339 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity analysis of Labeo gonius (Hamilton, 1822) in three different reservoirs of Uttarakhand by using allozyme marker

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    The present population genetic study was carried out to identify basic genetic structure of Labeo gonius from three different sized reservoirs viz., Dhaura, Baigul and Nanak Sagar reservoir of Uttarakhand by applying allozyme markers. The allozyme analysis was conducted for 18 enzymes but only 10 enzymes showed their presence with scorable activity. All ten allozymes yielded overall 19 scorable loci, out of which 11 loci were found to be polymorphic in the population with a percentage of 57.89. Genetic diversity parameters, that is number of polymorphic loci, the mean number of alleles per locus, observed (HO) and expected heterozygosity (He), fixation index (FIS) and genic differentiation were estimated by using software GENEPOP Ver.3.4 indicating high level of genetic diversity in stocks of all three reservoirs of L. gonius being more heterozygous in Nanak sagar followed by Baigul and Dhaura reservoirs. FST for overall populations ranging from 0.01 to 0.18 indicate moderate genetic differentiation as per Wright’s criteria. The allozyme analysis in L. gonius showed that these populations are moderately differentiated from each other and likely to be associated with small gene exchange which is responsible for weak sub-structuring of stocks in the three reservoirs.Keywords: Allozyme, Labeo gonius, genetic diversity, population geneticsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(19), pp. 2532-253

    A model building exercise of mortality risk for Taiwanese women with breast cancer

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    Abstract Background The accurate estimation of outcome in patients with malignant disease is an essential component of the optimal treatment, decision-making and patient counseling processes. The prognosis and disease outcome of breast cancer patients can differ according to geographic and ethnic factors. To our knowledge, to date these factors have never been validated in a homogenous loco-regional patient population, with the aim of achieving accurate predictions of outcome for individual patients. To clarify this topic, we created a new comprehensive prognostic and predictive model for Taiwanese breast cancer patients based on a range of patient-related and various clinical and pathological-related variables. Methods Demographic, clinical, and pathological data were analyzed from 1 137 patients with breast cancer who underwent surgical intervention. A survival prediction model was used to allow analysis of the optimal combination of variables. Results The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, as applied to an independent validation data set, was used as the measure of accuracy. Results were compared by comparing the area under the ROC curve. Conclusions our model building exercise of mortality risk was able to predict disease outcome for individual patients with breast cancer. This model could represent a highly accurate prognostic tool for Taiwanese breast cancer patients.</p

    A Role for Immune Responses against Non-CS Components in the Cross-Species Protection Induced by Immunization with Irradiated Malaria Sporozoites

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    Immunization with irradiated Plasmodium sporozoites induces sterile immunity in rodents, monkeys and humans. The major surface component of the sporozoite the circumsporozoite protein (CS) long considered as the antigen predominantly responsible for this immunity, thus remains the leading candidate antigen for vaccines targeting the parasite's pre-erythrocytic (PE) stages. However, this role for CS was questioned when we recently showed that immunization with irradiated sporozoites (IrrSpz) of a P. berghei line whose endogenous CS was replaced by that of P. falciparum still conferred sterile protection against challenge with wild type P. berghei sporozoites. In order to investigate the involvement of CS in the cross-species protection recently observed between the two rodent parasites P. berghei and P. yoelii, we adopted our gene replacement approach for the P. yoelii CS and exploited the ability to conduct reciprocal challenges. Overall, we found that immunization led to sterile immunity irrespective of the origin of the CS in the immunizing or challenge sporozoites. However, for some combinations, immune responses to CS contributed to the acquisition of protective immunity and were dependent on the immunizing IrrSpz dose. Nonetheless, when data from all the cross-species immunization/challenges were considered, the immune responses directed against non-CS parasite antigens shared by the two parasite species played a major role in the sterile protection induced by immunization with IrrSpz. This opens the perspective to develop a single vaccine formulation that could protect against multiple parasite species

    Human cardiac tissue in a microperfusion chamber simulating extracorporeal circulation - ischemia and apoptosis studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>After coronary artery bypass grafting ischemia/reperfusion injury inducing cardiomyocyte apoptosis may occur. This surgery-related inflammatory reaction appears to be of extreme complexity with regard to its molecular, cellular and tissue mechanisms and many studies have been performed on animal models. However, finding retrieved from animal studies were only partially confirmed in humans. To investigate this phenomenon and to evaluate possible therapies in vitro, adequate human cardiomyocyte models are required. We established a tissue model of human cardiomyocytes preserving the complex tissue environment. To our knowledge human cardiac tissue has not been investigated in an experimental setup mimicking extracorporeal circulation just in accordance to clinical routine, yet.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cardiac biopsies were retrieved from the right auricle of patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting before cardiopulmonary bypass. The extracorporeal circulation was simulated by submitting the biopsies to varied conditions simulating cardioplegia (cp) and reperfusion (rep) in a microperfusion chamber. Cp/rep time sets were 20/7, 40/13 and 60/20 min. For analyses of the calcium homoeostasis the fluorescent calcium ion indicator FURA-2 and for apoptosis detection PARP-1 cleavage immunostaining were employed. Further the anti-apoptotic effect of carvedilol [10 μM] was investigated by adding into the perfusate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Viable cardiomyocytes presented an intact calcium homoeostasis under physiologic conditions. Following cardioplegia and reperfusion a time-dependent elevation of cytosolic calcium as a sign of disarrangement of the calcium homoeostasis occurred. PARP-1 cleavage also showed a time-dependence whereas reperfusion had the highest impact on apoptosis. Cardioplegia and carvedilol could reduce apoptosis significantly, lowering it between 60-70% (p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our human cardiac preparation served as a reliable cellular model tool to study apoptosis in vitro. Decisively cardiac tissue from the right auricle can be easily obtained at nearly every cardiac operation avoiding biopsying of the myocardium or even experiments on animals.</p> <p>The apoptotic damage induced by the ischemia/reperfusion stimulus could be significantly reduced by the cold crystalloid cardioplegia. The additional treatment of cardiomyocytes with a non-selective β-blocker, carvedilol had even a significantly higher reduction of apoptotis.</p

