2,921 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Fierz Rearrangement Freedom for Local Chiral Two-Nucleon Potentials

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    Chiral effective field theory is a framework to derive systematic nuclear interactions. It is based on the symmetries of quantum chromodynamics and includes long-range pion physics explicitly, while shorter-range physics is expanded in a general operator basis. The number of low-energy couplings at a particular order in the expansion can be reduced by exploiting the fact that nucleons are fermions and therefore obey the Pauli exclusion principle. The antisymmetry permits the selection of a subset of the allowed contact operators at a given order. When local regulators are used for these short-range interactions, however, this "Fierz rearrangement freedom" is violated. In this paper, we investigate the impact of this violation at leading order (LO) in the chiral expansion. We construct LO and next-to-leading order (NLO) potentials for all possible LO-operator pairs and study their reproduction of phase shifts, the 4{}^4He ground-state energy, and the neutron-matter energy at different densities. We demonstrate that the Fierz rearrangement freedom is partially restored at NLO where subleading contact interactions enter. We also discuss implications for local chiral three-nucleon interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Construct Validity of a General Training Climate Scale

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    There is growing evidence that an organization\u27s training climate can influence the effectiveness of formal and informal training activities. Unfortunately, there is limited data regarding the psychometric properties of climate measures that have been used in training research. The purpose of this article is to examine the construct validity of a training climate measure. Results from content adequacy, reliability, aggregation, and convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity assessments provide support for the measure\u27s use in diagnostic and theory testing efforts

    Helping Managers Help Themselves: The Use and Utility of On-the-Job Interventions to Improve the Impact of Interpersonal Skills Training

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of using two posttraining interventions—self-coaching and upward feedback—to enhance the effectiveness of formal training on interpersonal skills for managers. Data from eighty-seven restaurant manager trainees demonstrated that both interventions were useful extensions to formal classroom training and appear to have substantial utility for helping managers develop and improve their interpersonal skills

    Chiral Three-Nucleon Interactions in Light Nuclei, Neutron-α\alpha Scattering, and Neutron Matter

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    We present quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei, neutron-α\alpha scattering, and neutron matter using local two- and three-nucleon (3N3N) interactions derived from chiral effective field theory up to next-to-next-to-leading order (N2^2LO). The two undetermined 3N3N low-energy couplings are fit to the 4^4He binding energy and, for the first time, to the spin-orbit splitting in the neutron-α\alpha PP-wave phase shifts. Furthermore, we investigate different choices of local 3N3N-operator structures and find that chiral interactions at N2^2LO are able to simultaneously reproduce the properties of A=3,4,5A=3,4,5 systems and of neutron matter, in contrast to commonly used phenomenological 3N3N interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table - updated version: small wording changes, one reference chang

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei with local chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions

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    Local chiral effective field theory interactions have recently been developed and used in the context of quantum Monte Carlo few- and many-body methods for nuclear physics. In this work, we go over detailed features of local chiral nucleon-nucleon interactions and examine their effect on properties of the deuteron, paying special attention to the perturbativeness of the expansion. We then turn to three-nucleon interactions, focusing on operator ambiguities and their interplay with regulator effects. We then discuss the nuclear Green's function Monte Carlo method, going over both wave-function correlations and approximations for the two- and three-body propagators. Following this, we present a range of results on light nuclei: Binding energies and distribution functions are contrasted and compared, starting from several different microscopic interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, published version, Editor's Suggestio

    In Favor of Hospitality-Management Education

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    Despite the almost one-hundred-year history of hospitality-management education; the hundreds of well-established two-year, four-year, and graduate programs worldwide; and the hundreds of thousands of graduates those programs have prepared for careers in the industry, hospitality-management education’s merit and place in higher education are still questioned at times, to the dismay of hospitality educators the world over. This article delineates several features of hospitality management that make these programs valuable and unique and provides compelling arguments in its favor. The arguments include: 1) courses tailored to the hospitality industry, the world’s largest industry; 2) focus on small-business management as well as corporate enterprises; 3) emphasis on services and service management, not manufacturing; 4) programs and coursework focused on people management, which it at the core of the hospitality businesses; 5) unique focus on the specific issues of food and beverage management, the largest component of the hospitality industry; and 6) transferability of graduates’ knowledge and skill sets, which are in high demand among other service industries. While business programs focus on the fundamentals of management and production, hospitality- management programs prepare graduates who are aware of general management principles and are particularly well-versed in managing the guest experience and employees in a service environment

    What Matters Most? The Perceived Importance of Ability and Personality for Hiring Decisions

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    This study examined the emphasis hiring managers placed on general mental ability (GMA) and personality—agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and extraversion—when evaluating applicant profiles for servers for a national restaurant chain. GMA was framed as either “intelligence” or the “ability to learn and solve problems.” Under both conditions, GMA was valued, but less than agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability, even though GMA has been demonstrated to be the strongest predictor of employee performance. Framed as the “ability to learn and solve problems,” GMA was more highly valued, but still less than personality

    Fun in the workplace : a review and expanded theoretical perspective

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    Since the turn of the century, a growing body of research has systemically examined the role of fun in the workplace. In general, the extant body of research has demonstrated that fun in the workplace has a beneficial impact for individuals and organizations, but some evidence has been mixed. To help advance research in this area, the aims of this paper are two-fold. The first aim is to review previous research on fun in the workplace and identify gaps in the literature to provide direction for future work. The second aim is to offer a theoretical framework that helps explain how individuals may interpret fun in the workplace and how it may be most beneficial. Drawing on the notion that fun in the workplace is in the eye of the beholder, our proposed framework provides a more nuanced understanding of the temporal processes and contextual factors that explain how individuals appraise and ultimately benefit from fun
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