74 research outputs found

    Division Of Labor In Banking: An Analysis Of Credit Derivative Usage By Commercial Banks

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    For the period 2002-2005, we examine a sample of 131 end-of-year observations for 57 banks that participate in the credit derivatives market.  We find that buyers of credit protection tend to be loan sellers and may have a comparative advantage in loan origination, while credit protection sellers tend to be loan buyers and may have a comparative advantage in funding loans.  Furthermore, some net credit protection buyers may derive an advantage as loan originators from a high-quality reputation, while others seem to be better able to break down informational barriers due to their position as market makers in credit derivatives

    International Diversification during the 1990s

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    This paper re-examines whether international diversification provided the expected benefits during the 1990s using ex-ante optimized portfolio procedures and the MSCI developed country stock indices. Our results show that only constrained efficient portfolios provide the best diversification benefits. Their performances, however, are inferior to that of the U.S. domestic portfolio. In addition, portfolios formed using data excluding the 1987 crash period are slightly riskier portfolios, but they outperform those formed using data including the crash. Finally, the results support that hedging away currency risk reduces portfolio performance

    Peritonitis karsinomatozayı taklit eden abdominal tüberküloz olgusu

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    Abdominal tüberküloz nadir bir durumdur ve bulguları çoğu zaman nonspesifiktir. Birçok değişik patolojik durumu taklit edebilir. Abdominal tüberküloz tüm gastrointestinal sistemi, mezenteri ve peritonu tutmasının yanı sıra, solid organlar olan dalak, karaciğer ve pankreasıda tutabilmektedir. Karın içinde kitle nedeniyle ameliyat edilen ve ameliyat sırasında makroskopik olarak peritonitis karsinomatoza tanısı düşünülen 42 yaşındaki kadın hastaya ilişkin olgu literatür bilgileri eşliğinde sunuldu.Abdominal tuberculosis is a rare disease, with non-specific findings. Abdominal tuberculosis can mimic different pathologies. Abdominal tuberculosis could affect the entire gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, mesentery as well as the solid organs like liver, spleen and pancreas. We present a 42-year-old woman with intra-abdominal mass of unknown origin which was interpreted as peritoneal carcinomatosis intraoperatively

    Helikobakter pilori infeksiyonu ve benign gastroduodenal hastalıklar, Trakya Bölgesi verileri

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    Amaç: Helikobakter pilori (H. pilori) gastrik ve duodenal ülser, non-ülser dispepsi, atrofik gastrit, mide kanseri ve MALT lenfoması etiyolojisinde rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmamızda Trakya bölgesinde beniğn gastroduodenal hastalıklarda H. pilori infeksiyonu prevelansı araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Endoskopi Ünitesine başvuran ve beniğn gastroduodenal hastalıklar saptanan 4714 hastada retrospektif olarak H. pilori infeksiyonu prevelansı araştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların %52.8'inde H. pilori pozitif saptandı. H. pilori bulber ülser hastalarında %65, gastrik ülserli hastalarda %60.2, gastritli hastalarda ise %48.4 oranında pozitif bulundu (p<0.001). Trakya bölgesi kökenli hastaların %52'sinde, Anadoludan göç eden hastaların %56.3'ünde, Avrupadan göç eden hastaların %48.7'sinde H. pilori pozitif bulundu (p=0.02). Helikobakter pilori kadınlarda %53.2, erkeklerde %52.2 oranında pozitifti (p=0.52). Üreaz pozitifliği 30-60 arasındaki hastalarda 30 yaşından küçükler ve 60 yaşından büyüklere göre daha fazlaydı. Sonuç: Trakya bölgesinde H. pilori infeksiyonu hem ülkemizin diğer bölgeleri ile hemde komşu avrupa ülkeleri ile benzer epidemiyolojik özellikler göstermektedir.Objective: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is implicated in the etiology of gastric and duodenal ulcer, non-ulcer dyspepsia, atrophic gastritis, gastric adenocarcinoma and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALToma). The aim of our study is to evaluate the prevalance of H. pylori infection in patients with benign gastroduodenal diseases. Material and Methods: H. pylori infection was evaluated retrospectively with the urease test in 4714 patients with benign gastroduodenal disorders who applied to the endoscopy unit of Trakya University Hospital, the only University hospital in the Trakya region, between November 2003 and October 2007 with dyspeptic complaints. Results: Overall, the rapid urease test was positive in 52.8% of cases. Helicobacter pylori was positive in 65% of the bulbar ulcer, 61% of the erosive bulbitis, 60.2% of the gastric ulcer and, 48.4% of the gastritis patients. (p&lt;0.001). H. pylori positivity was 52% in Trakya born patients, 56.3% in immigrants from Anatolia and 48.7% in immigrants from Europe (p=0.02). H. pylori positivity frequencies in women and men were 52.2% and 53.2%, respectively (p=0.52). Urease test positivity was significantly more frequent in patients 30-60 years of age compared to the groups younger than 30 or older than 60. Conclusion: The epidemiologic characteristics of H. pylori infection shows features of both Turkey and neighbouring countries of Europe

