257 research outputs found

    Polygyny and HIV in Malawi

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    We review the relationship between polygyny and HIV and identify a positive individual-level correlation, and a negative ecological correlation. We subsequently examine two mechanisms that contribute to the individual-level correlation. First, we find that men in polygynous marriages have more extramarital sex than men in monogamous unions (both in terms of self reports and in terms of spousal reports of the suspicion of adultery). Second, we find evidence of adverse selection of HIV positive women into polygynous unions via an investigation of the relationship between marriage order and polygyny status. We conclude with reflections about possible explanations for the distinct individual and ecological correlations.AIDS/HIV, Malawi, marriage, polygyny, sexual behavior, Sub-Saharan Africa, widowhood

    Comparing Racial and Immigrant Health Status and Health Care Access in Later Life in Canada and the United States

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    Little comparative research exists on health experiences and conditions of minority groups in Canada and the United States, despite both countries having a racially diverse population with a signifi cant proportion of immigrants. This article explores race and immigrant disparities in health and health care access across the two countries. The study focus was on middle and old age given the change and increasing diversity in health and health care policy, such as Medicare. Logistic regression analysis of data from the 2002–2003 Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health shows that the joint effect of race and nativity on health outcomes – health differences between native and foreign-born Whites and non- Whites – is largely insignifi cant in Canada but considerable in the U.S. Non-White native and foreign-born Americans within both 45-to-64 and 65-and-over age groups experience signifi cant disadvantage in health status and access to care, irrespective of health insurance coverage, demographic, socio-economic, and lifestyle factors.health, obesity, health care, race, immigrant, Canada, United States


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    Healthcare wastes (HCW) are produced in any healthcare setting during diagnosis, medical care, operation or injection process or during research studies. The management of such wastes is becoming a great issue since they pose many health risks and environmental damage. Hence, this study was carried out to assess the level of healthcare waste management in hospitals of South Lebanon. A cross sectional study was conducted in five hospitals located in South Lebanon (A, B, C, D and E). The Individualized Rapid Assessment Tool (I-RAT) developed in 2009 as part of the UNDP GEF Global Project on Healthcare Waste, was the instrument used for data collection. A part of the IRAT-HCWM questionnaire was completed through on site observation and the other part of the questionnaire was filled by the nurses, nurse managers, quality and environmental managers and infection control managers in different wards of the hospitals. In general, the five evaluated hospitals showed a good management of healthcare wastes. However, there are still unsatisfactory practices in these hospitals regarding policies, regulations, procedures, safety issues and awareness. Thus, future interventions are required in order to improve the healthcare waste management practices in hospitals of South Lebanon

    Cross-Cohort Differences in Health on the Verge of Retirement

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    Baby Boomers have left a unique imprint on US culture and society in the last 60 years, and it might be anticipated that they will also put their own stamp on retirement, the last phase of the life cycle. Yet because Boomers have not all fully retired, we cannot yet judge how they will fare as retirees. Instead, we focus on how this group compares with prior groups on the verge of retirement, that is, at ages 51-56. Accordingly, this chapter evaluates the stock of health which Early Boomers bring to retirement and compare these to the circumstances of two prior cohorts at the same point in their life cycles. Using three sets of responses from the Health and Retirement Study, we find some interesting patterns. Overall, the raw evidence indicates that Boomers on the verge of retirement are in poorer health their counterparts 12 years ago. Using a summary health index designed for this study, we find that those born 1948 to 1953 share health risks with the War Baby cohort. This suggests that most of the health decline instead began before the late 1940's. A more complex set of health conclusions emerges from the specific self-reported health measures. Boomers indicate they have relatively more difficulty with a range of everyday physical tasks, but they also report having more pain, more chronic conditions, more drinking and psychiatric problems, than their HRS earlier counterparts. This trend portends poorly for the future health of Boomers as they age and incur increasing costs associated with health care and medications. Using our health index, only those at the 75th percentile or higher are likely to be characterized as having good or better health.

    Application of Health Canada QMRA Model in 17 Canadian Drinking Water Treatment Plants

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    RÉSUMÉ Sécuriser l'approvisionnement en eau potable est l'un des défis les plus importants pour l'industrie de l'eau potable. L'analyse quantitative du risque microbien (AQRM) est un outil qui sert à estimer le risque de la santé publique causé par l'exposition aux microorganismes pathogènes suite à la consommation d'eau potable. Une approche à barrières multiples de traitement d'eau potable est généralement adoptée pour assurer une bonne qualité d’eau potable. L’AQRM peut être considéré comme une étape de l'implantation d’une approche à barrières multiples. Santé Canada a élaboré un modèle sur Excel d’AQRM qui fournit une évaluation des risques pour la santé humaine suite à l’exposition vi à l’eau potable à cinq agents pathogènes cibles: E. coli O157: H7, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Campylobacter et rotavirus. Ce modèle simplifié est conçu pour un usage par les ingénieurs municipaux, les opérateurs et les décideurs locaux.----------ABSTRACT Securing drinking water supply is one of the most significant challenges for the drinking water industry. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) is a tool used to estimate the public health risk from exposure to pathogenic microorganisms through drinking water consumption. A multiple barrier approach to drinking water treatment is generally adopted to ensure safe drinking water. QMRA can be used as a part of the multiple barriers approach. Health Canada developed an Excel based QMRA model providing an assessment for human health risk while exposed to 5 index pathogens: E. coli O157:H7, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Campylobacter, and Rotavirus. This model is designed for the municipal engineers, Water Treatment Plant (WTP) operators and local decision makers

    SmOOD: Smoothness-based Out-of-Distribution Detection Approach for Surrogate Neural Networks in Aircraft Design

