111 research outputs found

    The Climate of the Antarctic Peninsula during the Twentieth Century: Evidence from Ice Cores

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    The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) is a region of special climatological interest. The late twentieth century has been a period of warming surface temperatures, enhanced mass loss from melting glaciers and increased snowfall, which have a direct and measurable impact on global sea levels. However, the observational period for Antarctica is short. Observational records only began in the 1940s and much of our understanding of the wider spatial climate variability and glacial dynamics is limited to the satellite era (post 1979). Proxy records, such as those from ice cores, provide an invaluable tool to place these recent changes in context of the past few hundred years, allowing us to investigate climate variability over the entire twentieth century and beyond. In this chapter we review the climate of the AP during the twentieth century, as captured by the instrumental records, and extend our understanding of climate variability over the twentieth century based on climate proxies contained in ice cores. For this study we focus on stable water isotopes and snow accumulation and how they are influenced by changes in atmospheric circulation and sea ice conditions

    Regional variability of diatoms in ice cores from the Antarctic Peninsula and Ellsworth Land, Antarctica

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    The presence of marine microfossils (diatoms) in glacier ice and ice cores has been documented from numerous sites in Antarctica, Greenland, as well as from sites in the Andes and the Altai mountains, and attributed to entrainment and transport by winds. However, their presence and diversity in snow and ice, especially in polar regions, are not well documented and still poorly understood. Here we present the first data to resolve the regional and temporal distribution of diatoms in ice cores, spanning a 20-year period across four sites in the Antarctic Peninsula and Ellsworth Land, Antarctica. We assess the regional variability in diatom composition and abundance at annual and sub-annual resolution across all four sites. These data corroborate the prevalence of contemporary marine diatoms in Antarctic Peninsula ice cores, reveal that the timing and amount of diatoms deposited vary between low- and high-elevation sites, and support existing evidence that marine diatoms have the potential to yield a novel palaeoenvironmental proxy for ice cores in Antarctica

    Preliminary evidence for the role played by south westerly wind strength on the marine diatom content of an Antarctic Peninsula ice core (1980–2010)

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    Winds in the Southern Ocean drive exchanges of heat and carbon dioxide between the ocean and atmosphere. Wind dynamics also explain the dominant patterns of both basal and surface melting of glaciers and ice shelves in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas. Long records of past wind strength and atmospheric circulation are needed to assess the significance of these recent changes. Here we present evidence for a novel proxy of past south westerly wind (SWW) strength over the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas, based on diatoms preserved in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core. Ecological affinities of the identified diatom taxa indicate an almost exclusively marine assemblage, dominated by open ocean taxa from the Northern Antarctic Zone (NAZ). Backtrajectory analysis shows the routes of air masses reaching the ice core site and reveals that many trajectories involve contact with surface waters in the NAZ of the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas. Correlation analyses between ice core diatom abundance and various wind vectors yield positive and robust coefficients for the 1980–2010 period, with average annual SWW speeds exhibiting the strongest match. Collectively, the data presented here provide new evidence that diatoms preserved in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core offer genuine potential as a new proxy for SWW strength

    Efeitos da substituição do soro fetal bovino (SFB) e da albumina sérica bovina (BSA) pela ovalbumina (OVA) na produção in vitro de embriões bovinos.

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    As biotecnologias aplicadas à reprodução animal vêm causando grandes impactos à produção animal, principalmente nas últimas duas décadas. Historicamente, o meio de cultivo contém SFB ou BSA, que são preparados e purificados a partir de produtos derivados sangUíneos e apresentam altos riscos de contaminação por patógenos, como vírus: BHV-I e BVDV (GUERIN et ai., Buli Academic Veterinarian France, v.61, po513-520, 1988), e prions: BSE (KRISHER et ai., Biology of Reproduction, v.60, p.1345-1352, 1999). De acordo com Barlian et ai. (Cell Biology Intemational, v.17, p.677-684, 1993), a OVA é um suplemento protéico não aparentado ao BSA, mas que -possui a capacidade de manter a proliferação celular. Além disso, por ser de origem heteróloga, os riscos de transmissão de doenças são menores. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da substituição do SFB e do BSA pela OVA na PIV. Os oócitos foram maturados in vitro (MlV) em meio TCM 199 com sais de Earle, suplementado de acordo com os tratamentos: SFB (10% SFB; Crypion«», BSA (Inlab«>; 4mgimL BSA), OVA (Inlab«>; 4mg/mLOVA), e 1,0~gimL de FSH (Pluset>C, alier), 50ug/mL de hCG (Profasi«>,S erono), 1,0ug/mL de estradiol (Sigma E-2758), 0,2mM de piruvato de sódio e 83,4ugimL de amicacina, durante 24h à 38,5°C e atmosfera de 5% de CO2 em aro A fecundação in vitro (FIV) foi realizada após 24h de MIV, em meio TALP-FIV, com 0,2mM de piruvato, 83,4ugimL de amicacina e suplementado de acordo com os tratamentos: 6mgimL de BSA ou 6mgimL de OVAo Após o ténnino da incubação com os espennatozóides, os prováveis zigotos foram submetidos ao cultivo em meio SOF e suplementado de acordo com os tratamentos (SFB, BSA ou OVA), atmosfera com baixa tensão de O2 (5% de O" 5% de CO2 e 90% de NJ, umidade saturada, em câmara modular e mantida em incubadora de cultivo à 38,5C1Cd, urante 7 a 8 dias, para atingirem o estádio de blastocisto. Os tratamentos foram nomeados da seguinte maneira: a primeira letra referente à etapa de maturação, a segunda à fecundação, e a terceira ao cultivo. Para avaliação quantitativa, foram utilizados 2355 oócitos bovinos distribuídos entre sete grupos experimentais: CONT, SBS, SOS, BBB, BOB, 000 ou OBO, em cinco repetições. No total dos oócitos avaliados, 1795 (76,22%) clivaram, 646 (27,43% do total de oócitos) tomaram-se blastQcistos e 243 (10,32% do total de oócitos, ou 37,62% do total de blastocistos) eclodiram. A etapa de CIV pennitiu avaliar que os diferentes tratamentos foram semelhantes (p>0,05) quanto à taxa de clivagem. Entretanto, quanto à taxa de produção de blastocistos, o grupo 000 (26,0%) foi semelhante (p>0,05) aos grupos SOS (33,8%), BBB (35,8%), BOB (32%) e OBO (33%), mas foi inferior (p<0,05) aos grupos CONT (45%) e SBS (42,8%). Quanto à taxa de eclosão, o grupo 000 (20,4%), foi inferior (p<0,05) aos grupos CONT (46,2%), SBS (43,4%), SOS (38,4%), BBB (41,6%), e semelhante aos grupos BOB (28,2%) e OBO (25,4%). Apesar da redução na quantidade blastocistos produzidos, concluímos que é possível produzir in vitro embriões bovinos na ausência de SFB e/ou BSA

