72 research outputs found

    Концептуальные основы адаптивных авторулевых

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    Проблематика. Роботу присвячено критичному аналізу літератури, що охоплює головні аспекти створення адаптивних систем керування рухом судна. Мета дослідження. Метою роботи є визначення перспективних напрямів досліджень у галузі створення адаптивних систем керування рухом судна. Методика реалізації. Проведено аналіз існуючих підходів до ідентифікації параметрів моделі судна (зокрема, ідентифікації на зиґзаґу, на циркуляції та за допомогою калманівської фільтрації), визначено переваги і недоліки цих методів, що можуть бути покладені в основу створення адаптивних автостернових. Наведено критичний аналіз підходів до керування судном за допомогою класичних та новітніх методів автоматичного керування об’єктами, зокрема параметричного настроювання класичних ПІД-регуляторів, перемикання регуляторів, застосування нелінійних регуляторів – лінійно-квадратичних (LQ), “ковзного режиму” (sliding mode), а також штучного інтелекту – нейромереж, нечіткої логіки та гібридних підходів. Окремо в огляді наведено аналіз розробок вітчизняних авторів, присвячених розробці адаптивних автостернових та адаптивному керуванню рухом судна. Результати дослідження. В результаті аналізу літературних джерел визначено перспективні напрями досліджень у галузі створення адаптивних систем керування рухом судна. Висновки. Перспективними напрямами досліджень є: 1) розробка нових підходів до ідентифікації параметрів моделі руху судна та збурень, що діють на нього; 2) застосування методів штучного інтелекту, зокрема нечіткої логіки та нейромереж, до адаптивного керування судном; 3) побудова адаптивних нелінійних систем керування рухом судна.Background. The paper is devoted to critical analysis of literature that covers the major aspects of adaptive ship motion control systems. Objective. The objective of a study is identifying the promising areas of research in the field of adaptive ship motion control. Methods. The analysis of existing approaches to ship model parameters identification (including identification during zig-zag motion, during circulation and identification using Kalman filtering) is done; advantages and disadvantages of those methods are determined. The methods mentioned can be used as a basis for creating adaptive gyropilots. A critical review of approaches to ship control by means of classical and modern methods of automatic control, including the parametric adjustment of classic PID regulators, switching of regulators, use of nonlinear regulators — linear-quadratic (LQ), sliding mode regulators, and artificial intelligence — neural networks, fuzzy logic and hybrid approaches, is done. Separately, in the survey analysis of papers of Ukrainian authors, which are devoted to the development of adaptive gyropilots and adaptive ship motion control, is presented. Results. As a result of literature survey, prospective areas of studies in the field of adaptive ship control are determined. Conclusions. Most promising research areas are: 1) development of novel approaches to the identification of the vessel model parameters and disturbances acting on it; 2) application of artificial intelligence, including fuzzy logic and neural networks, to adaptive ship control methods; 3) development of adaptive nonlinear systems for ship motion control.Проблематика. Работа посвящена критическому анализу литературы, охватывающей основные аспекты создания адаптивных систем управления движением судна. Цель исследования. Цель работы – определение перспективных направлений исследований в области создания адаптивных систем управления движением судна. Методика реализации. Проведен анализ существующих подходов к идентификации параметров модели судна (в частности, идентификации на зигзаге, на циркуляции и с помощью калмановской фильтрации), определены преимущества и недостатки этих методов, которые могут быть положены в основу создания адаптивных авторулевых. Приведен критический анализ подходов к управлению судном с помощью классических и новых методов автоматического управления объектами, в частности параметрической настройки классических ПИД-регуляторов, переключения регуляторов, применения нелинейных регуляторов – линейно-квадратичных (LQ), “скользящего режима” (sliding mode), а также искусственного интеллекта – нейросетей, нечеткой логики и гибридных подходов. Отдельно в обзоре приведен анализ разработок отечественных авторов, посвященных разработке адаптивных авторулевых и адаптивному управлению движением судна. Результаты исследования. В результате анализа литературных источников определены перспективные направления исследований в области создания адаптивных систем управления движением судна. Выводы. Перспективными направлениями исследований являются: 1) разработка новых подходов к идентификации параметров модели движения судна и действующих на него возмущений; 2) применение методов искусственного интеллекта, в частности нечеткой логики и нейронных сетей, к адаптивному управлению судном; 3) построение адаптивных нелинейных систем управления движением судна