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    Aircraft industry is constantly striving for more efficient design optimization methods in terms of human efforts, computation time, and resource consumption. Hybrid surrogate optimization maintains high results quality while providing rapid design assessments when both the surrogate model and the switch mechanism for eventually transitioning to the HF model are calibrated properly. Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) can capture highly nonlinear input-output mappings, yielding efficient surrogates for aircraft performance factors. However, FNNs often fail to generalize over the out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, which hinders their adoption in critical aircraft design optimization. Through SmOOD, our smoothness-based out-of-distribution detection approach, we propose to codesign a model-dependent OOD indicator with the optimized FNN surrogate, to produce a trustworthy surrogate model with selective but credible predictions. Unlike conventional uncertainty-grounded methods, SmOOD exploits inherent smoothness properties of the HF simulations to effectively expose OODs through revealing their suspicious sensitivities, thereby avoiding over-confident uncertainty estimates on OOD samples. By using SmOOD, only high-risk OOD inputs are forwarded to the HF model for re-evaluation, leading to more accurate results at a low overhead cost. Three aircraft performance models are investigated. Results show that FNN-based surrogates outperform their Gaussian Process counterparts in terms of predictive performance. Moreover, SmOOD does cover averagely 85% of actual OODs on all the study cases. When SmOOD plus FNN surrogates are deployed in hybrid surrogate optimization settings, they result in a decrease error rate of 34.65% and a computational speed up rate of 58.36 times, respectively

    Cross-Cohort Differences in Health on the Verge of Retirement

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    Baby Boomers have left a unique imprint on US culture and society in the last 60 years, and it might be anticipated that they will also put their own stamp on retirement, the last phase of the life cycle. Yet because Boomers have not all fully retired, we cannot yet judge how they will fare as retirees. Instead, we focus on how this group compares with prior groups on the verge of retirement, that is, at ages 51-56. Accordingly, this chapter evaluates the stock of health which Early Boomers bring to retirement and compare these to the circumstances of two prior cohorts at the same point in their life cycles. Using three sets of responses from the Health and Retirement Study, we find some interesting patterns. Overall, the raw evidence indicates that Boomers on the verge of retirement are in poorer health their counterparts 12 years ago. Using a summary health index designed for this study, we find that those born 1948 to 1953 share health risks with the War Baby cohort. This suggests that most of the health decline instead began before the late 1940’s. A more complex set of health conclusions emerges from the specific self-reported health measures. Boomers indicate they have relatively more difficulty with a range of everyday physical tasks, but they also report having more pain, more chronic conditions, more drinking and psychiatric problems, than their HRS earlier counterparts. This trend portends poorly for the future health of Boomers as they age and incur increasing costs associated with health care and medications. Using our health index, only those at the 75th percentile or higher are likely to be characterized as having good or better health

    Quality assessment for site characterization at seismic stations

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    AbstractMany applications related to ground-motion studies and engineering seismology benefit from the opportunity to easily download large dataset of earthquake recordings with different magnitudes. In such applications, it is important to have a reliable seismic characterization of the stations to introduce appropriate correction factors for including site amplification. Generally, seismic networks in Europe describe the site properties of a station through geophysical or geological reports, but often ad-hoc field surveys are missing and the characterization is done using indirect proxy. It is then necessary to evaluate the quality of a seismic characterization, accounting for the available site information, the measurements procedure and the reliability of the applied methods to obtain the site parameters.In this paper, we propose a strategy to evaluate the quality of site characterization, to be included in the station metadata. The idea is that a station with a good site characterization should have a larger ranking with respect to one with poor or incomplete information. The proposed quality metric includes the computation of three indices, which take into account the reliability of the available site indicators, their number and importance, together with their consistency defined through scatter plots for each single pair of indicators. For this purpose, we consider the seven indicators identified as most relevant in a companion paper (Cultrera et al. 2021): fundamental resonance frequency, shear-wave velocity profile, time-averaged shear-wave velocity over the first 30 m, depth of both seismological and engineering bedrock, surface geology and soil class

    The Relative Importance of Methanogenesis in the Decomposition of Organic Matter in Northern Peatlands

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    Using an isotope-mass balance approach and assuming the equimolar production of CO2 and CH4 from methanogenesis (e.g., anaerobic decomposition of cellulose), we calculate that the proportion of total CO2 production from methanogenesis varies from 37 to 83% across a variety of northern peatlands. In a relative sense, methanogenesis was a more important pathway for decomposition in bogs (80 ± 13% of CO2 production) than in fens (64 ± 5.7% of CO2 production), but because fens contain more labile substrates they may support higher CH4 production overall. The concentration of CO2 produced from methanogenesis (CO2-meth) can be considered equivalent to CH4 concentration before loss due to ebullition, plant-mediated transport, or diffusion. Bogs produced slightly less CO2-meth than fens (2.9 ±1.3 and 3.7 ±1.4mmol/L, respectively). Comparing the quantity of CH4 present to CO2-meth, fens lost slightly more CH4 than bogs (89 ± 2.8% and 82 ± 5.3%, respectively) likely due to the presence of vascular plant roots. In collapsed permafrost wetlands, bog moats produced half the amount of CO2-meth (0.8 ± 0.2mmol/L) relative to midbogs (1.6 ± 0.6mmol/L) and methanogenesis was less important (42 ± 6.6% of total CO2 production relative to 55 ± 8.1%). We hypothesize that the lower methane production potential in collapsed permafrost wetlands occurs because recently thawed organic substrates are being first exposed to the initial phases of anaerobic decomposition following collapse and flooding. Bog moats lost a comparable amount of CH4 as midbogs (63 ± 7.0% and 64 ± 9.3%)