128 research outputs found

    Evolution of eccentricity and orbital inclination of migrating planets in 2:1 mean motion resonance

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    We determine, analytically and numerically, the conditions needed for a system of two migrating planets trapped in a 2:1 mean motion resonance to enter an inclination-type resonance. We provide an expression for the asymptotic equilibrium value that the eccentricity eie_{\rm i} of the inner planet reaches under the combined effects of migration and eccentricity damping. We also show that, for a ratio qq of inner to outer masses below unity, eie_{\rm i} has to pass through a value ei,rese_{\rm i,res} of order 0.3 for the system to enter an inclination-type resonance. Numerically, we confirm that such a resonance may also be excited at another, larger, value ei,res0.6e_{\rm i, res} \simeq 0.6, as found by previous authors. A necessary condition for onset of an inclination-type resonance is that the asymptotic equilibrium value of eie_{\rm i} is larger than ei,rese_{\rm i,res}. We find that, for q1q \le 1, the system cannot enter an inclination-type resonance if the ratio of eccentricity to semimajor axis damping timescales te/tat_e/t_a is smaller than 0.2. This result still holds if only the eccentricity of the outer planet is damped and q1q \lesssim 1. As the disc/planet interaction is characterized by te/ta102t_e/t_a \sim 10^{-2}, we conclude that excitation of inclination through the type of resonance described here is very unlikely to happen in a system of two planets migrating in a disc.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Orbital evolution of a planet on an inclined orbit interacting with a disc

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    We study the dynamics of a planet on an orbit inclined with respect to a disc. If the initial inclination of the orbit is larger than some critical value, the gravitational force exerted by the disc on the planet leads to a Kozai cycle in which the eccentricity of the orbit is pumped up to large values and oscillates with time in antiphase with the inclination. On the other hand, both the inclination and the eccentricity are damped by the frictional force that the planet is subject to when it crosses the disc. We show that, by maintaining either the inclination or the eccentricity at large values, the Kozai effect provides a way of delaying alignment with the disc and circularization of the orbit. We find the critical value to be characteristically as small as about 20 degrees. Typically, Neptune or lower mass planets would remain on inclined and eccentric orbits over the disc lifetime, whereas orbits of Jupiter or higher mass planets would align and circularize. This could play a significant role in planet formation scenarios.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Pulsed Disc Accretion Driven by Hot Jupiters

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    We present 2D hydrodynamical simulations of hot Jupiters orbiting near the inner edge of protoplanetary discs. We systemically explore how the accretion rate at the inner disc edge is regulated by a giant planet of different mass, orbital separation and eccentricity. We find that a massive (with planet-to-star mass ratio 0.003\gtrsim 0.003) eccentric (ep0.1e_p\gtrsim 0.1) planet drives a pulsed accretion at the inner edge of the disc, modulated at one or two times the planet's orbital frequency. The amplitude of accretion variability generally increases with the planet mass and eccentricity, although some non-monotonic dependences are also possible. Applying our simulation results to the T Tauri system CI Tau, where a young hot Jupiter candidate has been detected, we show that the observed luminosity variability in this system can be explained by pulsed accretion driven by an eccentric giant planet.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Extreme orbital evolution from hierarchical secular coupling of two giant planets

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    Observations of exoplanets over the last two decades have revealed a new class of Jupiter-size planets with orbital periods of a few days, the so-called "hot Jupiters". Recent measurements using the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect have shown that many (~ 50%) of these planets are misaligned; furthermore, some (~ 15%) are even retrograde with respect to the stellar spin axis. Motivated by these observations, we explore the possibility of forming retrograde orbits in hierarchical triple configurations consisting of a star-planet inner pair with another giant planet, or brown dwarf, in a much wider orbit. Recently Naoz et al. (2011) showed that in such a system, the inner planet's orbit can flip back and forth from prograde to retrograde, and can also reach extremely high eccentricities. Here we map a significant part of the parameter space of dynamical outcomes for these systems. We derive strong constraints on the orbital configurations for the outer perturber that could lead to the formation of hot Jupiters with misaligned or retrograde orbits. We focus only on the secular evolution, neglecting other dynamical effects such as mean-motion resonances, as well as all dissipative forces. For example, with an inner Jupiter-like planet initially on a nearly circular orbit at 5 AU, we show that a misaligned hot Jupiter is likely to be formed in the presence of a more massive planetary companion (> 2 MJ) within 140 AU of the inner system, with mutual inclination 50 degrees and eccentricity above 0.25. This is in striking contrast to the test-particle approximation, where an almost perpendicular configuration can still cause large eccentricity excitations, but flips of an inner Jupiter-like planet are much less likely to occur. The constraints we derive can be used to guide future observations, and, in particular, searches for more distant companions in systems containing a hot Jupiter.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Transit-Timing Variation Signature of Planet Migration: The Case of K2-24

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    The convergent migration of two planets in a gaseous disc can lead to capture in mean motion resonance (MMR). In addition, pairs of planets in or near MMRs are known to produce strong transit timing variations (TTVs). In this paper we study the impact of disc-induced migrations on the TTV signal of pairs of planets that enter a resonant configuration. We show that disc-induced migration creates a correlation between the amplitude and the period of the TTVs. We study the case of K2-24, a system of two planets whose period ratio indicates that they are in or near the 2:1 MMR, with non-zero eccentricities and large-amplitude TTVs. We show that a simple disc-induced migration cannot reproduce the observed TTVs, and we propose a formation scenario in which the capture in resonance occurring during migration in a disc with strong eccentricity damping is followed by eccentricity excitation during the dispersal of the disc, assisted by a third planet whose presence has been suggested by radial velocity observations. This scenario accounts for the eccentricities of the two planets and their period ratio, and accurately reproduces the amplitude and period of the TTVs. It allows for a unified view of the formation and evolution history of K2-24, from disc-induced migration to its currently observed properties.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Tidal interactions shape period ratios in planetary systems with three-body resonant chains

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    These last years several Systems with Tightly packed Inner Planets in the super-Earth mass regime have been discovered harboring chains of resonances. It is generally believed that planet pairs get trapped in MMR during the migration phase in the protoplanetary disk, while the tides raised by the host star provide a source of dissipation on very long timescales. In this work, we aim to study the departure from exact commensurabilities observed among the STIPs which harbor 3-planet resonances and analyze how tides play an important role in shaping the resonance offsets for the STIPs. We analyzed the resonance offsets between adjacent pairs for five multi-planetary systems, namely Kepler-80, Kepler-223, K2-138, TOI-178, and TRAPPIST-1, highlighting the existence of different trends in the offsets. On the one hand, we derived analytical estimates for the offsets, which confirm that the departure of the planetary pairs from the nominal MMRs are due to the 3-planet resonant dynamics. On the other hand, we performed N-body simulations including both orbital migration and tidal dissipation from the host star with simple prescriptions in order to test the effectiveness of this mechanism at shaping the observed trend in the offsets, focusing our study on the preservation of the resonant patterns in the different systems with the same general setup. We found that the trends in the offsets of the five detected systems can be produced by tidal damping effects, regardless of the considered value for the tidal factor. It is a robust mechanism that relaxes the system towards equilibrium while efficiently moving it along 3-planet resonances, which induces the observed resonance offset for each planet pair. In addition, we showed that for Kepler-80, K2-138, and TOI-178, the amplitudes of the resonant offsets can also be reproduced with appropriate tidal factor, for the estimated age of the systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&