26 research outputs found

    Disentangling the pedogenic factors controlling active Al and Fe concentrations in soils of the Cameroon volcanic line

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    Active Al, Fe and Si (i.e., oxalate extractable fraction: Alo, Feo, Sio) strongly affect soil physical, chemical and biological properties. This study examined the pedogenic factors affecting Alo, Feo and Sio contents across a soil weathering sequence in the Cameroon volcanic line. We investigated the B horizon (∼50-cm depth) from 26 soils formed in basaltic materials at different elevations (110–2570 m) incorporating a wide range of temperature (14–27 °C) and precipitation (1520–3130 mm). The weathering sequence ranged from weakly weathered Andisols in the southwest region grading to strongly weathered Oxisols on the central highlands. We assumed pyrophosphate extractable Al/Fe (Alp/Fep) as organo-Al/Fe complexes, and Sio, (Alo − Alp) and (Feo − Fep) as short-range-order (SRO) minerals. Factor analysis of climatic (e.g., temperature and precipitation/leaching metrics) and soil geochemical properties (e.g., weathering indices) identified three independent factors representing temperature/dry season intensity, weathering degree and precipitation/leaching as the primary determinants of Alo, Feo and Sio concentrations. Organo-metal complexes (Alp and Fep) were negatively correlated with the temperature/dry season intensity factor, whereas the SRO mineral phases (Sio, Alo − Alp and Feo − Fep) were negatively correlated with weathering degree. The precipitation/leaching factor positively correlated with Alo, Feo and Sio. Our analysis infers that low temperature promotes the formation and preservation of organo-Al/Fe complexes, whereas weathering degree is more critical for SRO minerals. Further, increased weathering and a drier climate enhance the formation of crystalline clay minerals at the expense of SRO minerals. Allophanic materials (Sio) were evident (Sio: 9–43 g kg⁻¹) only in weakly weathered soils. However, low allophanic contents were found in more highly weathered soils (Sio: 2–7 g kg⁻¹) accompanied by high Alp and Fep, suggesting the importance of volcanic parent materials as a direct source of Al and Fe via weathering for the formation of organo-metal complexes. In sum, we clarified the discriminatory effects of climatic factors and degree of weathering in regulating the composition of the active Al, Fe and Si fractions along the Cameroon volcanic line

    Discovery of Frequent Tag Tree Patterns in Semistructured Web Documents

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    Abstract. Many Web documents such as HTML files and XML files have no rigid structure and are called semistructured data. In general, such semistructured Web documents are represented by rooted trees with ordered children. We propose a new method for discovering frequent tree structured patterns in semistructured Web documents by using a tag tree pattern as a hypothesis. A tag tree pattern is an edge labeled tree with ordered children which has structured variables. An edge label is a tag or a keyword in such Web documents, and a variable can be substituted by an arbitrary tree. So a tag tree pattern is suited for representing tree structured patterns in such Web documents. First we show that it is hard to compute the optimum frequent tag tree pattern. So we present an algorithm for generating all maximally frequent tag tree patterns and give the correctness of it. Finally, we report some experimental results on our algorithm. Although this algorithm is not efficient, experiments show that we can extract characteristic tree structured patterns in those data.

    Orbital apex syndrome secondary to a fungal nasal septal abscess caused by Scedosporium apiospermum in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes: a case report

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    Abstract Background Orbital apex syndrome is a localized type of orbital cellulitis, where mass lesions occur at the apex of the cranial nerves. Although nasal septal abscess is uncommon, the organism most likely to cause nasal septal abscess is Staphylococcus aureus, and fungal septal abscesses are rare. Here we present an extremely rare and serious case of orbital apex syndrome secondary to fungal nasal septal abscess caused by Scedosporium apiospermum in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes. Case presentation A 59-year-old man with a 1-month history of headache underwent consultation in an otolaryngological clinic of a general hospital. He was diagnosed with nasal septal abscess and was treated with incisional drainage and 1 month of an antibiotic drip; however, his symptoms persisted. The patient later complained of diplopia due to bilateral abducens nerve palsy, and was then referred to the department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital. The septal lesion was biopsied under general anesthesia, and S. apiospermum was detected using polymerase chain reaction. The patient was treated with an antifungal drug and surgical resection of the lesion was performed. Although the patient survived, he lost his eyesight. Conclusions This patient represents the second reported case of nasal septal abscess and orbital apex syndrome caused by S. apiospermum. If not treated properly, septal abscess can be life-threatening and cause severe complications, such as ablepsia