9 research outputs found

    El suicidio en la población juvenil salvadoreña: Factores causales y estrategias de prevención en el año 2017

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    La monografía presentada a continuación aborda el tema del suicidio juvenil, valiéndose de una metodología cualitativa con un enfoque descriptivo-explicativo, consiste en una investigación de tipo bibliográfica que analiza las causas del suicidio en la población juvenil salvadoreña ,abordando temas de interés relacionados con el fenómeno, como por ejemplo; el punto de vista adoptado hacia el suicidio por diferentes culturas durante la historia factores de protección, factores de riesgo y la influencia del suicidio dentro de nuestro continente americano, además por medio de información de índole estadística expone la incidencia de suicidios en El Salvador durante el periodo 2010-2016, lo cual es presentado con el objetivo de ratificar la importancia del tema como foco de atención dentro de la sociedad salvadoreña y la necesidad de concientizar sobre la incidencia que dicho fenómeno tiene dentro del contexto nacional, aunado a la anterior se presentan herramientas que al ser implementadas dentro del núcleo familiar y el ambiente escolar se espera favorezcan la prevención primaria dentro de la población considerada de mayor riesgo.Monografía presentada para optar al título de Licenciado en Psicologí

    On the Communication of Scientific Results: The Full-Metadata Format

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    In this paper, we introduce a scientific format for text-based data files, which facilitates storing and communicating tabular data sets. The so-called Full-Metadata Format builds on the widely used INI-standard and is based on four principles: readable self-documentation, flexible structure, fail-safe compatibility, and searchability. As a consequence, all metadata required to interpret the tabular data are stored in the same file, allowing for the automated generation of publication-ready tables and graphs and the semantic searchability of data file collections. The Full-Metadata Format is introduced on the basis of three comprehensive examples. The complete format and syntax is given in the appendix

    Correcting motion blur using optical flow

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-123).This thesis presents a method for reconstructing motion-degraded images by using velocity information generated with a phase-based optical flow calculation. The optical flow method applies a set of frequency-tuned Gabor filters to an image sequence in order to determine the component velocities for each pixel by tracking temporally separated phase contours. The resulting set of component velocities is normalized and averaged to generate a single 2D velocity at each pixel in the image. The 2D optical flow velocity is used to estimate the motion-blur PSF for the image reconstruction process, which applies a regularization filter to each pixel. The 2D velocities generally had small angular and magnitude errors. Image sequences where the motion varied from frame to frame had poorer results than image sequences where the motion was constant across all frames. The quality of the deblurred image is directly affected by the quality of the velocity vectors generated with the optical flow calculations. When accurate 2D velocities are provided, the deblurring process generates sharp results for most types of motion. The magnitude error proved to be a larger problem than the angular error, due to the averaging process involved in creating the 2D velocity vectors from the component velocities. Both the optical flow and deblurring components had difficulty handling rotational motion, where the linearized model of the motion vector is inappropriate. Retaining the component velocities may solve the problem of linearization.by Cheryl Texin.M.Eng