    Disclosure Of EVA Use In Corporate Financial Reports: A Descriptive Analysis

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    This descriptive study examines a sample of 269 firms that mentioned EVA in their public disclosures.&nbsp; The key findings of our study are: (1) the use of EVA is found in a cross-section of the industries; (2) the most commonly used source of disclosure is the proxy statement; (3) a majority of the firms use only EVA rather than EVA in combination with other traditional measures; (4) a majority of the sample firms apply EVA at the corporate level alone; (5) three-fourths of the sample firms use EVA as an incentive compensation tool; (6) most firms apply EVA and other metrics only at the executive level for compensation and performance evaluation; and (7) two common modes of compensation using EVA determination are bonus plans and stock options.&nbsp; The results of our study indicate that firms are steadily adopting EVA as one component of their value management system.&nbsp; In a related decision context, investors estimate the cost of equity capital to arrive at the intrinsic value of the firm.&nbsp; Firms can help investors reduce this estimation error by reporting their own estimate of the cost of equity capital, in turn, reducing the valuation error. Our findings have implications for the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Accounting Standards Board in that they should recognize the need to address this issue thereby enhancing the decision usefulness of public reporting

    A Case of Primary Gastric Malign Melanoma with Multiple Hepatic Metastasis

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    Malign melanoma is an agressive tumor that can involve the gastrointestinal tract as metastasis or primary gastrointestinal lesions. Discrimination of primary lesions from metastatic ones may be difficult, especially when the tumor in the skin regresses. We aimed to present a case of primary gastric MM with liver metastasis

    Clinical Study The Role of Serum Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Hepatic Osteodystrophy in Male Cirrhotic Patients

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    Objective. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possible role of serum cytokines in the development of hepatic osteodystrophy. Matherial and Methods. 44 consecutive male cirrhotic patients (17 alcoholic, 20 hepatitis B, 7 hepatitis C), 15 age-and sex-matched chronic alcoholics without liver disease, and 17 age-and sex-matched healthy controls were included in the study during one year period. Bone mineral density was measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry in the lumbar vertebrate and femoral neck. Serum interleukin levels were measured by ELISA method. Results. Although osteopenia frequency between our cirrhotic patients was 20%, there was no difference in T-scores among the controls and other groups. Serum interleukin-1, interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels were not different between all groups. Serum interleukin-2 and interleukin-6 levels were higher in the cirrhotics than controls (P &lt; 0.001). However, there were no significant difference between osteopenic and nonosteopenic cirrhotics. Conclusion. According to the results of the study in this small population of 44 male cirrhotic patients, frequency of hepatic osteopenia is small and serum interleukins 1, 2, 6, 8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha may not play a role in the pathogenesis of hepatic osteodystrophy. Further studies in which large number of patients involved are necessary in this field

    Investigation of Carbon Block/Cast Iron/Collector Bar Interfaces in Aluminum Electrolysis