    The challenge to verify ceramide's role of apoptosis induction in human cardiomyocytes - a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardioplegia and reperfusion of the myocardium may be associated with cardiomyocyte apoptosis and subsequent myocardial injury. In order to establish a pharmacological strategy for the prevention of these events, this study aimed to verify the reliability of our human cardiac model and to evaluate the pro-apoptotic properties of the sphingolipid second messenger ceramide and the anti-apoptotic properties of the acid sphingomyelinase inhibitor amitryptiline during simulated cardioplegia and reperfusion ex vivo.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cardiac biopsies were retrieved from the right auricle of patients undergoing elective CABG before induction of cardiopulmonary bypass. Biopsies were exposed to <it>ex vivo </it>conditions of varying periods of cp/rep (30/10, 60/20, 120/40 min). Groups: I (untreated control, n = 10), II (treated control cp/rep, n = 10), III (cp/rep + ceramide, n = 10), IV (cp/rep + amitryptiline, n = 10) and V (cp/rep + ceramide + amitryptiline, n = 10). For detection of apoptosis anti-activated-caspase-3 and PARP-1 cleavage immunostaining were employed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In group I the percentage of apoptotic cardiomyocytes was significantly (p < 0.05) low if compared to group II revealing a time-dependent increase. In group III ceramid increased and in group IV amitryptiline inhibited apoptosis significantly (p < 0.05). In contrast in group V, under the influence of ceramide and amitryptiline the induction of apoptosis was partially suppressed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ceramid induces and amitryptiline suppresses apoptosis significantly in our ex vivo setting. This finding warrants further studies aiming to evaluate potential beneficial effects of selective inhibition of apoptosis inducing mediators on the suppression of ischemia/reperfusion injury in clinical settings.</p

    Overweight status is associated with extensive signs of microvascular dysfunction and cardiovascular risk

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    The aim of this present study was to investigate if overweight individuals exhibit signs of vascular dysfunction associated with a high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). One hundred lean and 100 overweight participants were recruited for the present study. Retinal microvascular function was assessed using the Dynamic Retinal Vessel Analyser (DVA), and systemic macrovascular function by means of flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Investigations also included body composition, carotid intimal-media thickness (c-IMT), ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (BP), fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides (TG), cholesterol levels (HDL-C and LDL-C), and plasma von Willebrand factor (vWF). Overweight individuals presented with higher right and left c-IMT (p = 0.005 and p = 0.002, respectively), average 24-h BP values (all p <0.001), plasma glucose (p = 0.008), TG (p = 0.003), TG: HDL-C ratio (p = 0.010), and vWF levels (p = 0.004). Moreover, overweight individuals showed lower retinal arterial microvascular dilation (p = 0.039) and baseline-corrected flicker (bFR) responses (p = 0.022), as well as, prolonged dilation reaction time (RT, p = 0.047). These observations emphasise the importance of vascular screening and consideration of preventive interventions to decrease vascular risk in all individuals with adiposity above normal range

    An Integrated Model of Multiple-Condition ChIP-Seq Data Reveals Predeterminants of Cdx2 Binding

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    Regulatory proteins can bind to different sets of genomic targets in various cell types or conditions. To reliably characterize such condition-specific regulatory binding we introduce MultiGPS, an integrated machine learning approach for the analysis of multiple related ChIP-seq experiments. MultiGPS is based on a generalized Expectation Maximization framework that shares information across multiple experiments for binding event discovery. We demonstrate that our framework enables the simultaneous modeling of sparse condition-specific binding changes, sequence dependence, and replicate-specific noise sources. MultiGPS encourages consistency in reported binding event locations across multiple-condition ChIP-seq datasets and provides accurate estimation of ChIP enrichment levels at each event. MultiGPS's multi-experiment modeling approach thus provides a reliable platform for detecting differential binding enrichment across experimental conditions. We demonstrate the advantages of MultiGPS with an analysis of Cdx2 binding in three distinct developmental contexts. By accurately characterizing condition-specific Cdx2 binding, MultiGPS enables novel insight into the mechanistic basis of Cdx2 site selectivity. Specifically, the condition-specific Cdx2 sites characterized by MultiGPS are highly associated with pre-existing genomic context, suggesting that such sites are pre-determined by cell-specific regulatory architecture. However, MultiGPS-defined condition-independent sites are not predicted by pre-existing regulatory signals, suggesting that Cdx2 can bind to a subset of locations regardless of genomic environment. A summary of this paper appears in the proceedings of the RECOMB 2014 conference, April 2–5.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant 0645960)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant P01 NS055923)Pennsylvania State University. Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulatio