede potensialet for forskningsprosjekter i Midt-Norge med sikte på å stimulere til innovasjon i regional offentlig tjenesteyting”. Delprosjektet IKT Midt-Norge har hovedfokus er på hvordan samarbeid og nettverk fungerer som arena for læring og utvikling av ny praksis i forbindelse med implementering av IKT løsninger.Hovedfokus i denne rapporten vil være å konkretisere hva som er den ønskede praksis fra overordnede myndigheter på IKT området og hvordan de utfordringene som kommuner og fylkeskommuner står overfor kan understøttes av FoU.Regionalt Forskningsfond Midt-Norg

    Why are major sports events trapped in the winner's curse? A case study of the 2017 World Road Cycling Championship

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Emerald in Sport, Business and Management on 07/12/2021.Available online: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SBM-12-2020-0132/full/htmlPurpose – This paper sought to determine how a major sport event can become trapped in a winner’s curse, in which the fierce competition to host the event forces organisers to spend more on acquiring and hosting it than what it is worth in economic terms. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a combination of document analysis and 47 in-depth interviews with 51 individuals representing various private and public organisations involved in the implementation of the UCI 2017 Road Cycling World Championship. Snowball sampling and a semi-structured interview guide were used to ensure coverage of all relevant information. Findings – The organiser and the host municipal lacked the necessary experience with events of this size and character. Information from previous championships events was not transferred, and the municipality administration did not utilise experiences from hosting previous events. Limited financial resources prevented the organiser from hiring enough employees with the necessary competence. Lack of communication between the stakeholders who contributed in hosting the event reduced the quality of planning and preparations. A dubious culture and lack of seriousness within the Norwegian Cycling Federation, which was the owner of organising company, seemed to have been transferred to organiser. Originality/value – The research identifies some of the reasons why major sports events so often turns out to be more problematic than expected in economic terms, not only for the organiser but also for actors in the public sector in the host city. The novelty is that it goes into depth on the underlying reasons and the dynamic forces behind these problems.acceptedVersio

    Innovasjon og IKT i offentlig sektor

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    Delprosjektet ”IKT Midt-Norge” er en del av forskningsprosjektet ”Forskning og innovasjon i offentlig sektor”. Det overordnede målet for hovedprosjektet er ”å utrede potensialet for forskningsprosjekter i Midt-Norge med sikte på å stimulere til innovasjon i regional offentlig tjenesteyting”. Delprosjektet IKT Midt-Norge har hovedfokus er på hvordan samarbeid og nettverk fungerer som arena for læring og utvikling av ny praksis i forbindelse med implementering av IKT løsninger.Hovedfokus i denne rapporten vil være å konkretisere hva som er den ønskede praksis fra overordnede myndigheter på IKT området og hvordan de utfordringene som kommuner og fylkeskommuner står overfor kan understøttes av FoU.Regionalt Forskningsfond Midt-Norg

    Doping in elite sport – do the fans care? : public opinion on the consequences of doping scandals

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    There are indications that commercial stakeholders are reluctant to associate with sports involved in doping scandals. A survey of 925 Norwegian sports consumers supports this reluctance, showing no tolerance for pure doping substances. The majority were in favour of tough responses to athletes and sports involved in doping. Older respondents were more negative towards doping. Those who were strongly interested in sport were more willing than others to accept doping

    Why are major sports events trapped in the winner's curse? A case study of the 2017 World Road Cycling Championship

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    Purpose – This paper sought to determine how a major sport event can become trapped in a winner’s curse, in which the fierce competition to host the event forces organisers to spend more on acquiring and hosting it than what it is worth in economic terms. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a combination of document analysis and 47 in-depth interviews with 51 individuals representing various private and public organisations involved in the implementation of the UCI 2017 Road Cycling World Championship. Snowball sampling and a semi-structured interview guide were used to ensure coverage of all relevant information. Findings – The organiser and the host municipal lacked the necessary experience with events of this size and character. Information from previous championships events was not transferred, and the municipality administration did not utilise experiences from hosting previous events. Limited financial resources prevented the organiser from hiring enough employees with the necessary competence. Lack of communication between the stakeholders who contributed in hosting the event reduced the quality of planning and preparations. A dubious culture and lack of seriousness within the Norwegian Cycling Federation, which was the owner of organising company, seemed to have been transferred to organiser. Originality/value – The research identifies some of the reasons why major sports events so often turns out to be more problematic than expected in economic terms, not only for the organiser but also for actors in the public sector in the host city. The novelty is that it goes into depth on the underlying reasons and the dynamic forces behind these problems

    Why are major sports events trapped in the winner's curse? A case study of the 2017 World Road Cycling Championship

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    Purpose – This paper sought to determine how a major sport event can become trapped in a winner’s curse, in which the fierce competition to host the event forces organisers to spend more on acquiring and hosting it than what it is worth in economic terms. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a combination of document analysis and 47 in-depth interviews with 51 individuals representing various private and public organisations involved in the implementation of the UCI 2017 Road Cycling World Championship. Snowball sampling and a semi-structured interview guide were used to ensure coverage of all relevant information. Findings – The organiser and the host municipal lacked the necessary experience with events of this size and character. Information from previous championships events was not transferred, and the municipality administration did not utilise experiences from hosting previous events. Limited financial resources prevented the organiser from hiring enough employees with the necessary competence. Lack of communication between the stakeholders who contributed in hosting the event reduced the quality of planning and preparations. A dubious culture and lack of seriousness within the Norwegian Cycling Federation, which was the owner of organising company, seemed to have been transferred to organiser. Originality/value – The research identifies some of the reasons why major sports events so often turns out to be more problematic than expected in economic terms, not only for the organiser but also for actors in the public sector in the host city. The novelty is that it goes into depth on the underlying reasons and the dynamic forces behind these problems