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    The chemical events occurring at the carbon/cast iron/collector bar interface that might have an impact on the cathodic voltage drop in aluminum electrolysis is elucidated in this thesis. The primary aluminum production is an energy intensive process which constantly requires to bring as high an energy efficient development as possible in order to be competitive. The cathodic voltage drop represents ~10% of the overall energy consumption of the process. Among the measures to reduce the voltage drop, the collector bar and its surroundings need to be investigated as the literature on this part of the assembly is very narrow. In this thesis, the microstructural and compositional evolution of the cast irons and the collector bars taken from the cells that were shut down after 7 days and 2190 days (6 years) in operation is presented using the analytical tools such as SEM, EDX and optic microscope. The effect of this evolution on the voltage drop is then evaluated by referring to the electrical conductivities of the observed phases and microstructures. The penetration of the bath components, especially aluminum (as high as 14wt.% in the cast iron and 0.44wt.% in the steel) and sodium (1.38wt.% in the cast iron and 0.02wt.% in the steel), into the cast iron and the steel was found partly linked to the morphology of the graphite in the cast iron. The kinetics of the development of the morphology of the graphite was suspected to be determined by the presence of the magnetic field or the magnetic field gradient. It was also shown that the magnetic field might cause a shift in the equilibrium Fe-C diagram. In this respect, stabilization of the ferrite over the austenite is noteworthy as its resistivity is ~one third the resistivity of the austenite (0.1µΩm vs 0.34 µΩm at 300K and 313K respectively). High phosphorous cast iron was found to form liquid eutectics that preferentially settle at the grain boundaries. This phase is regarded to have a negative effect both on the contact pressure and on the electrical conductivity. Therefore it is suggested to employ lower P containing cast iron grades as the rodding material

    Patateste yumru büyüklüğü ile verim arasındaki ilişkiler

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.Tohumluk patates üretiminde ideal yumru büyüklüğünü saptamak amacı ile iki farklı çeşit (ilona,sandra)ve beş farklı vumru büyüklüğü (12.5,25,50,100,150)kullanılmıştır.yumru büyüklüğü ile verim arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır en iyi sonuç 100 gr lık yumrularda gözlenmiştir.araştırmada ayrıca yumru büyüklüğü ile bir ocaktaki yumru sayısı,bitki boyu,ortalama yumru ağırlığı ve san sayısındaki değişmeler gözlenmiştir. 'A.B S T K A G î...:....-'îîihis-s'tnây. has been^done ' to âetermine the optitnuTt? tu'ber-.-siz-fe-. "in- prod-uciftg' pot-ato se.ed«'î'v;p. öifferent variety('îloTîa,Sa??âra} ar»3 fiv«-different tuber size(12.-5-* 25,50,100,150pr. )were Tised ar ıneterial.-- --..--.-. - ;:.'!î?he best perforroan.ce: has been obtaineâ when -thıft 1008rr»t«b'ers. uaeâ, in. resuect of yielcU'..,. '. Avpart fröîR-tîıeş-e.,the-relatipns 'bctween.t«t>er'. sise -'and tub'er. niiMber.-.-İıi öne.lıeaprplant heifht,m«an^ tuber.'weight,a;ıâ'/fchan.ges^ :. -.' ' İTİ'-iehpot..mtrrı'ber.vere/âlşo'.observed»'.'\'-.-'..'.. ':.....'' '.. '. ' '..Tohumluk patates üretiminde ideal yumru büyüklüğünü saptamak amacı ile iki farklı çeşit (ilona,sandra)ve beş farklı vumru büyüklüğü (12.5,25,50,100,150)kullanılmıştır.yumru büyüklüğü ile verim arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır en iyi sonuç 100 gr lık yumrularda gözlenmiştir.araştırmada ayrıca yumru büyüklüğü ile bir ocaktaki yumru sayısı,bitki boyu,ortalama yumru ağırlığı ve san sayısındaki değişmeler gözlenmiştir. 'A.B S T K A G î...:....-'îîihis-s'tnây. has been^done ' to âetermine the optitnuTt? tu'ber-.-siz-fe-. "in- prod-uciftg' pot-ato se.ed«'î'v;p. öifferent variety('îloTîa,Sa??âra} ar»3 fiv«-different tuber size(12.-5-* 25,50,100,150pr. )were Tised ar ıneterial.-- --..--.-. - ;:.'!î?he best perforroan.ce: has been obtaineâ when -thıft 1008rr»t«b'ers. uaeâ, in. resuect of yielcU'..,. '. Avpart fröîR-tîıeş-e.,the-relatipns 'bctween.t«t>er'. sise -'and tub'er. niiMber.-.-İıi öne.lıeaprplant heifht,m«an^ tuber.'weight,a;ıâ'/fchan.ges^ :. -.' ' İTİ'-iehpot..mtrrı'ber.vere/âlşo'.observed»'.'\'-.-'..'.. ':.....'' '.. '. ' '