    Susceptibility of cat fleas (siphonaptera: Puclicidae) to fipronil and imidacloprid using adult and larval bioassays

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    © 2014 Entomological Society of America This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected] monitoring of the susceptibility offleas to insecticides has typically been conducted by exposing adults on treated surfaces. Other methods such as topical applications of insecticides to adults and larval bioassays on treated rearing media have been developed. Unfortunately, baseline responses of susceptible strains of cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouchè), except for imidacloprid, have not been determined for all on-animal therapies and new classes of chemistry now being used. However, the relationship between adult and larval bioassays of fleas has not been previously investigated. The adult and larval bioassays of fipronil and imidacloprid were compared for both field-collected isolates and laboratory strains. Adult topical bioassays of fipronil and imidacloprid to laboratory strains and field-collected isolates demonstrated that LD50s of fipronil and imidacloprid ranged from 0.11 to 0.40 nanograms per flea and 0.02 to 0.18 nanograms per flea, respectively. Resistance ratios for fipronil and imidacloprid ranged from 0.11 to 2.21. Based on the larval bioassay published for imidacloprid, a larval bioassay was established for fipronil and reported in this article. The ranges of the LC50s of fipronil and imidacloprid in the larval rearing media were 0.07-0.16 and 0.11-0.21 ppm, respectively. Resistance ratios for adult and larval bioassays ranged from 0.11 to 2.2 and 0.58 to 1.75, respectively. Both adult and larval bioassays provided similar patterns for fipronil and imidacloprid. Although the adult bioassays permitted a more precise dosage applied, the larval bioassays allowed for testing isolates without the need to maintain on synthetic or natural hosts.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Ice Core Chronologies from the Antarctic Peninsula: The Palmer, Jurassic, and Rendezvous Age-Scales

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    In this study, we present the age scales for three Antarctic Peninsula (AP) ice cores: Palmer, Rendezvous, and Jurassic. The three cores are all intermediate-depth cores, in the 133–141 m depth range. Non-sea-salt sulfate ([nssSO42−]) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) display marked seasonal variability suitable for annual-layer counting. The Palmer ice core covers 390 years, 1621–2011 C.E., and is one of the oldest AP cores. Rendezvous and Jurassic are lower elevation high-snow accumulation sites and therefore cover shorter intervals, 1843–2011 C.E. and 1874–2011 C.E., respectively. The age scales show good agreement with known volcanic age horizons. The three chronologies’ start and end dates of volcanic events are compared to the volcanic events in the published WAIS Divide core. The age difference for the Palmer age scale is ±6 months, Rendezvous ±9 months, and Jurassic ±7 months. Our results demonstrate the advantage of dating several cores from the same region at the same time. Additional confidence can be gained in the age scales by evaluating and finding synchronicity of [nssSO42−] peaks amongst the sites.</jats:p

    An unprecedented sea ice retreat in the Weddell Sea driving an overall decrease of the Antarctic sea-ice extent over the 20th century

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    Sea-ice extent is predicted to decrease in a warming climate. However, despite global warming over the past century, total Antarctic sea ice remained relatively stable from 1979 until 2015, before strongly melting. Here we explore the long-term sea ice variability by reconstructing Antarctic sea ice since 1700 CE, based on paleoclimate records and data assimilation. Our results indicate a decline in southern hemisphere sea-ice extent over the 20th century, driven by a reduction of 0.26 million km2 in the Weddell Sea that reached values at the end of the century lower than any other reconstructed period. The Ross Sea experienced an increasing sea-ice cover trend due to a low-pressure system located off the Amundsen Sea coast, offset by a decreasing trend in the Bellingshausen-Amundsen Sea. Models failed to account for the Ross Sea increase, resulting in an overly uniform estimate of Antarctic sea ice loss over the 20th century
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