    Perceived outcomes of spiritual healing: results from a prospective case series

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    BACKGROUND: The aims of this pilot study were to observe perceived outcomes of spiritual healing in Germany. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this prospective case study, we performed qualitative interviews with clients and healers about perceived outcomes of spiritual healing treatments. A directed qualitative content analysis was used. In addition, we applied questionnaires (WHOQOL-BREF, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Sense of Coherence 13, SpREUK-15, intensity of complaints on visual analogue scale) at baseline and after week 1, month 2 and month 6 which were analysed descriptively. RESULTS: Seven healers and 7 clients participated, 42 interviews were analysed. In the interviews, the clients described positive body sensations, greater relaxation and well-being as short-term effects of healing treatments. Perceived longer-term effects were related to making significant life changes, creating new meanings, activating resources and improving social relationships. Patients in pain described a reduction of pain intensity. In the questionnaires, the clients reported improvements in quality of life and self-efficacy, to a smaller extent improvements of intensity of complaints and sense of coherence. CONCLUSION: The results from this pilot study could be useful to choose outcomes of future prospective studies with a larger sample: qualitative assessments combined with global and broad quantitative outcomes such as quality of life, self-efficacy and intensity of complaints could be applied

    The Therapeutic Process in Spiritual Healing: Qualitative Results of a Prospective Case Series

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to explore the therapeutic process between contemporary spiritual healers and their clients in Germany. Methods: This prospective observational case study was supported by questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with clients and healers from the first encounter through a period of 6 months. The qualitative analysis is based on a directed content analysis with focus in this article on the results relating to the therapeutic process. Results: Seven healers and seven clients were included, and 22 interviews with healers and 20 interviews with clients were conducted. The first treatment session was perceived as laying a foundation for the therapeutic process and the relationship, which was seen as crucial for healing to take place. Healers perceived the therapeutic process as highly individualized and multi-layered, with the perceived effects of spiritual healing sessions layered upon each other. The capacities to connect and to trust were seen as key elements of the healing process. Trust and connection operate multidimensionally: to oneself, to others, and to a transcendent or spiritual source. Clients’ spiritual attitudes were regarded as fundamental resources. Conclusion: The therapeutic process between spiritual healers and their clients was understood as a dynamic and individual activity, building up on a trustful relationship from the first encounter

    Wahrgenommene Effekte spirituellen Heilens: Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Fallserie

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    Background: The aims of this pilot study were to observe perceived outcomes of spiritual healing in Germany. Patients and Methods: In this prospective case study, we performed qualitative interviews with clients and healers about perceived outcomes of spiritual healing treatments. A directed qualitative content analysis was used. In addition, we applied questionnaires (WHOQOL-BREF, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Sense of Coherence 13, SpREUK-15, intensity of complaints on visual analogue scale) at baseline and after week 1, month 2 and month 6 which were analysed descriptively. Results: Seven healers and 7 clients participated, 42 interviews were analysed. In the interviews, the clients described positive body sensations, greater relaxation and well-being as short-term effects of healing treatments. Perceived longer-term effects were related to making significant life changes, creating new meanings, activating resources and improving social relationships. Patients in pain described a reduction of pain intensity. In the questionnaires, the clients reported improvements in quality of life and self-efficacy, to a smaller extent improvements of intensity of complaints and sense of coherence. Conclusion: The results from this pilot study could be useful to choose outcomes of future prospective studies with a larger sample: qualitative assessments combined with global and broad quantitative outcomes such as quality of life, self-efficacy and intensity of complaints could be applied.Hintergrund: Ziel dieser Pilotstudie war es, subjektiv wahrgenommene Effekte des spirituellen Heilens quali­tativ und quantitativ zu erfassen. Patienten und Metho­den: In dieser prospektiven Pilotstudie wurden über 6 Monate qualitative Interviews mit Klienten und Heilern über wahrgenommene Effekte spiritueller Heilbehandlungen geführt und auf Basis einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Ergebnisse wurden zusätzlich mit Fragebögen (WHOQOL-BREF, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Sense of Coherence 13, SpREUK-15, Beschwerdeintensität auf visueller Analogskala) zu Studienbeginn und nach der Woche 1, Monat 2 und Monat 6 erfasst. Ergebnisse: Sieben Heiler und 7 Klienten nahmen an dieser Studie teil, 42 ­Interviews wurden analysiert. Klienten beschrieben als kurzfristige Effekte der Heilbehandlungen positive Körperempfindungen, mehr Entspannung und Wohlbefinden. Die längerfristig wahrgenommenen Effekte standen im Zusammenhang mit signifikanten Veränderungen des Lebens, neuen Deutungen, Ressourcenaktivierung und der Verbesserung sozialer Beziehungen durch die Klien­ten. Klienten mit Schmerzen beschrieben eine Verringe­rung der Schmerzintensität. In den Fragebögen zeigten sich Verbesserungen der Lebensqualität und der Selbstwirksamkeit, zu einem geringeren Ausmaß Verbesserungen der Beschwerdeintensität und des Kohärenzgefühls. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse dieser Pilotstudie könnten nützlich sein, um Endpunkte für künftige pros­pektive Studien mit einem größeren Stichprobenumfang zu wählen: qualitative Analysen in Kombination mit Fragebögen, die globale und umfassende Aspekte wie Lebensqualität, Selbstwirksamkeit und Intensität der ­Beschwerden erfassen, sind unserer Ansicht nach am besten geeignet

