11 research outputs found

    MatchMaker - Flexible Synchronisation von Java-Anwendungen

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    In diesem Artikel stellen wir ein System zur Synchronisierung beliebiger, in Java geschriebener, Anwendungen vor. Nach einer kurzen Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile von replizierter Datenhaltung – wie sie in unserem System verwendet wird – werden wir am Beispiel einer komplexen Diskussions- und Modellierungsumgebung zeigen, wie man mit unserer Architektur Anwendungen partiell koppeln kann und somit flexible Kooperationsmöglichkeiten technisch unterstützen kann

    Collaborative Writing in a Computer-integrated Classroom for Early Learning

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    This paper describes a collaborative experiment with a special software application supporting the acquisition of initial reading and writing skills embedded in a computer-integrated environment for young children. The NIMIS project has set up three Computer-integrated Classrooms across Europe with appropriate "roomware" environments, i.e. furniture, hardware and software to support early learning. Here, we present a collaborative writing task facilitated by a shared workspace system, that has been evaluated with first graders using one of the software applications T (Today's Talking Typewriter). Mixed pairs of children used the shared workspace provided by the application to perform a typical first graders writing task collaboratively. The speciality of this experiment lies in the study of domain-specific collaboration in a rich real-world learning environment