215 research outputs found

    Bivariate colour maps for visualizing climate data

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    The increasing availability of gridded, high-resolution, multivariate climatological data sets calls for innovative approaches to visualize inter-variable relations. In this study, we present a methodology, based on properties of common colour schemes, to plot two variables in a single colour map by using a two-dimensional colour legend for both sequential and diverging data. This is especially suited for climate data as the spatial distribution of the relation between different variables is often as important as the distribution of variables individually. Two example applications are given to illustrate the use of the method: one that shows the global distribution of climate based on observed temperature and relative humidity, and the other showing the distribution of recent changes in observed temperature and precipitation over Europe. A flexible and easy-to-implement method is provided to construct different colour legends for sequential and diverging data

    Parameter Sensitivity in LSMs: An Analysis Using Stochastic Soil Moisture Models and ELDAS Soil Parameters

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    Integration of simulated and observed states through data assimilation as well as model evaluation requires a realistic representation of soil moisture in land surface models (LSMs). However, soil moisture in LSMs is sensitive to a range of uncertain input parameters, and intermodel differences in parameter values are often large. Here, the effect of soil parameters on soil moisture and evapotranspiration are investigated by using parameters from three different LSMs participating in the European Land Data Assimilation System (ELDAS) project. To prevent compensating effects from other than soil parameters, the effects are evaluated within a common framework of parsimonious stochastic soil moisture models. First, soil parameters are shown to affect soil moisture more strongly than the average evapotranspiration. In arid climates, the effect of soil parameters is on the variance rather than the mean, and the intermodel flux differences are smallest. Soil parameters from the ELDAS LSMs differ strongly, most notably in the available moisture content between the wilting point and the critical moisture content, which differ by a factor of 3. The ELDAS parameters can lead to differences in mean volumetric soil moisture as high as 0.10 and an average evapotranspiration of 10%–20% for the investigated parameter range. The parsimonious framework presented here can be used to investigate first-order parameter sensitivities under a range of climate conditions without using full LSM simulations. The results are consistent with many other studies using different LSMs under a more limited range of possible forcing condition

    Anatomy of extraordinary rainfall and flash flood in a Dutch lowland catchment

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    On 26 August 2010 the eastern part of The Netherlands and the bordering part of Germany were struck by a series of rainfall events lasting for more than a day. Over an area of 740 km2 more than 120 mm of rainfall were observed in 24 h. This extreme event resulted in local flooding of city centres, highways and agricultural fields, and considerable financial loss. In this paper we report on the unprecedented flash flood triggered by this exceptionally heavy rainfall event in the 6.5 km2 Hupsel Brook catchment, which has been the experimental watershed employed by Wageningen University since the 1960s. This study aims to improve our understanding of the dynamics of such lowland flash floods. We present a detailed hydrometeorological analysis of this extreme event, focusing on its synoptic meteorological characteristics, its space-time rainfall dynamics as observed with rain gauges, weather radar and a microwave link, as well as the measured soil moisture, groundwater and discharge response of the catchment. At the Hupsel Brook catchment 160 mm of rainfall was observed in 24 h, corresponding to an estimated return period of well over 1000 years. As a result, discharge at the catchment outlet increased from 4.4 × 10-3 to nearly 5 m3 s-1. Within 7 h discharge rose from 5 × 10-2 to 4.5 m3 s-1. The catchment response can be divided into four phases: (1) soil moisture reservoir filling, (2) groundwater response, (3) surface depression filling and surface runoff and (4) backwater feedback. The first 35 mm of rainfall were stored in the soil without a significant increase in discharge. Relatively dry initial conditions (in comparison to those for past discharge extremes) prevented an even faster and more extreme hydrological response

    Extreme regenval en overstromingen in het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek

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    Op 26 en 27 augustus 2010 werd het stroomgebied van de Hupselse Beek getroffen door extreme neerslag: 160 mm in 24 uur (herhalingstijd: meer dan 1.000 jaar). Hierdoor steeg de afvoer in 22 uur van vier naar 5.000 liter per seconde. Door deze stortvloed in detail te onderzoeken, is meer inzicht ontstaan in de werking van stroomgebieden tijdens extreme situaties. Deze informatie kan gebruikt worden om modellen en hoogwatervoorspellingen te verbetere

    On bimodality in warm season soil moisture observations

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    It has recently been suggested that the bimodality in warm season soil moisture observations in Illinois is evidence of a soil moisture-precipitation feedback. Other studies however provide little evidence for a strong feedback in this region. Here we show that seasonality in the meteorological conditions in combination with the non-linearity of the soil moisture response alone can induce this bimodality. The existence of preferred wet and dry soil moisture states may have implications for the understanding and modeling of soil moisture dynamics in mid-latitude region

    Підтексти драм Лесі Українки

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    У драмах Лесі Українки має місце діалог з культурою декадансу, який увиразнює тематику меланхолії та похідних від неї мотивів усамітнення, небуття, долі, жертви.In Lesya Ukrainka’s dramas the dialogue with the culture of decadence is conducted that entails the prominent place of the theme of melancholy and the derivative motifs of solitude, non-existence, fate, martyr

    System and method for slow wave sleep detection

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    The present disclosure pertains to a system configured to detect slow wave sleep and/or non-slow wave sleep in a subject during a sleep session based on a predicted onset time of slow wave sleep and/or a predicted end time of slow wave sleep that is determined based on changes in cardiorespiratory parameters of the subject. Cardiorespiratory parameters in a subject typically begin to change before transitions between non-slow wave sleep and slow wave sleep. Predicting this time delay between the changes in the cardiorespiratory parameters and the onset and/or end of slow wave sleep facilitates better (e.g., more sensitive and/or more accurate) determination of slow wave sleep and/or non-slow wave sleep

    System and method for slow wave sleep detection

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    The present disclosure pertains to a system configured to detect slow wave sleep and/or non-slow wave sleep in a subject during a sleep session based on a predicted onset time of slow wave sleep and/or a predicted end time of slow wave sleep that is determined based on changes in cardiorespiratory parameters of the subject. Cardiorespiratory parameters in a subject typically begin to change before transitions between non-slow wave sleep and slow wave sleep. Predicting this time delay between the changes in the cardiorespiratory parameters and the onset and/or end of slow wave sleep facilitates better (e.g., more sensitive and/or more accurate) determination of slow wave sleep and/or non-slow wave sleep