    Interview mit Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Josef M. Schmidt

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    Thoughts, beliefs and concepts concerning infectious childhood diseases of physicians practicing homeopathic, anthroposophic and conventional medicine – a qualitative study

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    Background: Physicians who include complementary medicine in their practice are thought to have an understanding of health and disease different from that of colleagues practicing conventional medicine. The aim of this study was to identify and compare the thoughts and concepts concerning infectious childhood diseases (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis and scarlet fever) of physicians practicing homeopathic, anthroposophic and conventional medicine. Methods: This qualitative study used semistructured interviews. Participating physicians were either general practitioners or pediatricians. Data collection and analysis were guided by a grounded theory approach. Results: Eighteen physicians were interviewed (6 homeopathic, 6 anthroposophic and 6 conventional). All physicians agreed that while many classic infectious childhood diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella are rarely observed today, other diseases, such as chickenpox and scarlet fever, are still commonly diagnosed. All interviewed physicians vaccinated against childhood diseases. A core concern for physicians practicing conventional medicine was the risk of complications of the diseases. Therefore, it was considered essential for them to advise their patients to strictly follow the vaccination schedule. Homeopathic-oriented physicians viewed acute disease as a biological process necessary to strengthen health, fortify the immune system and increase resistance to chronic disease. They tended to treat infectious childhood diseases with homeopathic remedies and administered available vaccines as part of individual decision-making approaches with parents. For anthroposophic-oriented physicians, infectious childhood diseases were considered a crucial factor in the psychosocial growth of children. They tended to treat these diseases with anthroposophic medicine and underlined the importance of the family's resources. Informing parents about the potential benefits and risks of vaccination was considered important. All physicians agreed that parent-delivered loving care of a sick child could benefit the parent-child relationship. Additionally, all recognized that existing working conditions hindered parents from providing such care for longer durations of time. Conclusions: The interviewed physicians agreed that vaccines are an important aspect of modern pediatrics. They differed in their approach regarding when and what to vaccinate against. The different conceptual understandings of infectious childhood diseases influenced this decision-making. A survey with a larger sample would be needed to verify these observations

    Experiences and Perceived Effects of Rosary Praying: A Qualitative Study

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    The aim of this study is to explore experiences and perceived effects of the Rosary on issues around health and well-being, as well as on spirituality and religiosity. A qualitative study was conducted interviewing ten Roman Catholic German adults who regularly practiced the Rosary prayer. As a result of using a tangible prayer cord and from the rhythmic repetition of prayers, the participants described experiencing stability, peace and a contemplative connection with the Divine, with Mary as a guide and mediator before God. Praying the Rosary was described as helpful in coping with critical life events and in fostering an attitude of acceptance, humbleness and devotion

