20 research outputs found

    The Triple Disaster as an Opportunity to Feel Japanese Again in Hawaii

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    Bergbaumonitoring im südlichen Ruhrgebiet

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    Der verantwortungsbewusste Umgang mit alt- und nachbergbaulichen Strukturen umfasst den Aufbau und die Entwicklung eines integrierten Risikomanagementsystems. Daher ist es wichtig, aktuelle Informationen ĂŒber die bergbaulichen Elemente, ihren Zustand und mögliche Auswirkungen auf die TagesoberflĂ€che mittels verschiedener Monitoringmethoden zu ermitteln. Die Überwachung mittels Methoden der satellitengestĂŒtzten Erdbeobachtung generiert Sensordaten, die mit in-situ DatensĂ€tzen zu validieren sind. Im Projekt "Gemeinsames Monitoring im Altbergbau" wurden fĂŒr die Altgesellschaften des Steinkohlenbergbaus im sĂŒdlichen Ruhrgebiet in einer ersten Projektphase die Elemente des Alt- und Nachbergbaus, die möglichen Ereignisse und die Parameter zur Detektion und die Möglichkeit der Messung der Ereignisse integriert betrachtet. In der aktuell laufenden zweiten Projektphase werden Radardaten des EU-Copernicus Programmes genutzt, um Bodenbewegungen mittels radarinterferometrischer PSI- und DSI-Methoden zu detektieren. Hierbei kommen innovative Methoden zur frĂŒhzeitigen Integration der OberflĂ€chennutzung zur Anwendung, um so eine bessere Klassifizierung und Signifikanzanalyse der Bodenbewegung zu erreichen. Der Auswerteprozess wird zusĂ€tzlich mit alt- und nachbergbaulichen in-situ Daten angereichert. Das Projekt "Gemeinsames Monitoring im Altbergbau" bietet somit zukĂŒnftig die Möglichkeit alt- und nachbergbauliche Fragestellungen im Rahmen eines integrierten Risikomanagementsystems zu beantworten

    Zur Quecksilberkontamination einheimischer Schalenwildarten

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    Copy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Aquinas's account of substance terms and the theory of direct reference

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    This thesis investigates two semantical theories which are connected with wide-ranging metaphysical consequences: the theory of direct reference as it relates to natural kind terms and Aquinas's theory of meaning applied to the same category of words. The first part offers an interpretation of Aquinas's account of the formation and application of concepts. It analyses the key notions of image (phantasms), conceit (species intelligibilis) and definition, and explains how we acquire concepts through interaction with the things that exist in the world, and how we use these concepts once we have acquired them. The second part analyzes separately Kripke's and Putnam's versions of the theory of direct reference as it relates to natural kind terms. It discusses some important differences between the two versions and raises certain problems which both of them face. As both Kripke and Putnam claim that substantial metaphysical consequences flow from their account of the meaning of natural kind terms, it asks in particular whether the theory of direct reference can yield these consequences without making any hidden metaphysical assumptions. The final part moves on to the question of what makes a satisfactory theory of meaning for any type of general terms. It suggests that the notion of understanding must have a central role in such a theory. Comparing the mediaeval and contemporary accounts, it attempts to show that both fail to contribute significantly to a satisfactory theory of meaning for natural kind terms because neither has room for such a notion of understanding

    Contract(or) management

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    Contract(or) management

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    Wir finden enttÀuschend wenig Sinn

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    Evaluation of X-ray target materials to improve CT-based measurement of fiber orientations inside CF-SMC components

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    Carbon fiber sheet molding compounds (CF-SMC) are increasingly used in automotive and aerospace industries. The accuracy of fiber orientation measurement depends on the quality of the computed tomography (CT) results. This is significantly influenced by signal and contrast obtained when imaging the low absorption materials. Using standard tungsten X-ray targets as available in most commercially available microfocus CT scanners appears to be a compromise in terms of contrast and flux. The authors compare the X-ray spectra and imaging properties achieved using tungsten, copper, and silver X-ray targets. Projections and volume data sets obtained from scanning a CF-SMC sample component using different X-ray targets are compared and evaluated using common quantities like grey value distribution and signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, the different volumes are analyzed by using a common software module and fiber orientation tensors are compared