    A Qualitative Study of Healers and Their Clients in Germany

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    Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the relationships between healers and their clients in Germany. Methods. An interdisciplinary research team performed semistructured interviews with healers and clients and participatory observation of healing sessions. All interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using content analysis. Results. Fifteen healers and sixteen clients were included. The healer-client relationship was described as a profound and unique experience, which brought forth interpersonal and spiritual connections. The healers were seen as role models for healing to occur and support for being connected spiritually. The clients had to be open-minded and responsible. The importance of the healers’ empathy was emphasized. Discussion. The relationship between healer and client can be seen as a triangular connection between client, healer, and a transcendent source which is not the case in typical patient- doctor relationships. The spiritual connection is also said to enhance the empathetic understanding of the healer. The personality and a partner-like attitude of the healer supported the client in giving a more positive meaning to his life, in reconnecting to his spirituality, and in taking responsibility. Future studies should address the role of spirituality in health care and the development of enduring healer-client relationships

    Protocol for a phase 1 homeopathic drug proving trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study protocol adapts the traditional homeopathic drug proving methodology to a modern clinical trial design.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1 trial with 30 healthy volunteers. The study consists of a seven day run-in period, a five day intervention period and a 16 day post-intervention observation period. Subjects, investigators and the statisticians are blinded from the allocation to the study arm and from the identity of the homeopathic drug. The intervention is a highly diluted homeopathic drug (potency C12 = 10<sup>24</sup>), Dose: 5 globules taken 5 times per day over a maximum period of 5 days. The placebo consists of an optically identical carrier substance (sucrose globules). Subjects document the symptoms they experience in a semi-structured online diary. The primary outcome parameter is the number of specific symptoms that characterise the intervention compared to the placebo after a period of three weeks. Secondary outcome parameters are qualitative differences in profiles of characteristic and proving symptoms and the total number of all proving symptoms. The number of symptoms will be quantitatively analysed on an intention-to-treat basis using ANCOVA with the subject's expectation and baseline values as covariates. Content analysis according to Mayring is adapted to suit the homeopathic qualitative analysis procedure.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Homeopathic drug proving trials using the terminology of clinical trials according GCP and fulfilling current requirements for research under the current drug regulations is feasible. However, within the current regulations, homeopathic drug proving trials are classified as phase 1 trials, although their aim is not to explore the safety and pharmacological dynamics of the drug, but rather to find clinical indications according to the theory of homeopathy. To avoid bias, it is necessary that neither the subjects nor the investigators know the identity of the drug. This requires a modification to the informed consent process and blinded study materials. Because it is impossible to distinguish between adverse events and proving symptoms, both must be documented together.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01061229.</p

    Homeopathy for Depression - DEP-HOM: study protocol for a randomized, partially double-blind, placebo controlled, four armed study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Homeopathy is often sought by patients with depression. In classical homeopathy, the treatment consists of two main elements: the case history and the prescription of an individually selected homeopathic remedy. Previous data suggest that individualized homeopathic Q-potencies were not inferior to the antidepressant fluoxetine in a sample of patients with moderate to severe depression. However, the question remains whether individualized homeopathic Q-potencies and/or the type of the homeopathic case history have a specific therapeutical effect in acute depression as this has not yet been investigated. The study aims to assess the two components of individualized homeopathic treatment for acute depression, i.e., to investigate the specific effect of individualized Q-potencies versus placebo and to investigate the effect of different approaches to the homeopathic case history.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A randomized, partially double-blind, placebo-controlled, four-armed trial using a 2 × 2 factorial design with a six-week study duration per patient will be performed. 228 patients diagnosed with major depression (moderate episode) by a psychiatrist will be included. The primary endpoint is the total score on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale after six weeks. Secondary end points are: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale total score after two and four weeks; response and remission rates, Beck Depression inventory total score, quality of life and safety at two, four and six weeks. Statistical analyses will be by intention-to-treat. The main endpoint will be analysed by a two-factorial analysis of covariance. Within this model generalized estimation equations will be used to estimate differences between verum and placebo, and between both types of case history.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>For the first time this study evaluates both the specific effect of homeopathic medicines and of a homeopathic case taking in patients with depression. It is an attempt to deal with the challenges of homeopathic research and the results might be useful information in the current discussion about the evidence on homeopathy</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01178255">NCT01178255</a></p